TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 12/24/08 08:54 PM

In that same spirit, we all ought to give our well wishes during this Christmas season for those who defend us today. At this very moment there are more than a quarter of a million young American soldiers, sailors, airmen, Guardsmen and Marines serving far from home. They have volunteered to forfeit the warmth and affection of loved ones to protect the rest of us from those who would do us terrible harm. Instead of whining about how tough things are at home we need to pray for their safety and continued success.

We are actually for some only a few hours away from
CHRISTMAS DAY for others it has already started and then others will actually be following us as we start to enjoy Christmas Day.

To those that in fact find your self at home alone. Join in on the threads I'm positive that many of us will still in fact be here.

Myself I will be cooking Christmas Dinner and visiting with my Grand daughter to watch her open her gifts as she wakes up.

But then in fact will be in and out of the forums as well. My kids and my best friend are in fact will be here to enjoy dinner with me. But they are grown now and well after dinner they do seem to have their own places to visit as well. Which is fine with me for I do get my time first.bigsmile

The reason for this thread is to remind everyone what these Holidays should entail. And remind us at times we tend to forget what Christmas is really all about.

Regardless if you believe in God or not these Holidays still include you just as well for you see friendships and family is what we should remember at this time. It does not matter to me if your Atheist,Pagan, Christian or what religion you honor. As far as I'm concerned we can through all of them out the door in this thread and just take the time to wish all a MERRY CHRISTMAS, HAPPY HOLIDAYS, SEASONS GREETINGS OR HOW EVER YOU WOULD LIKE TO SAY IT.

For within this thread for just this time lay those issues aside and wish all you know to have a WONDERFUL JOYOUS TIME WITH YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY!! DRIVE SAFELY AND DO TAKE A LEAST A MOMENT AND SAY SOME WELL WISHES FOR OUR TROOPS.

Regardless why we are at War they are in fact there fighting as what they believe for this country so lets take a little time and at least wish them all a safe journey home to there family's. With out the issues being brought up of why we are there that in fact is for another thread not this one.

To me Christmas it a time of sharing with family and friends and letting them in fact know how much they really mean to you. It is not about the gifts you receive or what you can spend on another. It is about what is deep inside of our hearts and wanting to make this world a better place. Where better to start but right here.

Please share with us what you think Christmas in fact should stand for. I'm talking words from the heart not past and copied where it is all about religion. You see I do believe in God but........... that is my belief not everyone elses. I believe it should all start within the family and then each person can honor their beliefs. But in order for us all to stay on the same page I would like to leave the religion theory's we each have been raised with aside for right not and lets hear what you have to say from the heart instead.

You may be surprised from those that have different beliefs and find out we actually all strive for more common ground then some think.

So please share with us what you feel we should in fact be celebratingbigsmile at this time of year?

alonenotlonely's photo
Wed 12/24/08 08:56 PM
Without a nekkid picture, I ain't readin' all that stuff. Someone email me the condensed version.

no photo
Wed 12/24/08 09:02 PM
At home with my kids tonight, almost time for bed.
We went to church, looked at the Christmas lights on the way home. Made Latkes when we got home, then some dinner.
Its good to be home with some family tonight, called my sister in Colorado too.

no photo
Wed 12/24/08 09:04 PM

Without a nekkid picture, I ain't readin' all that stuff. Someone email me the condensed version.
huh frown

no photo
Wed 12/24/08 09:08 PM
merry christmas

no photo
Wed 12/24/08 09:12 PM
I definately think about our people serving in the military far from home. I don't agree with the politics that has put them in harms way, but I understand they have no choice in these matters. I know they are doing thier best in some awful situations & I wish them all a Merry Christmas & a Happy, prosperous & safe New Year.

The real meaning of Christmas:


Winx's photo
Wed 12/24/08 09:13 PM
My child said this at bedtime, "We are giving gifts to each other because Jesus gave his life for us. We are being giving because he wanted us to be giving."

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 12/24/08 09:15 PM

Without a nekkid picture, I ain't readin' all that stuff. Someone email me the condensed version.

