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Topic: Shot in the head NYPD officer 'fighting for his life'
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Wed 05/06/15 06:11 PM

"" Blackwell is accused of gunning down
Moore after the cop and his partner
stopped him because he was
suspiciously fidgeting with something in
his waistband.
“Do you have something in your
waist?’’ Moore asked Blackwell, 35,
while sitting behind the wheel of the
cops’ unmarked car, sources said.
“Yeah, I got something,” Blackwell
snarled back.
Blackwell then whipped out a handgun
and fired at the cops three times,
sources said.""

"" A self-described "hell-raiser" and a cousin
of former New York Giants cornerback
Kory Blackwell, the suspect had a prior
history of attacking policemen, the New
York Daily News reported.

..... he had an
extensive criminal history, including
serving five years in prison on an
attempted murder conviction.""

Frick that thug POS......But Im sure Mater will have a follow up "But but but" post.

God bless Officer Brian Moore and his family and fellow officers.


no photo
Wed 05/06/15 06:35 PM
why are you guys acting like im defending him? im not defending him all i said was
1.theres no way to 100% prove he was going to commit a crime with the gun if he hadnt been stopped.
2.stopping someone for fidgeting with their waistband IMO isnt a justifiable reason to stop someone walking down the street.
3.police officers patrolling should not be in plain clothes and unmarked cars (sting operations and undercover operations are different) but just being a cop patrolling you should be in uniform in a labeled cop car to prevent this kind of thing from happening.

all im saying is none of us know why he was carrying it, my point is just cause he had it doesnt mean 100% that he intended on committing a crime with it. maybe hes in a gang and carries it because hes afraid of running into rival gang memebers. does that justify him having it? no, but he did. was he wrong for shooting the cop? probably, but then again if 2 guys hop out of a car and point guns at me and dont make it known that there cops, im not going to wait for them to announce it, cause if theyre not cops its too late and your dead. all police should be in uniform and be in marked cars to avoid that kind of situation. yea the guy shouldnt have had the gun in the first place, but then again plain clothed cops shouldnt stop random people for adjusting their waistband.

like i said im not defending him. and i said if 2 guys hop out of a car pointing guns at you and you dont know their cops, what are you going to do? defend yourself, or not? i dont know exactly what happened those were just some things i was trying to point out. "yea i got something blackwell snarled back" i see that was published by the NY Post, but who was the actual source that said that? the other police officer that was there?

no photo
Wed 05/06/15 06:46 PM
i dont know about new york, but in my area cops drive around in unmarked cars too, but not just unmarked crown victorias. and they wear plain clothes with no badges around their neck. some i have seen are:

1. early 2000s audi a4
2. early 2000s toyota corolla
3. early 2000s dodge grand caravan

and theres more than that. and these guys are in plain clothes with no visible badges. if someone was to hop out of one of these cars pointing a gun at me i would have no way to tell if they were cops or not. even if they announce they are cops, if they have no visible badge, how are you supposed to know for sure? anyone can yell out "IM A COP" plus theres tons of plain white old crown vic's that are sold at auction, so basically anyone can drive around in an unmarked police car. some even still have the spotlight on the side. and theres a bunch of these where i live.

no photo
Thu 05/07/15 02:51 AM

and i would love to be a senator, i think i would be a damn good one. but i dont have millions of dollars to throw around compared to most other candidates. so there goes that.

then what about starting small... local.. township.. school board.. something to get your messages turned into action.

no photo
Thu 05/07/15 03:17 AM

millions of gun lovers would disagree

who say guns are a necessity for protection,, not planning to use, but having it in case its needed

yes,, your right. Just like this guy needed it for. right . To protect him from being arrested for carrying a ILLEGAL weapon

And BYW I have lived there my whole life. And witnessed my share of people being arrested.. never once did I see a cop draw his gun for a routine arrest. They don't jump out of the car guns draws.

