Topic: A pulsing hemorrhoid on the backside of reason
Bestinshow's photo
Thu 04/08/10 02:18 PM
Sarah Palin is speaking at an outdoor podium, dressed in a sexy, Republicanized version of Wonder Woman's super-heroine costume.

She's addressing a throng of intensely appreciative, older white guys, all of whom have boners for the first time in ages.

As she rails against Barack Obama and everything "socialist," her words are greeted with loud applause, whistles, and more than a few orgasmic grunts.

After concluding her reactionary spiel, she stretches her arms heavenward and bounds into the sky, with a star-spangled cape billowing behind her.

The crowd roars, but then goes abruptly mute, as Mighty Sarah crashes into the side of a nearby building a few seconds later.

Firemen and ambulances arrive, and the last, best hope of Wingnut World is carted away in terrible shape.

The next day, the conservative blogosphere, with its suddenly flaccid correspondents, is full of outraged claims that placing a building in her flight path was a nefarious liberal plot!

Pretty darned crazy, huh?

Sure, but not any crazier than what actually transpires on the constantly crumbling edge of the lunatic fringe.

Some of the more recent goofiness involves a US Missile Defense Agency logo that, the gonzos maintain, bears "striking" resemblance to, first, the familiar Obama campaign symbol, second, the Islamic crescent moon and star, and finally, the Iranian space program's official emblem.

In truth, what the logo depicts is a stylized missile destroying its incoming target, and the design, says its creator, was conceived well before Barack began his electoral bid.

But it's something for the deranged to latch onto with fiery fervor, and facts aren't about to lessen their preposterousness.

Here's what really gets my goat:

Without any shred of evidence to back their nutty assertions, such individuals insist that our president is a foreign-born "alien," a secret Muslim wickedly doing al Qaeda's bidding, a Marxist, or the antichrist himself.

But -- in the face of incontrovertible documentation that includes time-lapse photos of glaciers melting and low-lying Pacific islands having to be evacuated due to flooding -- they're adamant in their absurdity that manmade climate change isn't really occurring.

Polar ice-core samples that reveal a steadily increasing carbon presence corresponding with the decade-by-decade advance of global industrialization are simply dismissed.

Presumably it's all just an elaborate trick abetted by Hollywood. You know, a variation of the "staged" 1969 moon landing that, according to conspiracy theorists, was filmed on a studio lot against a lunar backdrop.

The right end of the US political spectrum is plainly a carnival freak show on steroids.

You've got your Birthers, Deathers, Birchers, Teabaggers, unalloyed madmen, would-be assassins, space cadets, illiterates, Glenn Beck, tin hats, and folks who've still got their KKK garb neatly pressed on fat plastic hangers in darkened closets...all falling over each other in a bizarre contest to see who can be most off-the-wall in their screwy animus toward Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Democrats in general, etc.

They're a pulsing hemorrhoid on the backside of reason.

Meanwhile, out-of-work and homeless Americans have spent the winter under cardboard and plastic sheets in frightening places near railroad tracks in cities and towns all across this country.

Millions of us are grievously ill but can't afford proper medical care.

Our entire society is coming apart at the seams, but conservative crackpots are dominating, and holding hostage, the political process.

Unless our progressive movement gets its game on, quickly, in powerful fashion, these United States will whiz into history's dustbin of once-great cultures with dizzying speed.

A figurative straitjacket definitely needs to be put on the raving, raging Right.

About author
Dennis Rahkonen, from Superior, Wisconsin, has been writing progressive commentary with a Heartland perspective for various outlets since the Sixties

InvictusV's photo
Thu 04/08/10 02:30 PM

Sarah Palin is speaking at an outdoor podium, dressed in a sexy, Republicanized version of Wonder Woman's super-heroine costume.

She's addressing a throng of intensely appreciative, older white guys, all of whom have boners for the first time in ages.

As she rails against Barack Obama and everything "socialist," her words are greeted with loud applause, whistles, and more than a few orgasmic grunts.

After concluding her reactionary spiel, she stretches her arms heavenward and bounds into the sky, with a star-spangled cape billowing behind her.

