Topic: Woman gives birth to Man
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Sat 04/25/15 11:14 PM
i gotta up my game. slaphead

TyphoonMk1b's photo
Sun 04/26/15 12:42 AM

Woman gives birth to man.
She nurtures him.
Being a tiny piece of woman, when he is just capable of walking and talking.

If he disrespects, misbehaves, ill-treats and abuses women

what he should be called?

A spoiled brat ?

Your valuable views pl.

man provides food for pregnant woman, besides the initial act of insemination.

he nurtures both through his work and his money.

if the son disrespects his mother it is she who has failed, and he should be raised by the father instead.

he should be called a Boy, and the Mother should be shamed and expelled from the family and shamed by society.

no photo
Sun 04/26/15 02:25 AM
noway noway noway

Conrad_73's photo
Sun 04/26/15 02:53 AM

There may be any causes of that- upbringing, social, administrative, religious...

But a cause should not necessarily generate an effect.

misbehaviour etc to women may differ place to place.

As far as US is concerned, I don't have exact figures but crimes against women is very high.

no need to cry pl.

hope you do have your own!

Conrad_73's photo
Sun 04/26/15 02:57 AM

Woman gives birth to man.
She nurtures him.
Being a tiny piece of woman, when he is just capable of walking and talking.

If he disrespects, misbehaves, ill-treats and abuses women

what he should be called?

A spoiled brat ?

Your valuable views pl.

man provides food for pregnant woman, besides the initial act of insemination.

he nurtures both through his work and his money.

if the son disrespects his mother it is she who has failed, and he should be raised by the father instead.

he should be called a Boy, and the Mother should be shamed and expelled from the family and shamed by society.

Is that going to be the new EU-Policy?noway

TyphoonMk1b's photo
Sun 04/26/15 04:34 AM
Edited by TyphoonMk1b on Sun 04/26/15 04:36 AM
of course not.
Just balancing this whole mangina thing out a bit.
superior, holy woman!
How DARE a being with a dick think differently than whorshipping the woman!

Here -
a woman gives birth to a man.
he is capable of walking, even talking.
oone listens, noone cares. Mom is holy, mom is right.
Mom needs attention, kills son.

Sure, Glasshouse.

what do we call the mother?
Who cares.... Kill the user who dares to disagree!

TyphoonMk1b's photo
Sun 04/26/15 05:01 AM
As for the "Glasshouse" element...
I don't care.
It matters more to be awake and critical thinking than kneeling before HER.

There are a LOT of male asshats out there. Well known fact.

But women can be just as nasty.

If that statement removes 50% of of my Potentioal dating and mating opportunities, It'll only speed up my search for the right one.

TMommy's photo
Sun 04/26/15 06:32 AM
I am not quite sure about this thread

but I gave birth to two boys
rocked them to sleep and sang to them
stood over their cribs to hear them breathe
they are proof that a woman survives
when her heart is walking around outside her body
I have mended torn blue jeans
kissed boo-boos
and sent the boogy man packing that dared invade their dreams
they know how to set and clear the table
mow the lawn
open the door when their mother walks through
were they perfect boys? of course not
but there is not doubt who it is that raised them

no photo
Sun 04/26/15 08:07 AM
Indian child bride, 13, writes letter begging to stop marriage but father vows to continue.
Who's FAULT is this?

no photo
Sun 04/26/15 08:30 AM
I bet the father acted like a child and the mom put up with him, so it's both parents fault.

JaiGi's photo
Sun 04/26/15 08:43 AM

Since you bring up crime rates for the u.s.,
did you know that your country has its own
issues, as the rape capitol of the world?

Touchy aren't we.
I think the OP Owner is unaware that women in US, NYC and so on; enjoy a sense of freedom that is not there in the India. In fairness, an innocent slip; like the title of this Post.

Since the term 'rape capitol' is being repeated from an earlier post; let me clarify for the benefit of all concerned. The particular 'rape' that triggered the now famous expression, occurred in Delhi & the social rage was so intense that media shortened 'rape in capitol' to rape capitol.

India is not uniformly middle class as is the West. We have a sizable gap
between the middle and the economically disadvantaged sections. While the middle had moved forward the poorer section have not or could not. We have a long way to go.

Having said that, India is still considered a standard bearer for democracy and secularism by Asia. We are the only counterweight to China and terrorism in this part of the World.

Criticizing us at individual levels, institutions, politicians; ok, we learn from it. Criticizing a whole community, a Nation for the action of a few? Doesn't make sense, coming as it is from an American.

no photo
Sun 04/26/15 09:03 AM
All the middle class American jobs have gone to countries like India. It might not be enough but you should thank America for bringing the jobs to you at the expense of it's own citizens. Meanwhile the other jobs in America went to illegals living there.

America has plenty of rape, we call it rape culture in America, it's a part of our culture, so many rape kits left unchecked in America.

no photo
Sun 04/26/15 09:05 AM

I bet the father acted like a child and the mom put up with him, so it's both parents fault.

I changed my mind. It's the fault of men.

JaiGi's photo
Sun 04/26/15 09:22 AM

All the middle class American jobs have gone to countries like India. It might not be enough but you should thank America for bringing the jobs to you at the expense of it's own citizens. Meanwhile the other jobs in America went to illegals living there.

This subject had also come up & clarified.
The call center jobs in India are subcontracted by American Corporates.
The Indian's working therein are nominally paid; it's the business execs
on both sides who percentage from the profits.

