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Topic: My ex isemt sure if she wants me, am I doing the right thing
fussaguy's photo
Thu 10/17/13 01:21 AM
If it does not feel right, go with your instinct. Then communicate communicate communicate. Having a baby will not fix anything, I promise, fix your issues first. A mortgage will only add to the confusion as well, make sure she is doing her half of the work.

TawtStrat's photo
Thu 10/17/13 04:27 AM
I had an ex like this and I don't regret it and the sex was great. Yeah, she trampled all over my heart and it took me a long time to get over it but I did and even though we haven't seen each other for a while I know that she will always have feelings for me and that we have a bond that is unbreakable.

It can take years to get to know someone properly and you said that she dumped you before because of arguments. Talk to her about that and see if you can resolve those issues. When I put it to my ex that she had been a compulsive liar she told me that what I was describing just sounded like a mixed up girl.

It's up to you if you think that this woman is worth fighting for but don't take too much crap from her or she will just walk all over you.

no photo
Thu 10/17/13 05:02 AM

If it does not feel right, go with your instinct. Then communicate communicate communicate. Having a baby will not fix anything, I promise, fix your issues first. A mortgage will only add to the confusion as well, make sure she is doing her half of the work.

I see problems like this on 'The Jeremy Kyle Show', a lot of the time. They think having a baby together, or getting a house together, will bring them closer to each other, because then they've both got an extra something that is just their's. I wish it WAS as simple as that. But why not just buy them a small sentimental gift? E.g, I once bought one of those broken heart necklaces. One half of the heart I gave to the man I was with, and I kept the other half. I wrote a little note explaining what it means to me. I told him to keep the other half, as it represented two halfs making one heart. Maybe you think that just sounds corny, but I like to show I'm making the effort in a relationship. You shouldn't have to buy a MORTGAGE of all things, because they are so expensive. What if you get into debt? That can be a big money trap. Housing people love to make money out of the house buyer. Why not just rent? It's cheaper. Also, if you buy a place, and then find a few month down the road that you don't like your neighbours, you're then stuck there. If you just rent, you are free to move again, if it ever came to that. Love shouldn't have to be expensive. Have you talked to her anymore yet?

Adami619's photo
Thu 10/17/13 11:48 AM
I just want to make this perfectly clear to everyone that a baby with her and a mortgage at this stage is totally out of the question!!! Btw twatstrad I really appreciate your comment

kymberkiss's photo
Thu 10/17/13 12:26 PM
All we can do is give you advice. You are the one who has to make the decision.

If you had question enough to post about it I would say there is your answer.

bibarnes's photo
Wed 11/13/13 06:17 AM


Love is blind. Take off the blinders. Stop helping her set you up for a gigantic fall. She is sending you mixed signals but she is only doing what you allow her to do. Love her, but be in love with her from afar. It sounds to me like you are the security blanket. The one she runs to when whatever else she has got going on is not working out. If you are going to be in one another's lives then be a friend to her which means do what platonic friends do not what couples/lovers do.

Believe it. Does she want you or need you? If it is want then proceed with caution. If it is need cut it off yesterday and run, do not walk, away.

larsson71's photo
Wed 11/13/13 06:58 AM
Tell her to bolt! Play her at her own game? She won't like it 1 bit!

no photo
Wed 11/13/13 07:11 AM

She said she ended it because apparently we argued quite abit at one stage
i think shes just playing around with yo feelings. she knows u love her and u are desparete for her thats so she can drop u and pick u wen she feels like. just go slow about it and don't let wat u feel for her blind you.try listening to steel and manday woods "know yoself first" the song carries alot of message for your situation.

totally agree. I think it's time to set some limits to protect your own feelings and dignity.

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