Topic: Clinton at unveiling of statue of himself
msharmony's photo
Mon 11/02/09 08:01 PM

I am very happy for the Armenians that they have survived those hard times in war to create a free country. I hope their country will strive and experience great times in the future.

I hope you Americans can recognize that they are chanting your countries name as a thank you tribute in saving endless lives and providing a chance to live in peace again.

War is horrible and genocide is worse! If you have not experienced it then you can only imagine what it could be like. If you have experienced it then you will know exactly the consequences of it and understand it shouldn't be tolerated anywhere in the world!

May the Armenian children grow up to know their history and learn to not repeat such atrocities (that were done to them) that still are practiced in certain parts of the world.

May there be peace and may we practice it each and everyday.

Thank you smiles,,,,,

Katzenschnauzer's photo
Mon 11/02/09 08:01 PM

Like I said, {ref:#2}people lie about their sex lives if they are having sex with someone they shouldn't be having sex with.
I disagree with you whole-heartedly on the pastor/president moral issue.
{ref:#3} This is kind of a good-ol'-boys attitude

People dont lie JUST because they shouldnt be doing it but also because fear of circumstances from others who think they shouldnt be doing it. Many interracial couples kept their relationships secret because or the potential backlash, not because they believed they were doing something wrong.

We can agree to disagree about holding a politician to the same standard as a pastor but I dont believe my pastor would condone sending innocent kids to wars to kill each other like presidents are often called upon to condone. Different jobs, different standards.

Its not good ole boys to state the truth. Perhaps I should have said people instead of men. But people for centuries have chosen all types of sexual lives and still been able to lead and guide and be successful in their positions and careers. Sex lives are personal and separate from work ( at least I hope they are).

Debate long enough with a liberal and the race card and the "for the kids" thing comes up. That's when I fold up for the night.

Dragoness's photo
Mon 11/02/09 08:02 PM

Judging by the expectations of fellow minglers, perhaps we should start running monks and pastors as presidents instead.....

Higher Moral standards? hmmmmmm

personally...I don't care who he sleeps with...That is between him and his wife...but when a sexual lawsuit comes into play at any time...then there is a problem for me. because it is an unwanted harassment...not consential

A crime that occurs when an individual willfully makes a false statement during a judicial proceeding, after he or she has taken an oath to speak the truth.

I agree that harassment is a serious crime. I remember at the time though, that paula didnt have any way to prove her accusation and did not come across as anymore than a woman scorned to me,,,,.

Women can lie and she came across, to me, as one who does so for publicity and possibly a book deal. I will admit though that I have not actually read the grand jury transcrips to know exactly what Clinton said that was deemed disnonest or obstructive, so we are all probably giving a bit of biased opinions on the matter. All in all, I think it was wasted time and money on an issue that HALF those who impeached him were guilty of themself along with over HALF the men in this country. The questions shouldnt have been asked, he shouldnt have lied, and we shouldnt have ended up looking like preposterous hypocrites.....but we live and learn.

Let's take the "we" out of this. "We" can have kinky sex lives as long as we aren't president of the United States. So, Clintom lied because he was asked a question? I'm aghast.

Pres gets to be as kinky as he wants as long as it is of age and consent and he is able to do his job while he is getting it.

Is that fact or opinion? Sometimes when people are losing a debate they go for the juggler, "Mind your business!" "Pres can do what he wants."

Can't lose the argument because we should not have been all up in that man's business. Those who charged him and wasted all our money were wrong, not me.

I said MIND YOUR BUSINESS because that is what we have been told all our lives and we never seem to do it. Is that because we are just too nosey or just stupid?

Dragoness's photo
Mon 11/02/09 08:03 PM

Like I said, {ref:#2}people lie about their sex lives if they are having sex with someone they shouldn't be having sex with.
I disagree with you whole-heartedly on the pastor/president moral issue.
{ref:#3} This is kind of a good-ol'-boys attitude

People dont lie JUST because they shouldnt be doing it but also because fear of circumstances from others who think they shouldnt be doing it. Many interracial couples kept their relationships secret because or the potential backlash, not because they believed they were doing something wrong.

