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iam_resurrected's photo
Thu 08/01/19 07:31 AM

I have a lot views I'm not typically Christian ordained but this is my story my reason for hope me essense for life...

Was driving along the road midnight around there and the next thing I know it hits dark and all goes black I hear a sound of rumbling and the scraping of steel... i'm blacked out... I wake up my window is smashed in I had hit a bridge just a near oversight. The tire wheels are spinning into the floorboards... on my side... I let go of the gas if I had not been broken I would have plunged in the river... it's a deep night I feel my head to feel inside and put two finger tips inside my own head... this scar remains and still hurts a tad if pressed I also have a thing that looks like a permanent hickey from that wreck... I walk down the road flag down help maybe knock on some doors... middle of the night no one's coming around... it had been awhile I was knocked out and given the situation dead of night this old couple drop by country road my own residential neighborhood do not know such said people they have a phone being old timers or not and call police and ambulance... I was able to walk to flag down help and when in the gurney the crew is telling jokes just another day for them worst day in my life for me... at the hospital I am on the bed examined I had 79 liaisons and needed 150 stitches still came within an inch of severing my aiorta… something saved me that night because the car insurance adjuster tells me he's seen a lot of accidents and some of them in less damage that he was actually stunned and in awe I was alive and well and not missing body parts I didn't even use Vicodin they gave me... the people in less accidents had safer vehicles than my 95' Ranger and given the situation of is any of us not meant to exist... I couldn't answer that some people die some live only things that truly matter is how much time we actually have left to tell people how much they mean to us new or old friends relatives...

Brother, that is because miracles actually are real and do happen in this current day. Yes, it's not typically by someone pointing and the thing happens, but it is directed for your Safety, Assurance, Outlook in life, Hope you might not known existed, and it does give you a very immense sense that God, a second entity from yourself there and directing those things you have been unaware to.

The decisions made, which specific component of your car was broke (fuel/pedal), how the vehicle stopped (so you were able to get out), you are alive when a professional tells you that your accident is not normal in ending at all (majority die from something lesser tragic), all signs of the Laws of Physics being allocated to allow your Miracle. all signs pointing to a Secondary and Greater Law than the Law of Physics was there in action. all signs you had a real true blue encounter with God. That what happened, how it happened, was no fluke. That was an experience given to you by God to remember and to help you understand what happened and it's good to trust and believe in God!!

iam_resurrected's photo
Thu 08/01/19 08:08 AM
Edited by iam_resurrected on Thu 08/01/19 08:57 AM

if your consciousness and awareness has nothing to do with it then you wouldn't be able to see within nature" because that would require consciousness and awareness ....see how your posts are a menagerie of contradictions

consciousness and awareness are secondary and primary factor conditions. being aware can mean several things in this scenario. first thing one does in that scenario, is look and listen. that peeks your Awareness and awakens your Consciousness to decipher actions. you really feel the need to assess me but you only take 1 or 2 factors involved. in Growth, there are levels; in knowledge, there are factors of experiences, reading materials, what you've been told, maybe other versions of the same point being told. knowledge is what we learn, intelligence is what we retain from that education.

actually it would be Einstein's way of acknowledging that when it comes to surviving naked in the jungle..Einstein ain't no Einstein

you definitely create your own logic.

the laws of physics created The Universe and God

we know there was nothing and then the "Bang." From the "Bang," the Laws of Physics came into play. God created the Bang that ultimately set in order the Laws of Physics. Therefore, God created the Laws of Physics.

nope sorry...remember you claim that in the biblical days everything were 2/3 smaller...that would also include the giants ...which is why any person 6' or more would be a giant and a nephilim ...so...er..how tall are you?

humans and nature were smaller. but sons of God and human women are not natural occurrences. ironically, if someone believes in Nephilim, it should not be a further stretch to imagine if the Nephilim are the results of disobedience, then Miracles are the result of obedience. it would require a miracle setting for angels and human women to procreate. and then to have offspring from it. that shows angelic interaction with humans. this is what a miracle specifically is, an angelic encounter.

