Topic: '5D' Black Holes Could Break Relativity
mightymoe's photo
Mon 02/29/16 08:29 AM

Ring-shaped, five-dimensional black holes could break Einstein's theory of general relativity, new research suggests.

There's a catch, of course. These 5D "black rings" don't exist, as far as anyone can tell. Instead, the new theoretical model may point out one reason why we live in a four-dimensional universe: Any other option could be a hot mess.

"Here we may have a first glimpse that four space-time dimensions is a very, very good choice, because otherwise, something pretty bad happens in the universe," said Ulrich Sperhake, a theoretical physicist at the University of Cambridge in England. [8 Ways You Can See Einstein's Theory of Relativity in Real Life]

Doomed from the start

From the beginning, Einstein's theory of general relativity, which describes how matter warps space-time, predicted its own demise. That demise came in the form of singularities, or infinitely curved portions of space-time in which the laws of physics break down, said study co-author Markus Kunesch, an applied mathematics and theoretical physics doctoral candidate at the University of Cambridge.

But in a kind of lucky save, Einstein's theory predicts these singularities exist only behind the event horizons of black holes, from which no matter can escape.

"Even though you have a singularity, it's pretty nicely contained in a high-security lunatic asylum, and it cannot affect anything on the outside," Sperhake, who was not involved in the current study, told Live Science. "This means that general relativity is still perfectly able to explain the entire evolution of the entire universe outside this tiny singularity."

The notion of safely contained singularities, dubbed the cosmic censorship theorem, has held up everywhere in the universe where people have looked.

Naked black holes

But Kunesch and fellow University of Cambridge researchers Pau Figueras and Saran Tunyasuvunakool wanted to probe the limits of the cosmic censorship theorem. They took a look at bizarre proposed black holes that researchers had dreamed up about 15 years ago.

In the past, researchers had proposed a mathematical description of these black rings. However, no one had been able to simulate how they would behave under general relativity. It turned out that, in five dimensions, "naked singularities" would be sitting outside black holes, the team reported in a study published Feb. 18 in the journal Physical Review Letters. That, in turn, would imply that Einstein's theory of relativity would completely break down throughout the universe, not just in black holes.

That doesn't mean Einstein's theory is wrong. Relativity has passed every single test it's faced.

"It is an incredibly amazing theory. It has predicted a lot of new things," Kunesch told Live Science. (Physicists recently discovered one of the last remaining predictions of relativity when they detected gravitational waves formed from the smashup of two black holes 1.3 billion years ago.)

For one, it's extremely unlikely that these relativity-breaking black holes exist. For that to be true, there would have to be extra dimensions. While some theories, such as string theory, do predict the existence of 11 or even 27 extra dimensions, these higher dimensions would be teensy, rolled-up specks — far different from the vanilla, ordinary-size dimensions that we live in, and that black rings were conceived in, Sperhake said. [5 Reasons We May Live in a Multiverse]

The Goldilocks of universes

The findings add to the notion that the universe occupies a sweet spot in terms of its physical properties, Sperhake said. If the gravity had been stronger, our universe would have collapsed soon after the Big Bang. If the gravity had been weaker, no stars could have formed. If the electromagnetism had been slightly different, the chemistry would have gone wonky, Sperhake said. Now, it seems as if the number of dimensions of space-time should be added to the list: If there were any more, the future behavior of the universe couldn't be predicted, at least not by Einstein's theory, he said.

The new results also shine a light in some of the dark, unexplored nooks and crannies of Einstein's groundbreaking theory, Kunesch said.

"It's quite remarkable that, more than 100 years after Einstein's theory was written down, we still don't fully understand what solutions to Einstein's equations look like," Kunesch said. "We still need to establish whether it is completely consistent theoretically. There are still lots of open questions, both on the theoretical level but also on the more experimental level."

Complete799's photo
Mon 02/29/16 09:08 AM
So there are no singularities outside of black holes and we do have proof of gravitational waves. Einsteins theory seems to hold but not in cases where the initial start of the universe is a singularity. If his theory did hold for that case then perhaps we are living inside a black hole? At any rate the gravitational waves are now giving backing to Alan Guths inflation theory and also Multi-verse theory. Guth has a version of Multi-verse theory. My wonder is how the quantum weighs in on this. Even Hawking was leaning toward reality being in the bits. It from bits. This was his great debate with Susskind about black hole evaporation and information loss or the contrary information being retained.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 02/29/16 09:19 AM

So there are no singularities outside of black holes and we do have proof of gravitational waves. Einsteins theory seems to hold but not in cases where the initial start of the universe is a singularity. If his theory did hold for that case then perhaps we are living inside a black hole? At any rate the gravitational waves are now giving backing to Alan Guths inflation theory and also Multi-verse theory. Guth has a version of Multi-verse theory. My wonder is how the quantum weighs in on this. Even Hawking was leaning toward reality being in the bits. It from bits. This was his great debate with Susskind about black hole evaporation and information loss or the contrary information being retained.

there's no actual proof of "singularities", either... all that AE did was mathematical strings, and as a result, names of things that may or may not exist came to be...

mightymoe's photo
Mon 02/29/16 06:10 PM

Ring-shaped, five-dimensional black holes could break Einstein's theory of general relativity, new research suggests.

