Topic: President Obama wins reelection
no photo
Thu 11/08/12 06:55 AM

then there really would have been a trouncing!laugh

laugh :cry: laugh :cry: laugh :cry: Do I only get two choices?...

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 11/08/12 07:27 AM

then there really would have been a trouncing!laugh

laugh :cry: laugh :cry: laugh :cry: Do I only get two choices?...
well,I know a Dane,hopping up and down screaming like a Banshee hijacking other People's Threads,behaving like the Rooster who believes that he Sun rises on account of his crowing!rofl

no photo
Thu 11/08/12 07:41 AM

then there really would have been a trouncing!laugh

laugh :cry: laugh :cry: laugh :cry: Do I only get two choices?...
well,I know a Dane,hopping up and down screaming like a Banshee hijacking other People's Threads,behaving like the Rooster who believes that he Sun rises on account of his crowing!rofl

Next time you see him, tell him I said Congrats!! ill and settle down!!!....There will be be fodder to spare for the next four years, he'll need to conserve his energy! ....shades

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 11/08/12 08:47 AM

then there really would have been a trouncing!laugh

laugh :cry: laugh :cry: laugh :cry: Do I only get two choices?...
well,I know a Dane,hopping up and down screaming like a Banshee hijacking other People's Threads,behaving like the Rooster who believes that he Sun rises on account of his crowing!rofl

Next time you see him, tell him I said Congrats!! ill and settle down!!!....There will be be fodder to spare for the next four years, he'll need to conserve his energy! ....shades

I will!laugh

TJN's photo
Thu 11/08/12 09:17 AM
I voted for the wrong rich white guy.

no photo
Thu 11/08/12 09:40 AM
I voted for the wrong rich white guy.

This is even funnier the second time around TJ!!laugh Rock rocks!laugh

no photo
Thu 11/08/12 02:13 PM
Right at this moment emails to our representatives (mine went out yesterday) are asking them to lay out a plan together. I don't have to like them or be on their Christmas list to share with them that I along with millions of others are saying work together or be voted out till we find someone who will. You know folks, if we take our energy and use it in constructive ways we can break grid. I'm not expecting that I will get what I want, but I am expecting that we at least can get to a place where our voices are heard and we can force our representatives to break the cycle of grid politics which as we have seen is costing us a fortune.

One thing we have to agree on is that the demographics of the nation has changed much over the last ten years and we as a people are being heard like never before. That is if we speak, and if we speak with intelligence. We act like the people in Washington are unreachable and doing their own thing without us. This may be true when it comes to some policies, but many of the issues that we had and have a chance to effect are on the table as we speak and your letters can at least tell our folks in Washington we expect them to eat at the same table if we're paying for the meal. If we do not take advantage of this historical moment than we have no room to talk down on anyone.

I for one am going to be a part of the wakeup call cause seeing so much opportunity for our country is hard to resists. If you want you can gab about the stuff you can't change, but your only wasting time for us who want to and can change things. There are talkers and there are walkers. The US whether you like Barack or not has an opportunity to work things out pass a gridlock. This grid is going to be a grind for sure, no one expects anything different but I feel that no matter who is in office we were going to have to change the way we did business period, and personally think that Washington is a bit in shock because we have progressed so fast as people over the last 10 to 20 years that maybe they have fallen out of step.

I'll give you my take then shut up and leave you to your mingle political engine. I feel that we made a misstep in 2000. I'm not saying Bush himself, but the Bush era fell a little behind the progressiveness that was needed after the 3 presidents before kick started a newer US. Clinton was a modern template (like the man or not). The template some how got displaced, and while the world advanced in areas the government didn't keep pace. Changes in the world happened without us because we had our focus on other things and floated instead of progressing in some areas. This was partly our fault as citizens as we could have been more aware of a tide starting that we did not much to stop. I could make a long list of the signs of this but so could you. During this time we also got stuck back in gird mode and didn't do enough looking at where we were and the world around us. As I said the signs were all over the place but we were off doing our own stuff. Kinda hard for us to point fingers cause we all took a bite. I'm guilty too cause I was in China 8 times in the 90's and could see things shaping that could be very good for us or very bad for us depending on if we continued to work well in the world market or not. Other countries were on the verge of awakening and we were the example of this, but we stopped leading and negotiating as a world moving forward with us as a part and not the whole. You guys can make fun of me but we had a chance to use some of the brains of the late 90's and make them leaders and I kick myself for not voting differently. Did any of us really understand what we were doing to things in the early 2000's. As a business owner I didn't. I thought we were stable enough that we could take our eyes off the ball while we chased terrorist. All the strip malls that were built in the 80's were now empty, and until 2004 I didn't take the internet seriously. This means I was a typical America completely out of touch with the real world. Here I was in technology and still had ghost writers running my biz. My mind was still in the 80's and from what I read I was not alone. In many ways our country was still in the 80's and the progressive things we did in the 90's didn't stick and take off naturally because I think we were comfortable, but this didn't stop a very progressive world from marching forward.