And to elaborate on the Economic Wheel if I may call it.
Toyota, Suzuki & Ford motorcars have displaced older Indian models
Dell, Sony have displaced Indian designed PCs
Japan, China & Korea are building the power plants in India
(India's state owned company has 30% market share)
So on.

Oh yes, thanks. I was just deciding between Pepsi and Coke.

dreamerana's photo
Sun 04/26/15 09:29 AM

I bet the father acted like a child and the mom put up with him, so it's both parents fault.

I changed my mind. It's the fault of men.

if a child isn't raised correctly it falls on who raised them. it it's both parents, the fault goes to both. if it's by one parent, the child is a product of that parent's examples and preconceived notions

Rock's photo
Sun 04/26/15 09:34 AM

Since you bring up crime rates for the u.s.,
did you know that your country has its own
issues, as the rape capitol of the world?

Touchy aren't we.
I think the OP Owner is unaware that women in US, NYC and so on; enjoy a sense of freedom that is not there in the India. In fairness, an innocent slip; like the title of this Post.

Since the term 'rape capitol' is being repeated from an earlier post; let me clarify for the benefit of all concerned. The particular 'rape' that triggered the now famous expression, occurred in Delhi & the social rage was so intense that media shortened 'rape in capitol' to rape capitol.

India is not uniformly middle class as is the West. We have a sizable gap
between the middle and the economically disadvantaged sections. While the middle had moved forward the poorer section have not or could not. We have a long way to go.

Having said that, India is still considered a standard bearer for democracy and secularism by Asia. We are the only counterweight to China and terrorism in this part of the World.

Criticizing us at individual levels, institutions, politicians; ok, we learn from it. Criticizing a whole community, a Nation for the action of a few? Doesn't make sense, coming as it is from an American.

One incident of rape, didn't gain your country
the name 'rape capitol'.

Sexual assault against women and children
is epidemic in your country. As is violence against
women and children.

TMommy's photo
Sun 04/26/15 09:35 AM
Edited by TMommy on Sun 04/26/15 09:38 AM
a child is a unique combination of it's parents, grandparents and so on and so forth..found it the make up of his DNA
recessive or dominant..but a mixture all the traits that he has inherited

a child is a product of the nurturing and the bond he forms with his mother
and also his father or with whoever it is that is caring for his needs on a daily basis

a child is a influenced by his environment and what he sees around him
his behavior is a product of what has been reinforced either positively or negatively since his birth but also must take into account his temperament, his personality and how he has been socialized

a child is a product of his heritage, his culture, the socioeconomic conditions in which he is raised

no photo
Sun 04/26/15 09:42 AM

Since you bring up crime rates for the u.s.,
did you know that your country has its own
issues, as the rape capitol of the world?

Touchy aren't we.
I think the OP Owner is unaware that women in US, NYC and so on; enjoy a sense of freedom that is not there in the India. In fairness, an innocent slip; like the title of this Post.

Since the term 'rape capitol' is being repeated from an earlier post; let me clarify for the benefit of all concerned. The particular 'rape' that triggered the now famous expression, occurred in Delhi & the social rage was so intense that media shortened 'rape in capitol' to rape capitol.

India is not uniformly middle class as is the West. We have a sizable gap
between the middle and the economically disadvantaged sections. While the middle had moved forward the poorer section have not or could not. We have a long way to go.

Having said that, India is still considered a standard bearer for democracy and secularism by Asia. We are the only counterweight to China and terrorism in this part of the World.

Criticizing us at individual levels, institutions, politicians; ok, we learn from it. Criticizing a whole community, a Nation for the action of a few? Doesn't make sense, coming as it is from an American.

One incident of rape, didn't gain your country
the name 'rape capitol'.

Sexual assault against women and children
is epidemic in your country. As is violence against
women and children.

You guys are both wrong. It's a world epidemic.

JaiGi's photo
Sun 04/26/15 09:57 AM

Since you bring up crime rates for the u.s.,
did you know that your country has its own
issues, as the rape capitol of the world?

Touchy aren't we.
I think the OP Owner is unaware that women in US, NYC and so on; enjoy a sense of freedom that is not there in the India. In fairness, an innocent slip; like the title of this Post.

Since the term 'rape capitol' is being repeated from an earlier post; let me clarify for the benefit of all concerned. The particular 'rape' that triggered the now famous expression, occurred in Delhi & the social rage was so intense that media shortened 'rape in capitol' to rape capitol.

India is not uniformly middle class as is the West. We have a sizable gap
between the middle and the economically disadvantaged sections. While the middle had moved forward the poorer section have not or could not. We have a long way to go.

Having said that, India is still considered a standard bearer for democracy and secularism by Asia. We are the only counterweight to China and terrorism in this part of the World.

Criticizing us at individual levels, institutions, politicians; ok, we learn from it. Criticizing a whole community, a Nation for the action of a few? Doesn't make sense, coming as it is from an American.

One incident of rape, didn't gain your country
the name 'rape capitol'.

Sexual assault against women and children
is epidemic in your country. As is violence against
women and children.

Since you know a lot more about my country;
I suppose I cannot con you any further.

& now you have added child molestation also. wow.
It's something else that's bothering you, isn't it?

By the way, our cabinet just passed a law that minors between 16 to 18
will be tried as adults on such serious crimes.

no photo
Sun 04/26/15 10:01 AM
All through history, everywhere in the world, men have treated women and children badly. Lately it's been making headlines everywhere. Rape is everywhere, US, India, pretty much anywhere where there are men, there is rape.