Topic: The %'s of domestic violence
Palhaco's photo
Wed 04/11/07 10:31 AM
Where do you work?

Redykeulous's photo
Wed 04/11/07 10:47 AM
It would seem that the statistics that are listed at the onset of this
post come from this web site:

It is strictly a support site developed for WOMEN and there is a lot of
info related specifically to Minnisota. The statistics were apparently
compiled on a 'national' level, but that means nothing as they could
take statistics from one hospital in every state. It is also an
advocacy site, as well as for support of women. Naturally, it makes
sence that it would give such astounding percentages as this would make
women seeking help more comfortable, seeing they are not alone and can
get help in a more "silent" fashion, through the internet.

Sometimes sensationalism while affecting true statistics, has a reason
and if that reason, brings women to a place where they can finally seek
help, I guess it's not worth argueing about. It is worth knowing,
however, as there are those out there who would seek to create
legislature based on these erroneous statistics.

Redykeulous's photo
Wed 04/11/07 10:52 AM
For anyone interested in more infor about the statistics above:
The lastes of these statistics was published originally in 1994. It is
also quite interesting to see who compiled these statistics - check it
out! Also, remember, many of these are based specifically on "domestic"
violence or abuse and the definition of domestic at least in current
legislature is between a married couple and any RELATIVE linked by this


Every 9 seconds, a woman is battered in the U.S.
Family Violence Prevention Fund, 1994.

95% of all victims of domestic violence are women.
Bureau of Justice Statistics Special Report, U.S. Dept. of

Domestic Violence is the single major cause of injury to women,
more than muggings and car accidents combined.
First Comprehensive National Health Study of American Women, The
Commonwealth Fund, 1993.

Domestic Violence is the cause of 30% of physical disabilities in
California Department of Social Services, 1994.

50% of all women murdered in the United States are killed by a
spouse or an acquaintance.
Journal of Trauma, 1992

Domestic Violence occurs in 60% of marriages and is the most
underreported crime.
National Crime Statistics Report, 1993.

90% of battered women reported that their children were present
when they were beaten.
National Crime Statistics Report, 1993.

25% to 30% of adolescent relationships are abusive.
L.A. Commission on Assaults Against Women

1/2 of all rape victims are raped between the ages of 14 and 17.
L.A. Commission on Assaults Against Women

As few as 5% of domestic violence victims are identified as such
in Emergency Department records.
American Journal of Public Health, 1989.

Domestic Violence costs an estimated $1.4 billion annually in
medical bills, and an additional $900 million in mental health
National Public Services Research Institute, 1994.

Domestic Violence is responsible for a $3 to 5 billion loss each
year for employers due to absenteeism.
California Department of Social Services

Logo: Saint Vincent de Paul San Francisco

tantalizingtulip's photo
Wed 04/11/07 11:03 AM
I work for the lenawee county...

daniel48706's photo
Wed 04/11/07 12:14 PM
On one hand I would agree that anything that gets a battered person into
the help that they need, wetherit is counseling, hiding, medical
whatever, is worthwile. However I can NOT condone intentional
misrepresentation of the numbers when it goes to suggest what it does
about men. You can not trade one evil for another friends. What we
really need to do is find a way to get the hep that is needed to those
that need it without harming others. And by exxagerating the percetages
of domestic abuse towards women in general does quite a lot of damage to
men AND TO YOUNG WOMEN as it teaches young women not to trust any man.
And if we keep lying about the true statistics then that is exactly what
is going to happen at the least; young girls and women are going to be
deathly afraid of all men. And eventually you will be causing men to
get lynched, mobbed, you name it because the public thinks that ALL men
are asholes when it is only a few (and I dont mean few literally).

Redykeulous's photo
Wed 04/11/07 01:02 PM
I agree with you daniel, that is why we can not allow legislature to be
passed BASED of statistics alone. It is for the people to decide on
such things and it is our jobs, each of us, to know and make known what
each legislation will include and what will be established and achieved
by it passing.

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Wed 04/11/07 01:38 PM
While I am a curious seeker of things. I tend to take stats with a grain
of salt or two.

I know there is a percentage error given those whom deal with it

I know men have it as well, but I also know it is not anywhere NEAR as
prevalent. I think it's wrong no matter the gender. But, to read some
whom try to diminish the history and impact it has made on oppression of
I am not a feminist, or radical...I do see truth.

