Topic: Old Sage's Thoughts
oldsage's photo
Tue 05/01/07 08:44 AM
Great place to live & Omaha zoo 3 miles away.
Ck it out, one fo the best in the country
Henry Doorley Zoo, Omaha Nebr

bigpappa4331's photo
Tue 05/01/07 08:46 AM
think nothin'of it sage ,,,,anytime:smile:

tantalizingtulip's photo
Tue 05/01/07 08:58 AM


buckethand56's photo
Tue 05/01/07 09:02 AM
Just funnin you sage been there a couple of times working on Ice storms,
putting your neighbors power lines back up

FallenAngel4U's photo
Tue 05/01/07 09:16 AM
good morning all
hiya bucket!
I wasnt here for while
just seen your postflowerforyou

no photo
Tue 05/01/07 09:51 AM
hmmm, no response from u "silly'..i know u were refering to me...grow up
already..just cause i posted that thread about kevin..what r the chances
of me hooking up with someone 3,000 miles away? omg..none!!! i did it,
because yeh i liked him as a friend, if u know the definition..enough
with your smart ass comments in these threads bout me..plezzzz....u have
a problem with me..dont talk about it to everyone else on

buckethand56's photo
Tue 05/01/07 10:03 AM
Dang did I step in to something I shouldn't have?Backs out real slow and
turns and runs like h*ll

no photo
Tue 05/01/07 10:10 AM
Sage, I've enjoyed meeting you and talking with you. It's always nice
to find new friends. :smile:

slowtogetit's photo
Tue 05/01/07 10:17 AM
hi sage, i caught bits and pieces of the discussion. ahhh to be so young
and foolish, and i say that because i was there. if there was only
someone like you to talk to when i was young(er)lol, who knows what
would have happened if i listened. well sage i for one am with you on
this, stick with us, everyone needs a wise man to turn to.

this man's kewl

bamabeecee's photo
Tue 05/01/07 10:18 AM
We've never talked Sage, but I always like your posts and agree with

Wisdom usually comes with age, but some never get it. You are one of the
ones who has.

We learn from our mistakes if we're smart, and if we're real smart we
listen to others so we don't have to make them all! It took me too many
years to figure that out.

no photo
Tue 05/01/07 10:24 AM
Yea Sage Im in Lincoln, Henry Dorley is great!!!

no photo
Tue 05/01/07 10:29 AM
Sage, what to say, I read your posts often, always keeping them in the
back of my mind, knowing that yes knowledge does come with time, and you
Sage only seeem to get better with time, youthful braincramps will spout
when they can then vanish like they should, no worries many real folks
here, keep up the chatter, and let ignorance roll right off our
shoulders,have a great daybigsmile flowerforyou

Joshy44's photo
Tue 05/01/07 10:30 AM
Wanna go drinkin' sage????

drinker drinker drinker drinker

And PEOPLE, Don't forget to VOTE!

no photo
Tue 05/01/07 10:34 AM
Sage, you have always been one of my favorite people here, and I have
always been interested in what you have to say.

Also appreciate your input on those matters that occasionally need to be
addressed around here.

I do have issues with anyone who threatens or verbally abuses another
member here, and that cannot be tolerated, regardless of who the target
is. Nor do I believe youth, etc., to be valid excuses for that kind of

GreenEyedHippieChick's photo
Tue 05/01/07 10:41 AM

thank you for bein my friend

davinci1952's photo
Tue 05/01/07 10:54 AM
ok then...First round on Oldsage!!! drinker

LAMom's photo
Tue 05/01/07 11:58 AM
{{{{{{{{{{ Sage }}}}}}}}}}}

My Friend you are true Gentleman in all aspects of the word and I adore
you, You have guided me and lifted me in times of need and have stood by
my side on site and off,, You have shown me what true uncondionaly
friendship is all about ~ ~ You have been my light at the end of a Dark
Tunnel, I will
be forever grateful to you my friend and will hold our Friendship deep
in my heart, Thank you Don,,,, Thank You

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

oldsage's photo
Tue 05/01/07 12:11 PM
Joshy, said before come out & I'll introduce you to midwest girls.
Bring lots of Jack Daniels.

Joshy44's photo
Tue 05/01/07 12:12 PM
Ohhhh snap, I love Jack Daniels!

izzie's photo
Tue 05/01/07 12:28 PM
:heart: sage...
well for those of us here who do somewhat kno you, and have had the
pleasure to call u friend, you are a true treasure....
i enjoy your posts, and always find insight by what you have to say..
and thank you so mych for being here.. its nice to kno we have friends
who will be ther when we need them...
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou :heart:
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
