Topic: Homosexuals and Islam
willing2's photo
Thu 10/04/12 05:59 PM

Now that's creepy!

He is a beautiful man, don't you agree?

Kinda' how Satan might appear.
Actually he looks alot like Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy, or Jerry Sundusky, difference they are or were real. This is a cartoon.

This is belittling the pedo mohammed. Did I blaspheme?

Let's piss on more qurans.

I would imagine how the children must feel being raped by muslims.
The same as those that are raped here, Rape nor pedophilia is regulated to anyone group. Just watch Tom Hansans "to catch a predator"on dateline.

Over yonder, they gots all legal rights to screw and infant between the legs. Just as long as they don't penetrate her vagina or his anus.

Same with bestiality. It's legal for the muslim. They have their rules. If the do regular sexin', they have to kill the animal but, they can't eat the meat in their area. They can sell it outside their area. If they anal screw the animal, the meat is unclean They are instructed to kill and then burn it.

Feel free to look it up. It's all over the net.laugh laugh laugh

I does me a bit of readin' on pedo mohammed, may his soul burn hotter in hell.
I would look it up, but I dont live over yonder nor am I obsessed with Muslims or pedophiles. What I do know is that the sick behavior is quite common here, santioned or not. NAMBLA (THE NORTH AMERICAN MAN/BOY LOVE ASSOCIATION is prevelent here and they are not Muslims. They are Christians. RODNEY ALCALA, ARTHUR GARY BISHOP, DENNIS RADAR (BTK STRANGLER), JOHN EVANDER COUEY, RICHARD CHASE, (THE VAMPIRE OF SACRAMENTO), WARD WEAVER THE III, NATHANIEL BAR JONAH, JERRY SUNDUSKY, ect. are but the few of many child killers, rapists and pedophiles. They are not overyonder, we should be doing something for the many American children who are suffering such crimes, while many look to point over yonder, when we have a huge problem, none of the above a Muslims, Catholic maybe?

This topic is reporting the sick sons-a-beeches that kill rape and mutilate in the name of mohammed.

It's like TV. Don't like the channel, watch something else.

Any muslime that follows the pedo is a sick mo-fo as well.
yet its funny to you, now that is whats sick.<<FAIL

1. Personal attacks ain't cool.
2. I am dead f**kin' serious about exposing those sick basterds.
3. Where do you see funny???

AndyBgood's photo
Thu 10/04/12 11:00 PM
I know this may be off track but remember that religion really is an attempt to sell happiness in trade for power over people. ALL religions to some point sell something.

Christians for the most part don't hate Jews but some do because they are not Christian nor will they become Christians. The problem here is Christians worship/follow a Jewish Carpenter.

All religions condition us to fear something. Here in America and a lot of the third world surprisingly men and women seek "God fearing" mates. Odd how this concept is kind of universal in the world. If god loves us why do we need to fear him (her, it, whatever)?

People need and seek homogony in their lives but likewise as social animals seek some kind of order and use a strange mechanism to find equalibrium. We use a combination of fear, domination, and organization to maintain equilibrium in our day to day lives. We all have a superior in some manner we anser to. But we all know leaders are mortal and can be killed. But you cannot kill God. God is used as a foundation or cornerstone for most societies and fear of such Gods helps keep the drones (sheeple, Eloy) in check. Obey God or burn in hell?

Now in MOST religion the good is that religions do in some way try (ATTEMPT OR WHATEVER DRY TERM YOU WISH TO APPLY HERE IF YOU ARE FEELING CYNICAL) is that they offer some kind of MORAL template for people to operate by and an Idiology that by some odd ball grace of "IT WORKS" keeps people from the most part from keeping society in general in a state of perpetual "Thunderdome" like anarchy. Even for as warlike and as morally bankrupt as we may as a species might be we do have one thing going for us, we have not managed to find the where with all to make ourselves extinct. At least not yet.

Religion IS politics. It is hard to be beaten when God is on your side. Almost ALL politicians world wide cater to the notion God is on their side somehow. This is reflected in the fact that America had the slogan "In God We Trust" posted everywhere and its foundation was at the hands of Christians. Nazis had their own way of reflecting this religious might. This projection of their power was expressed before it arose in Mein Kampf. This book was and in some cases still is treated with almost religious reverance. There are still Nazis today. But when it comes to the Quran and Islam, Religion IS politics and policy.

