Topic: Flowers--ladies please answer
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Mon 10/09/06 07:48 PM

I have something against giving cut flowers to a lady I care about. I
like giving her surprise gifts just not cut flowers. The thing is how do
you see giving something like a dozen roses to a lady when they are dead
and gone in a few days. This is suppose to express how I feel about the
lady? So I love you today and will be gone in a short time is how I see
it giving cut flowers. I have commonly given potted plants/flowers as
these continue to grow and spread their beauty like I hope would happen
in my relationships. Yet I rather give things that will last a long time
if not forever instead of potted plants as I have not been with a lasy
who has had a green thimb like mine.

So ladies what is it about cut flowers that is so special? This has
been a big issue in 2 relationships I have had in the past. It is not
"the thought that counts" or my other forms of gifts would be just as
pleasing as I was thinking of them(ex wife and a GF a year or 2 before
her). I would rather have something my gf/spouse made personally over
something store bought in most cases. Something made by the other has a
longer lasting effect over buying something from a store. These type
gifts need to fit the person though.

therose0922's photo
Mon 10/09/06 08:07 PM
From a womans perspective, I don't know why some women are like that, I
would rather have something, anything that came from the heart than to
have something that will die quickly. I'm not saying that there is
anything wrong with getting a rose every now and then, but I think
something you can keep is much better. I think most women were raised
thinking that the roses or live flowers said something more than they
do. I think that is why they get hurt or upset when they get them.

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Tue 10/10/06 06:40 AM
I always knew I wasn't normal lol I for one do not like cut flowers,
they die too damned er darned fast. I prefer herbs and in all honesty I
would much rahter have a cd or a book, something that I will enjoy far
more and be more likely to listen to/read over and over, bu thats just
me. Every woman is different and as we all know sometimes it takes time
to find the right one whose values are like yours.

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 10/10/06 01:41 PM
Hey, same here the cut flowers are pretty for the moment. But.. in less
than a week they are dead and ya end up with a vase now what am I gonna
do with that vase. lol would rather have the potted plant or some
something else or heck just a full day of attention something that I
would enjoy more. But honeyrobber ya have the right ideal of what to
give if they dont like that then find someone that knows when they have
a good thing,lol

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Tue 10/10/06 02:05 PM

I sure wish a more would have answered. But from the ideas so far it
should never be an issue. The main thing is little surprise gifts for no
reason from time to time. This way the lady/man in your life knows you
are thinking of them.

I used to paint ceramics regularly and give them as gifts. My ex wife
packed her ceramic rabbits I gave her when we were dating 17 years ago
when she left. This is my idea of a gift that was cheap for me to make
but something that will last a life time and look just as good as some
home interior stuff. It has the benifit of being made by me for the
person I love as well. BTW this is something I am looking into getting
back into as well as getting a kiln and mold to make them from scratch.

cookieie's photo
Tue 10/10/06 02:36 PM
A single rose is a nice gesture. But if your looking for a gift I like
the idea of something from the heart and hand. If he's not creative I
like the idea of the book or movie. Something two can enjoy.
I dont know about most ladies but DO NOT give me purfume if that scent
is going to remind you of the last lady you gave it to.

Tue 10/10/06 02:39 PM
I used to work in Washinton, DC and once a week would treat myself to a
$3 cone of mixed, colorful flowers from a street vendor. Just one of
those little colorful gifts that would surprise me when I woke up and
saw them. Back then, the guys I saw would rather be caught dead than
hold a flower...LOL!

This past summer, a guy who is over in Iraq working private sector saw
me online and started pursuing me. I mean...he never let up, not for a
minute! After two months of him calling from over there a couple times
a week, he asked for an address to send me something. I wouldn't give
him the home addy, and I worked for attorneys ~ so I gave the firm's

Every Monday morning for 2 months, a dozen roses would arrive. First
red, then yellow, then lavendar, black, deep purple, white with purple
ruffles, peach. I'll tell ya, I got really tickled when the delivery
man walked up the sidewalk (the florist was 6 doors down), and the
senior and associate partners took new notice of me. I mean, if a man
thought enough of me to spend a fortune in flowers, I must be something
special, right? Once when we'd had a disagreement, he had 3 dozen red
delivered to the house! (My dog show partner was coming in the door the
same time the florist showed up and blurted out, "WHO DIED???"

