Topic: Christian Priesthood
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Wed 05/13/09 02:33 PM

"How well we know what a profitable superstition this fable of Christ has been for us." - Pope Leo X (1513-1521)

Hypocritically the professional preachers of Christ play their part in following the ways of Christ. In truth they neither believe in nor practice the foremost teachings of their lord as embodied in their bible. They can be categorized as the most hypocritical of all, where as they are drawing a salary and freeloading off of their flock, they would be one of the last to "sell all they have and give it to the poor". Where as they preach it is better to give than to receive they are the first to have out their hand and persistently urge you to give, give, and give some more.

Simply by the fact that they have their churches as a place of worship is against the bible: Jesus said prayer should be a private affair devoid of public display:- Matthew 6:5-6

"And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by men. Truly, I say to you they have received their reward. But when you pray, go into your room (or closet.) and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret..."

The "Salvation" that the priest keeps dangling in front of you is so ridiculous and impossible to attain that BY THEIR OWN RULES not even they will qualify to be one of the very few who will gain entry into the Christian "Kingdom of Heaven".

The suppression of logic, common sense and honest questioning of their doctrines is still highly powerful today. History has more than shown us that as long as a people can be kept ignorant, confused and in fear that they can easily be enslaved and exploited by tyrants, and none so more than the religious tyrants that have continually suppressed any honest criticism or questioning of their most effective tool - their doctrine of fear.

They invented the story of Hell to frighten people and thus gain control of their minds, their money, time and resources using this fear they manipulate and exploit them. This is how it has worked for almost 2000 years. The early Christian founders invented the concept of sin, for only by means of the belief in sin are they able to rule. The Priests true function is to denaturalize and thereby” sanctify".

The Christian Priest is not able to speak of the "facts" concerning what the bible really says without also falsifying them by his interpretation. He depreciates and desecrates nature and has made himself the sole means of "reconciling oneself with God" and as much as it is fundamental that one must render subordination to the priest for he alone is able to "save" your soul from an eternity in Hell.

To the Christian priest, sins, weakness and guilt are indispensable, they are his tools of his trade as only through them he is able to make his living. It is NECESSARY that people should sin. The priest is like any other professional that wants to retain his job. Through his training, he alone should know better than anyone else that there are no "Sinners", "Salvation" nor the Christian Kingdoms of Heaven and Hell.

These priests who preach the self-conquest of the mind, body and spirit as it is advocated in the bible cannot claim to be ignorant of this. These worn out assertions are constantly being pushed by this overzealous group whose very existence depends on guilt of our innermost human nature, sin, and a fear of their Hell.

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Wed 05/13/09 02:35 PM
asleep hating on others religions is by far played out

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Wed 05/13/09 02:40 PM
Edited by smiless on Wed 05/13/09 02:42 PM
What I found interesting in this article is that the many millions of churches across the globe are sanctuaries for many followers that also advertise on television, radio, and use missionaries to increase membership.

What I find ironic is that it states in the bible.

Prayer should be a private affair devoid of public display:- Matthew 6:5-6

dlawson12's photo
Wed 05/13/09 02:49 PM

What I found interesting in this article is that the many millions of churches across the globe are sanctuaries for many followers that also advertise on television, radio, and use missionaries to increase membership.

What I find ironic is that it states in the bible.

Prayer should be a private affair devoid of public display:- Matthew 6:5-6

I so know I am going to regret this... lol

Personal prayer.. between you and god... should be done in private, not on a street corner.

Prayer in church is part of worship, and is done as a congregation, in such a situation no one would be trying to impress anyone.. or appear more pious... because its a worship prayer from the person leading the congregation.

The above verse in context is talking about false piety of an individual, not the actions of a church congregation.

Does not the bible also say when a gathering greater than three come together in prayer the holy spirit will be there?

Again... context context context......

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 05/13/09 02:51 PM

asleep hating on others religions is by far played out

Boy you're not kidding. This has been is the hallmark of Christianity for over 2 millennia now.

no photo
Wed 05/13/09 02:55 PM
It is also interesting to read this in the article

"How well we know what a profitable superstition this fable of Christ has been for us." - Pope Leo X (1513-1521)

I guess Pope Leo X wasn't really a Christian some Christians would say, yet he did everything a Christian Priest would ask for others would say.