Did these cops do that?

my point is I don't know what these cops did,, no one but those present know

and those living in a dangerous area keep guns for protection just like those in suburbs do

Again, I do know what the SOP is in NYC. I have friends who are cops in NYC. Out of all of them only one has ever pulled his gun. They have been cops for 15 or more years. There are rules of when you can take that gun out.

It is not Hollywood, they do not jump out of the car.. guns draws.

yes, legal guns... was this guy carrying a legal gun??

and how do you know THESE cops followed the SOP? you dont

which brings back my point,,,we will find out more as it is disclosed,, at this point there is no definitive proof that he knew he shot cops,,,,, or that they identified themselves as such

may have, but the details are still incomplete

well.. maybe your right. Maybe these 2 Cops pulled a " Starkey & Hutch skid up to the curb in their unmarked police car. Starling this poor man, and then with guns drawn (for some reason) and no badges hanging around their neck, came right at him.. never uttering the words " Police.. freeze".. just rushed at him. In this petrified state of mind he then remembered that he took his illegal gun with him that morning.. just in case those guys that were.. "out to get him" showed up.

He then shot one of them in the head.

But your right, he had a right to have that gun in the first place. ( everyone needed to defend themselves).. even if it was concealed and illegal. Because,, hey.. maybe someone was out to get him.

But I am sure he has realized this and has now stated that he did not know it was a Cop, right? No?... strange.. don't you think?

yes, I'll check back with you in a week.. after more is found out. Should be right about the time when they are burying the Cop.

no photo
Thu 05/07/15 03:23 AM
Bravo ! :thumbsup:

no photo
Thu 05/07/15 06:42 AM

thats why i think NY should stop the whole "stop and frink" stuff. they stopped the guy because they saw him adjusting his waist band or something like that. since when does someone adjusting their waist band justify a police officer to stop and question someone? note: I AM NOT ADVOCATING THAT THIS COP WAS BAD AND AM NOT BASHING THIS COP. that being said if the NY police didnt constantly stop people for very petty reasons, this cop would still be alive. i know the guy had an illegal gun and was carrying it illegally so no i am not advocating that this guy wasnt a scumbag. but i do feel NY abuses the whole stop and frisk thing just a bit. if they didnt stop him we would still have one more scumbag on the street with an illegal gun, but we would also have one more officer that wouldnt have died..... i know its already coming so let the tomato86 bashing begin.

When you leave your house in the morning with your car keys it is for what reason?.. to carry them around or you plan to use your car?

This guy left his house in the morning with a illegal gun. For what reason?

So had they not stopped him.. yes, a cop would still be alive.. but most likely someone else would not or the gun would have been used during a crime..

If that " someone else would not be alive" person was one of your loved ones, would you still feel the same, Tomato? Or would you had wished that someone took that gun from his guy before he had the chance to kill.

NYC is not some small PA. town Tomato, where maybe walking around with a gun strapped to you or a rifle in your pick up truck is normal

When you slip a gun in your waistband and walk out of the door in NYC, chances are you plan to use

bad logic your using... i carry a gun all the time, and never once used it... so what am i planning here? it's better to have a gun and never use it than to not have one and need it... all it would take is one time

I don't know what you are planning to do with a gun strapped to you every day...I have no idea. or what you think may happen that you would need a gun on a daily basis.. again.. no idea. You feel the need to carry one.. I don't. I don't feel the need to strap a gun to me every morning as I head out the door. Some do.. I don't

Is it a illegal gun that you carry Moe?. Are you carrying a concealed Illegal gun that you are not registered to own and carry Moe?.. or not allowed to carry because of past criminal convictions.

Did you buy your gun out on the street?

I don't think so... But this guy was and did.

Apples and oranges.. you can't compare them

There are responsible people who have the right to carry a gun ( if they choose)... a right.. they earned that right because of their past " clean" history of behavior. and then there are criminals, who have purchased illegal weapons for one reason. Which this guy apparently did...to killing or harm another human. Why.. because he did not want to get arrested. Not to defend himself. And that is a reason to shot someone in the head?.

