Topic: 4 Marines killed in military attacks in Tenn.
Lukinfolov's photo
Fri 07/17/15 01:54 AM
Gun laws in the US have to change for good. Period...or else maniacs or psychopaths like these will continue to play havoc in the society. Who knows, he may be looking to go to heaven in the holy month of Ramadan just before Eid !!

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 07/17/15 02:10 AM
wonder what Flag they'll ban this time?

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 07/17/15 02:12 AM

Gun laws in the US have to change for good. Period...or else maniacs or psychopaths like these will continue to play havoc in the society. Who knows, he may be looking to go to heaven in the holy month of Ramadan just before Eid !!

Psychopaths and Criminals will always be able to procure Firearms!
All your Idea will cause is the Disarming of the Lawabiding Citizen!

You are extremely far off!

Lukinfolov's photo
Fri 07/17/15 02:24 AM

Gun laws in the US have to change for good. Period...or else maniacs or psychopaths like these will continue to play havoc in the society. Who knows, he may be looking to go to heaven in the holy month of Ramadan just before Eid !!

Psychopaths and Criminals will always be able to procure Firearms!
All your Idea will cause is the Disarming of the Lawabiding Citizen!

You are extremely far off!

So, I guess you are part of the gun lobby eh..? Part of the world I live in, things like these don't happen. We have strict gun laws.

Also, people who have licensed guns don't move around with guns tucked under their belt. Guns are kept at home, so maniacs like these cannot be shot back at during such attack.

Most killings in the past have been done by individuals who were looking to get some religious credit points.

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 07/17/15 02:45 AM

Gun laws in the US have to change for good. Period...or else maniacs or psychopaths like these will continue to play havoc in the society. Who knows, he may be looking to go to heaven in the holy month of Ramadan just before Eid !!

Psychopaths and Criminals will always be able to procure Firearms!
All your Idea will cause is the Disarming of the Lawabiding Citizen!

You are extremely far off!

So, I guess you are part of the gun lobby eh..? Part of the world I live in, things like these don't happen. We have strict gun laws.

Also, people who have licensed guns don't move around with guns tucked under their belt. Guns are kept at home, so maniacs like these cannot be shot back at during such attack.

Most killings in the past have been done by individuals who were looking to get some religious credit points.

rofl rofl rofl rofl
People don't need Licences to carry in most places!
Do your Research please!
And those who did the Masskillings were already in Violation of a series of Firearms-Laws!
Your Lead-Balloon ain't gonna fly!
And that snideremark about me being part of the Gunlobby is Bullcrap-ad-Hominem!

germanchoclate1981's photo
Fri 07/17/15 02:51 AM

"Gun Free Zones" on Military Bases: Real Effective, Right?

After gunman Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, a Muslim immigrant from Kuwait, allegedly shot and killed four Marines in Chattanooga, Tennessee, former NYPD detective Harry Houck said the military's "gun-free zone" mindset has to change.

Speaking to CNN Newsroom, Houck said,I'm a Marine. And this really is hitting me a little harder here than normal that [these Marines] weren't able to protect themselves at the time this occurred.

We need people that are armed, he added. [ and 7/16/15]

Why is this even a question?

"The Tennessean" reports that Abdulazeez pulled in front of a recruiting location, shared by various military branches, and shot holes through the doors and glass [of] the Air Force, Navy and Marine offices. He allegedly did this while sitting in his car.

The advocates of gun-free zones for military bases have made their point. Their point was that if military bases can forbid guns, so can everyone else in society. Their premise was: Guns kill people; not people. Get rid of the guns, and we'll be fine.

(read on at the link)

Most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Seeing as how ANYONE who can hotwire a car is ABLE to park near a (OFF BASE) recruiting office, ANYONE IN AMERICA COULD have committed this crime. Being OFF BASE, recruiting offices DO NOT have weapons to sign out or an armory to store them in. They have NO REASON to store or issue weapons because recruiters are effectively civilians in uniform. They go out into the civilian populated communities and instead of instilling fear in the populace they do their best to endear themselves to the community showing people that they have families get and offer opportunities that some people would otherwise not have. Guns don't help that mission any more than they would a Catholic Mass or synagogue sermon.
The (key word) RESERVE Marine installation is what most enlisted people would call a mini base. Unlike Ft Bragg where soldiers were gunned down (one of many reasons it became an unofficial no gun zone) where you have a large number of people gear weapons vehicles, etc where more security IS NEEDED.
This mini base like many others doesn't have the same level of security for obvious reasons. More people more vehicles money gear DOD civilians at risk, higher security. Reservists and National guards do most of their work on major installations.

Why is this a question? Because slime will report anything that sounds relevant to be breaking News.
I don't hear them talking about the armed robbery that occurs in liquor stores everyday because 1 that's not news and 2 nobody cares until kids or old ladies catch stray bullets.
Precicesly what you will NEVER hear anyone report is that an actual bonafide military base or installation or a major U.S. city is under siege by isil.

Don't get me started on trumpet. If we as a Nation are depending on his foreign policy you'd better stop trying to buy guns start buying excavators large culverts or shipping containers and landmines. The only thing he has more of than toupees, illegal immigrants working for him and delusions are bankruptcies

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 07/17/15 02:54 AM

"Gun Free Zones" on Military Bases: Real Effective, Right?

After gunman Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, a Muslim immigrant from Kuwait, allegedly shot and killed four Marines in Chattanooga, Tennessee, former NYPD detective Harry Houck said the military's "gun-free zone" mindset has to change.

Speaking to CNN Newsroom, Houck said,I'm a Marine. And this really is hitting me a little harder here than normal that [these Marines] weren't able to protect themselves at the time this occurred.

We need people that are armed, he added. [ and 7/16/15]

Why is this even a question?

"The Tennessean" reports that Abdulazeez pulled in front of a recruiting location, shared by various military branches, and shot holes through the doors and glass [of] the Air Force, Navy and Marine offices. He allegedly did this while sitting in his car.

The advocates of gun-free zones for military bases have made their point. Their point was that if military bases can forbid guns, so can everyone else in society. Their premise was: Guns kill people; not people. Get rid of the guns, and we'll be fine.

(read on at the link)

Most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Seeing as how ANYONE who can hotwire a car is ABLE to park near a (OFF BASE) recruiting office, ANYONE IN AMERICA COULD have committed this crime. Being OFF BASE, recruiting offices DO NOT have weapons to sign out or an armory to store them in. They have NO REASON to store or issue weapons because recruiters are effectively civilians in uniform. They go out into the civilian populated communities and instead of instilling fear in the populace they do their best to endear themselves to the community showing people that they have families get and offer opportunities that some people would otherwise not have. Guns don't help that mission any more than they would a Catholic Mass or synagogue sermon.
The (key word) RESERVE Marine installation is what most enlisted people would call a mini base. Unlike Ft Bragg where soldiers were gunned down (one of many reasons it became an unofficial no gun zone) where you have a large number of people gear weapons vehicles, etc where more security IS NEEDED.
This mini base like many others doesn't have the same level of security for obvious reasons. More people more vehicles money gear DOD civilians at risk, higher security. Reservists and National guards do most of their work on major installations.

Why is this a question? Because slime will report anything that sounds relevant to be breaking News.
I don't hear them talking about the armed robbery that occurs in liquor stores everyday because 1 that's not news and 2 nobody cares until kids or old ladies catch stray bullets.
Precicesly what you will NEVER hear anyone report is that an actual bonafide military base or installation or a major U.S. city is under siege by isil.

Don't get me started on trumpet. If we as a Nation are depending on his foreign policy you'd better stop trying to buy guns start buying excavators large culverts or shipping containers and landmines. The only thing he has more of than toupees, illegal immigrants working for him and delusions are bankruptcies

......and your point is?

germanchoclate1981's photo
Fri 07/17/15 02:55 AM

Gun laws in the US have to change for good. Period...or else maniacs or psychopaths like these will continue to play havoc in the society. Who knows, he may be looking to go to heaven in the holy month of Ramadan just before Eid !!

Psychopaths and Criminals will always be able to procure Firearms!
All your Idea will cause is the Disarming of the Lawabiding Citizen!

You are extremely far off!

So, I guess you are part of the gun lobby eh..? Part of the world I live in, things like these don't happen. We have strict gun laws.

Also, people who have licensed guns don't move around with guns tucked under their belt. Guns are kept at home, so maniacs like these cannot be shot back at during such attack.

Most killings
in the past have been done by individuals who were looking to get some religious credit points.