We can agree to disagree about holding a politician to the same standard as a pastor but I dont believe my pastor would condone sending innocent kids to wars to kill each other like presidents are often called upon to condone. Different jobs, different standards.

Its not good ole boys to state the truth. Perhaps I should have said people instead of men. But people for centuries have chosen all types of sexual lives and still been able to lead and guide and be successful in their positions and careers. Sex lives are personal and separate from work ( at least I hope they are).

Debate long enough with a liberal and the race card and the "for the kids" thing comes up. That's when I fold up for the night.

Actually right wingers run from the racial stuff because of their own issues in that area but I don't know why they run from the kids???

msharmony's photo
Mon 11/02/09 08:04 PM
Lol.. its not a card, Its a human commonality (love for partner or kids) that serves to compare the human condition by comparing undeniable similarities. I dont mind being called a liberal,,,just dont use that as the reason for not having any logical response to the comparison..please.

no photo
Mon 11/02/09 08:05 PM

he lied under oath in a deposition when a woman sued him for sexual harrassment.

He was impeached for purjury AND obstruction of justice

he used the power of the Presidency to circumvent justice in a civil case

that was our business

What woman sued him for sexual harrassment?

Perjury and obstruction of justice about his damn sex life that was none of our business, only an idiot wouldn't see the wrong in that.noway And yes there were alot of idiots around that time. People should have got smarter by now.

Circumvention in a case about his sex life that was none of our business. We shouldn't have been there anyway.

Paula Jones sued him for sexual harrassment

and anytime a President uses his power to deny someone a fair trial it IS our business

There is no proof he used his power to deny someone a fair trial.

except for the impeachment of course

The impeachment was for lying. Which he should not have had to do because we shouldn't have been in his sex life to begin with.

My tax dollars were wasted on all of that for a bunch of idiots who needed to go take care of their wifes, girlfriends, male partners and stay the hell out of other people's sex lives.

Our tax dollars are wasted every day on stupid crap. Idiots are the ones that don't see a president that had an affair as wrong. It's the idiots that don't see that a President is SUPPOSED to set an example for our Country, screwing another woman while he was married was DEAD WRONG. He got what he deserved. :banana:

I can't keep quiet any longer. Peledac usually says it all for me but I have to jump in here. How liberal can some of you be?? How about if your pastor/priest/minister/rabbi did the same thing with the organist(no pun intended, well maybe)? Are you going to say, "It's his business. We all lie about our sex lives." By the way, why would someone lie about their sex lives unless they are doing something with someone they shouldn't? When I'm paying taxes and relying on my president to run this country I want to feel assured that he isn't dangling his junk under the Oval Office desk for some nit-wit intern to get rug burns on her knees while servicing him.

Thank you Kat! Apparently some just don't care that he is supposed to be held at higher standards. It doesn't seem to bother some of them that morality is an issue here. That's what is wrong with our Country. Well it's like beating a dead horse in here, so I'll leave the clinton lovers with this.

He was the President of the United States of America. He was supposed to set precedence and perform in a decent manner, not performing oral sex in the White House!slaphead slaphead slaphead

Mirror, you love saying sharia law, say it enough and you'll believe itslaphead That seems to be about your only answer toward conservatives. Way ta go:thumbsup:

no photo
Mon 11/02/09 08:06 PM

I am very happy for the Armenians that they have survived those hard times in war to create a free country. I hope their country will strive and experience great times in the future.

I hope you Americans can recognize that they are chanting your countries name as a thank you tribute in saving endless lives and providing a chance to live in peace again.

War is horrible and genocide is worse! If you have not experienced it then you can only imagine what it could be like. If you have experienced it then you will know exactly the consequences of it and understand it shouldn't be tolerated anywhere in the world!