so you don't consider a flood that damn near wiped out The Human Race as damaging ..what if noah and his family also drown and there would be no more humans alive .. ....then would it be damaging enough

noah's flood was only for months, maybe over 1 year (but they had a 9 month calendar back then). the vegetation under water would be good as long as there was SUN. it's the flood between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 that is the damaging flood.

it was the Christians that start referring to Satan and Lucifer as an angel and as morningstar to make him one of the bad boys of the bible

NO, before the Hebrew People, Adam/Eve/that entire family all knew who "the Adversary" was. Enoch spoke of the angelic hosts in his own writings. it's always been known the "Adversary" was once the Mediator between God and the Creation of Genesis 1:1.

I should be getting paid for what I'm teaching you ...without me here to decipher your constant encryption contradictions you wouldn't even knew you were part of a Spinozian mind controlled zombie collective

you are a nobody with your own set of views and opinions. I find your answers interesting, but nothing you have stated has brought me any doubts in how I view God, the Universe, and how we all connect. my views were well formed before i ever knew about Spinoza's influence over Einstein. and, i agree with Spinoza's attempt at the connecting the dots, but i completely disagree with his system of beliefs.

the fact that you failed to explain how God came before knowledge is the proof that you know he didn't ....but it's still free for you to try and explain it..

knowledge is something gained from experience. knowledge therefore needs to be Created before it both exists in language and in writing. God, is, was always, will always be, nothing before or after, God is the consummate ALL!!

so when God commands you to kill is it via text message or a facebook notification

once again, i am bringing up the translation issue. the Hebrew/Aramaic/Greek are many times opposite in meaning to what we read in the English Translated Bibles. your assessment is based upon faulty translations. as have the majority of your Biblical viewpoints.

no photo
Thu 08/01/19 02:08 PM

consciousness and awareness are secondary and primary factor conditions..

consciousness and awareness being secondary makes you a Zombie ...

you definitely create your own logic

Einstein with all his genius couldn't survive Nazi Germany with his clothes on which is why he wouldn't have been genius enough to survive in the jungle with his clothes off .. simple logic

we know there was nothing and then the "Bang." From the "Bang," the Laws of Physics came into play. God created the Bang that ultimately set in order the Laws of Physics. Therefore, God created the Laws of Physics

it was the laws of physics that caused The Big to go Bang...do you think that a leprechaun was in the singularity and lit a stick of dynamite,... nothing can take place without the laws of physics

humans and nature were smaller. but sons of God and human women are not natural occurrences.

I'm going by your theory that biblical men were around 4 feet tall therefore the women were between three and one foot tall ..so a giant is not pooping out of that womb .. a 6 foot child would have easily qualified as being a Nephilim ..you still didn't say how tall you were ....is it because you are a Nephilim?

NO, before the Hebrew People, Adam/Eve/that entire family all knew who "the Adversary" was.

the only Adversary of Adam Eve was God after he kicked them out of eden

but nothing you have stated has brought me any doubts in how I view God,

it would be fruitless of me to try and convince you that your delusion aren't real

knowledge is something gained from experience. knowledge therefore needs to be Created before it both exists in language and in writing.

how would you have the knowledge to create knowledge if knowledge didn't exist ..and that's why the laws of physics had to exist before God did .... funches 3;16

once again, i am bringing up the translation issue. the Hebrew/Aramaic/Greek are many times opposite in meaning to what we read in the English Translated Bibles. your assessment is based upon faulty translations. as have the majority of your Biblical viewpoints

when someone get into trouble during a debate ..they magically become an expert in the Hebrew language and start claiming that the bible was mistranslated .. funches 3;16

no photo
Thu 08/01/19 02:48 PM
It's great that you survived a car accident. Nothing whatsoever to do with some kind of supreme being. Why did he allow you to suffer all that pain in the first place? Some religious people would argue that the pain was punishment for something you did that was wrong. Then again, others would argue that the tsuanmi a number of years ago that killed around ten thousand people was created because each of those people had done some wrong that needed to be punished. If anyone truly believes this, or truly believes in the Old testament myths, then they are gullible people who believe with all their heart because someone else told them it was all true!

