RKISIT's photo
Tue 06/05/12 12:34 PM

My understanding is that the Reptilians are half human and that's why their able to control and manipulate.
Since they and 'us' operate in a lower vibrational 3d realm their interests lie only in the materialism, control, power and greed, the lower frequencies.

It is all coming to a head with all the cosmic activity, were being drenched in energies.
i thought we were being drenched in neutrinos?So humanoid reptiles are coming from a wormhole and manipulating us by vibrating energy?

no photo
Tue 06/05/12 12:37 PM

I seriously doubt aliens from another planet came here in the past,first the only planet in our solar system they could've came from is mars and thats very debatable.Secondly the closes star out of our solar system is proxima and it's well almost 25 trillion miles away.I'm not gonna say with 100% for sure it wasn't possible but not very realistic.

These aliens from the galaxy have learned to travel basically by bending space. They create wormholes and can travel long distances across the galaxy.

One man in an airplane over the Bermuda triangle tells a story of how his plane entered a tunnel and traveled what would have normally took him several hours in only twenty minutes.

That is how space travel is accomplished across the galaxy. It does not come without its problems though. Re-entry and landings can be very tricky and crashes do happen.

Ladylid2012's photo
Tue 06/05/12 12:41 PM

My understanding is that the Reptilians are half human and that's why their able to control and manipulate.
Since they and 'us' operate in a lower vibrational 3d realm their interests lie only in the materialism, control, power and greed, the lower frequencies.

It is all coming to a head with all the cosmic activity, were being drenched in energies.
i thought we were being drenched in neutrinos?So humanoid reptiles are coming from a wormhole and manipulating us by vibrating energy?

Their a bloodline...they have always been here.
Everything is energy, were all vibrating energy.
Some believe they are the power elite and have corrupted our 'systems' and force us to operate on a lower frequency, like them as to control.

Lower energies as in..opposite of love, gratitude..etc.

no photo
Tue 06/05/12 12:45 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 06/05/12 12:46 PM

My understanding is that the Reptilians are half human and that's why their able to control and manipulate.
Since they and 'us' operate in a lower vibrational 3d realm their interests lie only in the materialism, control, power and greed, the lower frequencies.

It is all coming to a head with all the cosmic activity, were being drenched in energies.

All aliens are basically all reptilian. Humans do have some reptilian DNA because we are all related.

Reptoids and the Draconian royalty are not the same species. The greys are also a different kind of alien. There are many different kinds of aliens. I call them "galaxy aliens" because they are what populate this Milky way galaxy. They can operate in the next dimension and also in this one and are constantly going back and forth.

It it hard for some of them to stay in this dimension and it takes a lot of energy.

I believe there are many of these species living in underground cities.

no photo
Tue 06/05/12 12:56 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 06/05/12 01:00 PM
We are being injected with cosmic rays.

Scientists don't really know where it is coming from because it is not coming from our sun.

I personally believe it could be coming from the center of the galaxy, but they don't really know where they are coming from.

If you would like to know more about cosmic rays and the observatories go to: or do a search on google using the key words "cosmic ray observatory."

There are only two cosmic ray observatories in the world and one of them is in my State, about 20 -50 miles from where I live. They take up a lot of land as the cosmic ray catchers are spread out over a large area.


Cosmic Ray Research: Probing Ever Higher Energies

The history of cosmic ray research is a story of scientific adventure. For nearly a century, cosmic ray researchers have climbed mountains, ridden hot air balloons, and traveled to the far corners of the earth in the quest to understand these fast-moving particles from space. They have solved some scientific mysteries -- and revealed many more. With each passing decade, scientists have discovered higher-energy, and increasingly more rare, cosmic rays. The Pierre Auger Project is the largest scientific enterprise ever conducted in the search for the unknown sources of the highest-energy cosmic rays ever observed.

The Mystery of High-Energy Cosmic Rays

Scientists love a mystery, because solving a mystery in nature means the opportunity to learn something new about the universe. High-energy cosmic rays are just such a mystery.

Something out there -- no one knows what -- is hurling incredibly energetic particles around the universe. Do these particles come from some unknown superpowerful cosmic explosion? From a huge black hole sucking stars to their violent deaths? From colliding galaxies? We don't yet know the answers, but we do know that solving this mystery will take scientists another step forward in understanding the universe.

The Big Events

It was as if they went out to catch butterflies, and caught an F-111 aircraft. It wasn't supposed to happen. Cosmic ray researchers were dumbfounded when their "Fly's Eye" detector in the high Utah desert in the western USA turned up an incoming particle from space with an energy six times higher than their theory allowed. Two years later, on the other side of the world, a Japanese detector recorded another of these "impossible" events. These two carefully documented cosmic rays, whose energy is so high it defies explanation, have spurred the effort to build a new detector big enough to capture and study many more of these high-energy particles, and to try to discover where they came from.

no photo
Tue 06/05/12 01:04 PM

Besides, so many people say that aliens are in reality demons from another dimension. There is a lot of similarity to our image of "the devil" to the royal draconian dragon humanoids who have wings, a tail and horns. Looks just like a devil. Comes in white, black and red.

There is no physical description of the devil in the Bible. The depictions of the devil are a combination of various pagan gods put together by artists to represent the undescribed Satan.

I don't believe Satan looks like a dragon or a horned man or any of those things. Satan is a spirit and has no physical form.

I was not referring to anything the Bible might describe. I am talking about the well known icon of the devil.

You know, the guy with horns and a tail.

I have talked to people who swear they have seen one of these entities face to face and they truly believed they had met Satan or the devil himself.

