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Topic: Virgins . . . . Yay or Nay ?
TVTVTV's photo
Thu 09/06/12 03:55 PM
What do people really think when they find out someone they're interested in (dating) is a virgin? Is it a turn on or turn off?

no photo
Thu 09/06/12 03:56 PM
Super Turn on

smokeybette's photo
Thu 09/06/12 04:00 PM

well, next time i find a 60 yr. old
virgin, i'll let you know,,,

blueeyes2000's photo
Thu 09/06/12 04:12 PM
i would think it would be a good thing. To me, that would be something special, to share with someone you love. If I had known then what I know now, I would have waited.

TVTVTV's photo
Thu 09/06/12 04:16 PM
cool thanks. some people react as if being a virgin is taboo these days. It's easy to feel pressured to get it over with, but a lot of women say their first time wasn't even special. There really is no reason to rush if it's going to be meaningless.

blueeyes2000's photo
Thu 09/06/12 04:35 PM

cool thanks. some people react as if being a virgin is taboo these days. It's easy to feel pressured to get it over with, but a lot of women say their first time wasn't even special. There really is no reason to rush if it's going to be meaningless.

it is easy to be pressured, but that's something you might regret afterwards. It's something you should be proud of. It would mean a whole lot more to you and your partner to share that for the first time.

krupa's photo
Thu 09/06/12 04:47 PM
I am against it.

Be easier just getting a puppy to train.

I prefer a woman who knows how to operate the business end of a penis.

no photo
Thu 09/06/12 04:52 PM
Although it is a bit .....Overrated at my age.....

Might be nice to be.....young again.....and wait a while.


My first time was ......Awesome.

But if it works for ya....I'm all for it!!!

Totage's photo
Thu 09/06/12 04:53 PM

What do people really think when they find out someone they're interested in (dating) is a virgin? Is it a turn on or turn off?

Well, it depends on why.

hopscotch1234's photo
Thu 09/06/12 05:18 PM
It would almost be like waiting to kiss someone for the first time. worrying about saving it is too much pressure. you should do what feels right for you. I have known those that have saved it for mr right expecting everything to then be perfect and the whole Mr. right things goes down the drain. bottom line there are pro's and con's but you have to make your own decisions cause no one but you has to answer for them.

SilentlyScreaming's photo
Thu 09/06/12 05:38 PM
I'd prefer a non-virgin.... but if i liked someone and found out they were a virgin, i wouldn't run away screaming.

no photo
Thu 09/06/12 06:12 PM
I would not be interested if the guy was a virgin. I prefer he have some experience.

kc0003's photo
Thu 09/06/12 07:25 PM
i suppose there is something to be said for both.
you’re young, don’t let anyone pressure you.

no photo
Thu 09/06/12 07:26 PM
just no

Dodo_David's photo
Thu 09/06/12 07:31 PM
If the person has never been married, then I see no problem.

BeyondTheUsual's photo
Thu 09/06/12 07:38 PM
Kinda funny that you think only the FIRST time should be special. Losing your virginity should be no more special then any other time you share your self in the most intimate way with someone else.

Just like the first time you do anything. There is a learning curve. Virgin sex is just bad since you have no idea what you are doing. Experience and not being uptight about sex makes sex that much more enjoyable. Practice makes perfect.

Casual promiscuous sex is just bad. Holding out for marriage is also just bad.

There are just some people that you arent compatible with sexually. What a rude awakening that would be when you find out after you are married.

Would you buy a car and not drive it first? Would you buy a pair of shoes and not try them on first?

pyxxie13's photo
Thu 09/06/12 07:42 PM
I don't think it matters. Students can be perfect... they get all the right training.
And no...I don't mean underage by saying students!
Inexperienced = students!!!

Totage's photo
Thu 09/06/12 07:45 PM

Would you buy a car and not drive it first? Would you buy a pair of shoes and not try them on first?

It's really not the same thing, or at least shouldn't be regarded as such.

I mean, loving someone and appreciating a car or a pair of shoes should be totally different things, but seems now a days more and more people are treating love just as such.

hopscotch1234's photo
Thu 09/06/12 07:51 PM
So what should one do if they save themselves then after marriage find they are quite incompatible in the sack?

TVTVTV's photo
Thu 09/06/12 07:52 PM
good point :)

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