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Topic: WWE fans
kkKen's photo
Thu 11/15/07 05:17 AM
I think that TNA could well be the future of wrestling.With the matches they put on (ultimate X-elevation x) proper hardcore matches and the fact that they push their x-division(cruiser weights) who are wasted in WWE,not even a champ since Hornswaggle.Plus lets face it an array of finishers that would'nt be allowed in wwe, i think WWE will be getting the competition it needs.Just hope the way things are goin the haven't lost all their big stars by then.Also listened to a radio interview on you tube with Y2J and he says he hasn't even seen the slots on WWE

no photo
Thu 11/15/07 08:06 AM
TNA wrestlers sure do have some great finishers, Ken.

Two words: CANADIAN DESTROYER(Petey Williams)!!!!

Plus, there's:

ANGEL'S WINGS--Christopher Daniels

Look at WWE. How many wrestlers use some sort of weak-looking slam as their finisher? Ah, well, I guess it (barely) beats out the mid 90s WWF where at least six guys used some form of powerbomb or chokeslam as a finisherlaugh .

kkKen's photo
Thu 11/15/07 01:00 PM
Thats what i'm talkin about,you look at Petey's canadian destroyer then you go to WWE and theres only about 3 guys allowed use a straight forward piledriver(taker,kane,jerry lawlor),they took away C.M Punks Pepsi Plunge and god forbid Homocide ever went there,we'd never see the gringo(cop) killa again

VooDooFan4ever's photo
Thu 11/15/07 06:06 PM
Try watching Old-Skool Wrestling Entertainment.

You haven't seen wrestling until you seen them wrestle.

Goofball73's photo
Mon 11/19/07 10:00 PM
He's back.......Y2J....Y2J....Y2J........RAW is now the same again! The man who will save us all is back...and all is right in the world. Jericho has come home.....and thank God he did. What a reception for him. I was just mesmerized seeing him again. He still has the gift on the mic. Pure genius tonight as he was on his game.

joshyfox's photo
Tue 11/20/07 06:58 AM
Edited by joshyfox on Tue 11/20/07 07:03 AM
Save_US Y2J...

...Did you Break the code?

I did, about when it all started I was saying, that's got to be Jericho.

Anyway when he came back something happened that hasn't happened in a while, I stopped having wrestling as background noise for other stuff. His Promo was so good, I actually started WATCHING wrestling again, I'd forgotten what good mic-skills were really like and I'll love to see him in the ring again.

Also I see a lot of people going for the WWE title , so I'm gonna predict something. Soon (Within two Pay-Per -Views) we will see Randy Orton Vs. HBK Vs. HHH Vs. Chris Jericho vs. Ken Kennedy Vs. Umaga in The Elimination Chamber!

no photo
Tue 11/20/07 07:13 AM

Doesn't Jericho look great???? Great to see him back again.

drinker drinker

Goofball73's photo
Tue 11/20/07 07:33 AM
One thing I admire about Chris is that he left on his own terms, and in the process of him leaving, he helped to put Cena over as credible champion. Chris walked away knowing he had done it all.

And still, he came back. You could just tell he was happy to be back. And I loved his comment of, "You didn't forget me.". Fans went nuts. I know now that RAW is gonna be a great show again because he is back. It was weird seeing him without his long hair, but this is the "2nd coming" of Y2J, so I guess a change was due.

joshyfox's photo
Wed 11/21/07 08:21 PM
Edited by joshyfox on Wed 11/21/07 08:22 PM

I'm more excited to see the young fresh talent getting their shot, nothing against the legends of old, but they are never going to get any better with time, only worse. I like seeing the rising young stars improve in their craft.

Like who?

The four top stars of WEE right now are the past 40 Shawn Michaels and Undertaker, and the right at 40 HHH and Batista.

Nothing against them, but they DESPERATELY need to elevate others into the mix. randy Orton isn't the answer. He's about one out-of-the-ring incident away from being unemployed.

I just think it's amazing how the WWE is currently following the business plan of WCW, circa 1999-2001.

I Agree actually, WWE is holding the younger talent back.

TNA is a lot like WCW too, and that isn't good...

As for WWE, I'm not looking at HHH or Undertaker or Michaels or Batista... No, I look to what the future of the business should be, Orton , Kennedy, Punk, Morrison, Rhodes, Dykstra, Carlito, and when he finally debuts in WWE, Colt Cabana.

Themobscene's photo
Thu 11/22/07 01:35 AM
ya i like all of them except carlito is leaving and all though i really like punk morrison all of them even kenny none of them will get a shot at teh wwe or world title the most they will be is IC US or ECW champ cause vince has a man crush on the steriod lookin people which is suprising to me because of all the steriod talk

joshyfox's photo
Thu 11/22/07 02:31 AM

ya i like all of them except carlito is leaving and all though i really like punk morrison all of them even kenny none of them will get a shot at teh wwe or world title the most they will be is IC US or ECW champ cause vince has a man crush on the steriod lookin people which is suprising to me because of all the steriod talk

Vince Loves the ridiculously muscled look for some reason.

Sadly though some of his best stars where not huge. I probably was, but I find it hard to believe that Stone Cold Steve Austin took steroids, I mean look at him! The Rock maybe, but even him I doubt. Hogan... ok yeah Hogan took a lot of Steroids, you got me there. HHH, check definite Steroid Use (Did you see him last monday, he's shrunk a lot and looks human)

I didn't know Carlito was leaving... well seeing how WWE has been treating him lately, I don't blame him.

joshyfox's photo
Thu 11/22/07 02:41 AM
Edited by joshyfox on Thu 11/22/07 02:42 AM

I think that TNA could well be the future of wrestling.With the matches they put on (ultimate X-elevation x) proper hardcore matches and the fact that they push their x-division(cruiser weights) who are wasted in WWE,not even a champ since Hornswaggle.Plus lets face it an array of finishers that would'nt be allowed in wwe, i think WWE will be getting the competition it needs.Just hope the way things are goin the haven't lost all their big stars by then.Also listened to a radio interview on you tube with Y2J and he says he hasn't even seen the slots on WWE

TNA Pushes their X-Division? Sure they put them on camera, which is more than could be said for WWE's Cruiserweights, but being squashed by Team 3-D every week and being beaten out of the main event by Sting and Kurt Angle is hardly being called pushing them.