When a policy is to tolerate anyone not of your faith only to use them or gain from them and to wipe themn out when you are done with them or if you cannot priofit from them means there is a cold business like policy that is a matter of making gains from the use of God. Muhammad sold his vision of gad from behind an army. My money is on these men were more like Bhedohin who will tolerate you if they can trade with you but kill you in a moment and rob you blind if they can pull it off and not get caught. Having read a Quran I seen a pattern of Conquest based on fear and taxation like any other empire.

But there comes a question of ethics when we have to evaluate faiths on several merits. First of which "what do they preach?" Next is "Conduct with others not of their faith." Lastly is how their beliefs coincide with our constitutional rights. These ideals should be a very good foundation to test the level of tolerance we should afford any faith. "Kill Inifdels" basically ends tolerance for a faith. It is speled out quite clearly in the Quran about where anyone who is not of their faith stands. Live taxed and oppressed or die.

As far as sexual morality is concerned Americans are screwed the hell up. We are animals and needfull ones at that. Worst is we will mate outside of our own species. In the drive to reproduce we will do exactly what animals will do and when a faith allows such practices one MUST question how moral that ideal is. When they treat women as property and less than second class citizens that likewise must speak volums about the credibiluity of a faith that would silence the voice of half of those living under it. When a faith demands respect but shows BLATANT DISESPECT FOR OTHER FAITHS this likewise has also got to be a sign that such a faith is not only dangerous but to be granted tolerance is pretty absured. Really who the heck could care less is some trailer trash is getting his rocks off on a ladder behind some horse? At least those genes are not contaminating the gene pool at the moment! But when children are concerned where do we draw the line where the age of innocence ends? In all reality there is no real Innocence involved considering we all have a sexual awakening in our lives. But again age and conscent play havoc on legal systems and societies and HUMAN NATURE!!! This is no condonement for illegal or immoral behavior. I am just assessing the fact humans cannot control everything in our lives with laws. People must be in control of themselves. Religion takes the respnsibility away but who accepts that responsibility and what do they do with it? Well, look at what is happening in Egypt and other Islmaic nations. We all know all too well what is goingon in our own world of Christianity.

Lastly let us look at how ignorant people can be. A lack of education is not the only thing religions love to prey on. ignorance can be forced on people like Saudi Arabia for instance, they have police and they have RELIGIOUS POLICE. In many cases people questioning Islam or Muhammad are punished HARSHLY! Excommunication from the Catholic Church is as harsh as it gets. In Islam questioning them can get you killed as an Infidel and a Heretic.

If anything there should be a hard push on Congress to force them all to read a Quran and make them ask the question "should we tolerate Islam?" is is the Government of France who is into captiulation, not America (except lately cough cough). Why is it so important we import a population who has the intent to grow in numbers and impose their will (Sharia Law and Islam) over our own constitution through Democracy?

I would like to be on record that it was the principles of Christianity that has been wearing away at slavery! Buddhism and Tao AND SIKH have taught us a lot about peace but again Slavery as a concept has been recieving massive social punishment thanks to Christianity. England had Abolished Slavery before America as well. Got to keep it real YO! Islam though teaches enslavement...

I know this is long winded but I don't just see a problem with teh saiviour figure of Islam. Christianity's saviour figure is Jesus and he was a Jewish Carpenter who had a whore hanging out with him. What was Mary's profession when Jesus saved her from a stoning and for WHAT??? (She was a PROSTITUTE WHO WAS GOING TO BE STONED FOR ADULTERY!!!)

But Muhammad. The Saviour Figure of Islam. Has several wives but Aiesha was the only "Virgin bride" he had (Considering he was stealing the wives of his fallen servants who died in battle). He marrys a six year old girl and takes her virginity at nine. At least Classic Jews married their children off at 12 after their Bot/Bar Mitzvah. many other societies likewise waited until their children were about 12 years old (16 to 18 in the modern world depending culture) before marriage even if the marriage is arranged when the children were as young as five (China, Japan, Korea, India). There is a lot more i can say that I would want to build upon the ideal that Muhammad was a morally bankrupt and malicious glory seeker who managed to fabricate one hell of a lie that others have managed to perpetuate and the sheep line up for their shepherding. Sadly most humans seek guidance from a higher authority. It don't get no higher than God unles you get more stoned than God.

HA HA but seriously, the best way to combat a perversion like Islam is to show Muslims there is a better way. But in order to do that we must be able to show a strong pimp hand in the event we need to smack some sense into some deserving dumbazz!

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 10/05/12 01:13 AM

I know this may be off track but remember that religion really is an attempt to sell happiness in trade for power over people. ALL religions to some point sell something.

