Topic: True Conservative
msharmony's photo
Fri 04/29/16 06:40 PM

I think the confusion is there is no telling what Trump is, therefor to call him a 'true' anything, seems silly

Trump is what TRump needs to be in the moment

Well if It's Lying Ted, it should be Turbid Trump
Hijinx Hillary
And Bernie the Amerinkanski

being consistent,,,

no photo
Fri 04/29/16 10:23 PM

What exactly is that?

I have been a "conservative" Republican for many years. When I was of voting age, my first vote went to Ronald Reagan.
Through the years I have always voted pretty much down the Republican ticket.
This year, when the primaries started, I was looking at Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio(I am from Florida) and also considering Ted Cruz.

Well Jeb stumbled badly and I realized he wasn't going anywhere.

Marco Rubio seemed like a good choice but I was weary of his whole amnesty plan. Although he tried to run from it, his statement "until the border is secure, America isn't ready for it" did not alleviate my fears...does that mean once it's secure you'll give amnesty to illegals?

Then of course there is Ted Cruz, I started to consider him but I realized he would lie and change just to suit whatever came that day.
This was so apparent when during the Trump rally in Chicago it was disrupted by protesters who were clearly Occupy WallStreet, Black Lives Matter and other such left-wing radicals who promoted the violence.
Cruz went on to say it was all Trump's fault which was the deciding factor for me against Lying Ted.

But what I really don't like about Cruz and you can add Bush and Rubio to this, Is that they claim "Trump is not a true conservative"

What does that mean? Because I may agree with only 18 of the their 20 positions, maybe I disagree with their abortion stance, does that make me a Democrat?
Should I call myself a liberal because I believe a woman should have the right to choose in the first trimester?

Where do they get off on defining what a "TRUE" conservative is?

The more and more I really listened to Trump (not the media or pundits view), I realized he is the only one who can straighten out the mess from the last 8 years.

I guess I'm not a "TRUE conservative" because I don't fit some of Cruz's extreme views.

EVEN they don't use tha word tradionalist right? Hmmmmm strange......what the hell with the englishman's logic? conflic....and complicate......try to not doubt about the world it self just go doubt about why some body call me tha "terrorist" and yse.....fully funtional articals both wise logic.....and some cops just go eaten the dust yet....yea~~~~~i bet 1 dolar that those TV.P knowing nothing about what the hell is political more or less just as this due didn't pass any examination to take any occupation as their level ..... hmmmm strange....why i should take that thing? i've even giving some policy here by english then.....Ha!!!!!!DingDong i'm not some knucle driver am I? then better we.......the rote not suitable to such poor due like me......unless those bishop will gona yell on me "hey see that due? don't following him he is not qualifying to doing such job especially in this time." yea what ever......then lead your people to sue them what you waiting for? area political department have the rights to do so unless some one just treating the superem count *** some kind of opara hall......HeeeeeHaaaaaa~~~~~~~~~or sport campus whatever~~~~~~drinker

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Sat 04/30/16 06:09 AM

I was for Governor Bush as well before Mr. Trump jumped in, I also really liked Senator Cruz, that is until ALL of the BS and lies he has pulled. This guy is trying to destroy the Republican Party. Forcing a convention, it will be madness and it will bring down the party like the Berlin Wall.

The Republican Party needs to start to change with the times though on social issues like Gay Marriage.

Well as a "True" conservative I believe MOST social issues should be left to the state. If NY wants to have transgender bathrooms..go for it but if Utah doesn' be it. Let the people of individual states take care of themselves.
It's time to shrink The Federal government in size, power and control over peoples social life, that is not what the Constitution enumerated for the federal government to do.

adivorcedone's photo
Sat 04/30/16 06:17 AM
Yup , well said my man!!!

Who was it that said.. the Govt. have no place in the bedrooms of our nation...??? Dang rite he/she was...???

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Sat 04/30/16 06:35 AM

Yup , well said my man!!!

Who was it that said.. the Govt. have no place in the bedrooms of our nation...??? Dang rite he/she was...???

That was left wing Liberal Canadian Pierre Trudeau.

Lots of people who think all liberals are bad, and all conservatives are good, are really just liberals who don't like certain kinds of hair. And lots of people who think they are liberals, are really right wing fuddy duddies who think freedom means rearranging everyone else's life, to make themselves comfortable.

One Big Picture thing:

proclaiming that we need everyone to be "true [whatevers]" might be the oldest political manipulation tricks on the planet. Certainly in the top ten.