Lets let this unfold some more... lets see if the was "John Q Public"
or a thug.. with a illegal or stolen gun that we are actually talking about here.. o.k.

BTW , what have you dug up on this guy...Are we talking John Q Public here. Meaning did he have a right under the laws of the state he chose to live in to be carrying that gun he used in this murder.

no photo
Thu 05/07/15 08:03 AM
dont know why you always feel the need to
try to start $h1t,
Im not starting anything. I just think its sad that a thread about a police officer decorated many times in his short lived career turned into another "bash cops" thread. Dont believe that it did? Ill give you your own words....

"" never said it was the cops fault, its the fault
of the entire NYPD for having the stop and
frisk policy, ""

A convicted felon pulled out a stolen gun and opened fire. Its HIS fault...no one elses. If you or anyone else doesnt get that, I dont know what else to say. It IS really that simple of an issue...Stop and frisk or no stop and frisk.

mightymoe's photo
Thu 05/07/15 09:25 AM

thats why i think NY should stop the whole "stop and frink" stuff. they stopped the guy because they saw him adjusting his waist band or something like that. since when does someone adjusting their waist band justify a police officer to stop and question someone? note: I AM NOT ADVOCATING THAT THIS COP WAS BAD AND AM NOT BASHING THIS COP. that being said if the NY police didnt constantly stop people for very petty reasons, this cop would still be alive. i know the guy had an illegal gun and was carrying it illegally so no i am not advocating that this guy wasnt a scumbag. but i do feel NY abuses the whole stop and frisk thing just a bit. if they didnt stop him we would still have one more scumbag on the street with an illegal gun, but we would also have one more officer that wouldnt have died..... i know its already coming so let the tomato86 bashing begin.

When you leave your house in the morning with your car keys it is for what reason?.. to carry them around or you plan to use your car?

This guy left his house in the morning with a illegal gun. For what reason?

So had they not stopped him.. yes, a cop would still be alive.. but most likely someone else would not or the gun would have been used during a crime..

If that " someone else would not be alive" person was one of your loved ones, would you still feel the same, Tomato? Or would you had wished that someone took that gun from his guy before he had the chance to kill.

NYC is not some small PA. town Tomato, where maybe walking around with a gun strapped to you or a rifle in your pick up truck is normal

When you slip a gun in your waistband and walk out of the door in NYC, chances are you plan to use

bad logic your using... i carry a gun all the time, and never once used it... so what am i planning here? it's better to have a gun and never use it than to not have one and need it... all it would take is one time

I don't know what you are planning to do with a gun strapped to you every day...I have no idea. or what you think may happen that you would need a gun on a daily basis.. again.. no idea. You feel the need to carry one.. I don't. I don't feel the need to strap a gun to me every morning as I head out the door. Some do.. I don't

Is it a illegal gun that you carry Moe?. Are you carrying a concealed Illegal gun that you are not registered to own and carry Moe?.. or not allowed to carry because of past criminal convictions.

Did you buy your gun out on the street?

I don't think so... But this guy was and did.

Apples and oranges.. you can't compare them

There are responsible people who have the right to carry a gun ( if they choose)... a right.. they earned that right because of their past " clean" history of behavior. and then there are criminals, who have purchased illegal weapons for one reason. Which this guy apparently did...to killing or harm another human. Why.. because he did not want to get arrested. Not to defend himself. And that is a reason to shot someone in the head?.

Lets let this unfold some more... lets see if the was "John Q Public"
or a thug.. with a illegal or stolen gun that we are actually talking about here.. o.k.

BTW , what have you dug up on this guy...Are we talking John Q Public here. Meaning did he have a right under the laws of the state he chose to live in to be carrying that gun he used in this murder.

no matter what, the only thing you know is he shot a cop, everything else is speculation on your part...

i'm not saying he was even close to being a model citizen, but you cannot say he was looking to kill someone just because he carried a gun, illegal or not...