How many religious cred points do you have in the society?
EF 0

germanchoclate1981's photo
Fri 07/17/15 03:05 AM
No Base no gate no guards no weapons no ammo no protection. So your argument about them 'not being able to protect themselves' breibart whoever is bunk. If they were on Base there would be armed guards at the gates. Try driving onto your nearest installation with a box of cookies and tell me how many cavities get searched. Military police are always armed when on duty and they operate 247. There are also practice ranges and hunting areas on some bases where military issued weapons aren't allowed. Only properly documented weapons are permitted for use in the areas so you're premise is unfounded.

germanchoclate1981's photo
Fri 07/17/15 03:14 AM
That also brings to mind exactly what those gun free zones are. 1st of all registered licenced carriers are not allowed to carry everywhere. No one aside from law enforcement is allowed to carry a gun of any kind into a school a bank a daycare public libraries in some states... Right? Those are the gun free zones along with the on Base Housing barracks and recreational areas, gyms, pools basketball courts etc because children and visitors are in those areas just as much if not more than the soldiers. Also any place where alcohol is sold and or served.

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 07/17/15 03:25 AM

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 07/17/15 04:05 AM

germanchoclate1981's photo
Fri 07/17/15 04:15 AM
And this proves what exactly?
When NOT paying attention to the CONTENT (or lack thereof)

We can agree that more gun control for Law Abiding Registered Licenced and trained citizens brings a significant disadvantage To those people. Lengthening the waiting period and better conducted background checks will not keep guns out of the hands of decent DESERVING civilians. No one has a need for a 50-100 round clip for any weapon outside our armed forces. If you can't aim well enough to place a kill shot on large game in 10 rounds or less you shouldnt have a gun in the first place. Full auto is unnecessary period. Same reason. What we do need is to shut the revolving evidence room doors and black market arms deals. Death penalty, I think trafficking and dealing untold numbers of murder weapons is grounds for accessory charges but we have to buy back our prisons first. 0 gun show sales on point, all sales should be subject to the same checks ffl's flf's w/e are. No waiting period, no sale. If you have nothing to hide let them look. You didn't have a gun ten days prior to attempting to buy one and if you are truly in need of protection call the police, they will help you. If you have something to hide or are found to be dishonest you go to jail. How hard is that?

Lpdon's photo
Fri 07/17/15 04:30 AM

4 Marines killed in military attacks in Tenn.
CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. (AP) — A gunman unleashed a barrage of gunfire at two military facilities a few miles apart in Chattanooga on Thursday, killing at least four Marines, officials said. The gunman was also killed.

U.S. Attorney Bill Killian said officials were treating the attacks as an act of "domestic terrorism," though FBI agent Ed Reinhold said authorities were still investigating a motive. A U.S. official speaking on condition of anonymity identified the gunman as 24-year-old Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez of Hixton, Tennessee, and said he was believed to have been born in Kuwait, though it was unclear whether he was a U.S. or Kuwaiti citizen.

"Lives have been lost from some faithful people who have been serving our country, and I think I join all Tennesseans in being both sickened and saddened by this," Gov. Bill Haslam said. The attacks took places minutes apart, with the gunman stopping his car and opening fire first at a military recruiting center for all five branches of the military, then apparently driving to a Navy-Marine training center 7 miles away. The attacks were over within a half-hour.

The Marine Corps said four Marines were killed, and a fifth Marine was wounded in the leg, treated at a hospital and released. Also, a police officer was shot in the ankle, Mayor Andy Berke said. Authorities gave no details on how the gunman was killed.

The shootings began at the recruiting center on Old Lee Highway, where a shot rang out around 10:30 or 10:45 a.m., followed a few seconds later by more fire, said Sgt. 1st Class Robert Dodge, the leader for Army recruiting at the center.

He and his comrades got on the ground and barricaded themselves in a safe place. Dodge estimated there were 30 to 50 shots fired. Doors and glass were damaged at the neighboring Air Force, Navy and Marine offices, he said.

Law enforcement officials told recruiters that the gunman was in a car, stopped in front of the facility, shot at the building and drove off, said Brian Lepley, a spokesman with the U.S. Army Recruiting Command in Fort Knox, Kentucky.

The recruiting center sits in a short strip between a cellphone business and an Italian restaurant with no apparent additional security. Within minutes of that attack, the gunman opened fire at the Navy Operational Support Center and Marine Corps Reserve Center Chattanooga. All of the dead were killed there.