Just don't let the people chanting about how important it is to unify everyone into a homogeneous group, get together in a locked room with each other. Massive deaths inevitably result.

no photo
Sat 04/30/16 07:12 AM

I think the confusion is there is no telling what Trump is, therefor to call him a 'true' anything, seems silly

Trump is what TRump needs to be in the moment

:banana: Obsession by Calvin Klein

msharmony's photo
Sat 04/30/16 09:01 AM
obsession,, starting dozens of threads on one man,,,,lol

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Sat 04/30/16 09:07 AM
**opening a can of worms**
I hope the fishing is good todayglasses

msharmony's photo
Sat 04/30/16 09:09 AM
ewww...worms are so creepyill ill

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Sat 04/30/16 09:09 AM

**opening a can of worms**
I hope the fishing is good todayglasses topic..the OP is gonna be madnoway

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Sat 04/30/16 09:09 AM

ewww...worms are so creepyill ill

Yeah they are...but make good fishing bait LOL

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Sat 04/30/16 09:11 AM

ewww...worms are so creepyill ill

Yeah they are...but make good fishing bait LOL

** slapping myself**slaphead slaphead

SitkaRains's photo
Sat 04/30/16 09:21 AM
I am sure I will be blasted a bit and that is okay. One of the things that makes our country great diversity. My first time Voting I did vote for Carter. Yes I did for one reason I was sick of the so called good ole boy politics and he gave me hope at the age of 16, In saying that by 17 I knew I had been sold a bill of goods. So I get why the young voted for Obama I really do all those promises of transparency, bring back the good ways etc...etc..This time around I knew better. I hear so many of the young people so disillusioned now, as I was..

I have always leaned more towards conservative side of things. rarely Jumping off and voting Dem but I have and I have actually abstained from voting on something because I couldnt in all good intent vote.

The Problem I have today is both parties sicken me to the point, at times I would be ashamed to declare either one.

Am I a true Liberal ? No not in a million years am I a true Conservative and here is the quandry... I lean that way and yet there are so much that they stand for that I know I am not.

So what am I ?? An American that truly loves her country, that is very concerned for her country and doesn't see a light at the end of the tunnel.

We the country is slowly but surely stripping what this a great country. To where there will be nothing left that our Fore Fathers fought so hard and died for..

Sorry Red not meaning to hijack the thread..

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Sat 04/30/16 09:32 AM

I am sure I will be blasted a bit and that is okay. One of the things that makes our country great diversity. My first time Voting I did vote for Carter. Yes I did for one reason I was sick of the so called good ole boy politics and he gave me hope at the age of 16, In saying that by 17 I knew I had been sold a bill of goods. So I get why the young voted for Obama I really do all those promises of transparency, bring back the good ways etc...etc..This time around I knew better. I hear so many of the young people so disillusioned now, as I was..

I have always leaned more towards conservative side of things. rarely Jumping off and voting Dem but I have and I have actually abstained from voting on something because I couldnt in all good intent vote.

The Problem I have today is both parties sicken me to the point, at times I would be ashamed to declare either one.

Am I a true Liberal ? No not in a million years am I a true Conservative and here is the quandry... I lean that way and yet there are so much that they stand for that I know I am not.

So what am I ?? An American that truly loves her country, that is very concerned for her country and doesn't see a light at the end of the tunnel.

We the country is slowly but surely stripping what this a great country. To where there will be nothing left that our Fore Fathers fought so hard and died for..

Sorry Red not meaning to hijack the thread..

laugh laugh Your not hijacking it..your brought it back to where it should beflowerforyou

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Sat 04/30/16 09:34 AM

I am sure I will be blasted a bit and that is okay. One of the things that makes our country great diversity. My first time Voting I did vote for Carter. Yes I did for one reason I was sick of the so called good ole boy politics and he gave me hope at the age of 16, In saying that by 17 I knew I had been sold a bill of goods.

Just one question...had did you vote at age 16?

SitkaRains's photo
Sat 04/30/16 09:42 AM

I am sure I will be blasted a bit and that is okay. One of the things that makes our country great diversity. My first time Voting I did vote for Carter. Yes I did for one reason I was sick of the so called good ole boy politics and he gave me hope at the age of 16, In saying that by 17 I knew I had been sold a bill of goods.

