Topic: Tarot Card Readings
Ruth34611's photo
Sun 05/17/15 01:48 PM

Hi Ruth!flowerforyou

Id like to learn what the next year will entail for me..

Thank you!

Bright Blessings

Lots of creative work, working towards your goals with successes seen all along the way. If you've been putting off any plans you started its time to resume. (Mercury Retrograde started today so the next 5 weeks is a GREAT time to revisit projects you previously put on the back burner)

Ruth34611's photo
Sun 05/17/15 01:52 PM about a real job for me

This is a very positive card in answer to your question. Your job may be working with children or it may come to you from someone you knew from your past. But I'm getting "children" more.

no photo
Sun 05/17/15 01:53 PM
Spot on with my current endeavors!

Thanks ((( Ruth )))flowers

Ruth34611's photo
Sun 05/17/15 01:55 PM

hi ruth, could you pull a card for me please.

will I meet a nice man soon?

Yes. And he may be younger than you and very charming and enthusiastic.

no photo
Sun 05/17/15 01:56 PM

hi ruth, could you pull a card for me please.

will I meet a nice man soon?

Yes. And he may be younger than you and very charming and enthusiastic.

thank you,flowerforyou I am talking with a guy younger than me, so that's interesting. flowerforyou flowerforyou

Ruth34611's photo
Sun 05/17/15 02:01 PM

Wow, thank you, Ruth!

One more if I may ... What can/should I do to meet the one for me?

I switched over to an oracle deck for this question. It's the Earth Magic oracle deck. You need to manifest your relationship on the spiritual plane (yes, a love spell) and then it will appear on the physical plane. You know how to do this.

Ruth34611's photo
Sun 05/17/15 02:09 PM

Will you pull a card for me.

I have so many questions,about love,health,future,I couldn't possibly pick just One.

Please and thank you,in advance.:heart:

You don't have to pick just one, you just have to pick one at a time. Otherwise your questions mix up with each other when I draw cards. Pick one to start with. :heart: at a time..

What does my future love life look like,physically and mentally,or at all?

Thank you and please:heart:

You definitely have a future love life. I am feeling like within the next 6 to 12 months you will meet someone with whom you share a romantic attraction to through work or work friends.

no photo
Sun 05/17/15 02:10 PM
Thank you Ruth! One more if I may, since it seems to be the ongoing I destined to be alone, or is there a man out there for me.....will I finally find love? Thank you for doing this.flowerforyou

no photo
Sun 05/17/15 02:13 PM
im being greedy, can I have one more please?flowerforyou

will I have children with the man I meet?

Ruth34611's photo
Sun 05/17/15 02:16 PM are very kind to offer this, thankyou flowerforyou

I would very much like to ask something, but not sure exactly how to ask it....

He needs me to be happy, and I am with some things,,,myself being one of those things.
~ Will I find another who will truly share my heart and soul?

I don't read cards past a 12 month period out (too many things can change in a year to make the reading reliable) so this is for the next 12 months. You are probably not ready to meet the person you will be with. You may be still going through some stuff and need more time to complete the process. Timing is everything in the start of a relationship. Don't be in too much of a hurry.

 Maria195's photo
Sun 05/17/15 02:17 PM
Ruth I have a question for you please.

Do you think this gentleman I been talking to has good feelings for me?

Thank you! flowerforyou

Ruth34611's photo
Sun 05/17/15 02:24 PM

Thank you Ruth! One more if I may, since it seems to be the ongoing I destined to be alone, or is there a man out there for me.....will I finally find love? Thank you for doing this.flowerforyou

My favorite card in the whole deck.

Yes, you will most definitely find love. A beautiful, strong yet gentle love. The kind of love that endures.

Ruth34611's photo
Sun 05/17/15 02:25 PM
Edited by Ruth34611 on Sun 05/17/15 02:27 PM

im being greedy, can I have one more please?flowerforyou

will I have children with the man I meet?

According to this card you certainly will.

Sorry posted wrong card at first.

no photo
Sun 05/17/15 02:26 PM

im being greedy, can I have one more please?flowerforyou

will I have children with the man I meet?

According to this card you certainly will.

woohooooo, thank you flowerforyou

Ruth34611's photo
Sun 05/17/15 02:27 PM
Edited by Ruth34611 on Sun 05/17/15 02:28 PM

im being greedy, can I have one more please?flowerforyou

will I have children with the man I meet?

According to this card you certainly will.

woohooooo, thank you flowerforyou

See above. Same answer, different card.

Ruth34611's photo
Sun 05/17/15 02:30 PM

Ruth I have a question for you please.

Do you think this gentleman I been talking to has good feelings for me?

Thank you! flowerforyou

Yes. He sees potential in pursuing a relationship with you.

no photo
Sun 05/17/15 02:31 PM

im being greedy, can I have one more please?flowerforyou

will I have children with the man I meet?

According to this card you certainly will.

Sorry posted wrong card at first.

that's okay, its still all good, :smile: thank you flowerforyou

no photo
Sun 05/17/15 02:32 PM

Thank you Ruth! One more if I may, since it seems to be the ongoing I destined to be alone, or is there a man out there for me.....will I finally find love? Thank you for doing this.flowerforyou

My favorite card in the whole deck.

Yes, you will most definitely find love. A beautiful, strong yet gentle love. The kind of love that endures.

Thank you so much Ruth! This gives me hope. Are you able to foretell when?

 Maria195's photo
Sun 05/17/15 02:32 PM
Thank you very much Ruth! flowerforyou

Ruth34611's photo
Sun 05/17/15 02:35 PM
To everyone:

When I do readings I generally forecast within a year. How much less than a year I'm not good at being able to tell. That's the best I can do. :smile: :heart: