Topic: Obama Breaks Own Law; Dems Silent
Dodo_David's photo
Fri 11/29/13 11:11 AM
Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer nails it:

We've now reached a point where a flailing president, desperate to deflect the opprobrium heaped upon him for the false promise that you could keep your health plan if you wanted to, calls a hasty news conference urging both insurers and the states to reinstate millions of such plans.

Except that he is asking them to break the law. His own law. Under Obamacare, no insurer may issue a policy after 2013 that does not meet the law's minimum coverage requirements. These plans were canceled because they do not.

The law remains unchanged. The regulations governing that law remain unchanged. Nothing is changed except for a president proposing to unilaterally change his own law from the White House press room.

That's banana republic stuff, except that there the dictator proclaims from the presidential balcony.

Remember how for months Democrats denounced Republicans for daring to vote to defund or postpone Obamacare? Saboteurs! Terrorists! How dare you alter "the law of the land."

This was nonsense from the beginning. Every law is subject to revision and abolition if the people think it turned out to be a bad idea. Even constitutional amendments can be repealed - and have been (see Prohibition).

After indignant denunciation of Republicans for trying to amend "the law of the land" constitutionally (i.e. in Congress assembled), Democrats turn utterly silent when the president lawlessly tries to do so by executive fiat.

Nor is this the first time. The president wakes up one day and decides to unilaterally suspend the employer mandate, a naked invasion of Congress's exclusive legislative prerogative, enshrined in Article I. Not a word from the Democrats. Nor now regarding the blatant usurpation of trying to restore canceled policies that violate explicit Obamacare coverage requirements.

Quote Source

willing2's photo
Fri 11/29/13 11:16 AM

What politicians will start his resignation process?

msharmony's photo
Fri 11/29/13 11:20 AM
the op CLAIMS They were cancelled because of a minimum requirement

no source or proof to back up that claim whatsoever

or that the president would support people being issued coverage that didn't cover the minimum

Dodo_David's photo
Fri 11/29/13 11:26 AM

the op CLAIMS They were cancelled because of a minimum requirement

no source or proof to back up that claim whatsoever

or that the president would support people being issued coverage that didn't cover the minimum

The topic of the OP is President Obama's effort to violate federal legislation that he promoted and signed into law.

msharmony's photo
Fri 11/29/13 11:32 AM

the op CLAIMS They were cancelled because of a minimum requirement

no source or proof to back up that claim whatsoever

or that the president would support people being issued coverage that didn't cover the minimum

The topic of the OP is President Obama's effort to violate federal legislation that he promoted and signed into law.

its an ALLEGATION with no sufficient facts to back it up

willing2's photo
Fri 11/29/13 11:56 AM
Any proof oButtma didn't go on air and ask insurers to reinstate policies that didn't meet his minimum requirements?

I remember his asking them to and,,, it was on CNN.

Dodo_David's photo
Fri 11/29/13 01:09 PM

the op CLAIMS They were cancelled because of a minimum requirement

no source or proof to back up that claim whatsoever

or that the president would support people being issued coverage that didn't cover the minimum

The topic of the OP is President Obama's effort to violate federal legislation that he promoted and signed into law.

its an ALLEGATION with no sufficient facts to back it up

Oh, the facts are sufficient.

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 11/29/13 01:13 PM
well,He is God,therefore allowed to do that!pitchfork

gmoneykaz's photo
Fri 11/29/13 02:42 PM
if you like your health care plan you can keep it period.
Ha Ha Ha he he ho ho ha ha ha he he holaugh tears sad mad

gmoneykaz's photo
Fri 11/29/13 02:44 PM
right on right on

boredinaz06's photo
Fri 11/29/13 05:47 PM

Obozo is king of the universe and he shall do as he pleases.

no photo
Fri 11/29/13 05:57 PM

the op CLAIMS They were cancelled because of a minimum requirement

no source or proof to back up that claim whatsoever

or that the president would support people being issued coverage that didn't cover the minimum

The topic of the OP is President Obama's effort to violate federal legislation that he promoted and signed into law.

its an ALLEGATION with no sufficient facts to back it up

Oh, the facts are sufficient. this point it's getting difficult eve nfor harmony to defend