Just one question...had did you vote at age 16?
Married at age 15 became a legal adult when married..laugh

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Sat 04/30/16 09:48 AM

I am sure I will be blasted a bit and that is okay. One of the things that makes our country great diversity. My first time Voting I did vote for Carter. Yes I did for one reason I was sick of the so called good ole boy politics and he gave me hope at the age of 16, In saying that by 17 I knew I had been sold a bill of goods.

Just one question...had did you vote at age 16?
Married at age 15 became a legal adult when married..laugh

That doesn't change the voting age...or am I missing something???

SitkaRains's photo
Sat 04/30/16 09:53 AM

I am sure I will be blasted a bit and that is okay. One of the things that makes our country great diversity. My first time Voting I did vote for Carter. Yes I did for one reason I was sick of the so called good ole boy politics and he gave me hope at the age of 16, In saying that by 17 I knew I had been sold a bill of goods.

Just one question...had did you vote at age 16?
Married at age 15 became a legal adult when married..laugh

That doesn't change the voting age...or am I missing something???
I don't know but I still have that very first voter card I was very proud... I know I registered to vote and I did Vote. And I voted spent a couple months researching so many of the things on the ballot that year.

That was one of my proudest moments of my youth. Be allowed to vote. If It wasn't LEGAL I don't want to know... I want to remember that moment with fond memories..
That is where I felt like I had become an adult.

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Sat 04/30/16 10:50 AM

I am sure I will be blasted a bit and that is okay. One of the things that makes our country great diversity. My first time Voting I did vote for Carter. Yes I did for one reason I was sick of the so called good ole boy politics and he gave me hope at the age of 16, In saying that by 17 I knew I had been sold a bill of goods. So I get why the young voted for Obama I really do all those promises of transparency, bring back the good ways etc...etc..This time around I knew better. I hear so many of the young people so disillusioned now, as I was..

I have always leaned more towards conservative side of things. rarely Jumping off and voting Dem but I have and I have actually abstained from voting on something because I couldnt in all good intent vote.

The Problem I have today is both parties sicken me to the point, at times I would be ashamed to declare either one.

Am I a true Liberal ? No not in a million years am I a true Conservative and here is the quandry... I lean that way and yet there are so much that they stand for that I know I am not.

So what am I ?? An American that truly loves her country, that is very concerned for her country and doesn't see a light at the end of the tunnel.

We the country is slowly but surely stripping what this a great country. To where there will be nothing left that our Fore Fathers fought so hard and died for..

Sorry Red not meaning to hijack the thread..

This is very similar to my experiences as an American.

I began life in the fifties, growing up on heroic stories of how America saved the world from both Fascism and Communism, entirely out of the inherent goodness of our hearts, and our ideals of Freedom and Justice. I remember seriously wondering how awful it must be for all the people growing up in other countries, to know how dweeby their heritage was.

But then in school here, I was abused by the people who claimed to represent The American Way.

Anyway, that primed me to listen when people in the seventies started talking about how much of our history had been manipulated by propagandists, and how we really weren't the fabulous nation so many leaders and Hollywood movies made us out to be. So I thought for a while, that I must be a left wing liberal freedom fighter.

But the self-proclaimed freedom fighters of the left, proved to be every bit as much self-deluded and selfish as the right had been, and every bit as oblivious to their own iniquities as the Centrists had been, so I left them behind as well, and struck out on my own.

I haven't been a member of a political party since. Every year, I listen carefully to all the claims politicians make, and use my best guesses based on experience, as to what twist they've put on what they really believe in, if anything. Then I vote for whoever I decide is least likely to directly assault me or my friends and relatives.

I guess wrong a fair amount, simply because modern politicians have so much help hiding what they are really all about, and because, as I learned along the way, the structure of government itself, can end up allowing negative forces to have more say than positive ones.

I think I'm conservative, because I want the least amount of interference between each other that we can have, while preserving each other's freedoms.

That's far from simple, in a world where so many people think that it's an imposition on their freedom, if they are prevented from using government to force the rest of us to live as they want to.

This year, I find something here and something there that each candidate says that I like, but I also find things every one says, which makes me draw back in dismay.

I might need on of those Dungeons and Dragons multi-sided dice to take with me into the voting booth, to figure out what to do come November.

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 04/30/16 11:12 AM

I think the confusion is there is no telling what Trump is, therefor to call him a 'true' anything, seems silly

Trump is what TRump needs to be in the moment

Well if It's Lying Ted, it should be Turbid Trump
Hijinx Hillary
And Bernie the Amerinkanski

being consistent,,,

like Consistently Inconsistent?bigsmile