Community > Posts By > trytosmileoften

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Fri 12/19/14 06:12 PM
All depends on the lifestyle you wish to live. Do you want more quality time together? Do you want lots of space? Do you want your lover to work in such a stressful job that they come home grumpy all the time? I guess it would matter to all of us, depending on the circumstances.

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Fri 12/19/14 05:08 PM
Tell me where to go, tell me what to do, I'll be right there for you, tell me what to say, no matter if its true, I'll say it all for you...

I used to be the type of kid that would always think the sky is fallen, why am I so differently wired, am I a Martian? What kind of twisted experiment am I involved in? Cause I feel like I don't belong in this world that's why I'm scolfin at authority defiant often, flyin off the handle at my girlfriend, so I am non compliant in this world, I'm just shy and awkward. And I don't need no psychologist tryin to diagnose why I have these underlyin problems. Thinkin he can try and solve em, Im outside chalkin up drawings on the sidewalk and in the front drive talkin to myself or either that inside hiding off in a corner somewhere quiet, tryin not to be noticed cause I am cryin and sobbin, I had a bad day at life so I aint talkin.

I used to be the type of kid that would always think the sky is fallin, why am I so differently wired in my noggin? Cause sporadic as my thoughts come its mind boggling. Cause I obsess on everything in my mind, small crap bothers me but not my ex. she said sayonara, then split but I don't give a Spit, I'm fine as long as there are batteries in my Walkman. But if this is all there is for me life offers, why bother even tryin to put up a fight its nonsense. But I think a lightbulb just lit up in my conscience. What about the rhymes I have been jottin, they are kinda giving me confidence. Instead of trying to escape in my comics, why don't I just blast a little something like onyx to put me in the mood to wanna fight and write poems that say what I want to say to that girl that said I failed her. Grab ahold of my balls like that's right the fights on trick. Who would have knew from the moment I turned on the net , that I could be iconic in my conquest.

I use to be the type of kid that would always think the sky is fallin, Now I think the fact that I am differently wired is awesome. Cause if I wasn't I wouldn't be able to work words like this and connect lines like crosswords and use my enemies words words as strength, to try and draw from and get inspired off em. Cause all my life I was told and taught I am not spit, By you wack freakin giant piles of dog spit. Now you shut up Biotch I am talkin, thought I was full of horse spit, and now you freakin worship the ground on which I am walkin. Suck a duck, the day you beat me pigs will fly out my arse in a flyin saucer full of Italian sausage. The most high exalting and I aint halting till I die from exhaustion inhale my exhaust fumes. The best part about me is that I'm not you, I'm me and I'm the Fire Marshall.

And this is my legacy.......M

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Fri 12/19/14 11:03 AM
People these days just want the whole buffet. They don't pay any notice that the meal before them is probably the best cuisine. Then when they walk out on the tasty meal, they are nearly forever trapped in the buffet line, always seeking something better that is not on the hotplate.

Dig in or savor, the choice is up to you.
I prefer to savor, cause the next meal ahead may just be dumpster leftovers.

no photo
Thu 12/18/14 11:02 AM

I separated from my future x about 5 month and have two son with her. My oldest who is seven is autistic. He just doesn't completely understand why I am not there everyday. I only get to see him every other weekend now. The last time I cried was a week ago. Every time I bring him back to his mom he starts to cry telling me he wants to live with me and so on. I don't cry in front of him but as soon as I pull away the tears start.


no photo
Wed 12/17/14 05:28 PM

Not that I have a child, but this has always been a tough question to answer for me. Also, gifts are mostly supposed to be surprises, and this removes that factor. Maybe is I were not so lucky it would be easier for me to come up with a response.

In any case, I hope that things get better for you in the near future.

Thank you kindly! And best wishes to you.

no photo
Tue 12/16/14 07:31 PM
Assumptions can and have ruined relationships since the beginning of time. Sometimes one is so lost that all they have left is to assume. Weird!

no photo
Tue 12/16/14 07:09 PM

All colors of flesh have been enslaved and beat down for thousands of years. All have been mistreated and hated. The only thing with this cop issue that needs improving is hiring better police. Not black nor white issues. People make those issues out of their own hatred within.

the founding or America had nothing to do with individuals or a better people, it was about a systemically racist structure at the core,,, they are real issues and continue to be

and improving police might start with IMPROVING how the system/structure is built and maintained,,,

its not hatred to recognize illness, its only hatred to disregard the ill instead of treating the illness,,,

You must read different history books than I do. This country was not structured out of racism at all lmao. Some idiots did some really stupid shizzz, but that does not represent this country as a whole. Past or present.

no photo
Tue 12/16/14 07:03 PM

I prefer the happy sunshine stories over all these hatred and bigotry that has been going on. The race baiting has gotten out of control. Does not matter the color of the flesh, for anyone can be cruel within.