There's a catch, of course. These 5D "black rings" don't exist, as far as anyone can tell. Instead, the new theoretical model may point out one reason why we live in a four-dimensional universe: Any other option could be a hot mess.

"Here we may have a first glimpse that four space-time dimensions is a very, very good choice, because otherwise, something pretty bad happens in the universe," said Ulrich Sperhake, a theoretical physicist at the University of Cambridge in England. [8 Ways You Can See Einstein's Theory of Relativity in Real Life]

Doomed from the start

From the beginning, Einstein's theory of general relativity, which describes how matter warps space-time, predicted its own demise. That demise came in the form of singularities, or infinitely curved portions of space-time in which the laws of physics break down, said study co-author Markus Kunesch, an applied mathematics and theoretical physics doctoral candidate at the University of Cambridge.

But in a kind of lucky save, Einstein's theory predicts these singularities exist only behind the event horizons of black holes, from which no matter can escape.

"Even though you have a singularity, it's pretty nicely contained in a high-security lunatic asylum, and it cannot affect anything on the outside," Sperhake, who was not involved in the current study, told Live Science. "This means that general relativity is still perfectly able to explain the entire evolution of the entire universe outside this tiny singularity."

The notion of safely contained singularities, dubbed the cosmic censorship theorem, has held up everywhere in the universe where people have looked.

Naked black holes

But Kunesch and fellow University of Cambridge researchers Pau Figueras and Saran Tunyasuvunakool wanted to probe the limits of the cosmic censorship theorem. They took a look at bizarre proposed black holes that researchers had dreamed up about 15 years ago.

In the past, researchers had proposed a mathematical description of these black rings. However, no one had been able to simulate how they would behave under general relativity. It turned out that, in five dimensions, "naked singularities" would be sitting outside black holes, the team reported in a study published Feb. 18 in the journal Physical Review Letters. That, in turn, would imply that Einstein's theory of relativity would completely break down throughout the universe, not just in black holes.

That doesn't mean Einstein's theory is wrong. Relativity has passed every single test it's faced.

"It is an incredibly amazing theory. It has predicted a lot of new things," Kunesch told Live Science. (Physicists recently discovered one of the last remaining predictions of relativity when they detected gravitational waves formed from the smashup of two black holes 1.3 billion years ago.)

For one, it's extremely unlikely that these relativity-breaking black holes exist. For that to be true, there would have to be extra dimensions. While some theories, such as string theory, do predict the existence of 11 or even 27 extra dimensions, these higher dimensions would be teensy, rolled-up specks — far different from the vanilla, ordinary-size dimensions that we live in, and that black rings were conceived in, Sperhake said. [5 Reasons We May Live in a Multiverse]

The Goldilocks of universes

The findings add to the notion that the universe occupies a sweet spot in terms of its physical properties, Sperhake said. If the gravity had been stronger, our universe would have collapsed soon after the Big Bang. If the gravity had been weaker, no stars could have formed. If the electromagnetism had been slightly different, the chemistry would have gone wonky, Sperhake said. Now, it seems as if the number of dimensions of space-time should be added to the list: If there were any more, the future behavior of the universe couldn't be predicted, at least not by Einstein's theory, he said.

The new results also shine a light in some of the dark, unexplored nooks and crannies of Einstein's groundbreaking theory, Kunesch said.

"It's quite remarkable that, more than 100 years after Einstein's theory was written down, we still don't fully understand what solutions to Einstein's equations look like," Kunesch said. "We still need to establish whether it is completely consistent theoretically. There are still lots of open questions, both on the theoretical level but also on the more experimental level."
fixed the link...

no photo
Tue 03/01/16 11:51 PM
Fear me MuHahahahahaahahaha~~~~~~~or you need another earth like planet and bilions of years.......and better not challenge that meatoy in 3D........and you need anoter cup of popcorn.......
Hoooooo.....Popcorn.......the screen kiss own~~~~~~~

mightymoe's photo
Wed 03/02/16 01:32 AM

Fear me MuHahahahahaahahaha~~~~~~~or you need another earth like planet and bilions of years.......and better not challenge that meatoy in 3D........and you need anoter cup of popcorn.......
Hoooooo.....Popcorn.......the screen kiss own~~~~~~~

dude, the marshmallows aren't always electric...embarassed

no photo
Wed 03/02/16 03:52 PM

Fear me MuHahahahahaahahaha~~~~~~~or you need another earth like planet and bilions of years.......and better not challenge that meatoy in 3D........and you need anoter cup of popcorn.......
Hoooooo.....Popcorn.......the screen kiss own~~~~~~~

dude, the marshmallows aren't always electric...embarassed

No......he always.....not you....but me.......drinker I don't know why.....but there is one thing I can consider is I'm too American......:banana: