Topic: I need a touch
savanahroseoxox's photo
Sun 11/25/07 12:05 PM

Guide me slow for I am fragile
place your hands upon my body
its hungers for ones touch

My beauty may be powerful
My lips may be genital
My heart may be hopeless
My body may be curvy
I am starving and
Craving for someones touch

The touch that starts
Against my loving face
Your lips against mine
Gliding against my neck
Yet still touching me at
All times.

With every touch
My body shivers
Not knowing I
Begin to beg for more
Attention placing my
Hands upon my own
Body to release some
Stress feeling the
Remarkable releases
One can only have
With someones hands
Upon ones body I crave
Your touch.

no photo
Sun 11/25/07 12:07 PM
Very sensual and romantic!

savanahroseoxox's photo
Sun 11/25/07 12:08 PM
thanks :)flowerforyou

rjzcap1's photo
Sun 11/25/07 12:09 PM
very good. No reason to delete people. Who did that.

This was a nice one. :)

gulfwarvet's photo
Sun 11/25/07 12:10 PM
seems sad to me..perhaps it just because im alone?:smile: ohwell

gulfwarvet's photo
Sun 11/25/07 12:10 PM
who deleted whom?

rjzcap1's photo
Sun 11/25/07 12:11 PM
someone voted to delete thois 7 times. It's a good one.

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 11/25/07 12:16 PM
This is awesome honest did not think it was yours but found your web site your a very good writer girl keep up the good work!!bigsmile

no photo
Sun 11/25/07 12:34 PM
(written originally for "Sugar")

The rising Sun starts forth at break of day
To shower earth and sky with her bright rays
Morning dawns upon the world once more
And workmen to their labors venture forth.

With levers and with ropes they pull the stone
Hard up the hill to rest at her new home
The marble form is raised, where she may ever fix her gaze
For countless time and eras yet unknown.

The workmen strain to use their tools of art
To bringeth forth her image from their heart
As time and labor makes her image seen
They long for that which was and could have been.

And after time and effort forms her face
They all fall to their knees in that high place
The Goddess form complete, causes hearts to skip a beat
At the perfection in her shape and in her grace.

If your manly heart has ever known the love
That is mystic, unexplained and from above
Then I know you can also see her face
And may well have had visions of this place

For that love is ecstatic, young and true
Even if the Goddess wasn't meant for you
You hold her in your heart, for she is God's own work of art
And you shall treasure her for ages on and through.

Differentkindofwench's photo
Sun 11/25/07 03:07 PM
Reminds me of Pygmalian (sp)........

You do write well.