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 05/07/15 09:25 AM

thats why i think NY should stop the whole "stop and frink" stuff. they stopped the guy because they saw him adjusting his waist band or something like that. since when does someone adjusting their waist band justify a police officer to stop and question someone? note: I AM NOT ADVOCATING THAT THIS COP WAS BAD AND AM NOT BASHING THIS COP. that being said if the NY police didnt constantly stop people for very petty reasons, this cop would still be alive. i know the guy had an illegal gun and was carrying it illegally so no i am not advocating that this guy wasnt a scumbag. but i do feel NY abuses the whole stop and frisk thing just a bit. if they didnt stop him we would still have one more scumbag on the street with an illegal gun, but we would also have one more officer that wouldnt have died..... i know its already coming so let the tomato86 bashing begin.

When you leave your house in the morning with your car keys it is for what reason?.. to carry them around or you plan to use your car?

This guy left his house in the morning with a illegal gun. For what reason?

So had they not stopped him.. yes, a cop would still be alive.. but most likely someone else would not or the gun would have been used during a crime..

If that " someone else would not be alive" person was one of your loved ones, would you still feel the same, Tomato? Or would you had wished that someone took that gun from his guy before he had the chance to kill.

NYC is not some small PA. town Tomato, where maybe walking around with a gun strapped to you or a rifle in your pick up truck is normal

When you slip a gun in your waistband and walk out of the door in NYC, chances are you plan to use

bad logic your using... i carry a gun all the time, and never once used it... so what am i planning here? it's better to have a gun and never use it than to not have one and need it... all it would take is one time

I don't know what you are planning to do with a gun strapped to you every day...I have no idea. or what you think may happen that you would need a gun on a daily basis.. again.. no idea. You feel the need to carry one.. I don't. I don't feel the need to strap a gun to me every morning as I head out the door. Some do.. I don't

Is it a illegal gun that you carry Moe?. Are you carrying a concealed Illegal gun that you are not registered to own and carry Moe?.. or not allowed to carry because of past criminal convictions.

Did you buy your gun out on the street?

I don't think so... But this guy was and did.

Apples and oranges.. you can't compare them

There are responsible people who have the right to carry a gun ( if they choose)... a right.. they earned that right because of their past " clean" history of behavior. and then there are criminals, who have purchased illegal weapons for one reason. Which this guy apparently did...to killing or harm another human. Why.. because he did not want to get arrested. Not to defend himself. And that is a reason to shot someone in the head?.

Lets let this unfold some more... lets see if the was "John Q Public"
or a thug.. with a illegal or stolen gun that we are actually talking about here.. o.k.

BTW , what have you dug up on this guy...Are we talking John Q Public here. Meaning did he have a right under the laws of the state he chose to live in to be carrying that gun he used in this murder.

earned that Right?
From whom?

mightymoe's photo
Thu 05/07/15 09:32 AM

dont know why you always feel the need to
try to start $h1t,
Im not starting anything. I just think its sad that a thread about a police officer decorated many times in his short lived career turned into another "bash cops" thread. Dont believe that it did? Ill give you your own words....

"" never said it was the cops fault, its the fault
of the entire NYPD for having the stop and
frisk policy, ""

A convicted felon pulled out a stolen gun and opened fire. Its HIS fault...no one elses. If you or anyone else doesnt get that, I dont know what else to say. It IS really that simple of an issue...Stop and frisk or no stop and frisk.

all we know is what the media tells us, they can make the cop look like an angel if they want...

i don't feel any sympathy for either here, the thug shouldn't of had a gun, and the cops were not supposed to stop and frisk anymore... bad decisions on both parts here lead to this tragic happening...