Christians for the most part don't hate Jews but some do because they are not Christian nor will they become Christians. The problem here is Christians worship/follow a Jewish Carpenter.

All religions condition us to fear something. Here in America and a lot of the third world surprisingly men and women seek "God fearing" mates. Odd how this concept is kind of universal in the world. If god loves us why do we need to fear him (her, it, whatever)?

People need and seek homogony in their lives but likewise as social animals seek some kind of order and use a strange mechanism to find equalibrium. We use a combination of fear, domination, and organization to maintain equilibrium in our day to day lives. We all have a superior in some manner we anser to. But we all know leaders are mortal and can be killed. But you cannot kill God. God is used as a foundation or cornerstone for most societies and fear of such Gods helps keep the drones (sheeple, Eloy) in check. Obey God or burn in hell?

Now in MOST religion the good is that religions do in some way try (ATTEMPT OR WHATEVER DRY TERM YOU WISH TO APPLY HERE IF YOU ARE FEELING CYNICAL) is that they offer some kind of MORAL template for people to operate by and an Idiology that by some odd ball grace of "IT WORKS" keeps people from the most part from keeping society in general in a state of perpetual "Thunderdome" like anarchy. Even for as warlike and as morally bankrupt as we may as a species might be we do have one thing going for us, we have not managed to find the where with all to make ourselves extinct. At least not yet.

Religion IS politics. It is hard to be beaten when God is on your side. Almost ALL politicians world wide cater to the notion God is on their side somehow. This is reflected in the fact that America had the slogan "In God We Trust" posted everywhere and its foundation was at the hands of Christians. Nazis had their own way of reflecting this religious might. This projection of their power was expressed before it arose in Mein Kampf. This book was and in some cases still is treated with almost religious reverance. There are still Nazis today. But when it comes to the Quran and Islam, Religion IS politics and policy.

When a policy is to tolerate anyone not of your faith only to use them or gain from them and to wipe themn out when you are done with them or if you cannot priofit from them means there is a cold business like policy that is a matter of making gains from the use of God. Muhammad sold his vision of gad from behind an army. My money is on these men were more like Bhedohin who will tolerate you if they can trade with you but kill you in a moment and rob you blind if they can pull it off and not get caught. Having read a Quran I seen a pattern of Conquest based on fear and taxation like any other empire.

But there comes a question of ethics when we have to evaluate faiths on several merits. First of which "what do they preach?" Next is "Conduct with others not of their faith." Lastly is how their beliefs coincide with our constitutional rights. These ideals should be a very good foundation to test the level of tolerance we should afford any faith. "Kill Inifdels" basically ends tolerance for a faith. It is speled out quite clearly in the Quran about where anyone who is not of their faith stands. Live taxed and oppressed or die.

As far as sexual morality is concerned Americans are screwed the hell up. We are animals and needfull ones at that. Worst is we will mate outside of our own species. In the drive to reproduce we will do exactly what animals will do and when a faith allows such practices one MUST question how moral that ideal is. When they treat women as property and less than second class citizens that likewise must speak volums about the credibiluity of a faith that would silence the voice of half of those living under it. When a faith demands respect but shows BLATANT DISESPECT FOR OTHER FAITHS this likewise has also got to be a sign that such a faith is not only dangerous but to be granted tolerance is pretty absured. Really who the heck could care less is some trailer trash is getting his rocks off on a ladder behind some horse? At least those genes are not contaminating the gene pool at the moment! But when children are concerned where do we draw the line where the age of innocence ends? In all reality there is no real Innocence involved considering we all have a sexual awakening in our lives. But again age and conscent play havoc on legal systems and societies and HUMAN NATURE!!! This is no condonement for illegal or immoral behavior. I am just assessing the fact humans cannot control everything in our lives with laws. People must be in control of themselves. Religion takes the respnsibility away but who accepts that responsibility and what do they do with it? Well, look at what is happening in Egypt and other Islmaic nations. We all know all too well what is goingon in our own world of Christianity.

Lastly let us look at how ignorant people can be. A lack of education is not the only thing religions love to prey on. ignorance can be forced on people like Saudi Arabia for instance, they have police and they have RELIGIOUS POLICE. In many cases people questioning Islam or Muhammad are punished HARSHLY! Excommunication from the Catholic Church is as harsh as it gets. In Islam questioning them can get you killed as an Infidel and a Heretic.