Dodo_David's photo
Fri 11/29/13 09:10 PM

the op CLAIMS They were cancelled because of a minimum requirement

no source or proof to back up that claim whatsoever

or that the president would support people being issued coverage that didn't cover the minimum

The topic of the OP is President Obama's effort to violate federal legislation that he promoted and signed into law.

its an ALLEGATION with no sufficient facts to back it up

Oh, the facts are sufficient. this point it's getting difficult even for harmony to defend

Perhaps this guy should defend President Obama instead.

no photo
Sat 11/30/13 09:13 AM

well,He is God,therefore allowed to do that!pitchfork

You meant Allah.

Dodo_David's photo
Sat 11/30/13 03:04 PM
Edited by Dodo_David on Sat 11/30/13 03:05 PM
Republican pundits acknowledge that Presidents are fallible.

That is why GWB, his father and Reagan all had their GOP critics.

Reagan was criticized by GOP pundits for the Iran-Contra scandal and for Reagan's amnesty program for illegal immigrants.

Bush the Elder was criticized by GOP pundits for breaking his word on "no new taxes".

Bush the Younger was criticized by GOP pundits for his handling of illegal immigration.

Carter was criticized by Democrat pundits for his handling of the Iran Hostage Crisis and the OPEC Oil Embargo.

Clinton was criticized by Democrat pundits for his lying about his affair with Monica Lewinsky.

Obama's political supporters have to acknowledge his fallibility in order to acknowledge his mistakes when it comes to fallout from Obamacare.

metalwing's photo
Sat 11/30/13 04:57 PM
If anyone thinks the Democrats are going to acknowledge Obama's failures or the (now well known) difference between Obamacare and what was promised ... just ask Nancy Peloci. (at 2min52seconds)

The Judge gets it right!

Mortman's photo
Sun 12/01/13 06:34 AM

Republican pundits acknowledge that Presidents are fallible.

That is why GWB, his father and Reagan all had their GOP critics.

Reagan was criticized by GOP pundits for the Iran-Contra scandal and for Reagan's amnesty program for illegal immigrants.

Bush the Elder was criticized by GOP pundits for breaking his word on "no new taxes".

Bush the Younger was criticized by GOP pundits for his handling of illegal immigration.

Carter was criticized by Democrat pundits for his handling of the Iran Hostage Crisis and the OPEC Oil Embargo.

Clinton was criticized by Democrat pundits for his lying about his affair with Monica Lewinsky.

Obama's political supporters have to acknowledge his fallibility in order to acknowledge his mistakes when it comes to fallout from Obamacare.

President Obama gets plenty of complaints from Democrats. Maybe you just missed Fox News telling you.

I have heard and read many, many complaints from Liberals about President Obama on the NSA's spying and Obama offering to cut Medicare in negotiations with Republicans in Congress (turns out that last one was a cynical ploy--knowing Republicans weren't going to negotiate). There's also been plenty of complaining about the ACA. No public option and that most Liberals would've preferred a single-payer system. However, you probably won't hear all the complaints that the Republicans are making from Democrats, mostly because they're not true. Most of the complaints from Republicans/conservatives/teabaggers have all been lies or distortions, and most Democrats just aren't buying it. At least not the ones who follow the news.

So, it's not that Democrats are all blind to Obama's faults. We're just not so upset about it, considering the alternatives. We can also see the bright side of the situation. For example, I appreciate the new transparency in the NSA activities and foreign relations. Didn't get a lot of that under Bush (even though those spying programs were running back then).

metalwing's photo
Sun 12/01/13 08:52 AM

the op CLAIMS They were cancelled because of a minimum requirement

no source or proof to back up that claim whatsoever

or that the president would support people being issued coverage that didn't cover the minimum

The topic of the OP is President Obama's effort to violate federal legislation that he promoted and signed into law.

its an ALLEGATION with no sufficient facts to back it up

Oh, the facts are sufficient. this point it's getting difficult even for harmony to defend

Perhaps this guy should defend President Obama instead.

Apparently Bagdad Bob was Obama's mentor on "how to deal with the public".