The crowd roars, but then goes abruptly mute, as Mighty Sarah crashes into the side of a nearby building a few seconds later.

Firemen and ambulances arrive, and the last, best hope of Wingnut World is carted away in terrible shape.

The next day, the conservative blogosphere, with its suddenly flaccid correspondents, is full of outraged claims that placing a building in her flight path was a nefarious liberal plot!

Pretty darned crazy, huh?

Sure, but not any crazier than what actually transpires on the constantly crumbling edge of the lunatic fringe.

Some of the more recent goofiness involves a US Missile Defense Agency logo that, the gonzos maintain, bears "striking" resemblance to, first, the familiar Obama campaign symbol, second, the Islamic crescent moon and star, and finally, the Iranian space program's official emblem.

In truth, what the logo depicts is a stylized missile destroying its incoming target, and the design, says its creator, was conceived well before Barack began his electoral bid.

But it's something for the deranged to latch onto with fiery fervor, and facts aren't about to lessen their preposterousness.

Here's what really gets my goat:

Without any shred of evidence to back their nutty assertions, such individuals insist that our president is a foreign-born "alien," a secret Muslim wickedly doing al Qaeda's bidding, a Marxist, or the antichrist himself.

But -- in the face of incontrovertible documentation that includes time-lapse photos of glaciers melting and low-lying Pacific islands having to be evacuated due to flooding -- they're adamant in their absurdity that manmade climate change isn't really occurring.

Polar ice-core samples that reveal a steadily increasing carbon presence corresponding with the decade-by-decade advance of global industrialization are simply dismissed.

Presumably it's all just an elaborate trick abetted by Hollywood. You know, a variation of the "staged" 1969 moon landing that, according to conspiracy theorists, was filmed on a studio lot against a lunar backdrop.

The right end of the US political spectrum is plainly a carnival freak show on steroids.

You've got your Birthers, Deathers, Birchers, Teabaggers, unalloyed madmen, would-be assassins, space cadets, illiterates, Glenn Beck, tin hats, and folks who've still got their KKK garb neatly pressed on fat plastic hangers in darkened closets...all falling over each other in a bizarre contest to see who can be most off-the-wall in their screwy animus toward Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Democrats in general, etc.

They're a pulsing hemorrhoid on the backside of reason.

Meanwhile, out-of-work and homeless Americans have spent the winter under cardboard and plastic sheets in frightening places near railroad tracks in cities and towns all across this country.

Millions of us are grievously ill but can't afford proper medical care.

Our entire society is coming apart at the seams, but conservative crackpots are dominating, and holding hostage, the political process.

Unless our progressive movement gets its game on, quickly, in powerful fashion, these United States will whiz into history's dustbin of once-great cultures with dizzying speed.

A figurative straitjacket definitely needs to be put on the raving, raging Right.

About author
Dennis Rahkonen, from Superior, Wisconsin, has been writing progressive commentary with a Heartland perspective for various outlets since the Sixties

And you were doing so well.. I hadn't seen a Palin post from you in atleast a month..

MiddleEarthling's photo
Thu 04/08/10 02:58 PM
We got a shot of her just before jumping on her broom and hitting the building:

Did someone say "Palin"??? Really?

Quietman_2009's photo
Thu 04/08/10 03:28 PM

the left wing ideologues railing against the right wing ideologues

MiddleEarthling's photo
Thu 04/08/10 05:11 PM
Edited by MiddleEarthling on Thu 04/08/10 05:14 PM


the left wing ideologues railing against the right wing ideologues

LOL...I am no idealogue...unless pro-peace and pro-human rights is some sort of political party....closer with the DEMS I guess. I have never belonged to ANY political party. I can't help it that the majority of our problems were and are caused by the RW faction. Religious nutbags, haters, racists, ignorant people...the true and rational conservatives left you guys (GOP) a long time ago, what's left are CRAZY people.