Coincidences happen all the time and people survive amazing accidents all the time. Nothing special in that. There are many stories of soldiers in wartime who survive the most incredible situations and live to tell the tale. That's just life. It's what happens. Sometimes we say the opposite, s*** happens. That's when against all expectations, something bad happens. You need to read some good math books about statistics, clearly not your strong point.

Please don't accuse me of denying god. That grammar means that of course I know there is such a being but I prefer to hide my head in the sand and pretend not to know. I don't deny god, I deny the very EXISTENCE of such a mythical being. I state that there is no such thing, never has been and never will be. That's different. It means there is no such thing. All this stuff about what god is or what she did, is simply nonsense. Get it straight, there is no such thing. Got it now?

Physics Rules OK!

Everything follows the laws of physics. What we think of as miracles are no more than events we cannot descibe with our current understanding. Think what Shakespeare would make of a cell phone (mobile phone). He would claim it as a miracle, because that technology not only didn't exist in his time, but it couldn't even have been imagined. Nobody in those days ever thought, "I wish I could talk with someone the other side of the world, just holding a small box in my hand". Today that is called techology and not a miracle. In the future, we will understand more of those things we do not currently understand, as and when science does the research. In the meantime, religion is on the decline in most countries. It's on the increase in some Third World countries, but of course I would not wish to generalise and say that's because they are all gullible. On the other hand it would be reasonable to say that in a country desperate for better living conditions, almost anyone who comes along and promises a better life, is likely to be believed!

Physics Rules OK! happy

iam_resurrected's photo
Thu 08/01/19 03:15 PM

It's great that you survived a car accident. Nothing whatsoever to do with some kind of supreme being. Why did he allow you to suffer all that pain in the first place? Some religious people would argue that the pain was punishment for something you did that was wrong. Then again, others would argue that the tsuanmi a number of years ago that killed around ten thousand people was created because each of those people had done some wrong that needed to be punished. If anyone truly believes this, or truly believes in the Old testament myths, then they are gullible people who believe with all their heart because someone else told them it was all true!

Coincidences happen all the time and people survive amazing accidents all the time. Nothing special in that. There are many stories of soldiers in wartime who survive the most incredible situations and live to tell the tale. That's just life. It's what happens. Sometimes we say the opposite, s*** happens. That's when against all expectations, something bad happens. You need to read some good math books about statistics, clearly not your strong point.

Please don't accuse me of denying god. That grammar means that of course I know there is such a being but I prefer to hide my head in the sand and pretend not to know. I don't deny god, I deny the very EXISTENCE of such a mythical being. I state that there is no such thing, never has been and never will be. That's different. It means there is no such thing. All this stuff about what god is or what she did, is simply nonsense. Get it straight, there is no such thing. Got it now?

Physics Rules OK!

Everything follows the laws of physics. What we think of as miracles are no more than events we cannot descibe with our current understanding. Think what Shakespeare would make of a cell phone (mobile phone). He would claim it as a miracle, because that technology not only didn't exist in his time, but it couldn't even have been imagined. Nobody in those days ever thought, "I wish I could talk with someone the other side of the world, just holding a small box in my hand". Today that is called techology and not a miracle. In the future, we will understand more of those things we do not currently understand, as and when science does the research. In the meantime, religion is on the decline in most countries. It's on the increase in some Third World countries, but of course I would not wish to generalise and say that's because they are all gullible. On the other hand it would be reasonable to say that in a country desperate for better living conditions, almost anyone who comes along and promises a better life, is likely to be believed!

