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Topic: My only complaint...
TheLonelyWalker's photo
Sun 05/06/07 02:54 PM
I understand that most people has a reaction against religions, and it's
ok. MOst religions are at guilt.
However, why do we have to be derogatory on the other people's faiths?
Let's say for me the bible is something really important ( I don't
worhiped it) I just read it and I try to see through it what God is
trying to tell me in that moment of my life.
If u think the bible does not serve any purpose to ur life, it's cool.
But why do u need to call it a fairytale?
Isn't it better just to say that u don't find any sense within it?
I would understand that the bible does not say anything to u.
All what I'm saying my brothers and sisters, please don't be deroatory
with each other.
Let's leave in peace, and share our experience and knowledge from which
we all can learn.


PetiteKitten's photo
Sun 05/06/07 03:04 PM
I agree with you 100%........I've had many friends from my "real life"
tell me they don't want me preaching to them, etc.....When in reality,
that's what we're SUPPOSED TO do........It says it right in the Bible.
Spread the word, bring others that do not know about me, in the right
direction, so to speak. I know someone that believes in
Evolution.......I don't discuss it because it would just turn into an
argument........I avoid discussing my beliefs at all costs because of
the reactions I get...Although, I do pray every night for everyone on
this site and everyone else in the world that does not know Jesus.

no photo
Sun 05/06/07 03:09 PM

Just choose carefully who you speak to about God, you can always ask
them if they are willing to talk to you on the subject. On these
forums, you are going to offend a lot of people, but there are a lot of
silent people who I believe will agree with what you say or learn
something from it.

PetiteKitten's photo
Sun 05/06/07 03:10 PM
That's the main reason why I don't post in this perticular forum.....I
don't want to offend anyone.

no photo
Sun 05/06/07 03:10 PM
People are scared of what is different and strange to them. Throw in
some bullheaded folks so stuck in thier ways. Everything to them is evil
outside thier own biggoted ideals.We have not "evolved" sorry probably
not the right word. To educate people to understand and except
differences in society. Look at racism before you call me a liar.

no photo
Sun 05/06/07 03:12 PM
accept not except . Did I say I was a really bad typist ?!

nusalor's photo
Sun 05/06/07 03:14 PM

So be it

Well said LW-tolerance is the key.

PetiteKitten's photo
Sun 05/06/07 03:14 PM
It's ok Polson............:smile:

AdventureBegins's photo
Sun 05/06/07 05:52 PM
With the exception of these forums I have spoken of god as he has
revealed himself to me to no one without invitation. If by my life and
my actions someone sees in me a reason to ask of me about god then I
will guide them as I was guided.

Who am I to assume another knows less then I about god. He is in us
all. Some see him and some do not... Yet he is allways present in all

grizz11952001's photo
Sun 05/06/07 05:55 PM
i dont beleive we have the right to force our beleifs on anyone no
matter what ur beleif is . so when they cry about the bible all i want
to know is why is it ok for them to teach about the different ones in
school like the budda an the evolution theroy an about any science
fiction therory besides religion isnt this the same forcefeeding beleifs
only theirs instead of the bible. thats something i notice often an dont
understand the bridge goes both ways right so why are we allways told to
keep the faith to our selves just teach everything else instead to our

Redykeulous's photo
Sun 05/06/07 09:00 PM
Tolerance has been brought up in this post. It was also in another
recent post, to which I relied the following:

Jess stated:
"Conviction is admirable when accompanied by tolerance."

There are those within certain religions who have both conviction and
tolerance, however, that will NEVER displace thier belief that they are
correct. It is difficult for anyone who believs they have the truth to
stand by and listen to and watch others fall from the path of 'your'
truth. At the very least for some, it is necessary to speak their truth.
For they are so convinced of it's merit that they want to share it. In
fact in some religions, it is required that they proclaim their
faith to other, to show others the way, to evangilize. In these things
there can be no tolerance.

The simple fact is, that for many, when light is given without
conversion, they must continue to try, or to walk away, for to stay
without trying would be to consort with evil, thereby putting one's own
everlasting life in jeopardy.

The biggest point in religious wars is, not to convert but, to destry
that which is evil.

The only way to ever promote tolerance within religious groups is to
'change' the dogma established within those groups.

It is clear by these posts that many have begun that change, and that
others fight for the continued established religion of more ancient

So those who post here, have either conviction or tolerance, but no
matter, any perceived attack is just an adherence to conviction and
should not be considered personal. That's how I see it. And I really
enjoy the oppertunity to speak openly and sometimes with a bit of humor
and even occasionally with a bit of conviction.

Don't let it stop you from posting, it's passtime and one that increases
the thought process. Enjoy it.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Sun 05/06/07 09:05 PM
Mrs. Red:
You are one of the people who is absolutely opposed to my beliefs, who i
respect with all my heart,
Thanxs for thinking different than me, u help me to learn more of what i

jeanc200358's photo
Mon 05/07/07 04:31 AM
How can someone "force" their beliefs on anyone? Not like they're holdng
a gun to their head. Particularly on the Internet, all you have to do is
not read the posts, turn off the computer, go for a walk, go to another
forum, go to another website...whatever.

AdventureBegins's photo
Mon 05/07/07 10:33 AM
Jean if you dont think religions use 'force'.

Try gettin a job in an mostly christian town. Took me quite a while to
realize that the jobs went to church going christians.

More than one way to 'force'.

I went into a book store that advertises they can get any book. I asked
for a perticular book. The clerk said 'We don't carry that book... this
is a christian town we don't support cults'. (the book was the koran...
Not even close to a cult)

WTF (scuse my language)

scttrbrain's photo
Mon 05/07/07 10:42 AM
I don't understand that statement B. I have been in the workforce all my
life. I have never been asked once what I believd in. Certainly not
about religious beliefs or backgrounds. I live in the Bible belt. It has
never been an issue.

What has been an issue is me having a felony and not being able to get
gainful employment outside of my own self employment. What bothers me
most about this is: Men can get those jobs with felonys.
Anyway, sorry...did not mean to get off subject.

jeanc200358's photo
Mon 05/07/07 10:44 AM
AB, what town was this? Like Kat, I've never once been asked my faith
when applying for a job.

It's against the law, in fact.

jeanc200358's photo
Mon 05/07/07 10:44 AM
And I live right in the buckle.

GaMail50's photo
Mon 05/07/07 10:50 AM
There are a great many questions that it is illegal to ask when
interviewing someone. You can ask if they have convictions but you can't
ask if they've been arrested. Can't ask if they are married or have
kids. Its none of the employers business. I went thru seminars on this
back in the mid 90's. Some things may have changed but I don't think the
major stuff has. Of course some people ask this stuff anyhow even though
it's not legal.

AdventureBegins's photo
Mon 05/07/07 10:51 AM
Yep its against the law...

But hey They dont have to ask. They just don't interview people that
don't belong to the church.

More than one town.

And yeah you can get employed... Just not where the money is.

What I did finally was got a friend that did belong to vouch for me.
Kinda sucked at company parties cause every one else belonged to the
same church and the church baseball team and their kids wouldn't play
with mine cause mine wern't in their sunday school. But the pay was
better'n minumim wage which is all I could find up to that point.

jeanc200358's photo
Mon 05/07/07 10:55 AM
Is there some reason you can't name the town?

In any case, just because one backasswards hick town does something like
that, that's not forcing anyone to believe what they believe.

but..if you want to talk about ATTEMPTED force..ever had a JW chase you
all over your yard while trying to mow the lawn???

Talk about perseverence!


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