Topic: who else is getting frustrated about not getting any message
link12hh's photo
Thu 06/30/16 09:11 AM
Edited by link12hh on Thu 06/30/16 09:13 AM

I was going to send you a message but I couldn't because you have your settings to only accept unmarried females. So, was I frustrated after typing out a message to you only to get rejected from being able to send it to you.

It goes both ways. Although, I definitely do NOT!!!! :wink:

sorry about that
i just turned off the filter.

no photo
Thu 06/30/16 11:46 AM
I don't get frustrated not getting messages at all, actually I received lots of messages but not even 10% out of 100% were substantial, that is frustratinglaugh frustrated slaphead Seems like most men lacks the right skills on how to properly appoach women online:smile: men should research on how to initiate good conversation online. Just a thought, don't get offended guys, maybe a little reading would help:smile:

no photo
Thu 06/30/16 02:29 PM
I agree.I think this online dating is pretty weak.You don't really know much about someone until you have spent some real time together.
I met a woman on Craigslist,who turned out to be living with a guy at the time.She is on medication for depression,and an unpredictable nutcase. Another lady I met didn't speak hardly a word,and I had to do all the talking..I guess some people just want to spend all their time at a computer screen typing away,but I think its a pretty lousy way to get to know someone.
I guess a lot of women are too afraid to meet someone they met online,and in a lot of ways I don't blame them.There are a lot of nutcases out there. As for me,I've been single/widowed for over a year and a half.I have tried this site before,and really didn't get anywhere then,and don't expect to now.Bakersfield should have plenty of singles. I've been there,and it is a bit of a zoo,but you might do better there instead of this online junk.
Good luck sir,and I'm sure there is someone out there for both of us.
I lost my wife to cancer last year,and we met during an investigation she was working on(she was a Federal investigator) so I'm sure she checked me out first with her database.

BreakingGood's photo
Thu 06/30/16 02:44 PM
Edited by BreakingGood on Thu 06/30/16 02:44 PM

I met a woman on Craigslist,who turned out to be living with a guy at the time.She is on medication for depression,and an unpredictable nutcase.

She sounds hot. Already living with a guy means "won't be clingy." What's her number? Many people are on drugs nowadays.

Another lady I met didn't speak hardly a word,and I had to do all the talking..

She sounds hot too. I won't have to tell her to shut up later. What's her number?

but you might do better there instead of this online junk.

If all you have is junk then you make art.

Man you are just looking at things the wrong way. :wink:

link12hh's photo
Fri 07/01/16 12:31 AM

I agree.I think this online dating is pretty weak.You don't really know much about someone until you have spent some real time together.
I met a woman on Craigslist,who turned out to be living with a guy at the time.She is on medication for depression,and an unpredictable nutcase. Another lady I met didn't speak hardly a word,and I had to do all the talking..I guess some people just want to spend all their time at a computer screen typing away,but I think its a pretty lousy way to get to know someone.
I guess a lot of women are too afraid to meet someone they met online,and in a lot of ways I don't blame them.There are a lot of nutcases out there. As for me,I've been single/widowed for over a year and a half.I have tried this site before,and really didn't get anywhere then,and don't expect to now.Bakersfield should have plenty of singles. I've been there,and it is a bit of a zoo,but you might do better there instead of this online junk.
Good luck sir,and I'm sure there is someone out there for both of us.
I lost my wife to cancer last year,and we met during an investigation she was working on(she was a Federal investigator) so I'm sure she checked me out first with her database.

you sound like a decent person
sorry to hear about your wife
hopefully it won't take long to find someone special
good luck finding someone.

link12hh's photo
Mon 07/18/16 11:07 AM
@Crystal Fairy
well I'm sorry that I have very minute social skills and I'm sorry i'm a shut in and you had the urge to insult me,
what do you want me to do its not like I can just go out and talk to random people and I only have few friends that I knew from school so having a friend help me out with my social skills
is out of the question,
and I'd be too nervous to ask one of my female friends to help me out with learning to chat with other women.

link12hh's photo
Mon 07/18/16 11:09 AM
@Crystal Fairy

I'm sorry I'm too stupid to know how to chat properly with other women.

danigapeach2's photo
Mon 07/18/16 12:40 PM
Hi link12hh I think that CrystalFairy is just reacting to frustrations with guys who will not read a profile even if you paid them. I do not know how many single ladies in your age range are here but if a guy does not take the time to write a profile then I do not take my time to contact him.
I think the online process takes a great deal of patience and perseverance and some pretty thick skin and only you can decide if you possess what it takes.
From the way you describe your life dating might not be the best focus for your energies right now. Not being judgmental but if you do not have transport, a job or financial means to actually date I am not sure how that would work for you. Perhaps you can begin a word of mouth business fixing electronics and computers.
I am glad to know I am not the only lady here that tells males on this site to read my profile before contacting me. There seems to be a real problem with making the effort to learn first. All the men of my age are into nothing but the silliest pick up lines much like the ones they would lamely use in a bar in real life. I always think they wonder why they get shot down in the bar as well. By the time you get to be 45 or older you would think a man would have learned how to initiate an intelligent conversation with a lady.
Oh Well. Shalom

link12hh's photo
Mon 07/18/16 01:56 PM

Hi link12hh I think that CrystalFairy is just reacting to frustrations with guys who will not read a profile

actually she was directly insulting in a hurtful way
the words i would use for messages i would send

quote [still asking the wrong questions. I mean ...
"What are you're hobbies?"
Wow, mind-blowing question
If that's the best you can come up with in the dating/flirting stage, when you should be at your best, what is the conversation going to look like when you've moved beyond that 'best stage'?
"Pass me the potatoes."? ] end quote

From the way you describe your life dating might not be the best focus for your energies right now. Not being judgmental but if you do not have transport, a job or financial means to actually date I am not sure how that would work for you.