Physics Rules OK! happy

no one punished him, in everything he has found himself suffering from, some sort of pain, some form of delusion, whatever, it was not some form of punishment.

you know, that Catholic portion you learned is rotten to the core, no wonder your views are the way they are. one would think a Priest tried handling you or something. which is not far from being a fact in that environment. it really is sad what man has done to a simple Message.

i apologize for those who did you wrong. I know in our own discussion you had more than just your view of things, the other i'm betting is the church you knew personally and to your view its representation was nothing good at all.

and i am also positive you did find them small minded after a while. and many are small minded. they have good instincts and survival skills, but their thinking world has specifics to it that seem dense.

i am willing to bet you never met someone who actually experienced a true miracle, not a physics exhibition, not something deceptive to the eye and slow rates the mind, but just sat and listened to someone who truly experienced a miracle.

no photo
Fri 08/02/19 09:44 AM
Correct. I have never met anyone who claims to have experienced a 'true' miracle. If I had met someone like that we could have discussed what the real cause was and probably come to the conclusion that it was another as yet unexplained phenomenon. Nobody I have ever met in my life would tell me about something that happened which they believe was a miracle. I just don't move in circles of people like that, I prefer to avoid them.

Please don't apologise. You've done nothing to offend me, I am just mildly amused at your statements, as well as those from other posters. It's amazing how strong the beliefs are of those so gullible. rofl

iam_resurrected's photo
Sat 08/03/19 07:12 AM

Correct. I have never met anyone who claims to have experienced a 'true' miracle. If I had met someone like that we could have discussed what the real cause was and probably come to the conclusion that it was another as yet unexplained phenomenon. Nobody I have ever met in my life would tell me about something that happened which they believe was a miracle. I just don't move in circles of people like that, I prefer to avoid them.

Please don't apologise. You've done nothing to offend me, I am just mildly amused at your statements, as well as those from other posters. It's amazing how strong the beliefs are of those so gullible. rofl

look at these 2 very CREDIBLE SOURCES:

A.N. Wilson Is Right: “Darwin Was Wrong” | Evolution News
https://evolutionnews.org › Science › Evolution
Feb 2, 2018 - “Darwin was wrong” are the opening words of A.N. Wilson's new ... Wilson claimed that Darwin cut fifty pages from one of his notebooks to hide ...

Darwin Wrong About Evolution? New Discoveries Suggest He ...
Sep 21, 2018 - Until recently, the central tenets of Darwin's theory of evolution, from .... to run that over-stated and provocative headline, “Darwin Was Wrong,” ...

one source, Science.org and 2nd source national geographic both report that Darwin and Evolution were both WRONG!!

You know why more scientists believe in God vs not...because their work/study/the Science behind it all proves the existence of God.

The circle of people you feel like you do connect with should be the circle of people you make fun of, avoid, run away from because they have made you a clear flat out patsy and panzie!!

iam_resurrected's photo
Sat 08/03/19 07:37 AM
Edited by iam_resurrected on Sat 08/03/19 07:40 AM

consciousness and awareness being secondary makes you a Zombie ...

maybe you, but consciousness and awareness are functions of reaction. so they are normally for secondary responses

Einstein with all his genius couldn't survive Nazi Germany with his clothes on which is why he wouldn't have been genius enough to survive in the jungle with his clothes off .. simple logic

you just twist it until you close the loopholes

it was the laws of physics that caused The Big to go Bang...do you think that a leprechaun was in the singularity and lit a stick of dynamite,... nothing can take place without the laws of physics

you clearly are not aware of the KOBE TELESCOPE EXPEDITION that proves there was nothing, no Laws, no energy, no soup ingredients, just nothing and then BANG, the "Bang" took place. as result, the Laws, energy, singularity, the soup ingredients all came into play FROM THE BANG!!

astrophysicist and professor at ASU Krausse, the current expert in the field of the "Bang," claims the BANG just happened and the result gave us the Laws, and everything else.

btw, he is as Atheist as you

I'm going by your theory that biblical men were around 4 feet tall therefore the women were between three and one foot tall ..so a giant is not pooping out of that womb .. a 6 foot child would have easily qualified as being a Nephilim ..you still didn't say how tall you were ....is it because you are a Nephilim?

the Physics of men have no bearing on the nephilim. they would have seemed even taller than in reality at around 8-16 feet

the only Adversary of Adam Eve was God after he kicked them out of eden

you are a close minded excuse of a human being

it would be fruitless of me to try and convince you that your delusion aren't real

i guess you literally do not know me, since what i must pass to be eligible for my employment requires someone not suffering from delusions!!

