Topic: Illegal Immigration
no photo
Tue 06/26/07 07:47 PM
Yes Fanta, have been there....I went back there in 2003...did alot of
research to put a familiy book together...Spent 3 months there

Click on that...skip the intro...and then hit journey into the
past...Nancy Ward...the first one...1775...There is lots of information
on it...

She is my Grandmother 9 generations ago, I am registered through the
Cherokee nation beginning with her...
And I do have complete awareness Of Jacksondevil
drinker Thanks Glen

Fanta46's photo
Tue 06/26/07 07:52 PM
How is it that you are illegal TLW. I dont know that how could I? Even
so, it would not make me hate you. I graduated HS 80 miles from the
Mexican border and have many Mexican friends. If you are illegal then I
would just want you to leave and come back legally. I wouldnt hate you,
its not a racist issue. Not to me, is it to you?

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Tue 06/26/07 07:55 PM
i'm glad to hear that
i'm just againt people who use this immigration thing a tool of hate.
then is when i loose it
u r a good man

no photo
Tue 06/26/07 07:58 PM

I haven't seen anyone here do that. Crying racism against white people
because most Americans oppose illegal immigration is a bit beyond the
pale. Save crys of racism for real cases of racism and chalk this one
up to Americans wanting only law abiding immigrants in our country.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Tue 06/26/07 08:00 PM
spider read my last post
it's not racism
it's anti-racism instead

no photo
Tue 06/26/07 08:01 PM

"i'm just againt people who use this immigration thing a tool of hate."

I'm confused, aren't you saying that some people who oppose immigration
do so on the grounds of being racist?

Fanta46's photo
Tue 06/26/07 08:03 PM
This might sound strange JJ, but I see a strong resemblance, even now!
I have heard the tale of this woman, your grandmother before,
I guess you do know about Jackson's back stabbing. They (cherokee's
Chief Junaluska) saved his life battling the Creek at horseshoe bend!

Fanta46's photo
Tue 06/26/07 08:04 PM
He is right spider, there are some who do that!

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Tue 06/26/07 08:05 PM
spider u used the key word "SOME"
start from there and don't call me like that
i try to be tolerant
But I will not tolerate people who are not tolerant

no photo
Tue 06/26/07 08:08 PM
Fantalaugh Oh yeah...I know about it all...grumble

no photo
Tue 06/26/07 08:11 PM
Glen here is a painting done of her that is in the museum in Benton

ArtGurl's photo
Tue 06/26/07 08:12 PM
wonderful - thank you for sharing the photo lovely! flowerforyou

Fanta46's photo
Tue 06/26/07 08:14 PM
There is a Lake here named after Junaluska! Screw Jackson. I think it
was Salle that is given credit for the Qualla boundry. He gave his life
for it! People here love the Cherokee. They are an important part of our
history and our culture even now!

no photo
Tue 06/26/07 08:22 PM
Hey Lovelyflowerforyou Good to see you:heart:

Glen...and you know them to be a good people...yes they are an important
part of history....that had many things done to them .."legally"...but
was it right?drinker

When I post in these threads...I do not speak of you can
see where my views are born...
Will we continue to repeat history all in the name of legality?

Or is it as some have pointed out racism? Some admitting...some
not...Some very apparent in their views...

We can cry legality all day long...But....these are living , breathing
human beingsflowerforyou

Fanta46's photo
Tue 06/26/07 08:22 PM
I saved it JJ! Nice picture!
The Western Cherokee, why is it you never hear about them being involved
in the Indian wars out there! You would think they would have been
pissed. Did they yet remain loyal friends?

no photo
Tue 06/26/07 08:30 PM
Thanks Glen...actually the Cherokees, I'm sure you know were pretty much
a peaceful
I think that since so many were lost on the trail of tears, by the time
they made it to Oklahoma...alot of their piss and vinegar...somewhat
I mean think about it...You are taken from your land...told to
move...carry what you can of your with it...
Thinking that would have upended me too...
Have you ever been to Red Clay? Down by Georgia...a must see...

Fanta46's photo
Tue 06/26/07 08:39 PM
Its not the same JJ. The Cherokee had gained, through proper channels by
cooperation and friendships to a clear right to their homeland here. The
US reneged on this agreement, and even though Congress had ruled in
their favor, Jackson illegally had them gathered and moved! Against a
congressional ruling that gave them the right to their land! A lot of
people dont even realize that, but I do and most people here recognize
the Cherokee's birth right to this land!
I often go hiking deep in these forest and while sitting on the side of
a waterfall, imagine what it must have been like before we came here.
The illegal immigrants have no more legality to this land than us, but
regardless of the wrongs we did to your people it is not the same!

no photo
Tue 06/26/07 08:53 PM
I understand what you are saying much of California history
do you know?
And how long did it take for the Renegade Cherokees to be able to come
out of hiding in those hills that you hike in?
Of course it is not the same in that sense....
But with that being said, does so much hatred and anger have to surround
such an issue?
And bashing a culture that is not the same as ours. I am not saying that
it is you who does that...but it is apparent in others...
I could be angry...but am not...I don't even think my Grandmother
was....she was just sad that human nature has to be like this...
I understand the fear that goes along with all of this...fear of money
lost..fear of the ones that commit crime...yes I understand...fear that
they are stealing jobs...
But I also believe.. fear is the only thing that keeps us from doing
I have always said...I do not know what the answer is...but only hope
that it can be a peaceful solution, without so much fear and hatred

no photo
Tue 06/26/07 08:55 PM

It wasn't the congress, it was the Supreme Court. Congress passed the
law that demanded that the Cherokee be moved. When the Supreme Court
ruled in favor of the Cherokee, Andrew Jackson said "John Marshall has
made his decision; let him enforce it now if he can." US Marshals work
for the Judiciary, they were created because of Andrew Jackson's illegal
and immoral behavior.

Zapchaser's photo
Tue 06/26/07 09:00 PM
TLW: i try to be tolerant
But I will not tolerate people who are not tolerant
Stop kidding yourself. You aren't kidding anyone else. You are tolerant
of people that agree with you. Good show! How courageous of you. Your
motive inthis thread is to childishly attack others and it is not
appreciated. Why would you think it would be a positive thing for
Mexicans to take over the US government? To duplicate the wonderful
government that has worked so hard and helped to create such a standard
of living for is people that the Americans are flooding their borders?
Know what? You should do what you say. Come on over and suck our coffers
dry! What will you have when the Mexicans are the majority here? You
will have a fence on the Canadian border to stem the flow of illegal
Mexican Americans. Then you can bi*ch to them about how the French and
the Brits don't belong on YOUR continent. The statements you have made
are those of a thief in the night rather than of someone who wants to
work for a better life alongside those who wish to do the same. In every
country I have been to I have made it a point to get away from the
tourist areas to see the REAL country I am visiting. The poverty in
Mexico is overwhelming. The lack of people who even care to fight for
change of a society that has two classes: the wealthy minority and the
poverty stricken majority. Yes, it is easier to go where opportunity is
greater but it is greater because of the mindset here. Work hard to
acieve what you want out of life, don't be a leach on your fellow man.
Getting back to the issue at hand, Americans are not saying they don't
want immigrants but if they are not willing to work to change their own
country they need to follow protocol and become tax paying citizens. We
welcome those who share a desire to work hard just as we do to try and
make our country and government better for all of us. I notice that you
are in Florida. Shake the hands of my fellow Cubans that have come here
for a better life ad are very productive members of society looking to
assimilate rather than destroy. Here's to you finding what you are
looking for as long as it is constructive not destructive. drinker