The happy stories are always good for the soul but to be cognizant of the others helps maintain the spirit. What good is a tranquil soul when the world is trying to crush the spirit?

Very true.

no photo
Tue 12/16/14 07:00 PM
All colors of flesh have been enslaved and beat down for thousands of years. All have been mistreated and hated. The only thing with this cop issue that needs improving is hiring better police. Not black nor white issues. People make those issues out of their own hatred within.

no photo
Tue 12/16/14 06:51 PM
Lasagna leftovers. Yummy!

no photo
Tue 12/16/14 06:49 PM
I prefer the happy sunshine stories over all these hatred and bigotry that has been going on. The race baiting has gotten out of control. Does not matter the color of the flesh, for anyone can be cruel within.

no photo
Tue 12/16/14 06:23 PM
Actually I am with a smile on my face laughing at how one thinks I am angry. Typed words no matter what they say are always taken the wrong way. You cant hear my tone nor see my expressions. You cant see my happiness nor my sadness. You cant see my frustrations nor my concerns.

An unwise soul would push blame on others whom know nothing of the matter at hand.

Mental illness runs deep, and if communication was never granted for the topic then how was one to know?

My pain is in their sufferings. Wish this person was not hurt on the inside.

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Tue 12/16/14 06:05 PM
Yes, it is very much possible. But there are letters from other people written talking about their concern for this person. Or letters saying when the time is right I will do it. Or, I am going to do it and nobody will care.

If this person doesn't appreciate me finding them then possibly this person never should have fled from their family in the middle of the night without them lol.

I really am not laughing, the things I have read have made me rethink everything about the relationship. Makes me want to take away some things from the past, or add some things to the past. I never knew this person was so hurt inside.

no photo
Tue 12/16/14 05:53 PM
They should do a story in the media on how a local man lost everything and gave away all his remaining finances to random strangers on the street. But that got no coverage. But the shooting that happened that day and the car accident was reported. Our craniums are filled with such horrible things these days. Good thing I have windows so I can look outside and see some happy squirrels playing.

no photo
Tue 12/16/14 05:36 PM
What do you think hundreds of suicide or depressed letters/notes means?

I recently just found a large box of letters/notes talking about sadness, suicide, depression, etc. etc. Dating back 17 years to present.

This person always tries to have a good time, smiles a lot and tries hard to just live a simple happy life. Unfortunately this person also runs and hides from dramas and relationships in their life constantly.

Just looking for some input. Thank you

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Tue 12/16/14 05:27 PM
These good stories happen more often then we are lead to believe. Drama sells in the media world, not happiness and joy. Either way, this is a great story.

no photo
Mon 12/15/14 08:46 PM
The small things are the most true

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Mon 12/15/14 08:35 PM
Sparklers and Panty Liners

no photo
Mon 12/15/14 07:24 PM
How dare you vanish and just leave our family. Be an adult and stop being a coward. These kids are so damaged by your actions. We should have gotten professional help. How dare you just **** us over like this. It has been some time now, but the pain you caused by your vanishing act is horrific.

P.S. I now know how deep your pain through life has been. I found lots of personal notes. It saddens me to read these today. You truly do have more issues within your soul than I could have ever imagined. They date back 10 years before we even met. I will always care for you, probably the only one who truly ever has.

no photo
Mon 12/15/14 07:38 AM

You fu@king fool, you are being taken advantage of, Lied to, deceived and keep letting it happen even though you know its happening.

Over this nice guy BS. :)

Are you aiming that comment towards me trytosmileoften ?

Nothing wrong with being a nice guy , most of the time , I can bite and bark if I"m personally attacked online or stood over or swindled , etc , I can even do the road ALSO When your the owner of your own business , I dont rip myself off or my employee as I read to much into this post :) I guess your posts relates to a disgruntled employee prespective ? bigsmile

Feeling Chilled glasses

This pertains to a once perfect mate. I wish this was work related, would be so much easier lol.