May the Armenian children grow up to know their history and learn to not repeat such atrocities (that were done to them) that still are practiced in certain parts of the world.

May there be peace and may we practice it each and everyday.

Thank you smiles,,,,,

The Armenians have had a really harsh history.

They also experienced genocide by the Turkish government. Even though the Turkish government still denies these atrocities, the rest of the world remembers. A terrible part of history and one of the biggest genocides at the time.

In the end the Armenians finally have a country of their own and hopefully they can be left alone to live in peace with its neighboring allies.

Dragoness's photo
Mon 11/02/09 08:07 PM

I am very happy for the Armenians that they have survived those hard times in war to create a free country. I hope their country will strive and experience great times in the future.

I hope you Americans can recognize that they are chanting your countries name as a thank you tribute in saving endless lives and providing a chance to live in peace again.

War is horrible and genocide is worse! If you have not experienced it then you can only imagine what it could be like. If you have experienced it then you will know exactly the consequences of it and understand it shouldn't be tolerated anywhere in the world!

May the Armenian children grow up to know their history and learn to not repeat such atrocities (that were done to them) that still are practiced in certain parts of the world.

May there be peace and may we practice it each and everyday.

Thank you smiles,,,,,

Yea I missed this one.

Great post smiless

msharmony's photo
Mon 11/02/09 08:07 PM

he lied under oath in a deposition when a woman sued him for sexual harrassment.

He was impeached for purjury AND obstruction of justice

he used the power of the Presidency to circumvent justice in a civil case

that was our business

What woman sued him for sexual harrassment?

Perjury and obstruction of justice about his damn sex life that was none of our business, only an idiot wouldn't see the wrong in that.noway And yes there were alot of idiots around that time. People should have got smarter by now.

Circumvention in a case about his sex life that was none of our business. We shouldn't have been there anyway.

Paula Jones sued him for sexual harrassment

and anytime a President uses his power to deny someone a fair trial it IS our business

There is no proof he used his power to deny someone a fair trial.

except for the impeachment of course

The impeachment was for lying. Which he should not have had to do because we shouldn't have been in his sex life to begin with.

My tax dollars were wasted on all of that for a bunch of idiots who needed to go take care of their wifes, girlfriends, male partners and stay the hell out of other people's sex lives.

Our tax dollars are wasted every day on stupid crap. Idiots are the ones that don't see a president that had an affair as wrong. It's the idiots that don't see that a President is SUPPOSED to set an example for our Country, screwing another woman while he was married was DEAD WRONG. He got what he deserved. :banana:

I can't keep quiet any longer. Peledac usually says it all for me but I have to jump in here. How liberal can some of you be?? How about if your pastor/priest/minister/rabbi did the same thing with the organist(no pun intended, well maybe)? Are you going to say, "It's his business. We all lie about our sex lives." By the way, why would someone lie about their sex lives unless they are doing something with someone they shouldn't? When I'm paying taxes and relying on my president to run this country I want to feel assured that he isn't dangling his junk under the Oval Office desk for some nit-wit intern to get rug burns on her knees while servicing him.

Thank you Kat! Apparently some just don't care that he is supposed to be held at higher standards. It doesn't seem to bother some of them that morality is an issue here. That's what is wrong with our Country. Well it's like beating a dead horse in here, so I'll leave the clinton lovers with this.

He was the President of the United States of America. He was supposed to set precedence and perform in a decent manner, not performing oral sex in the White House!slaphead slaphead slaphead

Mirror, you love saying sharia law, say it enough and you'll believe itslaphead That seems to be about your only answer toward conservatives. Way ta go:thumbsup:

Presidents have had slaves and mistresses since our founding, yet we celebrate their PRESIDENTIAL accomplishments just the same. It isnt that morals dont matter its that they dont have the PRIORITY in determing how well someone has accomplished their job.

no photo
Mon 11/02/09 08:08 PM

Like I said, {ref:#2}people lie about their sex lives if they are having sex with someone they shouldn't be having sex with.
I disagree with you whole-heartedly on the pastor/president moral issue.
{ref:#3} This is kind of a good-ol'-boys attitude

People dont lie JUST because they shouldnt be doing it but also because fear of circumstances from others who think they shouldnt be doing it. Many interracial couples kept their relationships secret because or the potential backlash, not because they believed they were doing something wrong.