how would you have the knowledge to create knowledge if knowledge didn't exist ..and that's why the laws of physics had to exist before God did .... funches 3;16

you are assuming that a human born was able to conjugate and figure life, the sciences, the mathematics, logic, the Laws, all of it out on his/hers own reasoning.

every key profession we have in our existence from the Sciences, Mathematics, secondary Sciences like medical physician, chemist. engineer all can be found in the traits of God, to which we are made from His "Image," meaning we have the same ability to understand many of these traits on our own comprehension. But that knowledge existed through the ONE that connects everything to the Whole

when someone get into trouble during a debate ..they magically become an expert in the Hebrew language and start claiming that the bible was mistranslated .. funches 3;16

i am not losing this scriptural discussion. I am correcting you like what i have to do to so-called Believers using only the English Translations. it's a known fact, FUNCHES, the English is mis-translated, manipulated in many areas. this is why i have studied and understand why my Grandfather and Father learned and taught the Hebrew, Aramaic, and the Greek.

If you do not realize the English is mis-translated, you do now

no photo
Sat 08/03/19 12:37 PM

maybe you, but consciousness and awareness are functions of reaction. so they are normally for secondary responses

you're confusing subconscious reflex with conscious reaction

you just twist it until you close the loopholes

you're attempting to turn a Jewish Einstein into something other than Human and that's exactly what the nazis tried to do

astrophysicist and professor at ASU Krausse, the current expert in the field of the "Bang," claims the BANG just happened and the result gave us the Laws, and everything else.

isn't that the same guy that retired from ASU due to an array of sexual misconduct allegations ..perhaps he was trying to prove to the women that he had a big bang ...but anyway ...can you just use your own original thoughts (if any) for the debate and stop hiding behind scientologist pervs as your source

the Physics of men have no bearing on the nephilim.

Man, the Nephilim, God and the teletubbies are all be under the same laws of physics ...

you are a close minded excuse of a human being

ok what if i said that snakes can talk and speak Hebrew although I've yet to see one on national geography or animal planet do that.. would I then be your brand of open mindedness?

i guess you literally do not know me, since what i must pass to be eligible for my employment requires someone not suffering from delusions

I'm pretty sure you didn't place on your job application that your thoughts and ideas are not your own but are being implanted into your brain by an external consciousness ...if you did and still got the job ...then your boss is either delusional or a psychiatrist

you are assuming that a human born was able to conjugate and figure life, the sciences, the mathematics, logic, the Laws, all of it out on his/hers own reasoning.

cool...so are you stating that Einstein would be incapable of this?

every key profession we have in our existence from the Sciences, Mathematics, secondary Sciences like medical physician, chemist. engineer all can be found in the traits of God,

nope the sciences would be knowledge handed down to Adam and Eve and their descendents due to the serpent ..

to which we are made from His "Image," meaning we have the same ability to understand many of these traits on our own comprehension.

if God made man in his own image that mean that God evolved limbs to survive .. further proof that God is under the jurisdiction of the laws of physics

i am not losing this scriptural discussion.

you lost the debate when you claim that your consciousness was connected to an external cause...that's Zombieism and in fact cancels out 'Free Will"

it's a known fact, FUNCHES, the English is mis-translated, manipulated in many areas.

yep, your posts are proof of that ....can i get a witness?

SpaceCodet's photo
Sun 08/04/19 05:03 PM
You're choices are your own to make. Pissing on someone else's belief to make yourself feel better about your own is pretty sad. Our choices are what makes us who we are. Just as you believe as you do I believe in what I do. Pissing into the void doesn't change a thing.

iam_resurrected's photo
Sun 08/04/19 05:09 PM

you're confusing subconscious reflex with conscious reaction


you're attempting to turn a Jewish Einstein into something other than Human and that's exactly what the nazis tried to do

not at all. but you do get random on certain topics and this seems to be one of those.