If anything there should be a hard push on Congress to force them all to read a Quran and make them ask the question "should we tolerate Islam?" is is the Government of France who is into captiulation, not America (except lately cough cough). Why is it so important we import a population who has the intent to grow in numbers and impose their will (Sharia Law and Islam) over our own constitution through Democracy?

I would like to be on record that it was the principles of Christianity that has been wearing away at slavery! Buddhism and Tao AND SIKH have taught us a lot about peace but again Slavery as a concept has been recieving massive social punishment thanks to Christianity. England had Abolished Slavery before America as well. Got to keep it real YO! Islam though teaches enslavement...

I know this is long winded but I don't just see a problem with teh saiviour figure of Islam. Christianity's saviour figure is Jesus and he was a Jewish Carpenter who had a whore hanging out with him. What was Mary's profession when Jesus saved her from a stoning and for WHAT??? (She was a PROSTITUTE WHO WAS GOING TO BE STONED FOR ADULTERY!!!)

But Muhammad. The Saviour Figure of Islam. Has several wives but Aiesha was the only "Virgin bride" he had (Considering he was stealing the wives of his fallen servants who died in battle). He marrys a six year old girl and takes her virginity at nine. At least Classic Jews married their children off at 12 after their Bot/Bar Mitzvah. many other societies likewise waited until their children were about 12 years old (16 to 18 in the modern world depending culture) before marriage even if the marriage is arranged when the children were as young as five (China, Japan, Korea, India). There is a lot more i can say that I would want to build upon the ideal that Muhammad was a morally bankrupt and malicious glory seeker who managed to fabricate one hell of a lie that others have managed to perpetuate and the sheep line up for their shepherding. Sadly most humans seek guidance from a higher authority. It don't get no higher than God unles you get more stoned than God.

HA HA but seriously, the best way to combat a perversion like Islam is to show Muslims there is a better way. But in order to do that we must be able to show a strong pimp hand in the event we need to smack some sense into some deserving dumbazz!
but any better way must appear to a devout Muslim as Apostasy and the Way of the Infidel!

khan327's photo
Fri 10/05/12 02:09 AM

Now, let's see who supports Islam.

I am not pro-homosex.

I also do not advocate killing them because they practice it.

Do you support Muslims killing homosexuals?

Watch this true video. Don't fear seeing the truth about what Muslims do to them.!

wc all friends i am back.
Lol ur attitude show that u dont like islam.
Mind like u r creating distance among the ppls.
U r just posting to show that islam is not a good religion .
Ppls like u cant do anything . Islam is the fastes spreading religion in all.

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 10/05/12 03:38 AM

Now, let's see who supports Islam.

I am not pro-homosex.

I also do not advocate killing them because they practice it.

Do you support Muslims killing homosexuals?

Watch this true video. Don't fear seeing the truth about what Muslims do to them.!

wc all friends i am back.
Lol ur attitude show that u dont like islam.
Mind like u r creating distance among the ppls.
U r just posting to show that islam is not a good religion .
Ppls like u cant do anything . Islam is the fastes spreading religion in all.
Fear always spreads fast!

willing2's photo
Fri 10/05/12 06:29 AM

Islam is the fastes spreading religion in all.

Sucks how the perverted basterds have to convert folks.

As long as they are killing off their own future suicide bombers, cool.

You do have allies over here. The Nation of Islam has Jew haters waiting to get the order to start killing/converting Jews and non-muslims.

You proud of being able to mutilate little girls, beat your women and legally kill all who disagree with Mohammed, may his soul burn hotter and his victims find peace.

AndyBgood's photo
Fri 10/05/12 07:39 AM

Islam is the fastes spreading religion in all.

Sucks how the perverted basterds have to convert folks.

As long as they are killing off their own future suicide bombers, cool.

You do have allies over here. The Nation of Islam has Jew haters waiting to get the order to start killing/converting Jews and non-muslims.

You proud of being able to mutilate little girls, beat your women and legally kill all who disagree with Mohammed, may his soul burn hotter and his victims find peace.

The Chronicals of Riddick movie, the Necromongers, Convert or die...

BrandonJItaliano's photo
Fri 10/05/12 09:21 AM
I dont support any superstition having the right to own someonelse's life to the point that they have the right to revoke it...just another piece of evidence that suggests that religion is just another form of psychosis and should be treated as just another mental illness

msharmony's photo
Fri 10/05/12 09:25 AM

I dont support any superstition having the right to own someonelse's life to the point that they have the right to revoke it...just another piece of evidence that suggests that religion is just another form of psychosis and should be treated as just another mental illness

superstitions dont have rights

governments assign rights

there are followers of islam all over the world, some are in countries where their government dictate by religion and others are not

I likewise , though, dont support the idea that humans should have the right to pre meditatingly end a human life that is not putting them in immediate danger,,,

Ladylid2012's photo
Fri 10/05/12 10:22 AM

It's simple to google something negative about all religions. Especially when it's all interpreted to fit the readers belief system.

