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Topic: R.I.P. Megan Meier
Lookingfortheone1068's photo
Wed 11/14/07 06:44 AM
2 days ago this beautiful girl ( hung herself because two parents of a friend played a cruel prank on her. They acted as a 16 year old boy that liked her then insulted her about her weight and her looks. After recieving the cruel messages, Megan went up to her room and hung herself.

I will and ask you all to pray for the Meier Family. This beautiful young girl did not deserve to die. And the people who did this should be brought to justice.

TheCaptain's photo
Wed 11/14/07 06:48 AM
It showes we all have an impact on others lives. Think before you act.

Jtevans's photo
Wed 11/14/07 06:49 AM
that's pretty messed up.why do people think others don't have feelings?i hope they are brought to justice!

my thoughts and prayers are with the family frown

FallinAngel82's photo
Wed 11/14/07 06:51 AM
this is so sad.. to many times has someone ended their own life because of other peoples cruelity, my prayers are with the soul of this young girl and with her family .. i pray they can find peace

marky84's photo
Wed 11/14/07 06:51 AM
sad :cry: sad :cry:

bgeorge's photo
Wed 11/14/07 06:55 AM
i cannot even wrap my head around how messed up people are...i haven't watched news or read a newspaper for 15yrs..not because i'm stupid (though some may disagree), but because i cannot take the horrible things people do to each other....brokenheart

pipahx's photo
Wed 11/14/07 06:57 AM
I'm not sure that that's the right Myspace? Unless her parents check her because, according to the following link, she did this last year.

It is still very tragic and my thoughts are with the family of the young girl.flowerforyou

never2old's photo
Wed 11/14/07 07:01 AM
Words are more destructive than a physical beating. This girl obviously had other deeply rooted problems and was pushed over the edge by these cruel people. They will have to live with theirselves and, hopefully, that will be their worst punishment. the saying 'sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me' is very WRONG. You can heal from physical wounds but mentally wounds never go away because you always remember them. There are many physically attractive people out there that are very ugly on the inside and once you realize this their beauty disappears. God Bless You All..

dhutch9's photo
Wed 11/14/07 07:03 AM
How tragic. Words can be so hurtful. People should think before they speak. My thoughts and prayers are with her family.

Dragoness's photo
Wed 11/14/07 07:04 AM
noway :cry:

debsturn1130's photo
Wed 11/14/07 07:11 AM
This is a classic example of what is in peoples hearts. If we are not careful, the pain and misery will spew out onto others and then not just one person suffers, but a whole community will cry out. I pray for justice for this girls family.

Prettyblueeyes5's photo
Wed 11/14/07 07:11 AM
OMG!!!!!! I dont even know wot 2 say!!!!! Something someone thinks is funny can be really damaging to someone and make them do something really drastic!!!!! Its sooooooo sad!!!!!! People should really tink before they open their mouths!!!!!!! That poor girl!!!!!!!!!:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

blonderockermom's photo
Wed 11/14/07 07:12 AM
That is just so sad..brokenheart Dont know how people can be so cruel, and think things like that are funny. Words can hurt just as bad as physical abuse.

Prayers for that poor girl and her family.
Just checked for her profile, and it is deleted now.:cry:

FallinAngel82's photo
Wed 11/14/07 07:15 AM
it is deleted now.. this was last year that it actually happened

but you can find information with the link here

no photo
Wed 11/14/07 07:25 AM

WILL HAVE TO EAT!!!!!!!!!!

bgeorge's photo
Wed 11/14/07 07:28 AM
good one wolfchicflowerforyou flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 11/14/07 07:35 AM

joshyfox's photo
Wed 11/14/07 07:40 AM
I don't get it, was it supposed to be a joke? There is Edgey comedy and then there is just going too far!

This makes me mad, but mostly confused because I don't know the whole story.

yokoke's photo
Wed 11/14/07 08:07 AM
I think it was a joke gone horrible past that point of no return... kids can be cruel, but what pisses me off is the fact it was a mom down the street who started the fake account.... while Megan did commit suicide back in Oct 06 I think the story relates to what has happened in the aftermath....

Here is another link to it:

Not a hoax, not a snopes special... but reality...
indifferent indifferent indifferent

kojack's photo
Wed 11/14/07 08:11 AM
OK if it is true I am sorry but how do you explain she logged in yesterday .

Wait for the one who turns to his friends and says "...thats her""

16 years old
getto st.louis, MISSOURI
United States

Last Login: 11/13/2007

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