I am FOR smaller government....but while the RW T-baggery types rail about social conservativism via government control into our lives it's clear who the bad guys are. I like fiscal conservatism but that went out the window after your little Dippic guy was install into office...yeah, nice job dikwad. Palin is a joke, the half-governor god idiot who is not qualified as a desk clerk. I hope yall run her up a poll in 2012...go for it.

The Neo Con GOP/POX Corporate sponsored type of government can't be bought back's leftovers are bad enough but imagine Palin as president...well for that matter imagine any GOPer or T-bagger as president...I hope American's memories of the Dippic years is enough to keep the GOP's corruputed and incompetent leaders OUT of the majority in government...heh, we need to get rid of more in November. Can't hurt.

We've had enough.

cashu's photo
Thu 04/08/10 05:18 PM


the left wing ideologues railing against the right wing ideologues

the way they talk sounds like they caught some white guy doing there mother in the back door in pulic .

no photo
Thu 04/08/10 05:24 PM

Sarah Palin is speaking at an outdoor podium, dressed in a sexy, Republicanized version of Wonder Woman's super-heroine costume.

She's addressing a throng of intensely appreciative, older white guys, all of whom have boners for the first time in ages.

As she rails against Barack Obama and everything "socialist," her words are greeted with loud applause, whistles, and more than a few orgasmic grunts.

After concluding her reactionary spiel, she stretches her arms heavenward and bounds into the sky, with a star-spangled cape billowing behind her.

The crowd roars, but then goes abruptly mute, as Mighty Sarah crashes into the side of a nearby building a few seconds later.

Firemen and ambulances arrive, and the last, best hope of Wingnut World is carted away in terrible shape.

The next day, the conservative blogosphere, with its suddenly flaccid correspondents, is full of outraged claims that placing a building in her flight path was a nefarious liberal plot!

Pretty darned crazy, huh?

Sure, but not any crazier than what actually transpires on the constantly crumbling edge of the lunatic fringe.

Some of the more recent goofiness involves a US Missile Defense Agency logo that, the gonzos maintain, bears "striking" resemblance to, first, the familiar Obama campaign symbol, second, the Islamic crescent moon and star, and finally, the Iranian space program's official emblem.

In truth, what the logo depicts is a stylized missile destroying its incoming target, and the design, says its creator, was conceived well before Barack began his electoral bid.

But it's something for the deranged to latch onto with fiery fervor, and facts aren't about to lessen their preposterousness.

Here's what really gets my goat:

Without any shred of evidence to back their nutty assertions, such individuals insist that our president is a foreign-born "alien," a secret Muslim wickedly doing al Qaeda's bidding, a Marxist, or the antichrist himself.

But -- in the face of incontrovertible documentation that includes time-lapse photos of glaciers melting and low-lying Pacific islands having to be evacuated due to flooding -- they're adamant in their absurdity that manmade climate change isn't really occurring.

Polar ice-core samples that reveal a steadily increasing carbon presence corresponding with the decade-by-decade advance of global industrialization are simply dismissed.

Presumably it's all just an elaborate trick abetted by Hollywood. You know, a variation of the "staged" 1969 moon landing that, according to conspiracy theorists, was filmed on a studio lot against a lunar backdrop.

The right end of the US political spectrum is plainly a carnival freak show on steroids.

You've got your Birthers, Deathers, Birchers, Teabaggers, unalloyed madmen, would-be assassins, space cadets, illiterates, Glenn Beck, tin hats, and folks who've still got their KKK garb neatly pressed on fat plastic hangers in darkened closets...all falling over each other in a bizarre contest to see who can be most off-the-wall in their screwy animus toward Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Democrats in general, etc.

They're a pulsing hemorrhoid on the backside of reason.

Meanwhile, out-of-work and homeless Americans have spent the winter under cardboard and plastic sheets in frightening places near railroad tracks in cities and towns all across this country.

Millions of us are grievously ill but can't afford proper medical care.

Our entire society is coming apart at the seams, but conservative crackpots are dominating, and holding hostage, the political process.

Unless our progressive movement gets its game on, quickly, in powerful fashion, these United States will whiz into history's dustbin of once-great cultures with dizzying speed.