So which is it?

I mean in the back of many minds of Priests do they truly try to be good priests in helping those that are confused or do they see it all as a business perspective.

You take your choice on that decision and observation, but I can see clearly that many are wondering where to go with this.

dlawson12's photo
Wed 05/13/09 03:03 PM

It is also interesting to read this in the article

"How well we know what a profitable superstition this fable of Christ has been for us." - Pope Leo X (1513-1521)

I guess Pope Leo X wasn't really a Christian some Christians would say, yet he did everything a Christian Priest would ask for others would say.

So which is it?

I mean in the back of many minds of Priests do they truly try to be good priests in helping those that are confused or do they see it all as a business perspective.

You take your choice on that decision and observation, but I can see clearly that many are wondering where to go with this.

Ok.. this one now.

It is well known that the catholic church was very corrupt at times throughout history. All that tells me is people are corrupt, not that the religion is wrong.. or that God doesn't really exist. People make mistakes, only God is supposed to be perfect right?

When your in a leaky boat in the middle of the ocean you bail it out, you don't abandon ship and drown...

You cant judge a whole religion by a handful of corrupt men, especially when those men were probably the most powerful men in the world. Seriously... power corrupts.

Perspective is the watchword here.

ThomasJB's photo
Wed 05/13/09 04:36 PM

It is also interesting to read this in the article

"How well we know what a profitable superstition this fable of Christ has been for us." - Pope Leo X (1513-1521)

I guess Pope Leo X wasn't really a Christian some Christians would say, yet he did everything a Christian Priest would ask for others would say.

So which is it?

I mean in the back of many minds of Priests do they truly try to be good priests in helping those that are confused or do they see it all as a business perspective.

You take your choice on that decision and observation, but I can see clearly that many are wondering where to go with this.

Ok.. this one now.

It is well known that the catholic church was very corrupt at times throughout history. All that tells me is people are corrupt, not that the religion is wrong.. or that God doesn't really exist. People make mistakes, only God is supposed to be perfect right?

When your in a leaky boat in the middle of the ocean you bail it out, you don't abandon ship and drown...

You cant judge a whole religion by a handful of corrupt men, especially when those men were probably the most powerful men in the world. Seriously... power corrupts.

Perspective is the watchword here.

When your boat is taking on so much water that there is no hope of bailing it out, you can either go down with the boat or take a chance and swim for it.

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 05/13/09 05:14 PM

When your boat is taking on so much water that there is no hope of bailing it out, you can either go down with the boat or take a chance and swim for it.

The fallacy lies in the belief that it can be bailed out.

The other fallacy lies in the belief that if it sinks, God goes with it.

All that tells me is people are corrupt, not that the religion is wrong.. or that God doesn't really exist.

If the religion is wrong would that mean that God doesn't really exist? spock

People didn't give up on God when they rejected Greek mythology. There's really no reason to give up on God when rejecting any other mythology.

On the contrary, true faith is when a person can believe in God without any need to prop God up with a mythology.

That's the greatest faith of all.

Let the boat sink!

The boat was never God to begin with.

God is the ocean. Not the boat! bigsmile

EquusDancer's photo
Thu 05/14/09 08:16 AM
Screw that, try and tear the boat apart and hold on to a piece of wood. Wood floats, weight of boat sucking in water is what makes it sink.

no photo
Thu 05/14/09 03:49 PM

Screw that, try and tear the boat apart and hold on to a piece of wood. Wood floats, weight of boat sucking in water is what makes it sink.

Oh man talk about metaphor. Happily this is what is happening with all religion today, and all around the world. Its sinking. Little chunks of spirituality are being pulled off all over the place, and some people seem to be perfectly fine without drift wood at all . . . .

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 05/14/09 05:23 PM

Screw that, try and tear the boat apart and hold on to a piece of wood. Wood floats, weight of boat sucking in water is what makes it sink.

Oh man talk about metaphor. Happily this is what is happening with all religion today, and all around the world. Its sinking. Little chunks of spirituality are being pulled off all over the place, and some people seem to be perfectly fine without drift wood at all . . . .