Does it surprise me that Barack didn't get everything done in his first term? Not one little iddy biddy bit. The world has gone through a tremendous mindset change and has advanced more in the last 20 years than I think any of us over a certain age could have adapted to unless they were a heck of a lot quicker than me at least. Do me a favor and look at pictures of the senate and congress over the last 20 years. Do they look like they were up to speed? To me it seems like things moved so fast that unless a radical makeover took place the old school was just completely overwhelm at the new world pace. I'm still a little shocked that we have red and blue seats and not 3 to 5 colors aren't you?

Well, unfortunately biz calls and I've got to run. But if I could I would just like to say embrace what we have. There is a long way to go to get us up to date or even up to speed. We all play a role and being negative takes us further from the task at hand. one thing for sure that I think this election did which I am really happy about is it shook us up a little. The adds alone showed us how much growing up we all have to do. Personally I don't think I could show my face to someone I just tore down as much as both of the camps did. And I certainly think if some of this attitude doesn't change before the next 4 years is up we are going to have a pretty angry group of Americans.

What changes all this? Us!

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 11/08/12 03:22 PM

Right at this moment emails to our representatives (mine went out yesterday) are asking them to lay out a plan together. I don't have to like them or be on their Christmas list to share with them that I along with millions of others are saying work together or be voted out till we find someone who will. You know folks, if we take our energy and use it in constructive ways we can break grid. I'm not expecting that I will get what I want, but I am expecting that we at least can get to a place where our voices are heard and we can force our representatives to break the cycle of grid politics which as we have seen is costing us a fortune.

One thing we have to agree on is that the demographics of the nation has changed much over the last ten years and we as a people are being heard like never before. That is if we speak, and if we speak with intelligence. We act like the people in Washington are unreachable and doing their own thing without us. This may be true when it comes to some policies, but many of the issues that we had and have a chance to effect are on the table as we speak and your letters can at least tell our folks in Washington we expect them to eat at the same table if we're paying for the meal. If we do not take advantage of this historical moment than we have no room to talk down on anyone.

I for one am going to be a part of the wakeup call cause seeing so much opportunity for our country is hard to resists. If you want you can gab about the stuff you can't change, but your only wasting time for us who want to and can change things. There are talkers and there are walkers. The US whether you like Barack or not has an opportunity to work things out pass a gridlock. This grid is going to be a grind for sure, no one expects anything different but I feel that no matter who is in office we were going to have to change the way we did business period, and personally think that Washington is a bit in shock because we have progressed so fast as people over the last 10 to 20 years that maybe they have fallen out of step.

I'll give you my take then shut up and leave you to your mingle political engine. I feel that we made a misstep in 2000. I'm not saying Bush himself, but the Bush era fell a little behind the progressiveness that was needed after the 3 presidents before kick started a newer US. Clinton was a modern template (like the man or not). The template some how got displaced, and while the world advanced in areas the government didn't keep pace. Changes in the world happened without us because we had our focus on other things and floated instead of progressing in some areas. This was partly our fault as citizens as we could have been more aware of a tide starting that we did not much to stop. I could make a long list of the signs of this but so could you. During this time we also got stuck back in gird mode and didn't do enough looking at where we were and the world around us. As I said the signs were all over the place but we were off doing our own stuff. Kinda hard for us to point fingers cause we all took a bite. I'm guilty too cause I was in China 8 times in the 90's and could see things shaping that could be very good for us or very bad for us depending on if we continued to work well in the world market or not. Other countries were on the verge of awakening and we were the example of this, but we stopped leading and negotiating as a world moving forward with us as a part and not the whole. You guys can make fun of me but we had a chance to use some of the brains of the late 90's and make them leaders and I kick myself for not voting differently. Did any of us really understand what we were doing to things in the early 2000's. As a business owner I didn't. I thought we were stable enough that we could take our eyes off the ball while we chased terrorist. All the strip malls that were built in the 80's were now empty, and until 2004 I didn't take the internet seriously. This means I was a typical America completely out of touch with the real world. Here I was in technology and still had ghost writers running my biz. My mind was still in the 80's and from what I read I was not alone. In many ways our country was still in the 80's and the progressive things we did in the 90's didn't stick and take off naturally because I think we were comfortable, but this didn't stop a very progressive world from marching forward.