isn't that the same guy that retired from ASU due to an array of sexual misconduct allegations ..perhaps he was trying to prove to the women that he had a big bang ...but anyway ...can you just use your own original thoughts (if any) for the debate and stop hiding behind scientologist pervs as your source

yes, same Scientist and still valid.

my personal view, when i was a boy, at the doctors office, waiting in the general waiting room, i read a book that had dinosaurs and biblical figures. the book was based upon someone's interpretation of the Book of Job.

so for many years, i wanted to learn both about dinosaurs and about this thing that related all these figures to. i had achieved in mathematics, remembered every single thing i read and i did read the entire library in my country elementary school. i would finish my work, test hour(s) before the others and they gave me permission to go to the library where i could speed read and remember it like i wrote it. which once i read all of those books i brought my Bible and read it during those times.

my view sees a harmonious combination between God and Science, especially Mathematics (Galileo said it best).

but back to that book in the doctor's office and then further studying the Hebrew Book of Job, i see the connection. by the time frame of Job, the major dinosaurs were long gone. Mammoths and Mastodons were called great herbivore eaters in the Hebrew Job. obviously job is from the Genesis 1:1 creation and was destroyed...why verse 2 begins with a dead Earth void of life (because there once was life). the adam creation is actually the second creation. and found within the Hebrew Book of Job is a reference that i see interesting claiming Dead things are formed from under the waters, and the inhabitants thereof.

but my own views come from reading and knowing the context in what i was reading. later on i excelled in Science, by soaking up the new idealisms being introduced. no one taught evolution in the public grade schools i attended. high school offered a bit, but my first semester in PScience 101, 1988 IUSB college course, offered me a couple of books. one that basically said, Darwin did not conclude anything and that his notes were example of how we should study and use similar examples. So immediately, i knew Evolution was a load of crap. the second book, general sciences for back then.

personally, i believe the explosive Bang caught on telescopes indicating the "Big Bang" was the first time God spoke something into existence. from that point on everything came to be, including the LAWS

Man, the Nephilim, God and the teletubbies are all be under the same laws of physics ...

in your opinion only, not in mine

ok what if i said that snakes can talk and speak Hebrew although I've yet to see one on national geography or animal planet do that.. would I then be your brand of open mindedness?

it was not a snake, it was a serpent. and the Hebrew makes this animal have the ability to walk, since it was commanded to crawl afterwards. but it was not an actual serpent that spoke to Eve, it was nothing that was included within that Garden setting. of course you won't ever see a snake speak, it's not a serpent(what the persona claims, serpent) and definitely not what spoke to Eve.

I'm pretty sure you didn't place on your job application that your thoughts and ideas are not your own but are being implanted into your brain by an external consciousness ...if you did and still got the job ...then your boss is either delusional or a psychiatrist

it's a mind wavelength trace they perform. technology is interesting. you only answer the question while your mind is being read. so, your answers have to be pure to the context or your thoughts could skew your answers.

cool...so are you stating that Einstein would be incapable of this?


nope the sciences would be knowledge handed down to Adam and Eve and their descendents due to the serpent ..

there was no knowledge passed to Eve, just the awakening of the door being opened to the what if's. each mistake would make a what if become not only an obstacle to you, but to all who come after you forever. and the big picture to that mistake for all humanity is what Eve supposedly envisioned.

if God made man in his own image that mean that God evolved limbs to survive .. further proof that God is under the jurisdiction of the laws of physics

even in the form of a mist, there is a fine outline that reveals the shape of the entire whole. God and His image is the meaning to the idealism of what we see that existed, exists, and what the future view appears, are all classifications of God and His image.

you lost the debate when you claim that your consciousness was connected to an external cause...that's Zombieism and in fact cancels out 'Free Will"

everyone is connected, only a few are awake.

no photo
Mon 08/05/19 12:53 AM
Does anybody in the year 2019 truly believe that a snake, sorry 'serpent', was able to walk before some 'miracle' removed its legs? There is absolutely NO evidence to suggest that even *might* be true. None whatsoever! Likewise for all the stories in the 'Old Testament', although some are probably based on folk myths which might resemble some ordinary event, but for the telling of the story, details have been changed beyond recognition.