There are A LOT of haters out there.

Many people think polygamy is still legally practiced in Utah,
it is not.

The bible is full of ugly ancient practices "we" don't do now.

How bout this one from the Christian god...

In Exodus 12:29, God the baby-killer slaughters all Egyptian firstborn children and cattle because their king was stubborn.

But only Mohammad condones violence...
whats that saying..the pot calling the kettle black?

It's ok that Muslims thigh, rub their penises betwwen the legs of infants to get their nut?

It's ok for Muslims to legally kill homosexers?

It's ok for Muslims to chop off the clitoris of young girls?

You love that?

i just re read my post and no...
i said nothing even close to
'loving that'

You said there are a lot of haters out there.

It's ok that Muslims thigh, rub their penises betwwen the legs of infants to get their nut?

It's ok for Muslims to legally kill homosexers?

It's ok for Muslims to chop off the clitoris of young girls?

How do you feel about the above factual examples.

I'm moved by your concern for those who are tortured and killed....
particularly the girls and women.

Muslims cutting ***** off babies is just the tip of the iceberg of the horrors the female gender suffers just for being female.

Ya really wanna help change things or just B!tch about Muslims?
Get the facts!

willing2's photo
Fri 10/05/12 12:18 PM

It's simple to google something negative about all religions. Especially when it's all interpreted to fit the readers belief system.

There are A LOT of haters out there.

Many people think polygamy is still legally practiced in Utah,
it is not.

The bible is full of ugly ancient practices "we" don't do now.

How bout this one from the Christian god...

In Exodus 12:29, God the baby-killer slaughters all Egyptian firstborn children and cattle because their king was stubborn.

But only Mohammad condones violence...
whats that saying..the pot calling the kettle black?

It's ok that Muslims thigh, rub their penises betwwen the legs of infants to get their nut?

It's ok for Muslims to legally kill homosexers?

It's ok for Muslims to chop off the clitoris of young girls?

You love that?

i just re read my post and no...
i said nothing even close to
'loving that'

You said there are a lot of haters out there.

It's ok that Muslims thigh, rub their penises betwwen the legs of infants to get their nut?

It's ok for Muslims to legally kill homosexers?

It's ok for Muslims to chop off the clitoris of young girls?

How do you feel about the above factual examples.

I'm moved by your concern for those who are tortured and killed....
particularly the girls and women.

Muslims cutting ***** off babies is just the tip of the iceberg of the horrors the female gender suffers just for being female.

Ya really wanna help change things or just B!tch about Muslims?
Get the facts!

I am aware of that link.

I am doing a little by bringing to light what is going on in muslim controlled countries.

Thankfully, they aren't shy about it and seem proud they can take and post the horrific pics.

Here's another great link.

Ladylid2012's photo
Fri 10/05/12 01:03 PM
willing, I'm not going to get my information from a site called "jihadwatch". I refuse to live in fear.

This goes beyond Muslims...these horrific acts are not an exclusively Muslim issue. Seems your strong dislike for Muslims in general is whats driving you, not compassion for the victims.
This is a human issue.
Again the redundancy...
peace out

AndyBgood's photo
Fri 10/05/12 06:58 PM

It's simple to google something negative about all religions. Especially when it's all interpreted to fit the readers belief system.

There are A LOT of haters out there.

Many people think polygamy is still legally practiced in Utah,
it is not.

The bible is full of ugly ancient practices "we" don't do now.

How bout this one from the Christian god...

In Exodus 12:29, God the baby-killer slaughters all Egyptian firstborn children and cattle because their king was stubborn.

But only Mohammad condones violence...
whats that saying..the pot calling the kettle black?

It's ok that Muslims thigh, rub their penises betwwen the legs of infants to get their nut?

It's ok for Muslims to legally kill homosexers?

It's ok for Muslims to chop off the clitoris of young girls?

You love that?

i just re read my post and no...
i said nothing even close to
'loving that'

You said there are a lot of haters out there.

It's ok that Muslims thigh, rub their penises betwwen the legs of infants to get their nut?