Does it surprise me that Barack didn't get everything done in his first term? Not one little iddy biddy bit. The world has gone through a tremendous mindset change and has advanced more in the last 20 years than I think any of us over a certain age could have adapted to unless they were a heck of a lot quicker than me at least. Do me a favor and look at pictures of the senate and congress over the last 20 years. Do they look like they were up to speed? To me it seems like things moved so fast that unless a radical makeover took place the old school was just completely overwhelm at the new world pace. I'm still a little shocked that we have red and blue seats and not 3 to 5 colors aren't you?

Well, unfortunately biz calls and I've got to run. But if I could I would just like to say embrace what we have. There is a long way to go to get us up to date or even up to speed. We all play a role and being negative takes us further from the task at hand. one thing for sure that I think this election did which I am really happy about is it shook us up a little. The adds alone showed us how much growing up we all have to do. Personally I don't think I could show my face to someone I just tore down as much as both of the camps did. And I certainly think if some of this attitude doesn't change before the next 4 years is up we are going to have a pretty angry group of Americans.

What changes all this? Us!

Bravalady's photo
Thu 11/08/12 05:07 PM

I'm not so sure the above is nonsense. I've read today that a lot of Republicans declined to vote because they didn't feel they had a candidate they could support.

As a "Rockefeller" or "Goldwater" Republican, I have no party. So, I did the only thing I could do, I went out and voted for the Libertarian.

Yes, this is exactly what I meant.

Back in the day, Rockefeller Repubs and Goldwaterites were two very different things, but I think I understand why you're combining them, because even though Goldwater was very radical for his time, I've read articles saying that he would be horrified at what's happening now. I'm curious what you think the differences are between then and now in the Republican candidates.

Lpdon's photo
Thu 11/08/12 11:45 PM

You were warned, GOP.

I don't think those 100 voters would have really made a difference.

Lpdon's photo
Thu 11/08/12 11:48 PM

I didn't vote for either candidate; and I changed my party to Libertarian. I knew Obama would win. The Elite never intended to let Romney win. Having him as a president would have been really scary because he is more stupid than George W Bush. At least George was funny and fun to make fun of. Romney was a phony baloney, so much so that I would get physically sick every time I heard him speak. sick

Maybe next election we will see the republican dream ticket of Palin/Trump.

Palin wouldn't win. God knows I wouldn't mind looking at her for 4 years.

Lpdon's photo
Thu 11/08/12 11:50 PM

Lets talk about Libya I think Obama did the right thing so a few guys who knew the risks got killed how many would die if we had gone in guns shooting? How many wars can we afford?

Lets talk about the war we will avoid in Iran. Israel will now shut the hell up and maybe if they wish for a nuclear free middle east will lead the way by disarming themselves and sigh nthe non proliferation treaty and negotiate in good faith.

Thank you America for electing the better man.

On a side note.

My neighbor is upset Obama won because he has no insurance and his kids were free under medicare, he now has to pay some but hey I have been paying for his kids all along with my taxes so it all evens out.

Lets hope we can get these medical costs inline and stop the insurance companies from bankrupting everyone.

The computer tech knew the risks? Nope he wasn't a military person and there should have been limited risk to the ambassador because he should have been more secure.

Lpdon's photo
Fri 11/09/12 12:38 AM

Luckily the repubs have enough seats to keep him in check.

But, will they actually try to work with him this time, since they're unable to make sure he's a one term president now?

I think this is the most important post on this entire thread!

I'm surprised you guys are still bickering when we need to start working together to stabilize things after 20 years of a changing world. You who are posting negative pics need to grow up. I have voted on both sides of the stupid fence that has been built by "US". You and me are voting the people in and instead of taking down our country you should be spending your energy building it up. Fools can tare, but if you are a reasonable American you should be involved in more than a lynching mob. I didn't get involved in the politic threads for 1 reason during this campaign, and your seeing it here.