I remember the golden age of TNA, this was long before they were on Spike TV, I'm talking the early days of them still being on Fox Sports Net. Back then they had only a small handful of Ex-WWE Talent (I think Raven, Sabu and Jeff Hardy was it) and the World Title was an afterthought. The Main event every week was an amazing X-Division match.

TNA has spit on it's original talent and it's lighter weight stars in favor of big name stars from another company. (This sounds suspiciously close to late WCW) Is it any wonder that as soon as their contract is up at the end of the year, AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels are Leaving and Going back to Ring of Honor where they started?

...Noe ROH, THAT'S a wrestling company, a shame they don't have a TV deal, although the production values would be cheap and crappy.

no photo
Thu 11/22/07 07:29 AM
I agree, Joshy, Ring Of Honor is the best thing going in wrestling today.

Too bad, though, that Vince's "cherry picking" of ROH has begun. I heard yesterday that "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson signed a developmental contract with WWE.


He needs to "develop" exactly WHAT? 100 lbs of steroid-induced weight gain? Learning some sort of weak slam as his finisher? Learning the intricities of the "punch-kick" style that EVERYONE in WWE calls "offense"?

It's been said time and time again that except for the top guys(HHH, Cena, Edge, Batista, and about 8 others), that a wrestler can make more on the indy scene and autograph shows than he can as a mid-level wrestler in WWE. Danielson HAS to know that they'll do nothing with him, and it'll be a matter of time before he hears those dreaded words every WWE "superstar" with one foot out the door hears:

"We're sorry, but creative can't come up with anything for you."

I guess it's the fame aspect that gets people like Danielson to sign that WWE contract. I mean TNA sure isn't a viable alternative. If you're gonna be a glorified jobber, might as well do so on shows that more than a handful of people are going to watch.

TrueJedi's photo
Fri 11/23/07 08:15 PM
WWE is doing a great job on the MVP/Matt Hardy storyline, it reminds me of old school WWF

poetwriter72's photo
Fri 11/23/07 11:13 PM
i think it would be better if they brought back
big poppa pump,brock lesner,nwo

no photo
Sat 11/24/07 04:23 AM

i think it would be better if they brought back
big poppa pump,brock lesner,nwo

And therein lies the problem. WWE and TNA are in a race to see who can bring back "old acts".

Well, here's the irrefutable truth about those "old acts":

Old acts are good for nostalgia value only. Thing is, you can only do it once. Look at Miss Elizabeth or Ultimate Warrior when WCW brought them in after a few years of retirement. They got over in their first appearance. After that--no one cared. Once everyone sees a nostalgia act once, the value is gone. You can't count on having old acts on top. Look at Sting in TNA. First appearance--good ratings. Second appearance--ratings down to pre-Sting levels.

In the words of ole Knox:

"You can never move forward if you keep looking back."

Goofball73's photo
Sat 11/24/07 10:58 AM
Yeah, right now, TNA is not what it once was. I don't mind that Angle, Sting, Nash and other established stars are there. Heck. I don't mind Sting or Angle in the World title scene. But I hate that guys like "Fallen Angel", Styles, Joe and others are now taking a back seat. TNA can be a great company, and given time, they could compete with the WWE. But right now, for some reason, big time executives at Spike and USA (For the WWE) want the established guys from years back.

But Monday night gave me hope when Jericho came "Home". I said this to many when he left, and I will say it here. I knew when he was leaving, a part of the WWE and RAW was just going to be missing...a big part. Y2J was the guy that carried RAW, even when he wasn't in the title scene. He put over Cena, Goldberg (he made Bill look like a million bucks at there PPV match), Orton, Batista....he did what the company asked of him, and he always delivered. That man coming back means alot folks. Means that now Orton is about to look like a solid main eventer. HBK did a great job with putting Orton over, but Chris will solidify it.

The only fear I have is with the writers, who just do not get wrestling. Vince knows what Jericho means to the WWE. Yeah, Vince has a hard on for big guys and all, but he also knows a true gem when he sees it. Vince can still find talent, but I fear that nowadays he is losing more and more influence with the company. I mean, I still will have a hard time forgiving him with Khali's push. "shudders". But if the WWE is smart, they will let Chris do his thing and make RAW better. Yes folks, one man can make a difference.

As for TNA? Put Cage, Danielson, Joe, Sting, Angle, Styles and others in the title scene and quit trying to bring in old talent. Give us new superstars to cheer, or boo. Make wrestling fun again (this goes to the WWE too).

Kari716's photo
Sat 11/24/07 12:59 PM
I'm looking forward to the new life Y2J will bring to RAW. I like that Kane makes appearances on ECW. I do would like to see matches between the big guys,i.e., Big Daddy V, Khali, Umaga, and Mark Henry. I think it would be more interesting for them to go after each other.

damnitscloudy's photo
Sat 11/24/07 01:32 PM
I was a fan a few years ago, but then it got boring with same recycled stories, and horrible wrestling every week. I kinda like TNA better because of the X-division (which Matt and Jeff Hardy should be in) but seems to be lacking too.

I miss the old ECW, it was straight up fighting and craziness.

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