It's ok for Muslims to legally kill homosexers?

It's ok for Muslims to chop off the clitoris of young girls?

How do you feel about the above factual examples.

I'm moved by your concern for those who are tortured and killed....
particularly the girls and women.

Muslims cutting ***** off babies is just the tip of the iceberg of the horrors the female gender suffers just for being female.

Ya really wanna help change things or just B!tch about Muslims?
Get the facts!

Show me where to get superpowers and I will show you how to deal with Islam! it would all start with me taking a little stroll across the Red Sea from Israel (Sainai) to Egypt talking to people on boats as I walk past them. Then in Mecca I would hover over that stone they throw rocks at and the first person to cast a stone at me would have me drop a building on that person. That would be followed up with a firestorm falling from the sky just to clear the streets. the next morning there would be a mirror set in the middle of their most sacred Mosque with the inscription in Aramaic, "behold the face of the inifdel. Behold the face of the devil!" And in Jerusalem every mosque would just dissappear. And don't thimnk I would spare the Cathiolic Church any misery!

There must be a god because someone is smart enough to not let me have Super Powers! I would be a bad guy with them!

khan327's photo
Sat 10/06/12 04:21 PM

Islam is the fastes spreading religion in all.

Sucks how the perverted basterds have to convert folks.

As long as they are killing off their own future suicide bombers, cool.

You do have allies over here. The Nation of Islam has Jew haters waiting to get the order to start killing/converting Jews and non-muslims.

You proud of being able to mutilate little girls, beat your women and legally kill all who disagree with Mohammed, may his soul burn hotter and his victims find peace.

ur jewish mind are more dingrous for world than those terrorist.

AndyBgood's photo
Sat 10/06/12 06:36 PM

Islam is the fastes spreading religion in all.

Sucks how the perverted basterds have to convert folks.

As long as they are killing off their own future suicide bombers, cool.

You do have allies over here. The Nation of Islam has Jew haters waiting to get the order to start killing/converting Jews and non-muslims.

You proud of being able to mutilate little girls, beat your women and legally kill all who disagree with Mohammed, may his soul burn hotter and his victims find peace.

ur jewish mind are more dingrous for world than those terrorist.

And your selective ignorance of the malice of Islam is showing as well. Islam sells itself through fear and terror, much like OLD Christianity. And what I find really funny is how Islam claims a heritage based from Abraham and yet here you are showing spite for Jews. You are aware Jews have a claim to Abraham's heritage as well? YOU HATE YOUR OWN BROTHERS! SCANDALOUS! Shall we revisit some questions I have had of you that you seem hell bent to refuse an answer too?

khan327's photo
Fri 10/12/12 11:28 AM

Islam is the fastes spreading religion in all.

Sucks how the perverted basterds have to convert folks.

As long as they are killing off their own future suicide bombers, cool.

You do have allies over here. The Nation of Islam has Jew haters waiting to get the order to start killing/converting Jews and non-muslims.

You proud of being able to mutilate little girls, beat your women and legally kill all who disagree with Mohammed, may his soul burn hotter and his victims find peace.

ur jewish mind are more dingrous for world than those terrorist.

And your selective ignorance of the malice of Islam is showing as well. Islam sells itself through fear and terror, much like OLD Christianity. And what I find really funny is how Islam claims a heritage based from Abraham and yet here you are showing spite for Jews. You are aware Jews have a claim to Abraham's heritage as well? YOU HATE YOUR OWN BROTHERS! SCANDALOUS! Shall we revisit some questions I have had of you that you seem hell bent to refuse an answer too?

islm show heritage fromm all messngers. If jew claming heritage from ibrahim its doesn mean u must be peacefull. In present world what jew doing. If some one insult ilslam he must be jew . If some one insult muhammd he must be jew. In every destrucation thhere will be directly or inderictly hands of jew. Just take example of 9/2/11. Majority of american sure that jews hands were in it. Hatlr was right he said. No peace on earth even one jew present on it.

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 10/12/12 11:37 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Fri 10/12/12 11:40 AM

Islam is the fastes spreading religion in all.

Sucks how the perverted basterds have to convert folks.

As long as they are killing off their own future suicide bombers, cool.

You do have allies over here. The Nation of Islam has Jew haters waiting to get the order to start killing/converting Jews and non-muslims.

You proud of being able to mutilate little girls, beat your women and legally kill all who disagree with Mohammed, may his soul burn hotter and his victims find peace.

ur jewish mind are more dingrous for world than those terrorist.