One reason stats bugs me, is I was supposed to be inside those.

I did not rape, abuse, or hurt my own children. And, know others that

I just don't completely trust stats. And, I don't see the relevance
given it is not a rarity, or something folks in reality ignore.

I really don't understand why there have to be stats? For money to pay
for help?

Redykeulous's photo
Wed 04/11/07 02:13 PM
ET, you hit the nail on the head. It is through statistics that most
monitary funding is made possible. Unfortunatly, there are politicians
who would use statistics to support their stance. It is not for the
politicians to show cause to justify their opinion, it is for the
politician to pole his constituants and pass on THEIR opinion. In the
field of politics, statistics can be a dangerous game. The problem
is, if it's fair game to the general public, how do we take it out of
the political areana?

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Wed 04/11/07 02:30 PM
We put it in where it matters.

sad thing is politics of all kinds run rampant. workplaces, charities...

If folks are going to make a stance, then go to where it is needed. Go
to the shelters, and take the time to know people.

Go to the centers for women and children.

Make donations to places you KNOW where the money is going.

Take the time to be in someones life, and care.

Everyone has a story. Not everyone wants to hear it. It's easier to toss
some cash in a donation bucket. They won't have bad dreams, or the

daniel48706's photo
Wed 04/11/07 02:33 PM
I can at least tell you that I have heloed to spirit several battered
ladies and three abttered kids away in the past hun... And believe me
it was no easy thing. But I DO kon wtey are safe now (or at least were
five years ago) and am glad to have done it. The one kid had 7 broken

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Wed 04/11/07 02:41 PM
a wonderful thing to have done.

thing is... not everyone has time to do this kind of thing. or, the
means, to. I understand that.

But, for some, all it takes is genuine care. Maybe do some volunteer
work one hour a week. Do some helpline work...

I know not all churches are ok, either. I went to one with my daughter,
and because I don't go to church, was told charity and aide was for
those belonging.
what a load of crap!

no photo
Wed 04/11/07 03:38 PM
We can all agree that this is a *very real* problem and that more should
be done to help battered woman. As far as the validity of these
statistic - I know firsthand that there are some homeless women who lie
about being battered in order to get better assistance. These stats are
probably no less accurate than those used by any advocacy group.

"There are three types of lies - lies, damn lies, and statistics."
[Origin disputed]

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Wed 04/11/07 03:47 PM
I know some who have, too.

I went through womens' crisis. And, they were very thorough. 'Course the
city I lived in isn't as big as some inner city over-worked places,

I would rather help women and children and trust, than not look at the
issue because a few are rotten. Same with men. The center I got help at
also had very good info for men, as well.

I just am concerned about folks NOT getting the help they need, and live
ruined, or death as a result because of the "what about the ones...?"

I recall a time when my son was daughter 1-2.My ex took my
daughter to make me behave. Cops did nothing because we were married.
Common sense had nothing to do with it. I had no transportation, and he
also withheld all other things...
I had to beg him.

I will never go through that again. And, I would fight for rights and
know some people are wrong than do nothing.

Autumn_queen's photo
Wed 04/11/07 03:50 PM
Numbers, shmumbers

Domestic abuse is a problem.
Thats all there is to it.

no photo
Wed 04/11/07 04:01 PM
Well said, Autumn!

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Wed 04/11/07 05:10 PM

btw? I wasn't angry or anything.. just putting down what's in me, lol.

tantalizingtulip's photo
Wed 04/11/07 05:10 PM
there are a million polls and stats on everything ..

And they usually end up being inaccurate.huh

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Wed 04/11/07 06:50 PM

I forget now what the margin of error statistical profiles have?

It's just rediculous that any stats have to be made, lol.

It is the year 2007. There can't be anyone needing to know all of that.

Fact is men, women, and children..and animals... are getting hurt.

Just find it odd.

Having good solid answers as to what folks can do, is better, I feel.

I know I wanted help, and so many just turn away. It's not thier
business, or they don't want to know attitudes.

tantalizingtulip's photo
Wed 04/11/07 06:57 PM
sorry nene that ,
that happened:cry:

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Wed 04/11/07 07:20 PM
oh, hon. it's okay.

Healed mostly, and ended up where we are now!

Survived a hell of alot. Now new, yes?

I am lucky. flowerforyou