Topic: How can god be so great...
kj127's photo
Sun 04/29/07 08:17 PM
Let me tell u why their is a God and the g in God is capitalized ..
first of all did u ever wonder why u were born .. or why u were placed
on this earth ? God made u if you want answers go and get a bible and go
to a biblical church ..did u know that Jesus died on the cross for all
the sins of the world ,, get the movie the passion and see for your

kj127's photo
Sun 04/29/07 08:17 PM
Let me tell u why their is a God and the g in God is capitalized ..
first of all did u ever wonder why u were born .. or why u were placed
on this earth ? God made u if you want answers go and get a bible and go
to a biblical church ..did u know that Jesus died on the cross for all
the sins of the world ,, get the movie the passion and see for your

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Sun 04/29/07 08:22 PM
Faith to me is saying two prayers
and Thank You.

AdventureBegins's photo
Sun 04/29/07 08:34 PM
After re-reading the original post realized I misunderstood.

How can...

rapists, perverts, war, etc... exist in gods world?

Cause he gave us FREEWILL and some chose to exercise it by becoming

Wonder what the result will be when his patience runs thin.

scttrbrain's photo
Sun 04/29/07 08:48 PM
AB....We already have that answer, don't we?

scttrbrain's photo
Sun 04/29/07 08:54 PM
I also am a believer of God. One God, a bigger God than all the others.
And until someone can prove t me that HE doesn't exist, HE will always
be THE ONE to me.

In my life HE has shown his wisdom and healing and kindness to me.

Some people believe in a little "g"od, and some a bigger GOD, then some
believe in nothing at all.

I believe that there will come a day (if hasn't already got here) that
we all will see the proof, "undoubtably". I have already had my proof.
To each his own, in his own time.


AdventureBegins's photo
Sun 04/29/07 08:56 PM
Well 'brain' I for one hope he has lots of patience.

If he has decided to let someone find just one amoung us that is good
and just, judging from what I have read of the posts just on this one
web site alone, there are many.

We may have gotten a reprieve cause of people like you.

scttrbrain's photo
Sun 04/29/07 09:01 PM
Be sure to count yourself AB.

wonderman37's photo
Sun 04/29/07 09:16 PM

davinci1952's photo
Sun 04/29/07 09:20 PM
he will allow us to screw it all up if we wish...then he will ask

"what have you learned?" ...go back and try again..get it right this

scttrbrain's photo
Sun 04/29/07 09:50 PM
God gave us life, to do with it as we will, good or bad. Right or wrong.
Get it right or screw it up. It is up to us. The consequenses are ours.
HE gave us a conscience and a mind. HE gave us a heart and the ability
to know. HE told us we would screw things up. But that we can change it
by the will of many. It is ALL up to us. Believe as you will. Do as you
please. There is a price, and we are seeing it happen before our very

jeanc200358's photo
Sun 04/29/07 09:54 PM
What I'd like to know is, where did people ever get the idea that just
because there is a God, there shouldn't be anything bad going on in the

Ghostrecon's photo
Sun 04/29/07 11:11 PM
People use the word "natural" ... What is natural to me is these
botanical species which interact directly with the nervous system. What
I consider artificial is 4 years at Harvard, and the Bible, and Saint
Patrick's cathedral, and the sunday school teachings.

My advice to people today is as follows: If you take the game of life
seriously, if you take your nervous system seriously, if you take your
sense organs seriously, if you take the energy process seriously, you
must turn on, tune in, and drop out.

Think for yourself and question authority.
Timothy Leary's track on Sound Bites from the Counter Culture (1989)
Throughout human history, as our species has faced the frightening,
terrorizing fact that we do not know who we are, or where we are going
in this ocean of chaos, it has been the authorities — the political, the
religious, the educational authorities — who attempted to comfort us by
giving us order, rules, regulations, informing — forming in our minds —
their view of reality. To think for yourself you must question authority
and learn how to put yourself in a state of vulnerable open-mindedness,
chaotic, confused vulnerability to inform yourself.

these are very profound statements in my life. if you don't question who
you are . how can you learn anything.


Redykeulous's photo
Mon 04/30/07 07:07 AM
kj127, the only reason anyone has to capitolize the word god, is when
using it if reference to the Christian God. Notice that I capitolized
the word Christian and God and I even capitolize the word Bible. Why?
I do it out of RESPECT, for you to think that these words should be
capitolized by everyone, means you do not extend any graditust
whatsoever for those who would attempt to RESPECT your faith.

Without graditude, why would anyone continue to bother or even attempt
to ge gracious?

Please change your opinoin as it lends itself to a self-centered,
assumption that you are correct because of your faith, when we all
understand that faith is a matter of opinoin. If you can not start from
this premise, than your faith as a Christian is faulty, for judgement is
not yours.

whispertoascream's photo
Mon 04/30/07 08:18 AM
What I'd like to know is, where did people ever get the idea that just
because there is a God, there shouldn't be anything bad going on in the

Jean, let me turn this question around: If there really is a god and he
is really all this great, then why is there bad things going on in the

no photo
Tue 05/01/07 12:11 PM
Hubey wrote:

Mike, I love the idea of what you just said. But if "God" has the power
to make all things posible... He MUST have the way to see the furture,
yes? He would see the corrupt and the awesome.... He would see the good
and the bad... but wouldnt he want to keep the good and take out the
bad? Why would someone keep such high standards for humanity but allow
the evil of sin to occure?


Paradox my friend. If God sees the future and changes it..he didn't see
the future, did he? If God sees that you are going to steal something
and He kills you by dropping an anvil on your head ten minutes before
you can commit the crime, then God just punished you for a crime you
never commited. No fair, huh?

dontlookatme's photo
Tue 05/01/07 12:18 PM
Nobody wants to debate god so if this is your decision then until you
seek a higher ground and not a debate, then the christians will do as
instructed and that is: do not argue with a fool in his folly or he
shall be as the fool. This only starts something that will never end. We
don't have to defend the higher power no do we have to debate it with
you. I mean this in no disrespect as not all of us were put here to do
any certian thing as the other. Not all of us were put here to believe
as well as some of us were put here to do right by god as best we can. I
can go on and on why I feel like I do but that is a complete waste of my

no photo
Tue 05/01/07 12:20 PM
The "God" I know doesn't interfere. For me God is in nature, in
everything around us. We have our own free will, we make our own

no photo
Tue 05/01/07 12:22 PM
Hubey wrote:

Parents take care of their children.


Are you God's child? Why is Jesus God's only begotten son, if you are
his son too? By joining the body of Christ, you are adopted into God's
family, then you ARE God's adopted son. Are you wondering who your
father is? Jesus stated that you are Satan's son and can only stop
being Satan's son by being adopted into God's family.

Parents do take care of their children. Sometimes they use babysitters
in their physical absense. I am my children's babysitter, a job that
was given to me by God. It's my job to keep my kids safe. But
sometimes bad things happen. When a drunk driver hit my son, it wasn't
my fault or God's fault, it was the drunk drivers fault. God COULD have
stopped it from happening, but because God gave us free will, we make
our own decisions. Sometimes others make decisions that effect us, as
the drunk driver did. In the end, each of us are responsible for what
we have done.

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 05/01/07 08:59 PM
Am I to take from the above post that since I am not a christian I am
the son of satan.

I am the son of a man!