Topic: WH press secretary says implimenting OC "worth it"
mightymoe's photo
Sun 01/26/14 04:50 PM
Days before President Obama is set to deliver the annual State of the Union during, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney told ABC News that passing and implementing the president's signature health care law is worth any political consequences, including losing the Democratically-controlled Senate to the Republicans.

"This is not about politics. So the answer is, it is absolutely worth it, no matter what happens politically," Carney said when asked about the possibility of losing the Senate during an interview at the White House for "This Week."

"I just disagree that Republicans are going to have a winning issue on this if they decide to run on it, because they've got to explain what repeal means," he added.

A new ABC News/Washington Post poll released today found that 59 percent of Americans disapproved of the way Obamacare has been implemented.

Carney, asked by ABC News' Jonathan Karl how the president could be an effective leader when the ABC News/Washington Post poll showed only 37 percent of the country thinks the president has the ability to make the right decisions for the country, acknowledged the botched rollout of, but also placed blame on the GOP for shutting down the government last fall.

"I think what we saw last year in 2013 was a Washington that did not deliver for the American people. When Congress decided to shut down the government in October, Republicans decided to do that - the American people looked at Washington and said…'What's wrong with all these people we sent to Washington to work for us?'" he said.

"When got off to a terribly rocky start in October and through November, Americans probably said 'Why can't they get this right?"' Carney added.

During the interview, Carney also outlined the president's vision for 2014, which Obama will reveal to the country in Tuesday's State of the Union.

"The president sees this as a year of action…to work with Congress where he can and to bypass Congress where necessary…to lift folks who want to come into the middle class," Carney said, adding later in the interview that "we're actually optimistic that 2014 will be the year that Congress delivers to the president's desk a bipartisan, comprehensive immigration reform bill that meets the principles he laid out and that he can sign into law."

The press secretary, a former reporter for TIME magazine, also defended the Obama administration's record when it came to media access, pushing back against recent comments by New York Times Executive Editor Jill Abramson calling the Obama White House the "most secretive" she has ever covered.

"I strongly disagree with that statement. I know from experience that it's wrong. And you know, we provide an extraordinary amount of information and access to reporters. And we work every day to provide more," he said.

mightymoe's photo
Sun 01/26/14 04:52 PM
i guess it doesn't matter what the hell the people want, they are just gunna do what they please...

willing2's photo
Sun 01/26/14 05:00 PM
It would be racist not to.:wink:

msharmony's photo
Sun 01/26/14 05:29 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 01/26/14 05:29 PM
they may find that, down the line, they will end up with something better than they may have otherwise had

at least, others who have historically been opposed to something have been told to feel so,,,

they will 'get over it' once its in their past,,,

Dodo_David's photo
Sun 01/26/14 05:35 PM
Does anyone really believe that Jay Carney wouldn't try to spin things in his boss' favor?

mightymoe's photo
Sun 01/26/14 05:36 PM

they may find that, down the line, they will end up with something better than they may have otherwise had

at least, others who have historically been opposed to something have been told to feel so,,,

they will 'get over it' once its in their past,,,


yea, right... just keep shoving crap down our throats till we like it... the main problem with that is "down the line" may turn out to be the worst thing ever...

we don't need people to tell us what we want/need, we people to do what the people want

willing2's photo
Sun 01/26/14 05:36 PM

they may find that, down the line, they will end up with something better than they may have otherwise had

at least, others who have historically been opposed to something have been told to feel so,,,

they will 'get over it' once its in their past,,,

I seriously doubt a working person would agree with that ANALogy.

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 01/27/14 12:44 AM
that Boy must be wearing Asbestos-Pants!:laughing:

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Mon 01/27/14 02:42 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Mon 01/27/14 03:32 AM

The name.....Carney.... speaks volumes! Another Obozo play on words.... like a finger to the public?

"Step right up folks! For one thin dime, yes, just one small tenth part of a dollar you can see it all! He walks, he talks, he crawls on his belly like a reptile......"

The best line always being....

"Everyone's a winner!"


Weight guessing... from The Jerk (1979) with Steve Martin

For $1, I'll guess your weight, your height or your sex.
The most exciting thing on the midway.

Imagine the thrill of getting your weight guessed by a professional.

You can blow up your cheeks, you can stick out your chest...
...but you're not going to fool the guesser!.

How 'bout you, sir? Step right up!.

**Honey, let's see how good this guy is. Now, what do l win?

Anything in this general area right in here.

Anything below the stereo and on this side of the bicentennial glasses.

Anything between the ashtrays and the thimble.

Anything in this three inches right in here, in this area.

That includes the Chiclets, but not the erasers.

**No, sir!. Come on, honey. He thought he had himself a rube.


Frosty, I'm no good at this.

...Come on kid. You're doing fine.

But I've already given away eight pencils, two hula dolls and an ashtray......and I've only taken in $15.

...Navin, you have taken in $15......and given away 50 cents worth of crap! Which gives us a net profit of $14.50. It's a profit deal. Takes the pressure off.


Get your weight guessed right here!. Only a buck!.

Actual weight guessing!. Take a chance, win some crap.

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 01/27/14 02:48 AM
makes a great Patsy!laugh

Drivinmenutz's photo
Mon 01/27/14 07:49 AM

"The president sees this as a year of action…to work with Congress where he can and to bypass Congress where necessary…to lift folks who want to come into the middle class,"

See, I really wish he would explain this a bit more. How in the world is he "lifting" anyone to the "middle class"? How is he planning on increasing anyone's income?

OC, for instance, costing a couple $700 monthly with outrageous deductibles while simultaneously decreasing the tax brake on medical expenses. This couple is middle income, and now health care costs have increased.

willing2's photo
Mon 01/27/14 08:03 AM
I am a po black American.

It makes my heart glow seeing the rich middle class caring enough to provide me and my 11 kids free medical.
Great news!!!
My ho gonna drop triplets next month.

Thanks ya'll for them fertility treatments.

InvictusV's photo
Mon 01/27/14 08:08 AM

they may find that, down the line, they will end up with something better than they may have otherwise had

at least, others who have historically been opposed to something have been told to feel so,,,

they will 'get over it' once its in their past,,,

and maybe we will find out that what those opposed have been saying comes true.

where it becomes a high priced mess that lowers the standard of healthcare for everyone except the very wealthy.

I seriously doubt if that happens people will just "get over it".