Topic: 5 years?
gardenforge's photo
Sun 03/04/07 12:51 PM

First start watching the news all of it on a multitude of channels
including Fox News, any foreign news stations you can get and all the
papers you can read, liberal and conservative. Once you have done that,
use what you have learned to form your own opinions, don't rely on the
media to tell you what your opinion should be.

Second stay in school and study history, those that don't study history
are doomed to repeat it.

Third expand your vocubulary so you don't have to resort to profanity
(see my last post).

Fourth, if you are not willing to stand up and fight, convert to Islam,
learn to speak Farsi and be willing to live a short miserable life on
your knees as a second rate citizen because you are a woman. This short
miserable life you will live can be ended at the whim of your master.

I have been to war lady, and it is total insanity. You cannot even
begin to comprehend the madness and chaos involved. I would like
nothing better than for us to live in peace, but there are those in this
world that will not let us. We have spent 50 years coddling to
terrorists and it has only made them stronger and more bold. If the
U.S. did what you want, 10 years from now you would be the first on to
stand up and scream why didn't you do someting years ago when this
country is attacked with a chemical, bioligical or nuclear weapon that
kills hundreds of thousands.

It seems that liberals always have a cause, but never a solution to a
problem and they never but never take responsibility for their actions.
3 million people were slaughtered in Cambodia because we did not finish
what we started in Viet Nam. 30 million people were slaughtered in
Russia because we did not stand up to Stalin. 12 million were
slaughtered in Germany because we did not stand up to Hitler in time.

erinestrella's photo
Sun 03/04/07 05:43 PM
This tragedy has had major parts of it covered up from American eyes,
and has been used to cover up other important things that are happening
in our country.

It's really sad.

gardenforge's photo
Sun 03/04/07 06:18 PM
Oh I love the ambigious conspiracy theory. Exactly what has been
covered up? If you think you can slide anything by the liberal media,
you are sadly mistaken. Give me a specific example of something that
has been covered up.

LilMsDiva's photo
Sun 03/04/07 10:29 PM
I do not praise GWB for his actions, because unlike the overly devoted
republicans I dont think that this war has helped us in any way. What
are we going to gain? Can anyone answer that? And for those trying so
desperately to link 9-11 to the do you explain the fact that
not one of those terrorists was an Iraqi? What would Iraq have done to
us if we hadn't gone to war?--I mean its not like they had WMD's.
Furthermore, all of you Republicans who are so pro-war, how willing are
you to send your children or your siblings to fight for a war that will
bring them risk their lives for nothing.

War is not as pleasant as Republicans pretend. These are peoples lives,
and I think it is down right foolish to end to many futures for a cause
that is not apparent.

Now, even though I am against going to war...I believe we are too far
along to jump out and pretend it never happened. We need to finish this
thing and finish it fast...another 5-10 years is too long...its too many

FedMan's photo
Mon 03/05/07 06:35 AM
LilMsDiva Iraq along with other countries harbours and provides training
facilities for terrorists. Along with funding. There is a well defined
link between Iraq and the 9-11 terrorists. There are plenty of
supporting documents that have never been declassified and may well not
be. As far as GardenForge we are not responsible for what Stalin and
many others have done throughout history. We are not the world police.
Iraq as well as many Arab nations hate the US mostly for our involvement
in their land, (namely supporting Israel), there will be no end to the
death and destruction until we (the american people) put an end to it.

FedMan's photo
Mon 03/05/07 06:44 AM
the stock market has dropped over 500 pts this past week, the biggest
drop since 9-11 so how can the dow be at an all time high?

