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Topic: President Obama wins reelection
GreenEyes48's photo
Fri 11/09/12 07:18 AM
I agree with mg1959...It's time to pressure the politicians on both sides to act like grown-ups... Time to send them a mandate that we expect them to work together to find solutions to the problems that we face as a nation...We can't afford to sit around pointing fingers and playing "blame games" anymore because this keeps the dysfunction in place and lets the politicians (on both sides) off the "hook!"

carold's photo
Fri 11/09/12 07:30 AM
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Ras427's photo
Fri 11/09/12 07:57 AM

The Republican party failed for many reasons, one main reason is their racist mindset. The birther issue was truely disgusting. Not to mention the communist and socialists claims, the Muslim claims, the anti American claims, all contributed to their loss. 79% of Republicans express racist views. https://www.impartial-review.com/stories/racism-increased-among-republicans-in-the-past-two-years-press-misreports-story http://ochairball.blogspot.com/2012/10/poll-on-explicit-racism-republicans-79.html

You should go and get a mental evaluation...With your obama care and all.
Obama won, get over it, or perhaps a leap off the nearest bridge could relieve you of your apparent misery. Im happy at your misery.laugh laugh laugh

I grieve.

Not for myself, but for my kids, Grandkids and our once great nation that Barry and his kind wish to finish killing.

Joy at seeing the US destroyed is perverted. The joy will be short-lived when those who voted for it find themselves getting screwed like the ones they deplore.
"Barry and his kind wish to finish killing" clearly suggests that those before him started the attempt at killing this nation. Now who might "his kind" be? Are they corporate plutocrats? Are they multinational banksters? Are they the crooks on Wall st? Who started the wars that has drained the economy to near bankruptcy? The Federal Reserve? Who? I highly doubt that the goverment figurehead is responciable seeing as hes just been in office 4 years while this country has been in decline long before he came along. The blame can go around to many factors, we just refuse to really examine this thourougly because it will destroy our false sence of rightousness. The fact is we are afraid to admit that our country is in decline due to greedy criminals who control this country from secret rooms made up of criminals. This fact is to much for many to bare. Its the same as a mother who thinks her son is an angel only to find out he is a seriel killer,shocked, the American public think just like that mother.

soufiehere's photo
Fri 11/09/12 08:31 AM
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