I'm on disability at the moment
and if not having transport, a job, or funds makes it practically impossible to date someone then i am
flabbergasted that my friend who is 5,2 and a stoner can accomplish that with no funds or transport and that women hit on him and he doesn't have to lift a finger and i've seen it happen on more than one occasion and he doesn't even have to say anything.

no photo
Mon 07/18/16 07:08 PM

I know I am
I think I find someone I can chat with
I send them a message and I keep getting ignored no matter who I send a message to
it's really frustrating
I would send simple things like "what kind of music do you like to listen to"
or "what kind of things are you interested in" or " what are your favorite hobbies"
no reply and all I know is it's really pissing me off.

those are really great questions.. on the 3rd or 4th email..

like Crystal said.. they're not great openers, and reading the profile first will give you clues on how to approach the girl.. find common ground to start the conversation..

one last tidbit.. be respectful and attentive and you may get some responses!

best of luck to you!

no1phD's photo
Mon 07/18/16 07:34 PM
Ok.frist! I find out about..
The Who's online button.... big secret now I'm finding out you can message
((Share information like this!!!..))

I really got to start reading the

link12hh's photo
Mon 07/18/16 09:49 PM
like I've said before I do check profiles and the ones I've checked are almost always blank and if they're not I send a message related to what was said on their profile, as for the whole getting frustrated bit I am getting frustrated but not at people, I'm getting frustrated in general because I don't get replies and because there's hardly anyone in my age group in my area that even has a profile filled out most of them are blank and I'm not going to date someone that's 4 or 5 years older or younger than I am.

Deelynn74's photo
Thu 07/21/16 09:27 AM
I think reason people don't reply to your questions is because Mingle blocks it if you don't pay 75 for membership. Ridiculous.

I embedded my email into my profile just so people can emaile directly.

jasonthedude's photo
Thu 07/21/16 09:33 AM
It's all spam . Web site selling sex

Seakolony's photo
Thu 07/21/16 11:22 AM

I think reason people don't reply to your questions is because Mingle blocks it if you don't pay 75 for membership. Ridiculous.

I embedded my email into my profile just so people can emaile directly.

no they don't I don't pay for membership and no email is blocked. where do you get this from.

Archiebellah's photo
Thu 07/21/16 01:10 PM
laugh true must be scammers

no photo
Fri 07/22/16 08:35 AM

I met a woman on Craigslist,who turned out to be living with a guy at the time.She is on medication for depression,and an unpredictable nutcase.

people on drugs are dangerous. best stay away

Seakolony's photo
Fri 07/22/16 08:40 AM
Honestly I really don't care about receiving messages. I will only receive them from people I talk to in the forums. Which why my headline says DO NOT MESSAGE ME

no photo
Mon 08/01/16 02:18 PM
I get no messages from anyone here. Unless it's someone from the forums that I've seen around here for a good while, I don't answer. 95% of the messages I get are from scammers. I'm not interested in talking to a scammer. The only reason I hang around here is the forums. They are OK. But using this site for dating, NO.

no photo
Thu 08/04/16 02:49 PM
Edited by SCB27769 on Thu 08/04/16 02:50 PM
Link12hh, you sound just like me. I feel exactly as you feel. I've had no luck messaging women here. The best I can hope for is they'll look at my profile and not reply. Ever. Like you, I'm unemployed, on disability and completely lacking the means to get around. Nobody hits on me. The city I live in is worthless for dating or jobs. I've gotten to the point where I've stopped believing there to be any woman for me. I'm almost dead certain there isn't an Asian woman for me otherwise I would have met her by now. I've given up on there being any future for me, there just isn't one. And I get so mad when I see the "celebrities" and their lives, how "madly in love" they are with some other celebrity. I'm terminally ill from all the times the Kardashians end up in the news.

I don't know what to tell you...I'm in no better a position than you and I find it difficult to believe in "love" and "romance". To me, those only happen in books and movies. They never seem to happen in real life because the only thing women want is money, college education and job. They don't care about "love" or finding the man they want to be with. If a guy doesn't have a job, college degrees or money, he is most likely to be ignored by ALL women. And that's where I am. That's why I don't have anyone. And, yeah, I'm a loner, a shut-in for all time. What the f**k else am I supposed to do? There's no job, no opportunity for one. Women are virtually extinct. What would you like for me to do about it? I guarantee, whatever you ask I'll find it undoable. I always do.