A figurative straitjacket definitely needs to be put on the raving, raging Right.

About author
Dennis Rahkonen, from Superior, Wisconsin, has been writing progressive commentary with a Heartland perspective for various outlets since the Sixties

Awwwwwwwww ... poor widdle fing is runnin' all scared of Miz Sarah ... you better - she's comin' after all you li'l Statists and 'progressives' ... and she has backup ...

msharmony's photo
Thu 04/08/10 06:01 PM

Sarah Palin is speaking at an outdoor podium, dressed in a sexy, Republicanized version of Wonder Woman's super-heroine costume.

She's addressing a throng of intensely appreciative, older white guys, all of whom have boners for the first time in ages.

As she rails against Barack Obama and everything "socialist," her words are greeted with loud applause, whistles, and more than a few orgasmic grunts.

After concluding her reactionary spiel, she stretches her arms heavenward and bounds into the sky, with a star-spangled cape billowing behind her.

The crowd roars, but then goes abruptly mute, as Mighty Sarah crashes into the side of a nearby building a few seconds later.

Firemen and ambulances arrive, and the last, best hope of Wingnut World is carted away in terrible shape.

The next day, the conservative blogosphere, with its suddenly flaccid correspondents, is full of outraged claims that placing a building in her flight path was a nefarious liberal plot!

Pretty darned crazy, huh?

Sure, but not any crazier than what actually transpires on the constantly crumbling edge of the lunatic fringe.

Some of the more recent goofiness involves a US Missile Defense Agency logo that, the gonzos maintain, bears "striking" resemblance to, first, the familiar Obama campaign symbol, second, the Islamic crescent moon and star, and finally, the Iranian space program's official emblem.

In truth, what the logo depicts is a stylized missile destroying its incoming target, and the design, says its creator, was conceived well before Barack began his electoral bid.

But it's something for the deranged to latch onto with fiery fervor, and facts aren't about to lessen their preposterousness.

Here's what really gets my goat:

Without any shred of evidence to back their nutty assertions, such individuals insist that our president is a foreign-born "alien," a secret Muslim wickedly doing al Qaeda's bidding, a Marxist, or the antichrist himself.

But -- in the face of incontrovertible documentation that includes time-lapse photos of glaciers melting and low-lying Pacific islands having to be evacuated due to flooding -- they're adamant in their absurdity that manmade climate change isn't really occurring.

Polar ice-core samples that reveal a steadily increasing carbon presence corresponding with the decade-by-decade advance of global industrialization are simply dismissed.

Presumably it's all just an elaborate trick abetted by Hollywood. You know, a variation of the "staged" 1969 moon landing that, according to conspiracy theorists, was filmed on a studio lot against a lunar backdrop.

The right end of the US political spectrum is plainly a carnival freak show on steroids.

You've got your Birthers, Deathers, Birchers, Teabaggers, unalloyed madmen, would-be assassins, space cadets, illiterates, Glenn Beck, tin hats, and folks who've still got their KKK garb neatly pressed on fat plastic hangers in darkened closets...all falling over each other in a bizarre contest to see who can be most off-the-wall in their screwy animus toward Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Democrats in general, etc.

They're a pulsing hemorrhoid on the backside of reason.

Meanwhile, out-of-work and homeless Americans have spent the winter under cardboard and plastic sheets in frightening places near railroad tracks in cities and towns all across this country.

Millions of us are grievously ill but can't afford proper medical care.

Our entire society is coming apart at the seams, but conservative crackpots are dominating, and holding hostage, the political process.

Unless our progressive movement gets its game on, quickly, in powerful fashion, these United States will whiz into history's dustbin of once-great cultures with dizzying speed.

A figurative straitjacket definitely needs to be put on the raving, raging Right.