The center is in a light industrial area that includes a Coca-Cola bottling plant. The two entrances to the fenced facility have unmanned gates and concrete barriers that require approaching cars to slow down to drive around them.

Marilyn Hutcheson, who works at Binswanger Glass across the street, said she heard a barrage of gunfire around 11 a.m. "I couldn't even begin to tell you how many," she said. "It was rapid-fire, like pow-pow-pow-pow-pow, so quickly. The next thing I knew, there were police cars coming from every direction."

She ran inside, and she and other employees and a customer waited it out with the doors locked. The gunfire continued with occasional bursts for what she estimated was 20 minutes. Bomb squads, SWAT teams and other local, state and federal authorities rushed to the scene.

"If it was a grievance or terroristic related, we just don't know," she said.

Another thing to add to Barry's legacy. If he would allow our TRAINED military men and women carry while in the states this could have been prevented or a better outcome but no he has to vilify the men and women who put it on the line and know there's a chance they wont come home from overseas and should NEVER have that fear here.

FU Barry!

Buubba-Boy Clinton!
Was decided for Military Installations to be Gunfree under his Administration with active Participation by him!

More for the Clinton legacy. Any President could have reversed this. You would think after one of this incident's it would have been dealt with. How many incidents are we on? All but one were under Barry's watch.

Lpdon's photo
Fri 07/17/15 04:33 AM

Gun laws in the US have to change for good. Period...or else maniacs or psychopaths like these will continue to play havoc in the society. Who knows, he may be looking to go to heaven in the holy month of Ramadan just before Eid !!

There's one place this a$$hole is going and it ain't heaven. I hope he is getting f****d in the a** right now by his 72 male virgins.

Gun control only put's guns in the criminals hands. The cities with the toughest gun control policies have the highest rate of homicide rate in the country, why do you think that is?

This cult of Islam needs to be irradiated from this country.

Lpdon's photo
Fri 07/17/15 04:35 AM

wonder what Flag they'll ban this time?

Using Barry's logic, probably Old Glory. He thinks it probably offended this innocent young man and made him decide to randomly kill some big bad Marines all because the American Flag was flying high.

Lpdon's photo
Fri 07/17/15 04:37 AM

Gun laws in the US have to change for good. Period...or else maniacs or psychopaths like these will continue to play havoc in the society. Who knows, he may be looking to go to heaven in the holy month of Ramadan just before Eid !!

Psychopaths and Criminals will always be able to procure Firearms!
All your Idea will cause is the Disarming of the Lawabiding Citizen!

You are extremely far off!

So, I guess you are part of the gun lobby eh..? Part of the world I live in, things like these don't happen. We have strict gun laws.

Also, people who have licensed guns don't move around with guns tucked under their belt. Guns are kept at home, so maniacs like these cannot be shot back at during such attack.

Most killings in the past have been done by individuals who were looking to get some religious credit points.

Yea, you may have strict gun control laws, but that doesn't stop them and if it does they just stap a bomb to their stomachs and scream "Allahu Akbar!"

Lpdon's photo
Fri 07/17/15 04:44 AM

"Gun Free Zones" on Military Bases: Real Effective, Right?

After gunman Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, a Muslim immigrant from Kuwait, allegedly shot and killed four Marines in Chattanooga, Tennessee, former NYPD detective Harry Houck said the military's "gun-free zone" mindset has to change.

Speaking to CNN Newsroom, Houck said,I'm a Marine. And this really is hitting me a little harder here than normal that [these Marines] weren't able to protect themselves at the time this occurred.

We need people that are armed, he added. [ and 7/16/15]

Why is this even a question?

"The Tennessean" reports that Abdulazeez pulled in front of a recruiting location, shared by various military branches, and shot holes through the doors and glass [of] the Air Force, Navy and Marine offices. He allegedly did this while sitting in his car.

The advocates of gun-free zones for military bases have made their point. Their point was that if military bases can forbid guns, so can everyone else in society. Their premise was: Guns kill people; not people. Get rid of the guns, and we'll be fine.