We can agree to disagree about holding a politician to the same standard as a pastor but I dont believe my pastor would condone sending innocent kids to wars to kill each other like presidents are often called upon to condone. Different jobs, different standards.

Its not good ole boys to state the truth. Perhaps I should have said people instead of men. But people for centuries have chosen all types of sexual lives and still been able to lead and guide and be successful in their positions and careers. Sex lives are personal and separate from work ( at least I hope they are).

Debate long enough with a liberal and the race card and the "for the kids" thing comes up. That's when I fold up for the night.

You are absolutely right!!
Look at one's profile pic throwing in hate. Clearly shows something, we're either haters or racists. laugh

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 11/02/09 08:08 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Mon 11/02/09 08:09 PM

I am very happy for the Armenians that they have survived those hard times in war to create a free country. I hope their country will strive and experience great times in the future.

I hope you Americans can recognize that they are chanting your countries name as a thank you tribute in saving endless lives and providing a chance to live in peace again.

War is horrible and genocide is worse! If you have not experienced it then you can only imagine what it could be like. If you have experienced it then you will know exactly the consequences of it and understand it shouldn't be tolerated anywhere in the world!

May the Armenian children grow up to know their history and learn to not repeat such atrocities (that were done to them) that still are practiced in certain parts of the world.

May there be peace and may we practice it each and everyday.

Thank you smiles,,,,,

The Armenians have had a really harsh history.

They also experienced genocide by the Turkish government. Even though the Turkish government still denies these atrocities, the rest of the world remembers. A terrible part of history and one of the biggest genocides at the time.

In the end the Armenians finally have a country of their own and hopefully they can be left alone to live in peace with its neighboring allies.

:thumbsup: I agreeflowerforyouBut most Americans don't even know where Armenia is at Smiless.flowerforyou

msharmony's photo
Mon 11/02/09 08:12 PM

I am very happy for the Armenians that they have survived those hard times in war to create a free country. I hope their country will strive and experience great times in the future.

I hope you Americans can recognize that they are chanting your countries name as a thank you tribute in saving endless lives and providing a chance to live in peace again.

War is horrible and genocide is worse! If you have not experienced it then you can only imagine what it could be like. If you have experienced it then you will know exactly the consequences of it and understand it shouldn't be tolerated anywhere in the world!

May the Armenian children grow up to know their history and learn to not repeat such atrocities (that were done to them) that still are practiced in certain parts of the world.

May there be peace and may we practice it each and everyday.

Thank you smiles,,,,,

The Armenians have had a really harsh history.

They also experienced genocide by the Turkish government. Even though the Turkish government still denies these atrocities, the rest of the world remembers. A terrible part of history and one of the biggest genocides at the time.

In the end the Armenians finally have a country of their own and hopefully they can be left alone to live in peace with its neighboring allies.

:thumbsup: I agreeflowerforyouBut most Americans don't even know where Armenia is at Smiless.flowerforyou

One of my exes was serbian,,love him and his gospodine to death...good folk

no photo
Mon 11/02/09 08:13 PM

I am very happy for the Armenians that they have survived those hard times in war to create a free country. I hope their country will strive and experience great times in the future.

I hope you Americans can recognize that they are chanting your countries name as a thank you tribute in saving endless lives and providing a chance to live in peace again.

War is horrible and genocide is worse! If you have not experienced it then you can only imagine what it could be like. If you have experienced it then you will know exactly the consequences of it and understand it shouldn't be tolerated anywhere in the world!