Yes, they died, of course. But they were beautiful, and they made me
feel quite special. It all came to a screeching halt when it became
aware that I'd caught him in a serious lie, and I told the florist not
to accept his orders anymore. He knew he couldn't "move this mountain",
so he went around it ~ and had a carton of various Hershey's Special
Dark chocolate sent straight from the factory. I kept some for myself,
and took the rest to work to dole out in a dish on my desk. It took
forever to unload that stuff! Better to "spread the love" than to watch
my butt spread...

purplecat's photo
Tue 10/10/06 03:47 PM
hi cut flowers die to fast potted plants hopefully wont it makes more
sense to give someone something that's not going to wither up and die ..
sounds cheery ..

FariesDoFly's photo
Tue 10/10/06 07:17 PM
Me i like flowers just cause i do but i do prefer something from the
heart , like even better if you are on a walk and he raids someones
garden for the flower, ahah i just like things that you can hold onto
that has memory like a poem or something sappy like that

no photo
Wed 10/11/06 12:15 PM

Well my father has a nursery and has plenty of flowers during their
seasons. So I commonly brought flowers home. I agree they are pretty and
one of the reasons I am so into plants. One morning I woke up before the
ex which was very normal and drove to my dad's place in the early spring
when buttercups were blooming. I filled several large vases with all the
different types and brought them home. But she said that it is not the
same as me buying her flowers. But to me they are still not a gift. They
are just cut flowers to brighten the home. I can not get past the idea
that they die in a few days.

Usadad's photo
Thu 10/12/06 08:06 AM
I kind of think flowers are a cop out. It's a safe gift and requires
little thought or imagination. And what I believe women really like is
the THOUGHT behind the gift.
However, if you must give flowers, you get triple points for sending
them to her at work so she can reap the oohs and aahs of her coworkers.

MynDLash's photo
Thu 10/12/06 11:20 AM
Hey to all of you thats been wondering where I've been! I've had alot of
things catch up with me and i just been going, going, lol, going!

HONEY...I love flowers, not only are they pretty, they smell good too! I
like flowers because they are a simple lil' gesture that ur thinking
about someone. any lil' thing like so sweet and romantic. I
perfer the wild varity though. And besides you can keep them
forever...just take them dry em' and press em' it's that simple and I do
it all the time. They make good use for bookmarks. lol

no photo
Thu 10/12/06 07:03 PM

Well I truely love flowers. At one time I had over 100 varieties of
African Violets with several of most types. So with so many potted
flowers in my home I could never understand the ex wanting cut flowers
over the other gifts. At one point I had over 500 house plants. My
current count is 3 and 2 of them are in water rooting to be potted.

If I ever get a home of my own(purchased), I will plant a large amount
of flower beds. Iris, daylillies, asiatic lillies, and gladolias are
some of my favorites. I also want a nice koi pond.

Myndlash, I will remember that, LOL.

no photo
Thu 10/12/06 07:07 PM
i used to surprise my last girlfriend with flowers every now and again.
when they started to die she would press them in a book and she kept em.
they stayed in tact and there is something i like about a dark red/black

stranger1's photo
Fri 10/13/06 03:49 PM
cookieie,how about a rose and a movie? i think a cut flower is from the
heart and sure it will die,but it s no different than dinner for
two,that meal is gone i tend to think it is a kind

no photo
Fri 10/13/06 04:06 PM
i didn;t get to read yourhole pro but i got enough by the flowers. i
understand your theory. but flowers aren't every day u could also use
them other ways there dead use the peddles nice bath or a nice romantic
bedroom with a leaset that one flower where she could remember and keep
that romantic fire every time she see that one flower