Topic: What are your thoughts about interracial dating????
20cmfun's photo
Fri 08/21/15 05:04 PM
Well, to answer the initial question...
Actually I prefer a 'colored' woman over a white one. And yes, I am caucasian. Why? Don't know.
But skin colour is just the outside. It's the inside that is important. What others say means little to me, actually, if only the one I love says good about me.
I don't mind wheather your caucasian, Asian, African or native American. As long as the heart is in the right place...

no photo
Fri 08/21/15 06:50 PM
What are your thoughts about interracial dating?

I generally don't care unless I'm attracted to the woman.
Then it sucks.
I should get first dibs on all women I'm attracted to.

this is the 21century..

And that's why so many cultures frown on to offer violence towards interracial daters.

"This is the 21century" is the same as saying "the way THOSE people behave is barbaric, the way THEY behaved is wrong, how I believe, how I think people should behave, is the RIGHT way."

It's all the same.

Differentiate into groups, apportion blame or scapegoat, then go out and seek a bunch of people to agree with you so they'll go attack them in some way in order to force "change" and fulfill solipsistic self interest.

Things don't change, they just shift focus.
And people come up with rationalizations to justify doing the same thing.
"They're causing harm, but me, I'm doing it for 'true love,' I'm doing it 'for the children,' I'm doing it for the voiceless victims. Me good, them bad."

dreamerana's photo
Fri 08/21/15 06:56 PM

What if you happen to fall in love with someone of a different race?you know the heart does not chose who it falls in love with,it just happens..

there's a difference between love, lust, infatuation or many other such things.
if it's a superficial connection it's not love.
if their ideas don't match yours, it probably isn't a a good match to begin with.

no photo
Fri 08/21/15 07:23 PM

Yup ... Cant go to a shopping mall without seeing either someone Chinese or british or american or spanish offtopic

yes.. true.. and they are shopping, which is a normal activity. Spending money that they earned.. honestly. They are not sitting in some dirty internet caf� ripping people off.

that's the difference.

The west didn't create the stigma... Nigeria did.

msharmony's photo
Fri 08/21/15 07:46 PM
Today, a record-high 87 percent of Americans approve of Whites and Blacks tying the knot, according to Gallup. Compare this to 1959’s measly four percent!

Rehnuma's photo
Fri 08/21/15 09:03 PM
i am open to date both blk n me interracial add spice on love

Adorable31's photo
Fri 08/21/15 10:18 PM

Yup ... Cant go to a shopping mall without seeing either someone Chinese or british or american or spanish offtopic

yes.. true.. and they are shopping, which is a normal activity. Spending money that they earned.. honestly. They are not sitting in some dirty internet caf� ripping people off.

that's the difference.

The west didn't create the stigma... Nigeria did.

Adorable31's photo
Fri 08/21/15 10:20 PM
So from what you are trying to say,the are no bad people in the west?but the media tells a different story here..from what we hear here.everyone in the west is either a serial killer,paedophile,or mentally imbalance.people who would wake up one morning and say to themselves,hey, today is the day I walk into an elementary school and shoot all the kids..and another is planning to go shoot everyone in a cinema.cos that's the impression most people in africa have about the westerners..but most of us are too educated to believe such crap,cos when you generalize people based on stereotype,it makes you look dumb and make people question your level of intelligence.I personally judge people base on my personal experience with them and not by hearsay.

Adorable31's photo
Fri 08/21/15 10:23 PM
Exactly,I don't care where a guys come from or if he is white black,purple or long as we connect and love and respect each other,I would build my world around him..

no photo
Fri 08/21/15 10:27 PM
yes i agree with u

Adorable31's photo
Fri 08/21/15 10:27 PM
Are you trying to say the is no oil in nigeria??? Thanks for giving me a good laugh..I suggest you make google your best friend..lmao

Dodo_David's photo
Fri 08/21/15 11:29 PM

I have come to realise that society is still not accepting the fact that two people from different race can actually fall in love with each other.which is totally crazy cos this is the 21century..

do you mean the human race and an alien one?

mightymoe's photo
Fri 08/21/15 11:32 PM

Today, a record-high 87 percent of Americans approve of Whites and Blacks tying the knot, according to Gallup. Compare this to 1959’s measly four percent!

at least it's a man and a woman...

mightymoe's photo
Fri 08/21/15 11:33 PM

So from what you are trying to say,the are no bad people in the west?but the media tells a different story here..from what we hear here.everyone in the west is either a serial killer,paedophile,or mentally imbalance.people who would wake up one morning and say to themselves,hey, today is the day I walk into an elementary school and shoot all the kids..and another is planning to go shoot everyone in a cinema.cos that's the impression most people in africa have about the westerners..but most of us are too educated to believe such crap,cos when you generalize people based on stereotype,it makes you look dumb and make people question your level of intelligence.I personally judge people base on my personal experience with them and not by hearsay.

true, but we're not scamming the Nigerians...

Adorable31's photo
Fri 08/21/15 11:59 PM
So what you are saying is that nigerians are the only scammers in the world??you don't have people in your country of dubious and questionable character???lol

jacktrades's photo
Sat 08/22/15 12:20 AM

Today, a record-high 87 percent of Americans approve of Whites and Blacks tying the knot, according to Gallup. Compare this to 1959’s measly four percent!

This a very important statistic, it speaks volumes to me and it makes me proud to be a American.

Adorable31's photo
Sat 08/22/15 03:02 AM
I have never stolen anything from anyone my entire life.I have worked really hard for everything I have,put myself through school including getting a Bs.c degree in history/international relation and have become a respected member of my community as well as in my family,and same goes for every member of my family as well as millions of people in nigeria.. so I refuse to let people who don't know me personally,judge me based on the character of another individual,simply because he is my country man..I do not support stealing of any sort,and firmly believe the is more honour to work hard and make it in life..than trickishly stealing from hard working people..cos not only will this people be left bankrupt,they would also be heartbroken,especially those who thought they had found their true love via the internet..and I know the is a special place in hell for such heartless people...not just cos of the scams they commit but cos they constantly drag my country's name in the mud and make things hard for those of us who are sincerely in search of true love..

aarvin1985's photo
Sat 08/22/15 05:06 AM
People got different tastes :) With regards to me, I don't really care about race, as long as the woman is an amazing person and there is mutual attraction :)

TyphoonMk1b's photo
Sat 08/22/15 08:02 AM

I have come to realise that society is still not accepting the fact that two people from different race can actually fall in love with each other.which is totally crazy cos this is the 21century..

welcome to the real world.
You will find bad apples everywhere.

Adorable31's photo
Sat 08/22/15 08:39 AM
Exactly my point..the are good and bad people everywhere,that's why its so wrong to generalize.