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Topic: opinions welcomed
smilingeyes_976's photo
Sun 03/18/07 09:21 AM
Ok, so here is the short story. Had a friend. We were very close. Almost
like sisters. Started finding out lil things that didn't make sense or
just sounded off. I just kinda brushed them off though because we were
such good friends. Long story short? She decided she wanted my ex. He
left.. She played him and my oldest daughter. To the point where my
daughter wouldnt have anything to do with me. Well, she played them.
They finally got wise to the games. And they have nothing to do with her
and my daughter and I are finally starting to get close again. Mainly
because I was there for here at ANYTIME that she needed me.

NOW this old friend that I havent spoken too since all this happened
sends me emails out of the blue. Friend requests on other sites to start
with and then most recently letters asking me to forgive her and that
she screwed up and she knows it and that she would like me to Attend her
WEDDING next summer. I'm like what the he**??? Are you kidding me? She
says I know I messed up but I want to make it right and she's so sorry
blah blah blah... And all I can think is... I want to smash her right in
her lying, gameplaying little face! Arggg!

Am I wrong?

hosea1's photo
Sun 03/18/07 09:30 AM
no, you arent wrong. you really should just tell her to go away and
never talk to you again. she played with your family, and thats the
worst thing anyone could do. she even had your daughter against you. and
when that happens, she doesnt deserve any forgivenss. anyone who messes
with a childs head definatley dont deserve any mercy. so deny her
request and move on with your life. leave her in that past. she made her
bed, now let her lie in it

TheShadow's photo
Sun 03/18/07 09:33 AM
The feeling that your feeling :smile: There is nothing wrong with that
but to take any action on it is a whole new story Trust is a big thing
in life and when someone miss use it is hard to bring it back and even
wont to deal with them but to turn someones kid on them it is something
that I would not except but would come to turms with it after some time
Now if they just got ahold of me out of the blue I would laugh tell them
to move on with your own life

BigGlenn's photo
Sun 03/18/07 09:37 AM
Hey kiddo,
The healthiest thing for you is to give her one message to get lost and
get on with your life. She's given you enough grief. F her.

no photo
Sun 03/18/07 09:39 AM
My opinion -- she is such a train wreck that you'd have to be crazy to
have anything to do with her again. When someone burns you THAT badly,
it's best to cut all ties. Don't give her a chance to do it again. You
know what they say about "going back to the scene of the crime."

smilingeyes_976's photo
Sun 03/18/07 09:40 AM
shew! glad ya agree with me. Everyone is always like forgiveness this
and that. But I just think there are some things ya can't forgive...

Shadow~~ What if I used a slingshot to smash her with and there were no
witnesses? lol.. J/K actually... I think the best way is what I did.
Which was send her an email back and tell her simply that I can not now
or probably ever forgive her and tell her that I wouldnt attend her
wedding for anyreason. What goes around comes around and I hoped that
she never had to live through anything like that... But Arggg ticked me
right the flippin heck off!

TheShadow's photo
Sun 03/18/07 09:53 AM
Well Smilingeyes You get one shot if you miss that is itlaugh but I
think you took thta shot already:smile: and it was the right one

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Sun 03/18/07 12:24 PM
email her back!! she can have MY ex!!!! HAHA!laugh

BillRoot's photo
Sun 03/18/07 12:29 PM
Im with you smile.Stab me once shame on you.Stab me twice shame on
me.You got warned,give no second chance.Ya think she wants a gift
too?noway noway noway explode

micheal4real's photo
Sun 03/18/07 12:32 PM
hummmmmmmmm i reall love a woman who can love me with her heart bcos i'm
a one kind person that i care about loving with my childdren,

gardenforge's photo
Sun 03/18/07 12:36 PM
hate and resentment are a bitter pill that will eat you from the inside
out. Best that your forgive her and move on. You don't have to accept
her back as a friend. Just tell her that you forgive her but she burned
the bridge of friendship between you two and then move on.

smilingeyes_976's photo
Sun 03/18/07 12:44 PM
hmmm... I dont know about that.I wouldn't say I hate her. I would say
that I dislike her intensely. With good reason. And I could probably say
that I forgive her but those would just be words and they would be
dishonest. So which is worse? Lie to make someone feel better? Or tell
the truth the way you see it?

I make it a habit not to lie. So for me its the truth that she got. Who
knows, maybe a few years down the road it will have ceased to matter and
I can forgive here but not now. oh hell no.

I did at least refrain from contacting her fiance and letting him know
what she is really like because well, he wouldn't listen to me and some
things people just need to learn or see themselves. So at least I am not
being a total bi*** about it.

Barbie? lol... i'll keep that in mind..

ScottyBravo's photo
Sun 03/18/07 12:49 PM
Even good people like yourself can put up with only so much crap, good
ridance to her.Forgiveness is just like trust as far as I'm concerned,
it needs to be earned.

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 03/18/07 12:52 PM
OMG, tell her to crawl back into the cave she came out of and forget she
ever knew you shsssssssssssssssssh that is so low can't get much
lower.grumble noway noway noway noway

BillRoot's photo
Sun 03/18/07 12:54 PM
Sometimes,"when your ready"forgiving is what you need to do to move
forward.That dose not mean hang togather or be friends.It means you tied
the loose end and let it go.:wink:

TheShadow's photo
Sun 03/18/07 12:58 PM
happy BillRoot Yeah your right but that takes time it's not something
that happens over night but if your working on that then that is a good
start But in the meantime I think her mind is set one way right now lol

lin411's photo
Sun 03/18/07 01:23 PM
no, not wrong. she did YOU wrong, now she's trying to justify it. bull.
let it go, water under the bridge, but i know how you feel. i'd wanna
take her down too lol. however, her past indiscretions will come up and
bite her in the a**.

MiChAeLThEMaX's photo
Sun 03/18/07 01:25 PM
If it's sumthing you cant take back or undo then you should not have
done it in the first place, where all adults and know wright from wrong
befor we act,

or if you have to think about it it's probably not a good ideal.

BillRoot's photo
Sun 03/18/07 02:35 PM
Yes your right shadow it dose take time.Thats why I said when she or

oldsage's photo
Sun 03/18/07 02:40 PM
When your ready forgive, that doesn't mean you forget. Be polite, when
you seek vengance, dig two graves. If she wants your trust again, she
will have to earn it. That may never be convenient.

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