I wonder what would happen if at some distant time in the future, someone discovers a collection of 20th Century science fiction novels, beautifully preserved. Suppose they have no concept of the term 'fiction' and think these stories are accounts of the world as it was at the time of writing? They would certainly wonder how these technologies actually worked and wonder what happened to them over the years. Imagine what people would start to think. How totally wrong they would be!

Oh, I've just noticed something. To some extent, the Old Testament myths are similar!

It would be helpful if people posting here identified the particular faith, religion or denomination they follow. Perhaps some are Mormons, or Scientologists? Or? You tell me, please.

I'll start. I'm a Humanist. No need for a description here, if you're interested look it up on google.

iam_resurrected's photo
Mon 08/05/19 07:23 AM

Does anybody in the year 2019 truly believe that a snake, sorry 'serpent', was able to walk before some 'miracle' removed its legs? There is absolutely NO evidence to suggest that even *might* be true. None whatsoever!

this is why i ridicule you, because NO ONE believes this was an actual walking serpent that spoke to Eve, everyone with a clue knows it was a manifestation.

no photo
Mon 08/05/19 09:46 AM
Edited by funches 3:16 on Mon 08/05/19 09:47 AM

Pissing on someone else's belief to make yourself feel better about your own is pretty sad.

is placing "In God we Trust" on all the U.S. currency consider as pissing on someone's belief and sad?

you believe as you do I believe in what I do.

"to believe is to doubt" ... funches 3;16

yes, same Scientist and still valid.

he's about as valid as those sexual misconduct allegation levied against him

my personal view, when i was a boy, at the doctors office,

going to a Doctor is a lack of Faith

my view sees a harmonious combination between God and Science, especially Mathematics

Science is used to explain a given reality .. God is use to explain a given fantasy ... funches 3;16

by the time frame of Job, the major dinosaurs were long gone.

actually..the dinosaurs were the "manna from Heaven" that Moses and the Hebrews ate when they were lost in the desert for forty years and the dinosaurs were so tasty that they were eaten into extinction ...either way the exclusion of the dinosaurs prove that the Hebrew Bible is either false or mistranslated by God

later on i excelled in Science,

don't you mean scientology?

personally, i believe the explosive Bang caught on telescopes indicating the "Big Bang" was the first time God spoke something into existence.

to speak requires that the laws of physics had to first exist before God could have spoke

it was not a snake, it was a serpent. and the Hebrew makes this animal have the ability to walk, since it was commanded to crawl afterwards.

to crawl afterwards was a curse that was also place on it's descendants ...so can you name one of those descendants and let's see if it's a snake or whatever

but it was not an actual serpent that spoke to Eve,

oh so now it wasn't even a serpent ....see how your posts contradicts itself ...stop being scare and reveal what it is ....but before you reveal make sure it's descendants are following the curse and crawling on their bellies

it's a mind wavelength trace they perform. technology is interesting. you only answer the question while your mind is being read. so, your answers have to be pure to the context or your thoughts could skew your answers

that implies that you're being used as a "test subject" ...

there was no knowledge passed to Eve,

the fact that is was called 'The Tree of Knowledge" sort of make your opinion moot ...and apparently it was a source of knowledge not connected to nor controlled by God ..

even in the form of a mist, there is a fine outline that reveals the shape of the entire whole. God and His image is the meaning to the idealism of what we see that existed, exists, and what the future view appears, are all classifications of God and His image

that fact that God himself proclaimed that he has an image means he's of the physical and have arms and legs and whatever else required to get mary pregnant.. having an image with arms and legs is further proof that God is under the jurisdiction of the laws of physics

no photo
Mon 08/05/19 01:12 PM
Does anyone want to make it easier for me to understand this thread? Please, do tell me which faith, religion, or denomination you follow, or none if that is the case. Thank you :thumbsup:

Tom4Uhere's photo
Tue 08/06/19 06:36 PM
I am a 58 year member of the Church of Tom.
While it shares some beliefs with many other religions I assure you, it is unique in its belief in God.
One member strong and undivided.
It gives me peace of mind and inner contentment, as a belief system should.