(read on at the link)

Most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Seeing as how ANYONE who can hotwire a car is ABLE to park near a (OFF BASE) recruiting office, ANYONE IN AMERICA COULD have committed this crime. Being OFF BASE, recruiting offices DO NOT have weapons to sign out or an armory to store them in. They have NO REASON to store or issue weapons because recruiters are effectively civilians in uniform. They go out into the civilian populated communities and instead of instilling fear in the populace they do their best to endear themselves to the community showing people that they have families get and offer opportunities that some people would otherwise not have. Guns don't help that mission any more than they would a Catholic Mass or synagogue sermon.
The (key word) RESERVE Marine installation is what most enlisted people would call a mini base. Unlike Ft Bragg where soldiers were gunned down (one of many reasons it became an unofficial no gun zone) where you have a large number of people gear weapons vehicles, etc where more security IS NEEDED.
This mini base like many others doesn't have the same level of security for obvious reasons. More people more vehicles money gear DOD civilians at risk, higher security. Reservists and National guards do most of their work on major installations.

Why is this a question? Because slime will report anything that sounds relevant to be breaking News.
I don't hear them talking about the armed robbery that occurs in liquor stores everyday because 1 that's not news and 2 nobody cares until kids or old ladies catch stray bullets.
Precicesly what you will NEVER hear anyone report is that an actual bonafide military base or installation or a major U.S. city is under siege by isil.

Don't get me started on trumpet. If we as a Nation are depending on his foreign policy you'd better stop trying to buy guns start buying excavators large culverts or shipping containers and landmines. The only thing he has more of than toupees, illegal immigrants working for him and delusions are bankruptcies

They don't need a damn armory at a recruiting station. It is simple, it can be an issued sidearm. The USCG issues them to all members above a certain rank and they CAN carry on and off base and can also make arrests for both Federal and State crimes and enforce a warrant. I know your going to say well they are a different beast but not really the Coast Guard is also under the Department of the Navy in times where $hit hits the fan and their boot camp DI's are primarily Marines.

Lpdon's photo
Fri 07/17/15 04:50 AM

No Base no gate no guards no weapons no ammo no protection. So your argument about them 'not being able to protect themselves' breibart whoever is bunk. If they were on Base there would be armed guards at the gates. Try driving onto your nearest installation with a box of cookies and tell me how many cavities get searched. Military police are always armed when on duty and they operate 247. There are also practice ranges and hunting areas on some bases where military issued weapons aren't allowed. Only properly documented weapons are permitted for use in the areas so you're premise is unfounded.

Those armed guards at the gate really stopped Major Hassan in Texas, it was a local police officer who got there first and shot him. whoa

BTW those armed guards at the gates only look for something major. We have some of the most secure military bases in the world here in Nevada and I personally have been to Nellis AFB and The Nevada Guard Base at the Reno Tahoe Airport where daily Janet flights depart for Groom Lake\Area 51 and it is pretty lax. I was really surprised by Nellis, I basically got waved through and I am not a member nor do I have any type of sticker on my vehicle that would indicate I am a member of the military.

Lpdon's photo
Fri 07/17/15 04:56 AM
Edited by Lpdon on Fri 07/17/15 05:00 AM

And this proves what exactly?
When NOT paying attention to the CONTENT (or lack thereof)

We can agree that more gun control for Law Abiding Registered Licenced and trained citizens brings a significant disadvantage To those people. Lengthening the waiting period and better conducted background checks will not keep guns out of the hands of decent DESERVING civilians. No one has a need for a 50-100 round clip for any weapon outside our armed forces. If you can't aim well enough to place a kill shot on large game in 10 rounds or less you shouldnt have a gun in the first place. Full auto is unnecessary period. Same reason. What we do need is to shut the revolving evidence room doors and black market arms deals. Death penalty, I think trafficking and dealing untold numbers of murder weapons is grounds for accessory charges but we have to buy back our prisons first. 0 gun show sales on point, all sales should be subject to the same checks ffl's flf's w/e are. No waiting period, no sale. If you have nothing to hide let them look. You didn't have a gun ten days prior to attempting to buy one and if you are truly in need of protection call the police, they will help you. If you have something to hide or are found to be dishonest you go to jail. How hard is that?

Law Enforcement does. In fact here in Nevada most officers are certified with their Departments to carry fully automatic rifles with large mags and plenty of them and do so. Several Agencies cover thousands of miles and the State Troopers cover the entire state and when you have one trooper who is stationed in Austin, Nevada population 15 (and yes a trooper is assigned there, that is where my brothers first assignment was). They are the ONLY law enforcement. That town doesn't have a local deputy or a police department. Most the of time the nearest backup in over 400 miles away. If you are outnumbered and or out gunned and your nearest backup at best is 2 hours away, your side arm isn't going to make it.