About author
Dennis Rahkonen, from Superior, Wisconsin, has been writing progressive commentary with a Heartland perspective for various outlets since the Sixties

this is so weird, and I dont know if you will get the correlation,,but JUST today I was saying to my son that people can make a 'statement' or they can make a 'difference'. We do have far too many just looking to be seen and talk the talk and not really do much to make any difference at the end of the day in the REAL WORLD.

heavenlyboy34's photo
Thu 04/08/10 06:04 PM


the left wing ideologues railing against the right wing ideologues

laugh rofl rofl

Bestinshow's photo
Thu 04/08/10 06:25 PM

Sarah Palin is speaking at an outdoor podium, dressed in a sexy, Republicanized version of Wonder Woman's super-heroine costume.

She's addressing a throng of intensely appreciative, older white guys, all of whom have boners for the first time in ages.

As she rails against Barack Obama and everything "socialist," her words are greeted with loud applause, whistles, and more than a few orgasmic grunts.

After concluding her reactionary spiel, she stretches her arms heavenward and bounds into the sky, with a star-spangled cape billowing behind her.

The crowd roars, but then goes abruptly mute, as Mighty Sarah crashes into the side of a nearby building a few seconds later.

Firemen and ambulances arrive, and the last, best hope of Wingnut World is carted away in terrible shape.

The next day, the conservative blogosphere, with its suddenly flaccid correspondents, is full of outraged claims that placing a building in her flight path was a nefarious liberal plot!

Pretty darned crazy, huh?

Sure, but not any crazier than what actually transpires on the constantly crumbling edge of the lunatic fringe.

Some of the more recent goofiness involves a US Missile Defense Agency logo that, the gonzos maintain, bears "striking" resemblance to, first, the familiar Obama campaign symbol, second, the Islamic crescent moon and star, and finally, the Iranian space program's official emblem.

In truth, what the logo depicts is a stylized missile destroying its incoming target, and the design, says its creator, was conceived well before Barack began his electoral bid.

But it's something for the deranged to latch onto with fiery fervor, and facts aren't about to lessen their preposterousness.

Here's what really gets my goat:

Without any shred of evidence to back their nutty assertions, such individuals insist that our president is a foreign-born "alien," a secret Muslim wickedly doing al Qaeda's bidding, a Marxist, or the antichrist himself.

But -- in the face of incontrovertible documentation that includes time-lapse photos of glaciers melting and low-lying Pacific islands having to be evacuated due to flooding -- they're adamant in their absurdity that manmade climate change isn't really occurring.

Polar ice-core samples that reveal a steadily increasing carbon presence corresponding with the decade-by-decade advance of global industrialization are simply dismissed.

Presumably it's all just an elaborate trick abetted by Hollywood. You know, a variation of the "staged" 1969 moon landing that, according to conspiracy theorists, was filmed on a studio lot against a lunar backdrop.

The right end of the US political spectrum is plainly a carnival freak show on steroids.

You've got your Birthers, Deathers, Birchers, Teabaggers, unalloyed madmen, would-be assassins, space cadets, illiterates, Glenn Beck, tin hats, and folks who've still got their KKK garb neatly pressed on fat plastic hangers in darkened closets...all falling over each other in a bizarre contest to see who can be most off-the-wall in their screwy animus toward Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Democrats in general, etc.

They're a pulsing hemorrhoid on the backside of reason.

Meanwhile, out-of-work and homeless Americans have spent the winter under cardboard and plastic sheets in frightening places near railroad tracks in cities and towns all across this country.

Millions of us are grievously ill but can't afford proper medical care.

Our entire society is coming apart at the seams, but conservative crackpots are dominating, and holding hostage, the political process.

Unless our progressive movement gets its game on, quickly, in powerful fashion, these United States will whiz into history's dustbin of once-great cultures with dizzying speed.

A figurative straitjacket definitely needs to be put on the raving, raging Right.

About author
Dennis Rahkonen, from Superior, Wisconsin, has been writing progressive commentary with a Heartland perspective for various outlets since the Sixties

Awwwwwwwww ... poor widdle fing is runnin' all scared of Miz Sarah ... you better - she's comin' after all you li'l Statists and 'progressives' ... and she has backup ...
We love Madam Sarah in fact as an independant I will vote for her in the republican primary. I would love to see her as the face of the GOP rofl

InvictusV's photo
Thu 04/08/10 06:45 PM

Sarah Palin is speaking at an outdoor podium, dressed in a sexy, Republicanized version of Wonder Woman's super-heroine costume.