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Wed 08/07/19 02:27 AM
I think most of the gullible people in fact belong to one of the 'organised' religions, or faiths, or denominations. They don't think for themselves and prefer to be told what to do by someone they respect. I know so many people like that!

The thinkers in society are people like you and me, and although we come to different conclusions, at least we agree that it's good to think and work things out for yourself. I like the idea of Church of Tom! Nobody to tell you what to do and what not to do, unless you subscribe to the idea of a God who is instructing you in right and wrong?

I once asked a relative what he would do if some proof came along that showed him he was wrong in believing in God, because there isn't one. His reply surprised me. He said he would kill a neighbour that he really doesn't like. Naturally I said that there are two rules here, God's rule (if you believe in her) and the state. You can't not believe in the state and they would be after you. He said that he would plan it as carefully as he could but even if he was caught there is no death penalty here in the UK (we don't do things like that!) and a term in prison would be worth it. I asked if he had any 'internal' moral compass that would tell him such a thing is inherently wrong and he just said no, God is his compass. Take God out of the equation and he would be free to do whatever he wanted! Very strange! I don't think he agrees with my basic humanist principle of do to others as you would like them to do to you. Just as well he has a faith, his neighbour is still alive.

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Wed 08/07/19 02:31 AM
Edited by ... on Wed 08/07/19 02:32 AM
I've just thought of something. The US has the death penalty in some states. Yet it is also strongly religious (in some parts). And it has an army of people happy to go and murder people in another part of the world.

How do they square killing people with the biblical instruction of 'thou shalt not kill'? Seems that is a pretty clear instruction, but no doubt someone will attempt to explain why it is not as simple as that. There's always an 'interpretation' to explain away those situations in which the bible contradicts itself (there are many!) so I'll just get out some popcorn and sit back to enjoy the responses. Keep 'em coming! rofl

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Wed 08/07/19 04:49 AM

I've just thought of something. The US has the death penalty in some states. Yet it is also strongly religious (in some parts). And it has an army of people happy to go and murder people in another part of the world.

How do they square killing people with the biblical instruction of 'thou shalt not kill'? Seems that is a pretty clear instruction, but no doubt someone will attempt to explain why it is not as simple as that. There's always an 'interpretation' to explain away those situations in which the bible contradicts itself (there are many!) so I'll just get out some popcorn and sit back to enjoy the responses. Keep 'em coming! rofl

I believe the Bible states thou shalt not commit murder.There are instances where killing is lawful e.g. self defence.You are just as adamant in your denial of the existence of God as the Christian is in proclaiming God.I assume your denial is based on a lack of evidence but abscence of evidence is not evidence of abscence.If this is the case your "belief" is based on a belief.How is this different to a Christians belief.You also state you like the idea of The Church of Tom,but Tom states his Church is unique in its belief in God.I think he actually meant to say his God is unique,as most churches believe in a God, so belief in God is not unique.

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Wed 08/07/19 05:41 AM
Where in the bible does it say thou shalt not commit murder? All the bibles I have ever read (and of course there are many translations all with slightly different wording!) - all say: "thou shalt not kill". That's pretty clear to me. As for self defence, the bible makes reference to the idea of turning the other cheek.

I'm not good enough to take any notice of instructions written in a book. There's plenty of other books with other instructions in them. I would prefer to read a book that teaches me self defence. If necessary I would kill to defend myself.

I agree that the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Althouh there is one scientist who has written a book in which he claims to have proved that there is no god. I've not read that book, I admit. Maybe we should all read it? But if we all did that I'm sure it wouldn't change any of the beliefs of any of us!

I tend to follow Occam's Razor which put simply states that the most likely thing is probably the true thing. With all the different religions and faiths (including Tom!) to choose from and no proof whatsoever that there really is such a thing as a god, Occams' Razor would simply say it isn't true. The idea is totally man made and consists of myths and fairy tales. I'll go along with that!

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