Lmao okay just read the very last of it and let us know what the Meaning of this time of year should mean to us all. Myself it is being with family and friends and letting others know you care and they are not alone but in fact within a sea of friends. I think we need to scale back on who out buys each other and instead we need to go back to the basis that we should in fact focus on being with our family's and be thankful we have another year with them. Have fun play games tell jokes or stories of the past let our kids hear about their history and the hardships the family's had. Give gifts from the heart that have meaning and will in fact create more memories for the future.bigsmile

Sorry if I got a tad deep :laughing: I get lost within my words at times.slaphead

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 12/24/08 09:16 PM

merry christmas

Merry Christmas to you as well Max hope you and your family have a wonderful time together.bigsmile

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 12/24/08 09:18 PM

I definately think about our people serving in the military far from home. I don't agree with the politics that has put them in harms way, but I understand they have no choice in these matters. I know they are doing thier best in some awful situations & I wish them all a Merry Christmas & a Happy, prosperous & safe New Year.

The real meaning of Christmas:


I'm right with you on this one we may not all agree why they are there but they are so we should take the time to at least recognize that fact and say a prayer or at least send our heart felt wishes for a safe return to their family's.

Fanta46's photo
Wed 12/24/08 09:20 PM
Merry Christmas allbiggrin

keepthehope's photo
Wed 12/24/08 09:21 PM
Merry Christmas to everyone.

We have had several groups from the military stay here on their way to other places, or to do some work here at the military facilities here in town.
I feel for those who won't be able to spend time with their families.

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 12/24/08 11:22 PM

My child said this at bedtime, "We are giving gifts to each other because Jesus gave his life for us. We are being giving because he wanted us to be giving."

Winx it is through a child's eyes we should see the world more often and in fact comfort their innocents they have and try to instill it within our everyday living.

We in fact have Christmas so commercialized it has actually lost it's meaning along the way. Like I said now Christmas was in fact celebrated long before the religion of it took over for the reasons that some celebrate it today. At one time it was a celebration among family and friends to get together and in fact celebrate around the world. Centuries before the arrival of the man called Jesus, early Europeans celebrated light and birth in the darkest days of winter. Many peoples rejoiced during the winter solstice, when the worst of the winter was behind them and they could look forward to longer days and extended hours of sunlight.

I'm not saying that we in fact should take out what we believe the celebration of Christmas means to each of us. Only to understand that even those that do not believe what we believe in fact at one time did celebrate Christmas as well just not for the same reasons.

At times I believe we should all go back to the basic for we have in fact lost touch with the Season as it should be celebrated it should entail our family's and what we already have before us then what someone can buy us instead. It is a feeling within that has been lost over time.

no photo
Thu 12/25/08 07:23 AM

Merry Christmas allbiggrin

Hi Fanta! Havn't seen you here in ages! How ya doing?

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 12/25/08 07:26 AM

Merry Christmas allbiggrin

Wow ya are still alive huhhhhhhhhhhh it has been a long time since I have seen you post.

Glad to see you are out and about did you get all of your school finished?

Hope you have a Merry Christmas as well.bigsmile

Mr_Music's photo
Thu 12/25/08 07:33 AM
With a snappy salute and overflowing gratitude, I extend a very blessed and Merry Christmas to all the soldiers from all military branches of our armed forces. Thank you for allowing me to keep my freedom, and for letting me keep my feet firmly planted on my little patch of ground. May you all come home as expediently as possible.

AllenAqua's photo
Thu 12/25/08 07:34 AM
Merry Christmas folks! :smile:

no photo
Thu 12/25/08 07:42 AM
In the midst of all the LOUD noise (my neices & nephews got that X-box game...Rock Band or whatever...none of them can carry a tune in a bucket, LOL...) I am thankful to still have some family left to celebrate with, cherished loved ones, & new friends here on Mingle... I was just on the phone with a wonderful friend who told me the story of his Christmas in Afghanistan a few years back...he reminded me that this is about giving...not taking...& our brave men & women are giving the ultimate gift this year. Merry Christmas to all of you & wishes for a Happy New Year!

Signed, Que

Annet's photo
Thu 12/25/08 07:44 AM

Without a nekkid picture, I ain't readin' all that stuff. Someone email me the condensed version.

LOL! The less words, the better. She means well, though.

I heard from a U.S. serviceman and he only wanted to kid around and that was ok! I ribbed him back and that was all he wanted!
Have a good meal today! Annetlaugh