gardenforge's photo
Mon 03/05/07 08:39 AM
I am in the stock market quit heavily, the market is still above 12,000
what you have seen is merely a long overdue correction. Whenever the
market gets extremely high, there is a lot of profit taking that goes on
at the first hint of a decline. The asian market dropped, the
speculators got nervous and started selling. The market will come back
it always does. As for not being responsible for what Stalin did, your
liberal icons Franklin Roosevelt and Harry (the buck stops here) Truman
handed them all of Eastern Europe and the Truman fired McArthur for
wanting to win in Korea. As a result of Give em Hell Harry's actions,
we now have a rogue nation with nuclear weapons and a million man army
and there is still, after 50+ years no treaty ending that war, only a
cease fire agreement. These are the same people who hacked to death
with hatchets two U.S. Army Officers who were trying to trim trees that
gave the U.S. a better view of Panmunjom (sp). No action was taken
against them for these murders that occured in broad daylight with many
witnesses. Nor was there any action taken against them for their act of
Piracy where they siezed a U.S. Navy Ship, the U.S.S. Pueblo,in
International Waters, imprisoned, beta and tortured the crew.

As for this being a Republican War, the Democrats in Congress voted for
the war too including Hillary Clinton.

Maybe if Bill Clinton had had the balls to stand up to Al Quita during
his term of office things would have been a bit different. Seems his
primary concern was boffing Monica not looking out for the safety and
welfare of this country.

And for WMD's we know Sadam had them, he used them at least once now
they no longer exist. There is no record of their distruction where did
they go?

Further, as a result of our going into Iraq, Lybia has given up their
pursuit of nuclear weapons. That is one less rogue nation with a bomb.

As for the comment "we are not the worlds police force" this is one of
the liberals rallying cries. They would prefer that we be the worlds

AlpineRocks's photo
Mon 03/05/07 01:27 PM
I think we need to put our flag in the ground in Iraq and Iran make it
part of the USA and sell the oil to all the other countries.:wink:

FedMan's photo
Mon 03/05/07 02:41 PM
no-one wants us to be a victim but we do not need to be the self
appointed police. We handed Europe to them? Europe was not ours to hand
out freely to no-one. This was never about WMD I can assure you of that
one. Liberals aren't the only ones with the thinking of world police. I
am not a liberal. I consider myself middle of the road. I love listening
to Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Neal Boortz. I think they all rock
the Casbah. The stock always rebounds? Yes it does, even after the great
depression, point is, it's not at an all time high right now lol.
TheCaptain said GWB graduated from Harvard. Is that supposed to make him
better? Someone can have intellect out of this world and still not have
an ounce of common sense. I am not downing Bush I think he handled the
9-11 tragedy better than most could dream of, along with the NYPD and
NYFD. If it weren't for these guys it would have been much more
devastating. I am not Republican nor am I democrat I go with who I feel
is best for the job at hand. I tend to favor the republican party for
they have had the best leaders in the past, but really to me it's all in
who is the best man for the job. After all, we ALL have a stake in what
happens to our country.

BigGlenn's photo
Mon 03/05/07 02:49 PM
Forge, Captain and Verb,
I thank God I'm not alone. So many of us listen blindly to propoganda. I
agree with you guys, but I'm too tired to argue about it anymore.

Kevology's photo
Mon 03/05/07 03:23 PM
It's so sad for me to see how many Bush supporters there are and how
many people think this war is justified.
The only reason anyone voted to go to war, was because they were lied
to and told there were definitley WMD's in Iraq. Oh, don't even get me
started on Iraq!
Bush may have graduated from Harvard, but do you really think he did
it himself? Gimme a break. Just listen to him try to make a
Anyone who believes the constant lying from our so-called President
and our own government, is just lying to themselves. Especially the
educated older folks out there. Open your eyes and thou shall see
through the bullsh*t! It's right in front of you!
Really, think about this....If you support this war so much, would you
be willing to go over there and fight? If you were willing to fight,
what would be the reason? Would you even know what you are trying to
accomplish? What exactly is the mission in Iraq? There never was a
reason to go, except for Bush to get revenge on Saddam for trying to
kill his daddy.
We go over there, blow the Hell out of their country, and now we want
to see if they can function on their own? Uh, yeah...okay.
And if we were planning on leaving, even in 5 years, why the Hell
would our country build car dealerships and permanent bases there? It
doesn't look to me that we're going to ever leave. Why would we? They
have soooo much oil over there and you know how the Bush family loves
their oil! drinker smokin

gardenforge's photo
Mon 03/05/07 04:57 PM
Kevology: I have been to war, and I would go to Iraq if it were
possible. I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees.

Kevology's photo
Mon 03/05/07 08:59 PM
Gardenforge - Sounds alot like martyrdom to me.
You shouldn't have to pay the price for the 'mistakes' our government
makes. Nor should anyone else. The soldiers over there shouldn't have
their lives cut short just because rich world leaders don't have the
balls to duke it out themselves.
This 'war' is never going to end because of the religion, money and
power invovled.
Iraq was a lost cause from the start and it was an incredibly poor
decision to invade their country.
Please, enlighten me. How could we possibly win this 'war on terror',
if terrorists are a global problem?huh

gardenforge's photo
Mon 03/05/07 09:22 PM
Obviously by your statement you prefer to live on your knees. I
recommend that you learn to speak Farsi and convert to Islam because if
we don't win the war on Terrorism that is going to be your only option.

Kevology's photo
Mon 03/05/07 09:44 PM
I would never listen to any of your recommendations because I disagree
with you.laugh laugh laugh smokin drinker

gardenforge's photo
Tue 03/06/07 07:23 AM
Liberals are a constant reminder that one should never attempt to teach
pigs to sing for it wastes ones time and annoys the pigs.

no photo
Tue 03/06/07 07:32 AM
im going to give this info for yall and leave it at this. unlees yall
have been there u really have no room to talk . yes it is ur counrty
and it is your brothers and sisters going but ask us service men what we
think. we were sent to do a job no matter what the reason. we
volunteered remember? we knew what could happen. i almost lost my life
and have lost alot of good friends but we are there and we will not
leave untill iraq is ready and capable to handle it on its own. we
marines look at it this way. if u call a plumber to ur house and the
job gets big and messy and costly do u tell him to leave and not have
water or plumbing or do u let him finish his job? im not trying to be a
**** or anaything just think about it.

AlpineRocks's photo
Tue 03/06/07 07:56 AM
We need to quit hangin out over their an stomp their A** and get it over
with we need to shove our flag down their throt and make them beg for
mercey. They showed no mercy with twin towers and I think we have been
way to easy on them.:angry: :angry:

FedMan's photo
Tue 03/06/07 07:59 AM
we will win the war. You think that al-Qaeda wanted to drop the WTC and
only that? You don't think for a moment that the al-Qaeda would not love
to bring more terror and destruction onto our soil especially after we
targeted them on their own land? The al-Qaeda would love to do it more
now than ever but how many times since 9-11 have they been successful?
We are winning the war on terror. We will continue to do so and more of
the world will ban together with us as far as al_qaeda goes. We will
never have the support for Iraq because people believe it's for
different reasons. Has anyone seen that in Pakistan the Taliban are
threatening to kill people for shaving or trimming their beards? Well,
with stuff like this going on the Taliban and al-Qaeda will turn others
against them also. It's a tough war and no-one ever said it would be
easy. Bush told the American people it would be very difficult. I am
glad that people are willing to go and fight the evil doers so that we
may enjoy our freedoms without worrying about boarding an airplane, bus,
train, or anyother method of transportation. For all of you that say
most GI's don't want to be there, why when the war on terror started did
the enlistment into the armed forces jump? Because thankfully most
Americans are not pansy asses sitting back wanting for al-Qaeda to come
knocking on their door before they are willing to admit it's time to
stop these bastards in their tracks.

LilMsDiva's photo
Tue 03/06/07 03:59 PM
i guess we should stop this Republicans versus Liberals debate...because
it is obvious that we are not going to agree...and besides the insults
given to liberals are getting ridiculously disrespectful. Especially
that whole...teach a pig to sing comment...I mean how immature can you
get?explode noway

Lets focus on what matters...we are at war, how do we end it?
I say we kick A** and end this thing quickly. A couple of "show no
mercy" days would speed things up :wink: Iraq is weak compared to the
US, so we need to show them just how weak they are and send them
crawling away with their tails between their legs. devil

What do you think? How do we end this thing, in what time frame?