Boy ain't that the truth!

And so many sects are trying to sell their little piece of driftwood off as being the whole boat! laugh

In fact, a lot of individuals try to sell their little piece as if it's the whole boat.

Thank goodness for the people who learned how to swim on their own! bigsmile

Redykeulous's photo
Thu 05/14/09 06:25 PM
dlawson12 wrote:
Ok.. this one now.

It is well known that the catholic church was very corrupt at times throughout history. All that tells me is people are corrupt, not that the religion is wrong.. or that God doesn't really exist. People make mistakes, only God is supposed to be perfect right?

When your in a leaky boat in the middle of the ocean you bail it out, you don't abandon ship and drown...

You cant judge a whole religion by a handful of corrupt men, especially when those men were probably the most powerful men in the world. Seriously... power corrupts.

Perspective is the watchword here.

Here are some questions I have for you dlason12.

Is it possible for every single individual that ever reads the Bible to come away with exactly the same beliefs?

In my opinion the answer is no, which is why we have so many various Christian sects. Even within those sects, people do not believe based on their own first hand knowledge. In other words the overwhelming majority of Christians do not believe what they do because they determined it themselves.

Here is what I would propose. Every Christian child or perspective Christian convert, should first be taught to read in the language of the oldest Christian manuscripts. Then they should have a rite of passage at which time they go seclusion to read and study FOR THEMSELVES, the anchient manuscripts.

Upon completion, the person would determine what it is they wanted to believe and carry that with them.

Easy as that, but why is all this discussion and 'teaching' necessary? Is not the book understandable to those who can read its words, especially in its most anchient form??????

I would ask, then what purpose do prists, monks, nuns, and pastors serve?

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 05/14/09 06:29 PM

Screw that, try and tear the boat apart and hold on to a piece of wood. Wood floats, weight of boat sucking in water is what makes it sink.

Oh man talk about metaphor. Happily this is what is happening with all religion today, and all around the world. Its sinking. Little chunks of spirituality are being pulled off all over the place, and some people seem to be perfectly fine without drift wood at all . . . .

:smile: Most people arn't smart enough to understand spiritual knowledge and never have been.:smile: That is why they must be led by those who do understandflowerforyou

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 05/14/09 06:30 PM

dlawson12 wrote:
Ok.. this one now.

It is well known that the catholic church was very corrupt at times throughout history. All that tells me is people are corrupt, not that the religion is wrong.. or that God doesn't really exist. People make mistakes, only God is supposed to be perfect right?

When your in a leaky boat in the middle of the ocean you bail it out, you don't abandon ship and drown...

You cant judge a whole religion by a handful of corrupt men, especially when those men were probably the most powerful men in the world. Seriously... power corrupts.

Perspective is the watchword here.

Here are some questions I have for you dlason12.

Is it possible for every single individual that ever reads the Bible to come away with exactly the same beliefs?

In my opinion the answer is no, which is why we have so many various Christian sects. Even within those sects, people do not believe based on their own first hand knowledge. In other words the overwhelming majority of Christians do not believe what they do because they determined it themselves.

Here is what I would propose. Every Christian child or perspective Christian convert, should first be taught to read in the language of the oldest Christian manuscripts. Then they should have a rite of passage at which time they go seclusion to read and study FOR THEMSELVES, the anchient manuscripts.

Upon completion, the person would determine what it is they wanted to believe and carry that with them.

Easy as that, but why is all this discussion and 'teaching' necessary? Is not the book understandable to those who can read its words, especially in its most anchient form??????

I would ask, then what purpose do prists, monks, nuns, and pastors serve?

flowerforyou Most people are intellectually incapable of understanding that is why there are priests,monks,nuns, and pastorsflowerforyou

no photo
Thu 05/14/09 07:03 PM
I don't think it is neccessary to study the bible. Actually what a waste of time to tell you the truth. Have a child advance in the studies of physics, mathematics, language arts, social studies, and government.

That time with a child would be better spent on these subjects then reading a book full of contradictions.

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 05/14/09 07:06 PM

I don't think it is neccessary to study the bible. Actually what a waste of time to tell you the truth. Have a child advance in the studies of physics, mathematics, language arts, social studies, and government.