And your selective ignorance of the malice of Islam is showing as well. Islam sells itself through fear and terror, much like OLD Christianity. And what I find really funny is how Islam claims a heritage based from Abraham and yet here you are showing spite for Jews. You are aware Jews have a claim to Abraham's heritage as well? YOU HATE YOUR OWN BROTHERS! SCANDALOUS! Shall we revisit some questions I have had of you that you seem hell bent to refuse an answer too?

islm show heritage fromm all messngers. If jew claming heritage from ibrahim its doesn mean u must be peacefull. In present world what jew doing. If some one insult ilslam he must be jew . If some one insult muhammd he must be jew. In every destrucation thhere will be directly or inderictly hands of jew. Just take example of 9/2/11. Majority of american sure that jews hands were in it. Hatlr was right he said. No peace on earth even one jew present on it.
sick ill yep,you're a good one!
So,when is the next extermination to start?

khan327's photo
Fri 10/12/12 12:08 PM

Now, let's see who supports Islam.

I am not pro-homosex.

I also do not advocate killing them because they practice it.

Do you support Muslims killing homosexuals?

Watch this true video. Don't fear seeing the truth about what Muslims do to them.!

wc all friends i am back.
Lol ur attitude show that u dont like islam.
Mind like u r creating distance among the ppls.
U r just posting to show that islam is not a good religion .
Ppls like u cant do anything . Islam is the fastes spreading religion in all.
Fear always spreads fast!

here i am refering you some famous name who accept islam.
Lew a famosu basket ball player.
Mike, a famous boxer.
Arther, an american jazz musician.
Dave, an american tv comedian.
Chris eubank. British boxer.
Nell , aferican crickter
u claming islam is fear. And non-muslim accepting islam caz of fear. So these are some famous name i have refer you. No muslim keep sward on there throat, to accept islam. It was there own wish.

AndyBgood's photo
Fri 10/12/12 05:15 PM

Islam is the fastes spreading religion in all.

Sucks how the perverted basterds have to convert folks.

As long as they are killing off their own future suicide bombers, cool.

You do have allies over here. The Nation of Islam has Jew haters waiting to get the order to start killing/converting Jews and non-muslims.

You proud of being able to mutilate little girls, beat your women and legally kill all who disagree with Mohammed, may his soul burn hotter and his victims find peace.

ur jewish mind are more dingrous for world than those terrorist.

And your selective ignorance of the malice of Islam is showing as well. Islam sells itself through fear and terror, much like OLD Christianity. And what I find really funny is how Islam claims a heritage based from Abraham and yet here you are showing spite for Jews. You are aware Jews have a claim to Abraham's heritage as well? YOU HATE YOUR OWN BROTHERS! SCANDALOUS! Shall we revisit some questions I have had of you that you seem hell bent to refuse an answer too?

islm show heritage fromm all messngers. If jew claming heritage from ibrahim its doesn mean u must be peacefull. In present world what jew doing. If some one insult ilslam he must be jew . If some one insult muhammd he must be jew. In every destrucation thhere will be directly or inderictly hands of jew. Just take example of 9/2/11. Majority of american sure that jews hands were in it. Hatlr was right he said. No peace on earth even one jew present on it.

You are using what I call a "Displacement" argument trying to use bad logic to displace sound logic. The Jews are not the ones with an agenda of killing everyone else. That land was theirs LONG before it was Arab and they conquered it as God's Chosen like Islam is trying to do today. Jews are not the ones going around the world setting off bombs and killing civilians. They are shooting back and killing civilians caught in the cross fire of the bad guys running behind them in the hopes that the Jihad gets more martyrs. The "Jews" have tried to negotiate peace but Islam is the ones who will not have it.

Likewise what is the logic that if Islam has ten good men and five bad men doing bad in the name of Islam, but the other ten just sit back and do nothing, and if anything lend support to the ideals of murder in the name of Jihad, does that not make the ten not killing people in the name of Jihad just as guilty of murder as accomplices? There will be no peace while Ideals like Islam are taught! Frankly Islam does not get it at all that they claim to be parts of other faiths but that is a total lie! Why is it that the children of Abraham kill one another? It isn't about who worships God better! Islam is the sons of CAIN! Jesus was a Jew and I know a LOT of Jews and all of them are good people. I can say the same of a lot of Muslims I have met. But prejudice is prejudice and Islam is Prejudicial and in most cases more so than others.