In reality, they probably saw a red or black winged draconian alien.

I believe they probably experienced a delusion or had a dream.

Of course you do.

If aliens exist and did come to earth, their technology would be so far beyond what we have, they could conquer us without any difficulty. They could wipe out all life on earth easily or enslave us without any challenge. The idea that an alien species would cross over from another dimension or travel billions of miles to earth to manipulate our politics is so ridiculous, it is laughable.

No its not laughable at all.

Its just business.

Do you know how old this Galaxy is? Compared to humans, reptiles (dinosaurs etc) were on this earth for a very long time. This entire galaxy has a lot of different reptilian life forms and they have had a lot longer to evolve than humans on earth have had. Do you really think they did not become intelligent?

Yes, they could conquer us without too much trouble. In fact that is what they used to do. They would go from planet to planet and just conquer and kill and devour. That was the Sirians.

The Draconians prefer to infiltrate and conquer planets covertly and more humanly. They conquered the Sirians who now serve them.... for the most part. We should feel lucky the Draconians are in charge of the galaxy for the most part, and not the Sirians.

When you talk about the galaxy, you are talking billions of years.

Completely ridiculous.

The idea that reptiles evolved on more than one planet.
The idea that reptiles evolved on multiple planets.
The idea that aliens would care to conquer another species.

I don't believe in intelligent alien life, but if it exists, I wouldn't be surprised.

I just don't see what value a space faring species would get from conquering another intelligent, non-space faring species. Take us for food? Sure. Teach and educate us as patrons, okay. Wipe us out and claim our resources? Seems unnecessary, there are plenty of lifeless asteroids and planets that would be closer sources of any material on earth. Conquer our government? That simply makes no sense.

Didn't you watch V in the 80's? They love to eat rats.

Ladylid2012's photo
Tue 06/05/12 01:04 PM
I believe the cosmic energies is all a part of 2012,
the galactic line up and the return of the divine feminine.
I also believe it's coming from the center of the galaxy.

It's no accident so much is going on right now.
Aliens are a part of it all..somehow.
UFO sightings
strange sounds
civil unrest
economic collapse
severe weather
volcanic activity
birds falling from the sky
fish and whales beaching themselves

I don't see any of it as a negative though.

no photo
Tue 06/05/12 01:07 PM
Edited by Torgo70 on Tue 06/05/12 01:08 PM
Are you saying Earth is going to be conquered by 8 foot tall female warriors?

I can live with that.

mightymoe's photo
Tue 06/05/12 01:27 PM

The universe is massive...MASSIVE and expanding more and more.

How arrogant and foolish of us to think were the only life form.

totally agree... just the statistics alone says there is other life out there

mightymoe's photo
Tue 06/05/12 01:28 PM

Are you saying Earth is going to be conquered by 8 foot tall female warriors?

I can live with that.

me want snu-snu...

mightymoe's photo
Tue 06/05/12 01:33 PM
i have always thought the ancient aliens were the gods the people made up in the past. has anyone read about Puma Punku?

Ladylid2012's photo
Tue 06/05/12 01:39 PM
Edited by Ladylid2012 on Tue 06/05/12 01:40 PM

i have always thought the ancient aliens were the gods the people made up in the past. has anyone read about Puma Punku?

Titicaca is said to be one of the ley lines of the earth,
(which is like our chakra's)along with Sedona, Stonehedge..others.

We went from dragging our knuckles to building pyramids
in the blink of an eye..maybe the 'gods' weren't made up at all.

mightymoe's photo
Tue 06/05/12 01:42 PM

i have always thought the ancient aliens were the gods the people made up in the past. has anyone read about Puma Punku?

Titicaca is said to be one of the ley lines of the earth,
(which is like our chakra's)along with Sedona, Stonehedge..others.

We went from dragging our knuckles to building pyramids
in the blink of an eye..maybe the 'gods' weren't made up at all.

i've also heard of a city beneath lake Titicaca, a city older than most others around the area. it has been seen on google earth, but i haven't been able to see it yet...

RKISIT's photo
Tue 06/05/12 01:50 PM

the invasion of sleestaksdrinker :banana:

mightymoe's photo
Tue 06/05/12 01:52 PM

the invasion of sleestaksdrinker :banana:

i hate them...death to all sleestaks...

RKISIT's photo
Tue 06/05/12 01:56 PM

the invasion of sleestaksdrinker :banana:

i hate them...death to all sleestaks...
Their freaking hissing noises are annoying

no photo
Wed 06/06/12 11:39 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Wed 06/06/12 11:46 AM

If you ever see an intelligent reptoid he might be be wearing a belt with some kind of gadget on it. When he touches it, he will disappear back to the dimension he came from.

Also it is good to know that they are allergic to chocolate. Offer him a heresy bar. laugh

Also do something that looks like you are casting a spell on him and mumble some incantations. It scares the crap out of them. They are very superstitious and believe that some humans have magic or psychic powers.

If none of that works just shoot them if you have a gun handy. You might want to aim for the head.

Reptoids are earth bound creatures, they live in the underground of the earth. They are not extraterrestrials. They work in and out of at least two different dimensions or frequencies.

no photo
Wed 06/06/12 11:52 AM

the invasion of sleestaksdrinker :banana:

This creature does not exist. This picture is a hollywood creation. laugh

Ruth34611's photo
Wed 06/06/12 08:39 PM
I'm staying inside until these guys are all rounded up. scared

no photo
Thu 06/07/12 09:31 AM

I'm staying inside until these guys are all rounded up. scared

I make it a point to avoid them.