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Topic: Have you ever >>>>>
Morena350's photo
Wed 01/24/07 03:32 PM
Have you ever been harassed/stalked by a female?
most of the people only talk about being harassed by a male
but what about when is a female harassing you/ stalking you
could be for any number of reasons, but I'll like to know

and Im sure others will like to know!!!

I have been harassed by a female who liked a guy that liked me
so she thought I was in the way, so she started to harass me
I told her something she did not wanted to hear and believe me
I told her!!! anyway she stop but kept checking me out all the time,
without bothering me but I know she had her eye on me!!

scary stuff, because one can loose it and who knows!!!

no photo
Wed 01/24/07 03:37 PM
I met this guy "online" and we talked and got to know each other during
about 3 months time...finally came time when I was ready to meet "him"
and it turned out to be a totally fictitious person...wasn't even male.
I hadn't talked on the phone (my fault) and everytime I approached the
issue "he" came up with some lame excuse...I never exchanged other than
my profile pics (thank god! I have some rather risque ones) so I was
able to have a clear conscience about that...After I gave up and moved
on, I started getting wierd phone calls, and although "he" didn't know
my exact address, I had given a vicinity so unfortunately there were
alot of innocent "tire slasher" victims...never again. If I can't talk
to someone on the phone and/or webcam - forget it. Especially if I'm
even slightly suspicious. It's been done. and Yes, it was a girl. A
wierd one at that.

NYCgirl's photo
Wed 01/24/07 04:00 PM

OMG!! this is really scary...
Rule # 1, be straight forward and talk to that person on the phone if
you think the relationship may go on, and if you can see him/her by web
cam even better. But blinded, NEVER.

and Morena be careful. Female stalkers are the worse. I had an
experience like that and omg I had to call the cops on her.
Remember fatal attraction lol...

just be careful!

slowtogetit's photo
Wed 01/24/07 04:05 PM
guys don't tend to look at it that way, we just think they are psycho
and move on.....

resserts's photo
Wed 01/24/07 04:17 PM
Cat: How did you eventually figure out "he" was really a "she?" Did she
finally come clean? Either way, stalkers are scary! They don't know
what they even hope to achieve by stalking or harassing someone, and
that lack of forethought makes them dangerous. I don't think we take
stalking as seriously as we should.

I've never been stalked or seriously harassed (although when I was in
high school I received a series of calls from a raspy-voiced man asking
me to take a survey about exercise and fitness and how being in good
shape made me feel, e.g. more confident with women, etc.). If I were
really being stalked, however, you'd better believe my house would be
wired up with a full security system and a lethal version of "Home
Alone"-style traps.

no photo
Wed 01/24/07 04:24 PM
The mom of this troubled girl found out what she was doing and gave me a
nice,consoling telephone call. Wierd thing was, I wasn't the first.
Sometimes I'm wayyyyy too trusting for my own good. Better than being
a suspicious stuck up ***** though...right?

slowtogetit's photo
Wed 01/24/07 04:27 PM
no it's better to be safe than sorry nowadays cat, the h*ll with what
anyone thinks.

Chuckee's photo
Wed 01/24/07 04:36 PM
In college, I was harassed by a female. She was a lesbian, I was
married AND pregnant and for whatever reason, she fixed her sights on
me. It was horrible, started off feeling like I was in control and
could handle the situation, but then she just wouldn't back off and
rejection was fueling her flame. I had to resort to a restraint order,
which we all know is just a piece of paper to someone with this kind of
mind, she was eventually arrested when the police were called and she
was trying to get into my house. My family and I weren't home, the
neighbor saw her and made the call. For the record, my telling you she
was a lesbian was only to let you know what kind of relationship it was
she was wanting from me, nothing else.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Wed 01/24/07 04:46 PM
I have been stalked by a woman before. She was actually married to the
man I was dating and I didnt know he was married. At first I thot she
was full of crap but they were married.
It nearly costed me my life.
She stabbed me ten times. I had 270 stitches.
But I am much smarter now.

Hard lesson to say the least.

joe1973's photo
Wed 01/24/07 04:59 PM
well i know from what was recently happening every time i logged onto a gal from down i think it was in grapeland texas would
automatically im me and say "you better not be cheating on me. otherwise
i will come to you home and slap some common sense into are mine
and no one elses." she even went as far as getting my passcode from
yahoo. i found out her number and had placed a long distance call to the
sherriff to deal with her. i got a call back stating that she was now in

FedMan's photo
Wed 01/24/07 05:08 PM
yes Morena two seperate occasions within the past year

FedMan's photo
Wed 01/24/07 05:09 PM
hmmm joe I don't know how they could throw her in jail for that

Chuckee's photo
Wed 01/24/07 05:27 PM
Well if it's not fedman logic it just doesnt sit well does it? Joe,
glad to hear you're not getting harassed any longer.

sushi's photo
Wed 01/24/07 05:37 PM
I posted something about this a while back. It was a very close
personal friend who was bipolar but got off her meds. At least you can
block someone from here, but my situation was a nightmare. I called the
police who could do nothing 'cause she'd never made a threat. Being a
pest is not a crime. Changing phone # was a pain in the bottom, but it
has helped.

lily38's photo
Wed 01/24/07 05:42 PM
drinker Cheers to Chuckee!!!

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 01/24/07 06:05 PM
Humm not me hell I can't even get a man to chase me around the bedroom
sure can't get one to stalk me laugh

But seriously that is not a subject to make fun of as like what
greeneyedlady went through it is very real. All I can say lady is your
one very strong and lucky lady.

Glad you made it through it and are stronger for it.

Morena350's photo
Wed 01/24/07 06:13 PM
lmao!!Txs. you don't want that **** happening to you girly!!

Chuckee's photo
Wed 01/24/07 06:17 PM
Cheers baby girl!!!drinker

lily38's photo
Wed 01/24/07 06:23 PM
I had something similar with a guy when I was in my early 20's. All I
did was talk to him about his devastation over his wife leaving. Never
so much as a kiss. He started following me everywhere and just sitting
near buy, staring. He didn't care who saw him do it. One night he waited
outside a pub in the bushes for my girlfriend and I to leave. As soon as
I started to pull out of the parking lot, he turned his brights on and
gunned his truck for us. He kept trying to run us off the road and he
was drunk. I had to get a restraining order, and then I ended up giving
statements on behalf of his estranged wife. You never know with people.
Some you can't keep, others won't go's crazy. Morena, watch
your back, sister. If she is jealous and this is because of a man, well,
people do some pretty messed up things to ease their tortured psyches!

Morena350's photo
Wed 01/24/07 06:23 PM

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