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Topic: Republican Election Fix in 08!
RandomX's photo
Wed 08/08/07 12:19 PM
Another useful Chat Funtion.....Quote button LOL

Fanta46's photo
Wed 08/08/07 01:02 PM
my bad.........huh

no photo
Wed 08/08/07 05:26 PM
Interestingly I see people lining up along party lines here for this issue. Nothing unremarkable about that, somebody wants some advantage for the Republican party, all the Republicans say hell yes, the Democrats hate the idea.

I expect this is a double edged sword, both sides get sliced and diced. I don't think the Republicans would take the hit in Texas that someone along this thread suggested (I read this stuff hours ago and didn't get a chance to respond), but I think there would be big shifts in other areas.

I think it would warp the political spectrum from what it is today. All the pundits would have to reevaluate their constituencies. I'm not so sure this would be a good thing as sometimes the status quo might be better than simply scrambling the eggs and seeing what comes out.

Out political system could use some shaking up though, just don't destroy the system in the process.

There could be some good come out of it though if the will of the people is more accurately reflected in the selection of the president. Remember this primarily goes to presidential politics. The senators and congressmen are all elected within their own state.

For the Republicans on the band wagon, this could really go the other way from what you expect. It would be very interesting to see an analytical study on the matter.

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Wed 08/08/07 05:59 PM
I think our political system has run quite well for the past 200 or so years...but could use a better selection process. Some people keep saying "two party" system...well there are a lot more "formally sactioned parties" that I know of..Libertarian, Independent, Socalist and Communist Parties are all active platforms in the U.S. They may not get the attention the other 2 "main" parties get...but that is because they don't have the following..thus a democratically based system...the majority rules. Having said that....the one negative that the information age has caused,in my opinion only..is in the selection process of the candidates...Republican or Democrat...where only after 2 or 3 state caucuses determine who the front running candidate is...other states have no real say in choosing who best represents them..Hillary already has the nomination bought and payed for as an example...she does well in New Hamshire and New York and its over...that is why the states are all scrambling to change when their primaries are...so what I would like to see is each party go through all the state primaries...then decide on three possible tickets...say Hillary and her running mate, Obama and his running mate, John Edwards and his running mate etc...same on Repupblican side...then Voters, both Dems and Rep have a better choice in the general election and don't have to settle on a poor choice just because they vote "party line". Well It's just a thought:smile:

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