no photo
Thu 05/07/15 02:30 PM

thats why i think NY should stop the whole "stop and frink" stuff. they stopped the guy because they saw him adjusting his waist band or something like that. since when does someone adjusting their waist band justify a police officer to stop and question someone? note: I AM NOT ADVOCATING THAT THIS COP WAS BAD AND AM NOT BASHING THIS COP. that being said if the NY police didnt constantly stop people for very petty reasons, this cop would still be alive. i know the guy had an illegal gun and was carrying it illegally so no i am not advocating that this guy wasnt a scumbag. but i do feel NY abuses the whole stop and frisk thing just a bit. if they didnt stop him we would still have one more scumbag on the street with an illegal gun, but we would also have one more officer that wouldnt have died..... i know its already coming so let the tomato86 bashing begin.

When you leave your house in the morning with your car keys it is for what reason?.. to carry them around or you plan to use your car?

This guy left his house in the morning with a illegal gun. For what reason?

So had they not stopped him.. yes, a cop would still be alive.. but most likely someone else would not or the gun would have been used during a crime..

If that " someone else would not be alive" person was one of your loved ones, would you still feel the same, Tomato? Or would you had wished that someone took that gun from his guy before he had the chance to kill.

NYC is not some small PA. town Tomato, where maybe walking around with a gun strapped to you or a rifle in your pick up truck is normal

When you slip a gun in your waistband and walk out of the door in NYC, chances are you plan to use

bad logic your using... i carry a gun all the time, and never once used it... so what am i planning here? it's better to have a gun and never use it than to not have one and need it... all it would take is one time

I don't know what you are planning to do with a gun strapped to you every day...I have no idea. or what you think may happen that you would need a gun on a daily basis.. again.. no idea. You feel the need to carry one.. I don't. I don't feel the need to strap a gun to me every morning as I head out the door. Some do.. I don't

Is it a illegal gun that you carry Moe?. Are you carrying a concealed Illegal gun that you are not registered to own and carry Moe?.. or not allowed to carry because of past criminal convictions.

Did you buy your gun out on the street?

I don't think so... But this guy was and did.

Apples and oranges.. you can't compare them

There are responsible people who have the right to carry a gun ( if they choose)... a right.. they earned that right because of their past " clean" history of behavior. and then there are criminals, who have purchased illegal weapons for one reason. Which this guy apparently did...to killing or harm another human. Why.. because he did not want to get arrested. Not to defend himself. And that is a reason to shot someone in the head?.

Lets let this unfold some more... lets see if the was "John Q Public"
or a thug.. with a illegal or stolen gun that we are actually talking about here.. o.k.

BTW , what have you dug up on this guy...Are we talking John Q Public here. Meaning did he have a right under the laws of the state he chose to live in to be carrying that gun he used in this murder.

no matter what, the only thing you know is he shot a cop, everything else is speculation on your part...

i'm not saying he was even close to being a model citizen, but you cannot say he was looking to kill someone just because he carried a gun, illegal or not...

I didn't say he was looking to kill somebody. I said he left the house with the ways and means ( illegal means hidden on him) to kill someone that day

Which he did.

With that stolen hand gun he left his house with.

mightymoe's photo
Thu 05/07/15 03:39 PM

thats why i think NY should stop the whole "stop and frink" stuff. they stopped the guy because they saw him adjusting his waist band or something like that. since when does someone adjusting their waist band justify a police officer to stop and question someone? note: I AM NOT ADVOCATING THAT THIS COP WAS BAD AND AM NOT BASHING THIS COP. that being said if the NY police didnt constantly stop people for very petty reasons, this cop would still be alive. i know the guy had an illegal gun and was carrying it illegally so no i am not advocating that this guy wasnt a scumbag. but i do feel NY abuses the whole stop and frisk thing just a bit. if they didnt stop him we would still have one more scumbag on the street with an illegal gun, but we would also have one more officer that wouldnt have died..... i know its already coming so let the tomato86 bashing begin.

