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Topic: Gun Control
no photo
Wed 05/23/18 10:40 AM
I agree eric, sad thing is they know there is a problem and for some reason they won't accept it and fix it!
I'm not talking about banning fire arms either!

no photo
Wed 05/23/18 10:42 AM
you are right mikey controlling the means is doing nothing to fix the real problem

no photo
Wed 05/23/18 10:49 AM
As an outsider all I've seen in this thread is some good comments by Tom and boss but most is only saying well, it's our right!
Over the years some of the presidents have done wrong and I've never heard the gun owners taking up arms and taking control!
The only thing is that could never happen could it!
The president has control of one of the biggest armies in the world!

Tom4Uhere's photo
Wed 05/23/18 10:51 AM

unfortunately mikey since most aren't willing to seek out actual problem and work on fixing it

I suspect the problem doesn't originate with the 2nd amendment and that gun violence is a symptom of a deeper problem in the attitude of the nation.
We are losing our unity and national pride.
People only want to look out for themselves and theirs.
When that idealism doesn't pan out some of them turn to violence or resentment.
Doing or not doing something because its the right thing isn't as important anymore.
Society in a sense, is turning narcissistic. That trend is being reinforced with media over-exposure. Media over-exposure that is being manipulated by the power elite.

There's a lot of everyday people that feel wronged and are angry. Since some of them have not been taught how to deal with that anger they turn to guns, bombs, cars to lash out at society.

The problem feeds itself.

no photo
Wed 05/23/18 10:51 AM
you might be surprised mikey those soldiers are also citizens. tho today the apathy level prolly supports a no answer.

no photo
Wed 05/23/18 10:57 AM
Yes, I guess so eric, depends on what side they fall!
I don't really get it, all of the nra, anti this anti that and everyone else are part of society and all affected by the shootings so everyone has an interest in fixing it don't they?

no photo
Wed 05/23/18 10:59 AM
you would think so. but most can only see it from the two most polarized means shown here which does nothing to address the true problem

no photo
Wed 05/23/18 11:04 AM
True, I'd of thought there needs to be a compromise somewhere.

no photo
Wed 05/23/18 11:06 AM
actually addressing the problem is what is not being done mikey

Tom4Uhere's photo
Wed 05/23/18 11:06 AM

As an outsider all I've seen in this thread is some good comments by Tom and boss but most is only saying well, it's our right!
Over the years some of the presidents have done wrong and I've never heard the gun owners taking up arms and taking control!
The only thing is that could never happen could it!
The president has control of one of the biggest armies in the world!

Our government puts down any militia it does not allow.

The Waco siege was the siege of a compound belonging to the Branch Davidians, carried out by American federal and Texas state law enforcement, as well as the U.S. military, between February 28 and April 19, 1993. The Branch Davidians were led by David Koresh and were headquartered at Mount Carmel Center ranch in the community of Axtell, Texas, 13 miles (21 kilometers) east-northeast of Waco. Suspecting the group of stockpiling illegal weapons, the ATF obtained a search warrant for the compound and arrest warrants for Koresh and a select few of the group's members.

The incident began when the ATF attempted to raid the ranch. An intense gun battle erupted, resulting in the deaths of four government agents and six Branch Davidians. Upon the ATF's failure to raid the compound, a siege lasting 51 days was initiated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Eventually, the FBI launched an assault and initiated a tear gas attack in an attempt to force the Branch Davidians out of the ranch. During the attack, a fire engulfed Mount Carmel Center. In total, 76 people died, including David Koresh.

The issue that is ignored is the 2nd amendment.
It is common practice for the government to take action against any citizen group that finds its power abusive to their free state.
Citizens have lost the power to oppose our own government's abuse of power.
The power elite want us to be sheeple. Want us unable to defend ourselves against them. Laws are written and enforced to over-ride what constitutes a free state for all citizens.
Any group that acts against this power base are eliminated, put down or forced to disband.

no photo
Wed 05/23/18 11:12 AM
Yes, you see it in any unrest, protest tom.
And eric, I don't understand why nothing is being done?
You would think that the nra would be pushing for the situation to be fixed so they can carry on!
They shouldn't just be saying 'it's our right '
It's mine and your right to drive but if you keep knocking people over there is a problem that needs fixing!

no photo
Wed 05/23/18 11:16 AM
because everyone is fighting the wrong fight mikey
that is the only answer i have

Tom4Uhere's photo
Wed 05/23/18 11:17 AM

Yes, you see it in any unrest, protest tom.
And eric, I don't understand why nothing is being done?
You would think that the nra would be pushing for the situation to be fixed so they can carry on!
They shouldn't just be saying 'it's our right '
It's mine and your right to drive but if you keep knocking people over there is a problem that needs fixing!