She's addressing a throng of intensely appreciative, older white guys, all of whom have boners for the first time in ages.

As she rails against Barack Obama and everything "socialist," her words are greeted with loud applause, whistles, and more than a few orgasmic grunts.

After concluding her reactionary spiel, she stretches her arms heavenward and bounds into the sky, with a star-spangled cape billowing behind her.

The crowd roars, but then goes abruptly mute, as Mighty Sarah crashes into the side of a nearby building a few seconds later.

Firemen and ambulances arrive, and the last, best hope of Wingnut World is carted away in terrible shape.

The next day, the conservative blogosphere, with its suddenly flaccid correspondents, is full of outraged claims that placing a building in her flight path was a nefarious liberal plot!

Pretty darned crazy, huh?

Sure, but not any crazier than what actually transpires on the constantly crumbling edge of the lunatic fringe.

Some of the more recent goofiness involves a US Missile Defense Agency logo that, the gonzos maintain, bears "striking" resemblance to, first, the familiar Obama campaign symbol, second, the Islamic crescent moon and star, and finally, the Iranian space program's official emblem.

In truth, what the logo depicts is a stylized missile destroying its incoming target, and the design, says its creator, was conceived well before Barack began his electoral bid.

But it's something for the deranged to latch onto with fiery fervor, and facts aren't about to lessen their preposterousness.

Here's what really gets my goat:

Without any shred of evidence to back their nutty assertions, such individuals insist that our president is a foreign-born "alien," a secret Muslim wickedly doing al Qaeda's bidding, a Marxist, or the antichrist himself.

But -- in the face of incontrovertible documentation that includes time-lapse photos of glaciers melting and low-lying Pacific islands having to be evacuated due to flooding -- they're adamant in their absurdity that manmade climate change isn't really occurring.

Polar ice-core samples that reveal a steadily increasing carbon presence corresponding with the decade-by-decade advance of global industrialization are simply dismissed.

Presumably it's all just an elaborate trick abetted by Hollywood. You know, a variation of the "staged" 1969 moon landing that, according to conspiracy theorists, was filmed on a studio lot against a lunar backdrop.

The right end of the US political spectrum is plainly a carnival freak show on steroids.

You've got your Birthers, Deathers, Birchers, Teabaggers, unalloyed madmen, would-be assassins, space cadets, illiterates, Glenn Beck, tin hats, and folks who've still got their KKK garb neatly pressed on fat plastic hangers in darkened closets...all falling over each other in a bizarre contest to see who can be most off-the-wall in their screwy animus toward Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Democrats in general, etc.

They're a pulsing hemorrhoid on the backside of reason.

Meanwhile, out-of-work and homeless Americans have spent the winter under cardboard and plastic sheets in frightening places near railroad tracks in cities and towns all across this country.

Millions of us are grievously ill but can't afford proper medical care.

Our entire society is coming apart at the seams, but conservative crackpots are dominating, and holding hostage, the political process.

Unless our progressive movement gets its game on, quickly, in powerful fashion, these United States will whiz into history's dustbin of once-great cultures with dizzying speed.

A figurative straitjacket definitely needs to be put on the raving, raging Right.

About author
Dennis Rahkonen, from Superior, Wisconsin, has been writing progressive commentary with a Heartland perspective for various outlets since the Sixties

Awwwwwwwww ... poor widdle fing is runnin' all scared of Miz Sarah ... you better - she's comin' after all you li'l Statists and 'progressives' ... and she has backup ...
We love Madam Sarah in fact as an independant I will vote for her in the republican primary. I would love to see her as the face of the GOP rofl

I've noticed a theme... It seems that everyone pushing the left wing agenda is somehow an independent..

Is the dumbocrat party not far left enough?

Enlighten me..

Quietman_2009's photo
Thu 04/08/10 06:59 PM
I don't have anything constructive to add here

it just made me laugh to see this as the ad banner for this page