When you leave your house in the morning with your car keys it is for what reason?.. to carry them around or you plan to use your car?

This guy left his house in the morning with a illegal gun. For what reason?

So had they not stopped him.. yes, a cop would still be alive.. but most likely someone else would not or the gun would have been used during a crime..

If that " someone else would not be alive" person was one of your loved ones, would you still feel the same, Tomato? Or would you had wished that someone took that gun from his guy before he had the chance to kill.

NYC is not some small PA. town Tomato, where maybe walking around with a gun strapped to you or a rifle in your pick up truck is normal

When you slip a gun in your waistband and walk out of the door in NYC, chances are you plan to use

bad logic your using... i carry a gun all the time, and never once used it... so what am i planning here? it's better to have a gun and never use it than to not have one and need it... all it would take is one time

I don't know what you are planning to do with a gun strapped to you every day...I have no idea. or what you think may happen that you would need a gun on a daily basis.. again.. no idea. You feel the need to carry one.. I don't. I don't feel the need to strap a gun to me every morning as I head out the door. Some do.. I don't

Is it a illegal gun that you carry Moe?. Are you carrying a concealed Illegal gun that you are not registered to own and carry Moe?.. or not allowed to carry because of past criminal convictions.

Did you buy your gun out on the street?

I don't think so... But this guy was and did.

Apples and oranges.. you can't compare them

There are responsible people who have the right to carry a gun ( if they choose)... a right.. they earned that right because of their past " clean" history of behavior. and then there are criminals, who have purchased illegal weapons for one reason. Which this guy apparently did...to killing or harm another human. Why.. because he did not want to get arrested. Not to defend himself. And that is a reason to shot someone in the head?.

Lets let this unfold some more... lets see if the was "John Q Public"
or a thug.. with a illegal or stolen gun that we are actually talking about here.. o.k.

BTW , what have you dug up on this guy...Are we talking John Q Public here. Meaning did he have a right under the laws of the state he chose to live in to be carrying that gun he used in this murder.

no matter what, the only thing you know is he shot a cop, everything else is speculation on your part...

i'm not saying he was even close to being a model citizen, but you cannot say he was looking to kill someone just because he carried a gun, illegal or not...

I didn't say he was looking to kill somebody. I said he left the house with the ways and means ( illegal means hidden on him) to kill someone that day

Which he did.

With that stolen hand gun he left his house with.

the gun was stolen? i never heard that part... but where guns are illegal, that's going to a more common thing.. goes to show if someone wants a gun, they will find a way, regardless...

no photo
Thu 05/07/15 04:06 PM
i don't feel any sympathy for either here, the
thug shouldn't of had a gun, and the cops
were not supposed to stop and frisk
anymore... bad decisions on both parts here
lead to this tragic happening...
Are you saying police officers should stop, well.....policing?

And was it really stop and frisk? The officers never got out of their car. They observed a man tugging on something in his waistband....a place where criminals may keep a firearm. I would say they had probable cause to see what was going on....and he DID have an illegal weapon. But I get it....some want officers to wait till the thug POS actually killed somebody before acting.
But lets assume it WAS stop and frisk....the fact that a thug, when asked what was in his waistband, pulled a gun and killed a guy just doing his job. This is ALL on the thug.... not the cops, not the NYPD, and not stop and frisk.

no photo
Thu 05/07/15 04:15 PM

thats why i think NY should stop the whole "stop and frink" stuff. they stopped the guy because they saw him adjusting his waist band or something like that. since when does someone adjusting their waist band justify a police officer to stop and question someone? note: I AM NOT ADVOCATING THAT THIS COP WAS BAD AND AM NOT BASHING THIS COP. that being said if the NY police didnt constantly stop people for very petty reasons, this cop would still be alive. i know the guy had an illegal gun and was carrying it illegally so no i am not advocating that this guy wasnt a scumbag. but i do feel NY abuses the whole stop and frisk thing just a bit. if they didnt stop him we would still have one more scumbag on the street with an illegal gun, but we would also have one more officer that wouldnt have died..... i know its already coming so let the tomato86 bashing begin.