May the Armenian children grow up to know their history and learn to not repeat such atrocities (that were done to them) that still are practiced in certain parts of the world.

May there be peace and may we practice it each and everyday.

Thank you smiles,,,,,

The Armenians have had a really harsh history.

They also experienced genocide by the Turkish government. Even though the Turkish government still denies these atrocities, the rest of the world remembers. A terrible part of history and one of the biggest genocides at the time.

In the end the Armenians finally have a country of their own and hopefully they can be left alone to live in peace with its neighboring allies.

:thumbsup: I agreeflowerforyouBut most Americans don't even know where Armenia is at Smiless.flowerforyou

I hope one day this will change. That more Americans will improve in education to know where countries are and to understand that each country has a story to tell. By understanding the people in the world is how we can create peace.

I remember that Bush had a problem understanding the difference between a Shiite and a Sunni in one of his speeches. He just threw them all in as one group. There is a difference!

Whatever it is worth, the leaders of a country should be well informed and educated on such matters to prove more effective in foreign policies.

Well I am off topic here anyway, but I just wanted to congratulate the Armenians celeberation.

Have a great day everyone. drinker

Dragoness's photo
Mon 11/02/09 08:16 PM

he lied under oath in a deposition when a woman sued him for sexual harrassment.

He was impeached for purjury AND obstruction of justice

he used the power of the Presidency to circumvent justice in a civil case

that was our business

What woman sued him for sexual harrassment?

Perjury and obstruction of justice about his damn sex life that was none of our business, only an idiot wouldn't see the wrong in that.noway And yes there were alot of idiots around that time. People should have got smarter by now.

Circumvention in a case about his sex life that was none of our business. We shouldn't have been there anyway.

Paula Jones sued him for sexual harrassment

and anytime a President uses his power to deny someone a fair trial it IS our business

There is no proof he used his power to deny someone a fair trial.

except for the impeachment of course

The impeachment was for lying. Which he should not have had to do because we shouldn't have been in his sex life to begin with.

My tax dollars were wasted on all of that for a bunch of idiots who needed to go take care of their wifes, girlfriends, male partners and stay the hell out of other people's sex lives.

Our tax dollars are wasted every day on stupid crap. Idiots are the ones that don't see a president that had an affair as wrong. It's the idiots that don't see that a President is SUPPOSED to set an example for our Country, screwing another woman while he was married was DEAD WRONG. He got what he deserved. :banana:

I can't keep quiet any longer. Peledac usually says it all for me but I have to jump in here. How liberal can some of you be?? How about if your pastor/priest/minister/rabbi did the same thing with the organist(no pun intended, well maybe)? Are you going to say, "It's his business. We all lie about our sex lives." By the way, why would someone lie about their sex lives unless they are doing something with someone they shouldn't? When I'm paying taxes and relying on my president to run this country I want to feel assured that he isn't dangling his junk under the Oval Office desk for some nit-wit intern to get rug burns on her knees while servicing him.

Thank you Kat! Apparently some just don't care that he is supposed to be held at higher standards. It doesn't seem to bother some of them that morality is an issue here. That's what is wrong with our Country. Well it's like beating a dead horse in here, so I'll leave the clinton lovers with this.

He was the President of the United States of America. He was supposed to set precedence and perform in a decent manner, not performing oral sex in the White House!slaphead slaphead slaphead

Mirror, you love saying sharia law, say it enough and you'll believe itslaphead That seems to be about your only answer toward conservatives. Way ta go:thumbsup:

Presidents have had slaves and mistresses since our founding, yet we celebrate their PRESIDENTIAL accomplishments just the same. It isnt that morals dont matter its that they dont have the PRIORITY in determing how well someone has accomplished their job.