Thank you Sing for putting up this very important issue. If all people can do is point that tells me no one is listening. This election as well as the last several I have spent my time listening and doing. And based on what I have seen over a lot more than the last 9 months is the two parties are trying with all of their might not to work with the other. You can blame this on the Pres all you want and blame everything that doesn't go your particular way on him as well. I can also guaranty you, you "will" end up not progressing where you are now over 4 years from now whether the rest of us do or not.

Now have fun taking my words and twisting them like some of you have been doing this whole election on both sides with each other, just like they do on the hill. That shows real maturity for those who really do care. If things haven't and don't go your way it's because of you and no one else. We all have tough roads but also the ability to change the map if we care enough to get involve more than on a forum that lets you color with your crayons.

Did I vote? Yes. Did I vote party lines? What are those? Did I talk negative about any candidate? Why would I, I was busy enough studying the issues and learning.

Now answer Sings question, are you willing to work together and not just point saying "their the ones not playing fair"?

Washington is only as grown up as we are.

Thanks for actually responding to this question. Not one other person has so far. Perhaps they think the conservatives should still try to block everything and not work together to get anything done.

We will see if Obama tries to work together. The guy is the most Liberal president we have ever had who think bipartisanship is going golfing with Boehner. Obama doesn't know the meaning of compromise with him it is my way or kick rocks.

I have a hunch he he pulls his head out of his a$$ and tried to work with the House they will work with him and if he doesn't Republicans will have the House and Senate in 2014.

DumbestUsernameEvr's photo
Fri 11/09/12 01:32 AM

A lesser man would use the words of the conservative right wing at this time.

"We went out and voted, and we took our country back!!! If you don't like it, the door is over there, get out!!!"

Of course, I'm not a lesser man, so I'm not going to say anything, I'm just go to have that inward smile of satisfaction, because I know that the people have spoken.

(Of course, my voice wasn't heard, because I didn't vote for either of these idiots.)

Gary Johnson should've won. Unfortunately we're a long way from anything like that happening.

Lpdon's photo
Fri 11/09/12 01:35 AM

A lesser man would use the words of the conservative right wing at this time.

"We went out and voted, and we took our country back!!! If you don't like it, the door is over there, get out!!!"

Of course, I'm not a lesser man, so I'm not going to say anything, I'm just go to have that inward smile of satisfaction, because I know that the people have spoken.

(Of course, my voice wasn't heard, because I didn't vote for either of these idiots.)

Gary Johnson should've won. Unfortunately we're a long way from anything like that happening.

It wont happen. 3rd party candidates are one and two issue candidates.

no photo
Fri 11/09/12 01:36 AM
Truly sad...

d24's photo
Fri 11/09/12 02:18 AM

The Republican party failed for many reasons, one main reason is their racist mindset. The birther issue was truely disgusting. Not to mention the communist and socialists claims, the Muslim claims, the anti American claims, all contributed to their loss. 79% of Republicans express racist views.

You should go and get a mental evaluation...With your obama care and all.

no photo
Fri 11/09/12 05:17 AM

:thumbsup: Hope most take the time to read this...

Some tidbits from the article...

"Dogmatism is believing when science tells you not to."

"Consequently, legislatures that try to manage a modern economy in detail become ineffective talking shops, and must defer to bureaucrats."

" We should believe in the free-enterprise system, not simply because of faith in any ideal but because theory and evidence indicate that this system works best."

Ras427's photo
Fri 11/09/12 05:19 AM

The Republican party failed for many reasons, one main reason is their racist mindset. The birther issue was truely disgusting. Not to mention the communist and socialists claims, the Muslim claims, the anti American claims, all contributed to their loss. 79% of Republicans express racist views.

You should go and get a mental evaluation...With your obama care and all.
Obama won, get over it, or perhaps a leap off the nearest bridge could relieve you of your apparent misery. Im happy at your misery.laugh laugh laugh

willing2's photo
Fri 11/09/12 05:27 AM

The Republican party failed for many reasons, one main reason is their racist mindset. The birther issue was truely disgusting. Not to mention the communist and socialists claims, the Muslim claims, the anti American claims, all contributed to their loss. 79% of Republicans express racist views.

You should go and get a mental evaluation...With your obama care and all.
Obama won, get over it, or perhaps a leap off the nearest bridge could relieve you of your apparent misery. Im happy at your misery.laugh laugh laugh

I grieve.

Not for myself, but for my kids, Grandkids and our once great nation that Barry and his kind wish to finish killing.

Joy at seeing the US destroyed is perverted. The joy will be short-lived when those who voted for it find themselves getting screwed like the ones they deplore.