Topic: Serves him right....
armydoc4u's photo
Thu 05/17/07 05:29 PM
oh yeah , and im glad wolf is getting canned, he should. and we should
hold other political figures to that standard as well, like nancy
palosi, who guided government contracts to her husbands construction
firm, as well as diane finstein for doing the same thing, but alast we
only hear of the republican and not the democrats, hey good spin control
on their part, still dont make it right.

AdventureBegins's photo
Thu 05/17/07 05:33 PM
Doc you are so right.

Time for a major house cleaning on all sides of the fence.

Perhaps we should also extend that to include those that offer the
bribes as well as those that except them.

I have a sinking feeling that if we clean out the corruption from out
government we will be left with but one or two still in office.

And no suitable canditates for president!

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Thu 05/17/07 05:34 PM
funny s....

davinci1952's photo
Thu 05/17/07 05:34 PM
I have been more than ademant that I hold the whole of DC in the same
pile of crap...
dems & difference to me..they are one..

no photo
Thu 05/17/07 05:49 PM
>> pick a different cause to champion, one with some merrit, cause brother the soldiers want to be there, we're glad we're there, and really just wish that all you nay sayers would shut the hell up,

Army, as much as I agree with most of your posts, I question this bit
about the soldiers wanting to be there. It might be true for you and the
people you have contact with, but its certainly not true for the
military people I know. We have quite a few bases here in San Diego,
and I interact socially with military on a regular basis. The
overwhelming opinion expressed is that they do not think we should be
there, and they resent their commander in chief for putting them there
- and they say that most of their buddies and even the people up the
chain of command feel the same way.

Zapchaser's photo
Thu 05/17/07 05:53 PM
Man, you must be down to the Navy Pier a lot. My son is there now,
training to leave for iraq next month. He has a different story.

no photo
Thu 05/17/07 05:58 PM
This is mostly from Navy but I've spoken with some Army personnel also.
A few dozen people altogether, not a large sample, but -every one-
expressed similar feelings and claimed this to be the dominant opinion
amongst the military personnel they knew. Not one expressed support for
the war. No, not on the pier - the conversations occurred off base.

What does you son say?

Zapchaser's photo
Thu 05/17/07 06:07 PM
Being ex-Navy,anytime we went on a cruise it was not much fun. Ports of
call were all we had to look forward to otherwise it was water, water,
and more water. My son is training at Miramar. He is an MP who will be
tied to some special forces unit. They all feel that they are doing a
service to their country. I support him 150%.

Fanta46's photo
Thu 05/17/07 06:18 PM
I have a cousin thats a Green Beret. Hes been in Iraq 4 times now and
Afghanistan twice. He says the Moral of the regular Army in Iraq is not
good, and the Reserve troops are not very well trained and shouldnt be
there. The troops Afghanistan have very high moral, but that there are
not enough to complete the mission. He has been s Green Beret for 27
yrs, so I fiqure he knows what hes talking about.
Also all reports I read, and Ive posted many verify what I said, and
what he says. Do you ppl not read anything, or do you just read what you
wish to believe?

no photo
Thu 05/17/07 06:29 PM
I think its quite possible for Armydoc, Zap, Fanta, and myself to all be
sharing completely accurate anecdotal stories. The military is large.

Zapchaser's photo
Thu 05/17/07 06:50 PM
Yeah Fanta,it really helps morale when the Liberal media reminds them
continually of just how much they aren't wanted there. I have an idea,
why don't we have Congress just shut the hell up, write a blank check,
and tell the military to do what they are trained to do and then get the
hell out of their way? Armchair Generals will fail .... every time.
Peace through strength. Clinton showed that we had glass balls. Had he
done his job as the commander in chief instead of going whichever the
poll winds blew, things might have been different. But hey, ah feel yer
pain! Ah took out that assburn factry din't I? Ah took care of all mah
friends that knowed too much too. I don't know where I am going with
this but it sure is fun! drinker

Fanta46's photo
Thu 05/17/07 07:16 PM
Carter was the weakest president we have had as far as military goes. I
served under him and then Reagan turned it around almost over night.
Letting the military have a free reign is, in my opinion, a very
dangerous proposition. What we need in competent civilian leaders who
are willing to listen to the competent military leaders and not ignore
their advice. Like when the military leaders all said that containment
was working and we should just wait till Saddam either died or was
overthrown by his own people...:wink:

armydoc4u's photo
Thu 05/17/07 07:38 PM
ok so i have to admit that while in iraq, i didnt work with too many
navy guys, only a corpsman with the marines, and a group of CB's "can

anyway, ive been back for 5 months now, and the time i was there you
heard of two places in iraq (for the most part) that being baghdad and
al anbar province, a huge province, but specifically ramadi. we were in
the most kenetic fighting in iraq, for a year straight everyday. of
course your going ot get your ones and twos gripping about it, but they
were followed immediately by comments like 'didnt you enlist or were you

for my part and the guys that im with, a proud bunch in the 101st
airborne division, no one likes to be shot at, but its our job. we would
be pissed if we did all this training day after day only to let it go to
waste. we take pride in knowing no one can do what we do, and we do it
very well. as far as the reservist, they are not initially trained as
well, but they are smart and fast learners, we worked with some tank
guys from the 2-28 national guard and they did a hell of a lot better
job than did 1st armor.

funny how when ever we went into different bases for refit that we heard
all kinds of crap about how hard life was for them, but they would be
running around with out any need for their gear, sitting in arcades or
mini shops sucking down ice cream. we didnt have any of those creature
comfort things, and you know what- i wouldnt have wanted it any other
way. Im a scout/sniper medic- a grunts grunt, put up or shut up, either
way ruck up weve got a mission and we DO ABSOLUTELY want to finish it.
armchair quarter backs be damned.


hungary22's photo
Thu 05/17/07 07:43 PM
this reminds of same old lame excuse i heard as a kid in hungary. we
attack them before they changed are way of life. no matter how you try
to soin the iraq. the american government has cause more people to
dislike its people. making it more danger for everyone. 911 will it
happen again must likely yes. once again the people will have to pay for
the sins of your government. that a real shame.

Fanta46's photo
Thu 05/17/07 07:43 PM
Screaming Eagles, I would expect no less. Great Unit with a long and
proud history. Rock on Doc!!!!
Lock and Load!!!

armydoc4u's photo
Thu 05/17/07 07:59 PM
not just an eagle, but a red currahee at that.

god i love this country.

you can be, do anything you set your heart to do.
limited only by your determination and will.

people like gina just doesnt understand, she's not alone with that, a
lot of people just dont get it. we went from being able to look at
ourselves and say time to pull up from the bootstraps, to , give me, i
want, instant gratification. and thats just the ploiticians,lol.

what i wouldnt do for some good old fashion roll up the shirt sleeve
attitudes from the men and women who make up this country.

Fanta46's photo
Thu 05/17/07 08:01 PM
Have you had a chance to work with the 3rd ID yet Doc!

Rock of the Marne, Baby!!!

hungary22's photo
Thu 05/17/07 08:07 PM
what dont get is. why u go to iraq .u invade a county u think the people
will greet you as a friend. then when they shoot at you . you wonder
why.i myself dont blame them. if u came to hungary and invaded us i,m
surre are army would fight you to the death. since i have been here i
have seen that you people think the american way is the only way. the
american way may be good over here but it not the way in the rest of the

Fanta46's photo
Thu 05/17/07 08:12 PM
Hungary, hes a soldier he goes where they tell him. Its his duty!!!

Fanta46's photo
Thu 05/17/07 08:14 PM
Didnt Russia have control over Hungary? Im confused...