When you leave your house in the morning with your car keys it is for what reason?.. to carry them around or you plan to use your car?

This guy left his house in the morning with a illegal gun. For what reason?

So had they not stopped him.. yes, a cop would still be alive.. but most likely someone else would not or the gun would have been used during a crime..

If that " someone else would not be alive" person was one of your loved ones, would you still feel the same, Tomato? Or would you had wished that someone took that gun from his guy before he had the chance to kill.

NYC is not some small PA. town Tomato, where maybe walking around with a gun strapped to you or a rifle in your pick up truck is normal

When you slip a gun in your waistband and walk out of the door in NYC, chances are you plan to use

bad logic your using... i carry a gun all the time, and never once used it... so what am i planning here? it's better to have a gun and never use it than to not have one and need it... all it would take is one time

I don't know what you are planning to do with a gun strapped to you every day...I have no idea. or what you think may happen that you would need a gun on a daily basis.. again.. no idea. You feel the need to carry one.. I don't. I don't feel the need to strap a gun to me every morning as I head out the door. Some do.. I don't

Is it a illegal gun that you carry Moe?. Are you carrying a concealed Illegal gun that you are not registered to own and carry Moe?.. or not allowed to carry because of past criminal convictions.

Did you buy your gun out on the street?

I don't think so... But this guy was and did.

Apples and oranges.. you can't compare them

There are responsible people who have the right to carry a gun ( if they choose)... a right.. they earned that right because of their past " clean" history of behavior. and then there are criminals, who have purchased illegal weapons for one reason. Which this guy apparently did...to killing or harm another human. Why.. because he did not want to get arrested. Not to defend himself. And that is a reason to shot someone in the head?.

Lets let this unfold some more... lets see if the was "John Q Public"
or a thug.. with a illegal or stolen gun that we are actually talking about here.. o.k.

BTW , what have you dug up on this guy...Are we talking John Q Public here. Meaning did he have a right under the laws of the state he chose to live in to be carrying that gun he used in this murder.

no matter what, the only thing you know is he shot a cop, everything else is speculation on your part...

i'm not saying he was even close to being a model citizen, but you cannot say he was looking to kill someone just because he carried a gun, illegal or not...

I didn't say he was looking to kill somebody. I said he left the house with the ways and means ( illegal means hidden on him) to kill someone that day

Which he did.

With that stolen hand gun he left his house with.

the gun was stolen? i never heard that part... but where guns are illegal, that's going to a more common thing.. goes to show if someone wants a gun, they will find a way, regardless...

Yes, It was stolen and he also had a warrant out for him... for a weapons charge.

So as another poster noted " maybe he had the gun because people were out to get him".. was true, to some extent..It was the cops who were out to get him... get him off the streets, to face the pending weapons charge. Before he could use a weapon again.

But he decided to murder one instead

no photo
Thu 05/07/15 06:38 PM
i never bashed the cop, i said stopping someone for "tugging at their waistband" is not IMO a justifiable reason to stop someone. i see people adjust their waistbands all the time in the street and my first thought isnt "they must have a gun in there". and its not like the guy wears a sign "im a convicted felon on the run from the police and have a gun". so unless they knew 100% who this guy was before they stopped him, i would say stopping someone for tugging at their waistband is no more than harassment. was the criminal wrong, for sure he was. is it wrong for cops to stop people for little petty reasons like tugging at your waistband? for sure it is. we dont know all he facts here. the criminal was prohibited from owning a gun, gun was stolen, he was illegally carrying it. am i defending him, no. did the cops know all this prior to stopping him, we dont know or atleast i dont. if they recognized him and knew he was wanted then yes the stop is certainly justified.

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