Dragoness's photo
Mon 11/02/09 08:18 PM

Like I said, {ref:#2}people lie about their sex lives if they are having sex with someone they shouldn't be having sex with.
I disagree with you whole-heartedly on the pastor/president moral issue.
{ref:#3} This is kind of a good-ol'-boys attitude

People dont lie JUST because they shouldnt be doing it but also because fear of circumstances from others who think they shouldnt be doing it. Many interracial couples kept their relationships secret because or the potential backlash, not because they believed they were doing something wrong.

We can agree to disagree about holding a politician to the same standard as a pastor but I dont believe my pastor would condone sending innocent kids to wars to kill each other like presidents are often called upon to condone. Different jobs, different standards.

Its not good ole boys to state the truth. Perhaps I should have said people instead of men. But people for centuries have chosen all types of sexual lives and still been able to lead and guide and be successful in their positions and careers. Sex lives are personal and separate from work ( at least I hope they are).

Debate long enough with a liberal and the race card and the "for the kids" thing comes up. That's when I fold up for the night.

You are absolutely right!!
Look at one's profile pic throwing in hate. Clearly shows something, we're either haters or racists. laugh

Don't discuss the posters it is a violation of the rules:wink: laugh

msharmony's photo
Mon 11/02/09 08:19 PM
SMILESS>>>> you werent off topic, the original post was about the armenians celebration,,,tell us more,,, are you armenian?

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 11/02/09 08:27 PM

SMILESS>>>> you werent off topic, the original post was about the armenians celebration,,,tell us more,,, are you armenian?
flowerforyou Smiless has lived in several countries as far as I knowflowerforyou

msharmony's photo
Mon 11/02/09 08:29 PM

SMILESS>>>> you werent off topic, the original post was about the armenians celebration,,,tell us more,,, are you armenian?
flowerforyou Smiless has lived in several countries as far as I knowflowerforyou

Kewl,, IM kind of jealous,,lol

no photo
Mon 11/02/09 08:33 PM

SMILESS>>>> you werent off topic, the original post was about the armenians celebration,,,tell us more,,, are you armenian?

No I am German actually, yet I have a degree in history from Germany and speak alot of languages fluently. I also spent half of my life as a Red Cross Coordinator travelling to alot of countries helping those who are not so fortunate in life. So having seen some of these countries struggles gave me a better idea of what the people endured.

I believe we tend to forget that the Armenians care less of what Bill Clinton's affairs where. They care more about how they can have a country of their own and freedom. They have Clinton and its bipartisan Congress to thank. Afterall they voted to help fight off the genocide at the time.

Sometimes I think America has had freedom for such a long time that I feel many have forgotten what it took to get such freedom. In otherwords, many take it for granted. Armenia is just starting to enjoy their economy and government.

I use to give out food, first aid, blankets, and stuffed animals all over Yugoslavia at the time. So I have seen poverty, hunger, distress, and many war inflicted citizens.

I am happy for them. drinker

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 11/02/09 08:38 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Mon 11/02/09 08:41 PM

SMILESS>>>> you werent off topic, the original post was about the armenians celebration,,,tell us more,,, are you armenian?

No I am German actually, yet I have a degree in history from Germany and speak alot of languages fluently. I also spent half of my life as a Red Cross Coordinator travelling to alot of countries helping those who are not so fortunate in life. So having seen some of these countries struggles gave me a better idea of what the people endured.

I believe we tend to forget that the Armenians care less of what Bill Clinton's affairs where. They care more about how they can have a country of their own and freedom. They have Clinton and its bipartisan Congress to thank. Afterall they voted to help fight off the genocide at the time.

Sometimes I think America has had freedom for such a long time that I feel many have forgotten what it took to get such freedom. In otherwords, many take it for granted. Armenia is just starting to enjoy their economy and government.

I use to give out food, first aid, blankets, and stuffed animals all over Yugoslavia at the time. So I have seen poverty, hunger, distress, and many war inflicted citizens.

I am happy for them. drinker
:banana: You speak a lot of languages fluently?surprised I am so jealousrantI had a tough time learning Spanishlaugh