Community > Posts By > Joseph420420

Joseph420420's photo
Fri 08/21/09 09:58 AM
thank very much =]

Joseph420420's photo
Fri 08/21/09 09:51 AM
forgot to come here first, before i went to the ther forums, well im joey, i livein las vegas, and i have massive anxieties so i cannot really leave the house without having panic attacks etc, but i am working on it, and also thats why i am here whooo, i just got out of a horrible relationship where i was being cheated on and lied to and played, (which is every relationship ive ever been in infat) i am hopign to finally meet someone honest and someone sweet and considerate, and i hope everyone else finds what they need too! thanks and rawwwwwwwwwwr =3

Joseph420420's photo
Fri 08/21/09 09:49 AM
thank youi hope thesame for every one too

Joseph420420's photo
Fri 08/21/09 09:45 AM
Edited by Joseph420420 on Fri 08/21/09 09:47 AM

all those planets are much too far for their gravity to effect ours. period.

everything that happens in the cosmos affects us....
there much too far to effect us in such a way though.
look it up on nasa's weppage, everything in the cosmos effects us, but the gravity of the other planets doe not effect us so greatly that if alliged a certain way would cause utter chaos... the moon barly lifts water at night, and every other planet is so much further than the moon, its highly unlikly anything will happen fromt he planets allignment to cause anything to happen here just look it up.
it wonteffect the earth it will effect the sun, and the storms from the sun may cause chaos, i should readmore.

The barycenter is not a single point in the Sun. Because the Sun is a rotating gaseous sphere, the barycenter forms a vertical, cylindrical "sleeve" that is partially inside and outside the main solar body. All of the planets have such a "sleeve," one inside the other, depending on their relative mass and the location of their barycenters. The particular sleeve representing the mass of Jupiter intersects the solar surface at 35.9 degrees North and South. This is precisely where sunspot and flare activity begin and end during each 11 year cycle.

The new cycle has already begun with the recent observation of a solar spot with reverse polarity. But some surprising activity on March 27, 2008, showed some huge eruptions with M-class radiation at about the equatorial region of the Sun. [ See Solar Map]. These surprising eruptions suggests a barycenter of disturbance from an object even more massive than Jupiter, placing the "sleeve" outside the Sun. Could this be the beginning of the Galaxy's effects) on our Sun?

Scientists have noted that when Jupiter and Saturn are aligned on the same side of the Sun, the solar maximum (the period when we have the most sunspots and flares) is at its weakest; when they are on opposite sides of the Sun the solar maximum is at its strongest. The positions of these two planets on December 21, 2012 are ideal for extreme solar activity.

------another artical

Some people have claimed that when the alignments of the planets happens, their increased gravity wreck havoc on Earth. That is not true. The alignment will not increase their gravity or combine the effects of their gravity. The gravity that Mars or Venus impact on Earth is insignificant and would be impossible to measure. The same goes for the planets that are even further away. The gravity of Jupiter (the planet with the most gravity in our solar system) has no effect on Earth. The closest Jupiter ever gets to Earth is 365 million miles. The effects of its gravity is weaker and weaker as you move away from it. After 365 million miles, there is almost nothing left to feel. So, the alignment of planets will not cause something bad to happen on Earth.

Joseph420420's photo
Fri 08/21/09 09:40 AM

Well if Einstein was correct Time varies depending on the speed at which you move, The whole twin brother goes off at the speed of light into space, then 5 years later he comes back, for him he's 5 years older but his twin on earth is 30 years older.
he is correct there actually was a man that aged more slowly then the rest of us while in space but only by a few miliseconds i believe look it up ^^

Joseph420420's photo
Fri 08/21/09 09:38 AM

all those planets are much too far for their gravity to effect ours. period.

everything that happens in the cosmos affects us....
there much too far to effect us in such a way though.
look it up on nasa's weppage, everything in the cosmos effects us, but the gravity of the other planets doe not effect us so greatly that if alliged a certain way would cause utter chaos... the moon barly lifts water at night, and every other planet is so much further than the moon, its highly unlikly anything will happen fromt he planets allignment to cause anything to happen here just look it up.

Joseph420420's photo
Fri 08/21/09 09:36 AM

all those planets are much too far for their gravity to effect ours. period.

everything that happens in the cosmos affects us....
there much too far to effect us in such a way though.

Joseph420420's photo
Fri 08/21/09 09:20 AM
all those planets are much too far for their gravity to effect ours. period.

Joseph420420's photo
Fri 08/21/09 09:18 AM
i believe if its a bad enough gene and theres a way to prevent it, you should, but its selfish to bring some one into this world any ways, (even though i wantkids)but all thats going to happen is theyre going to grow up and go through good and bad times and die...either way...cant prevent that, and this world brings mostly only pain anyways... but if you can prevent it, if its known to run in your family like skitzoprhenia in mine, then you should, cause i know i want to make sure my child isnt born with such "issues" idk what else to say i havnt readeverything in here so i dont know enough to really speak i just know it would be wrong to reject a baby cause itll have ms or anything else when its 50 years old..