That time with a child would be better spent on these subjects then reading a book full of contradictions.

bigsmile Yes,history and sociology helps a lot in understanding religionflowerforyou

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 05/14/09 09:08 PM
Edited by Abracadabra on Thu 05/14/09 09:09 PM

Here is what I would propose. Every Christian child or perspective Christian convert, should first be taught to read in the language of the oldest Christian manuscripts. Then they should have a rite of passage at which time they go seclusion to read and study FOR THEMSELVES, the anchient manuscripts.

Oh God! Please NO!

It was bad enough I had to put up with having been lied to. To have been forced to learn ancient languages just to read this stupid book would have been worse yet.

I only WISH that people would have told me the TRUTH.

The TRUTH is very SIMPLE!

They DON'T KNOW who wrote the book or whether it contains a ounce of truth of it's filled with a myriad of lies!

That's the TRUTH! They simply don't know.

But instead they LIE. They claim that the book is the word of God when they have no frigg'in clue whatsoever.

I only wish people could learn to tell the TRUTH!

Why is telling the truth so hard for religious people? spock

All they need to do is tell the truth. They have no clue.

It's so SIMPLE! Just tell the truth.

If they would have told me the truth, I'd say fine. I'm not interested in reading the mythology.

Besides, if there truly is a God who wrote a book shouldn't it be up to THAT GOD to be sure I read his book? spock

What kind of a God would write a book and leave it up to men to convince other men to read it.

That's utterly stupid.

That would imply that God has left the fate of souls in the hands of MEN!

That would be a totally untrustworthy God.

We wouldn't even be able to trust our creator to come to us directly and give us a clue.

We'd have to put our FAITH in MEN!

That's precisely what people are doing when they accept a book that was written by men. That's not putting your faith in God. That's putting your faith in MEN!

Why should anyone believe that some crude and rude society speaks for God? spock

I certainly don't. And if there is a God there is no way that he could accuse me of rejecting his word because I have no way of knowing which crude and rude book might be his word.

I'm certainly not going to believe a in a religion that has a history of bigotry against non-belivers. They don't even seem to understand the very book that they're trying to pass off as the word of God.

Christianity has nothing to do with Jesus and everything to do with appeasing the Christians.

In fact, when I look at their doctrine, in order to agree with Jesus, I'd have to denounce Christianity anyway.

It's ridiculous. In order to believe the doctrine I'd have to denounce it just like Jesus did.

It's an oxymoronic doctrine.

no photo
Thu 05/14/09 09:34 PM
Edited by smiless on Thu 05/14/09 09:35 PM
More scholars ought to tell the truth about the Bible.

The preachers dare not, because they would be driven from their pulpits.

Many Professors in colleges dare not, because they would lose their salaries.

Politicians dare not. They would be defeated.

Editors dare not. They would lose subscribers.

Merchants dare not, because they might lose customers.

Men of fashion dare not, fearing that they would lose caste.

Even clerks dare not, because they might be discharged.

There are many millions of people who believe the Bible to be the inspired word of God -- millions who think that this book is staff and guide, counselor and consoler; that it fills the present with peace and the future with hope -- millions who believe that it is the fountain of law, Justice and mercy, and that to its wise and benign teachings the world is indebted for its liberty, wealth and civilization -- millions who imagine that this book is a revelation from the wisdom and love of God to the brain and heart of man -- millions who regard this book as a torch that conquers the darkness of death, and pours its radiance on another world -- a world without a tear.

They forget its ignorance and savagery, its hatred of liberty, its religious persecution; they remember heaven, but they forget the dungeon of eternal pain.

They forget that it imprisons the brain and corrupts the heart.

They forget that it is the enemy of intellectual freedom.

Liberty is my religion. Liberty of hand and brain -- of thought and labor, liberty is a word hated by kings -- loathed by popes.

It is a word that shatters thrones and altars -- that leaves the crowned without subjects, and the outstretched hand of superstition without alms.

Liberty is the blossom and fruit of justice -- the perfume of mercy.

Liberty is the seed and soil, the air and light, the dew and rain of progress, love and joy.

Written by Robert Green Ingersoll in 1849!