Don't get me wrong, I don't hate Islam because I am a Jew which I AM NOT! I am Irish and Italian! I am supposed to be Catholic but hey, NOT ME! I AM A PROUD PAGAN! I hate Islam because of what it teaches and the hypocrisy of the morals Islam operates by. Some people I guess need something to put them in their place because free thinking and a lack of fearing a god who is supposed to love us just seems to be way too much for Christian, Jew, and MUSLIM alike.

So shall I post the terms of the Jihad and what is expected of Islam and us Infidels? Even Jesus was a lie my brother. How does the suicide of a man count as an act of Sacrifice? Jesus could have defended himself before Pontious Pilate. He could have spared himself. But how does blood wash me of my sins especially when I would never have allowed a man to die for such bogus reasons? If God told me to murder you to get to heaven to my face I would still tell God to kiss MY HAIRY WHITE BACKSIDE! Killing you to placate a loving God is pretty crazy. I have no real hate or animosity towards YOU. It is the faith you follow I am bothered by. Your CONVICTION is not at question. Your desire to live a good lie with a clean concious is not at question here. Good people are deceived all the time! The Quran is the teachings of a man who thought the only way to have a virgin bride was to take a child! He had HOW MANY WIVES??? You are aware that says when a female child menstruates suddenly she isn't technically a "virgin" in Islam any more? Dare I say I have had SCHOLARS of many other faiths and beliefs speak deeply on this subject. There are people here who have a deep knowledge of other faiths including Islam. You wish me to learn Farsi just to read a Quran? Please, the translated version I read had every possible annotation to each passage and some passages depending on word inflection or word placement in a sentence can mean six different things. Even the inflection of a word can change a whole sentence. But I could understand enough of the English translated one I read to have a great idea of what I was reading.

Muhammad was a very bad man! He sold you all on a lie and a hand full of men profit from the acts of suicide and death perpetrated at the hands of deranged enough fools with the wherewithal to do bad things to people because they get license to do bad things for 'good reasons,' all for some old cleric who is lying to you about the path to heaven. I sure do not know what lies ahead after death. And none of your priests or clerics do either! I can guarantee you this, if you are really so learned about the beliefs of other faiths I suggest you look into Tao and, Sikh, before you start to read into others. IGNORE Christianity. You clearly do have a prejudice against Buddhists from previous posts. Do not focus any time at the moment on Pantheon faiths like Hindi. There is a reason I chose the two I did. You see I am not a devotee of either but both strike STRONG chords in me. I will know if you even remotely looked into either faith.

You wish to compare truth based on perception. You are going to find some of us see things in a MUCH wider way than others. Please do not assume again I am coming from this as a Christian. I walk my own path to heaven!

Now you refer to 9/11 and Jews having something to do with it? They tried to warn us something like this was going to happen. That is known here. I have no clue where you get your news but I see you being fed BS like we are fed here. Islam is not about you. It is about what YOU are to Islam. Do you honestly think you even really matter to them unless you can serve a purpose for them? That is a real fact of life many don't see.

Look up a Frank Zappa song called The Meek Shall Inherit Nothing. I am sure you may get an idea of what is really going on in your world as well as my own.

Like the song says,

You say yer life's a bum deal
'N yer up against the wall...
Well, people, you ain't even got no
Deal at all
'Cause what they do
In Washington
They just takes care
You ain't even NUMBER TWO

Prophetically the same goes for ISLAM!

YOU AIN'T EVEN #2 with them!

There is far more to life than an organized lie based on a fear of an unseen God.

AndyBgood's photo
Fri 10/12/12 05:16 PM

Now, let's see who supports Islam.

I am not pro-homosex.

I also do not advocate killing them because they practice it.

Do you support Muslims killing homosexuals?

Watch this true video. Don't fear seeing the truth about what Muslims do to them.!

wc all friends i am back.
Lol ur attitude show that u dont like islam.
Mind like u r creating distance among the ppls.
U r just posting to show that islam is not a good religion .
Ppls like u cant do anything . Islam is the fastes spreading religion in all.
Fear always spreads fast!

here i am refering you some famous name who accept islam.
Lew a famosu basket ball player.
Mike, a famous boxer.
Arther, an american jazz musician.
Dave, an american tv comedian.
Chris eubank. British boxer.
Nell , aferican crickter
u claming islam is fear. And non-muslim accepting islam caz of fear. So these are some famous name i have refer you. No muslim keep sward on there throat, to accept islam. It was there own wish.

EGYPT AFTER MUBARAK WAS TOSSED OUT! COUGH COUGH! About the violence on the Coptic Christians?