Joseph420420's photo
Fri 08/21/09 09:06 AM

The great part about this question is there's really no way to tell. We can only tell our movement relative to other objects. And quantum mechanics makes that even a little fuzzy. And movement implies a change in location vs time. And for time we have no real absolute reference. We could be operating in frames of time... like a movie... and if we are in the frames, we have no idea whether we're really moving through the projector at some constant pace or whether we're more like a filmstrip that pauses between frames and moves to the next arbitrarily. Nor do we really know that the frames play in order, randomly, or all at once. All we know is that we perceive it to be moving in an order at a constant pace.
its all how one percieves it, for me, i do not see it as a constant, maybe only on earth but when i look to the sky i dont feel time as a constant, i dont feel liek it flows in the same exact way "alll the time",i feel as if some days are shorter and some days are longer, time ties in with how you feel, how you percieve it relative to how you feel, but you are right, time is measured and based off the orbits of the planets, or by the speed of light, and so on and so forth, but this doesnt answer his question, time could stand still, if you let it. if youwant time to fly by, you will most likly feel as if it has slowed down, ones anticipation can slow time, for the one percieving it, its all just a matter of just that, how you percieve it. it can stand still for you, but in all reality itsgoing at its own rate,

Joseph420420's photo
Fri 08/21/09 09:01 AM
science can infact tell us how he balls got there and why they act the way they do, after a great deal of time, obbserving the balls, we can use science to go backwards to the beginning is this not true for anything else we have studied? it may not say exactly WHy something has the values and properties it does, but it can if you let it, and if you ask why, instead of askhow.

Joseph420420's photo
Fri 08/21/09 08:49 AM
i believe time is just an illusion, it only exists because we can "keep track of it" but if its an illusion what are we really keeping trackof? this question only raises more questions, time canstand still for a single person but be moving for the rest, like when you fall in love it can last forever at the same time it feels like itflew by, time could stand still, time could fly by faser than yu know it, its all how one percieves it, how they think of it, our time is only measured by the spinning of the earth, and its orbit around the sun, which in other galaxies, if the stars have planets, theyre time will be measured the same way, like einstein says if your flyign at the rate of the speed of light, time stands still, so perhaps there are galaxies containin planets that travel at such a speed, they are not really even moving, or going anywhere, perhaps theyre just unmeasurable, but time like i said, is only an illusion, it is said to be possible in theory to go forward in time but youd never be able to go backwards cause whats done is done, but fortime to stop, the whole universe would have to stop, every thing wthin it would have to stop, and if that happened, we'd lose the relative tempurature of the entire universe and it would just slowly cool and die, =/ idk im rambling what do others think?

Joseph420420's photo
Fri 08/21/09 08:42 AM
people are just afraid of what otherswill think of them, or theyre afraid that theyll do/say something wrong, i am shy for those reasons, and the lady before me; wasnt super faulty, just some peopel are shy somepeople arent,

Joseph420420's photo
Fri 08/21/09 08:37 AM

<------------ Not photoshopped, I'm just naturally beautiful, dammit!!! bigsmile

You are baby!!!

Official portrait for my Christmas card.

omg =DDDD

Joseph420420's photo
Fri 08/21/09 12:12 AM
Edited by Joseph420420 on Fri 08/21/09 12:32 AM
i am looking for a good girl who is very honest and someone who says whats on theyre mind, it seems i cannot find any one yet i am in one of the most famous cities in the world it should be easy to find someone nice am i wrong? i am under the same impressions as a few others on these posts, maybe theyre are no good people on these sites, maybe we need to get out there instead of sit here on the internet looking, idk i just moved from a very small town outside of here, and im not used to being in such a big city so thats harder said than done; to just get out there!. i have bad panic attacks when ever i leave the house etc, i just need a way to find the one, but does any one really believe we will find the one for us over the internet? has any one found the one for them on here? i would like to know, and like to knowhow its working out if you have, i just know i need to find the right person for me, because every day is getting harder, every day its getting harder for me to breathe, i just got out of a petty bad reationship, and all the girls in my old town which isnt far from here, hate me for no reason, well because the girl i broke up with went and told them all i did this and that, but im trying to start over out here, i am not a bad person, i am one of those "good guys" i suppose, that every girl passes up, cause i just dont have the balls sometimes to make a move, etc.. i just prey i will find her, and i prey every one else finds who they are looking for, cause i believe; not as much as i used to; but there is someone out there for ever one, and im sure we will all get who we deserve what we deserve what we need and who we need, i just hope the one i am looking for is looking for me to you know? wel "signing off" lolol, have a nice night region, please post your thoughts it would be appreciated =] please ignore the 420420 in the name =] i have not smoked marijuana for 3 months now, and i am working on never smoking it again ^^

Joseph420420's photo
Fri 08/21/09 12:01 AM
i would infact pass over any girl who does dress slutty or doesnt have muchto say about anything, there are good woman and men out there you just have to not pass them up, thre all very easy to see signs if a person is good or bad or what theyre intentions are you just need to know how to find out what theyre intentions really are without hurting yurself etc..

Joseph420420's photo
Thu 08/20/09 11:57 PM
alot of people think because its the internet they can cheat etc.. and not eveyr guy is just looking for sex, or to cheat on theyre girlfriends maybe its just this site, or maybe youve been talking to the wrong men

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