Ever think that maybe the people in power don't want it fixed?

no photo
Wed 05/23/18 11:20 AM
It's way off the subject but you see it worldwide with Iran, Russia and others.
Instead of getting on we treat them as lower class and outsiders.
Look how that's working!
This is one of the things bought up when a kid does a shooting, oh, he was an outsider!

no photo
Wed 05/23/18 11:23 AM

Yes, you see it in any unrest, protest tom.
And eric, I don't understand why nothing is being done?
You would think that the nra would be pushing for the situation to be fixed so they can carry on!
They shouldn't just be saying 'it's our right '
It's mine and your right to drive but if you keep knocking people over there is a problem that needs fixing!

Ever think that maybe the people in power don't want it fixed?

I've thought this most of the time tom.
Same as conflicts, no money in it if it's fixed!
Just think how your country would be if the billions spent on military equipment was spent on the state?
I'm not talking about no army.

no photo
Thu 05/24/18 08:32 AM

no photo
Thu 05/24/18 09:12 AM
As a northern neighbor to the most armed country on the planet, let me chime in.

The 2nd amendment is outdated and since amendments can be amended ohwell it should include an annex that forbids the possession of weapons in common spaces, I have no problem with people owning bazookas to defend their property, to protect family against governmental tyranny at home, fine. Your armed citizens aren't stopping F..All in gun crimes, no reason Granma dynamite to be carrying oozies Yo!

The only citizens that should be permitted to carry weapons in common areas(public) are police officers, private security guards, military folks, firemen and maybe a few other choice civil servants. You'd be shocked at how many of these people exist in the US, all having strict firearms training and quarterly psychological assessments.

Vote for me and nobody gets hurt smokin

Tom4Uhere's photo
Thu 05/24/18 09:15 AM
Just think how your country would be if the billions spent on military equipment was spent on the state?

I have and I do.
I'm a solutionist.
My mind operates to try to find solutions to problems.
The first step is to know there is a problem.
Then identify the cause or causes of the problem.
Then figure out a way to solve the problem.

Funding is often a barrier to solving a problem.
Sometimes it isn't the direct funding but the funding required to make seemingly unrelated problems solved to effect the original problem.

In this country there are a lot of 'PHAT' programs spending much more money than is needed. Military operational readiness is but one of those Phat programs. "We the People" do not spend our money wisely.

bablummmbssd's photo
Thu 05/24/18 09:17 AM
Hi friends

no photo
Thu 05/24/18 09:20 AM

As a northern neighbor to the most armed country on the planet, let me chime in.

The 2nd amendment is outdated and since amendments can be amended ohwell it should include an annex that forbids the possession of weapons in common spaces, I have no problem with people owning bazookas to defend their property, to protect family against governmental tyranny at home, fine. Your armed citizens aren't stopping F..All in gun crimes, no reason Granma dynamite to be carrying oozies Yo!

The only citizens that should be permitted to carry weapons in common areas(public) are police officers, private security guards, military folks, firemen and maybe a few other choice civil servants. You'd be shocked at how many of these people exist in the US, all having strict firearms training and quarterly psychological assessments.

Vote for me and nobody gets hurt smokin

Well Justin Trudeau's cuz

The problem with your thinking is, criminals have guns, the mentally unstable have guns.

Gun free zones invite all sorts of unsavoury characters, what the media hasnt told you is the areas with the most gun crime violence are low income areas where gangs thrive.

Just like I used to read about the Mafia in your province particularly Montreal had mafia gang shootings including a boss if I'm not mistaken, you have bike gang turf wars, but this gang stuff doesn't happen much in Quebec city? but we generally know your country is safe.

Mass shooting is a small percentage compared to the gun deaths from hand guns from criminals and the drug trade.

that is something the media wont point out.

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