Topic: bad manners!! not to reply
Robm248's photo
Sun 12/23/07 10:02 AM
I agree, at least send an e-mail back saying thanks but no thanks. I always try to.

backdock1's photo
Sun 12/23/07 10:10 AM
Aren't those who don't reply funny like that. So what does the group think about slow responses. Is 48 hrs a slow response. Is a week? What's a good Dear John (Jane) letter?

no photo
Sun 12/23/07 10:14 AM
:heart: It may take ME awhile to get back as im only here on weekends now.
BUT, I answer ALL MY EMAILS....even the FU ones,,lol:heart:

jennyjmn720's photo
Sun 12/23/07 10:47 AM
well if you know that person is on line and has read your message but didnt bother to reply!! its different if the message is sat there unread for a few days, then you know that person hasnt been on line to read it. a dear john can be just a message to say thanks for stopping by etc, you can generally tell if they have no intention of replying if they read it but didnt do anything about it.

Calotine's photo
Sun 12/23/07 11:08 AM
I feel like I need to say something about this topic since this issue keeps coming up. If someone writes you and you are not interested, do you reply with a very generic “Thank you, but no thank you” letter?

I get tons of generic emails saying hi, I want to get to know you all the time. So generic it's like they just copy and past to every girl around the area. If I am not interested, it is NOT RUDE to just delete and not reply. People on these sites don't know me, there is no need for them to sit around and listen to me talk about “how we are not compatible”. It's a waste of time for everyone. I actually feel like it's polite to just remain quiet and not be critical. It's not like a male friend who just all the sudden confess to you his dying love and you have to let him down easy.

I have had many guys who just disappear or never call/write/email... you just can't take it personal. You could be the nicest guy in the world, but if there's no chemistry, I am saving you your time to find someone who would treasure you and think the world of you. Vice Versa!

Personally, I really don't want some guys writing me telling me why he is not interested; maybe he thinks I am not pretty enough, not tall enough, wrong profession, wrong age, wrong race, wrong religion, nothing in common or whatever odd personal reasons... Dating is very personal. If I am not the girl you are looking for, leave it at that.

no photo
Sun 12/23/07 11:14 AM
grumble :angry: WOW,,,,so "THATS" where ALL "MY" emails have went to,,,,YOUR DELETE BUTTON!!!!!!!! Thats cold....

THAT was a joke as I don't know you but wow, just to TRASH someone away,,,,I WOULD NEVER WANT TO FEEL "THAT" PERFECT.

The dude could WHAT????
EMAIL 20 times w/o knowing YOU were TRASHING HIM...
Why make ANYONE do THAT?grumble

longhairbiker's photo
Sun 12/23/07 11:17 AM
I agree. Some people take internet dating way too seriously and show too much insecurities. Bottom line is they don't check their expectations. They expect too much.

no photo
Sun 12/23/07 11:19 AM
Oh my gawwwwwwwwwwwd!!! Im not married yet???huh noway laugh laugh

Calotine's photo
Sun 12/23/07 11:30 AM
Edited by Calotine on Sun 12/23/07 11:30 AM
Honestly, for years when someone doesn't write me back, I never think twice. I never faulted them for not replying, cursing at their rudeness, yet I thank them for just not wasting my time.

PS, funny enough. I have NEVER EVER gotten a "thank you but no thank you" reply from guys who are not interested. :)

no photo
Sun 12/23/07 11:37 AM

Honestly, for years when someone doesn't write me back, I never think twice. I never faulted them for not replying, cursing at their rudeness, yet I thank them for just not wasting my time.

PS, funny enough. I have NEVER EVER gotten a "thank you but no thank you" reply from guys who are not interested. :)

I am one of THOSE nutty kind of guys who BELIEVE that WE ALL can be REAL on the NET...and I try to reply even if im NOT interested in them as a DATE, they could STILL be A GOOD FRIEND to me here..:heart: But WE ALL are different folks who will do as we want here...

I just PREACH truth CAN BE HERE, if we HELP IT to be seen....
If your good with how YOU are thats all thats counts...:heart:

victoriousme's photo
Sun 12/23/07 11:37 AM
Edited by victoriousme on Sun 12/23/07 11:39 AM

why is there so many bad mannered people in this world? if someone has gone to the trouble to stop and say hi, why cant you find it in your heart to reply??even if its a dear john, we are grown ups and can take rejection!! i just think you are big heads, posers and love yourselves...i try to keep away from that type but it just proves that you cant believe what their profile says!!``genuine, caring,truthful`` etc!! what a load of bull....and they cant reply?? hmmmmmmmmmm makes you wonder!!

I will have to agree with you on this one. Just rude to not return a greeting.

jennyjmn720's photo
Sun 12/23/07 12:02 PM
thats just pure bad manners!!!! if someone has sat down and typed you a message because they like the look of you and like your profile, then you should at least have the manners to reply!! its people like you that give us a bad name!!! you should be honoured that someone has given you a compliment as to write to you in the first place..seems to me your just one of those girls that have a high standard and judge dont deserve to meet anyone really !!!

kearbey75's photo
Sun 12/23/07 12:06 PM

why is there so many bad mannered people in this world? if someone has gone to the trouble to stop and say hi, why cant you find it in your heart to reply??even if its a dear john, we are grown ups and can take rejection!! i just think you are big heads, posers and love yourselves...i try to keep away from that type but it just proves that you cant believe what their profile says!!``genuine, caring,truthful`` etc!! what a load of bull....and they cant reply?? hmmmmmmmmmm makes you wonder!!

Well Jenny im here to say hi to you, and your sweet blue eye's.flowerforyou flowerforyou

no photo
Sun 12/23/07 12:08 PM

thats just pure bad manners!!!! if someone has sat down and typed you a message because they like the look of you and like your profile, then you should at least have the manners to reply!! its people like you that give us a bad name!!! you should be honoured that someone has given you a compliment as to write to you in the first place..seems to me your just one of those girls that have a high standard and judge dont deserve to meet anyone really !!!

I agree with you 100% -- and that's why I make sure everybody who writes to me gets a reply. I don't consider it a "chore" to write a few friendly paragraphs, even if it's just to talk about JSH or where the person lives or whatever....

But some people just don't care about things like common courtesy. And that's why I don't e-mail anybody first anymore....

jennyjmn720's photo
Sun 12/23/07 12:09 PM
why thankyou !! xxxxxx

Totage's photo
Sun 12/23/07 12:11 PM
Edited by Totage on Sun 12/23/07 12:13 PM
I always reply even if I'm not interested in the person.

But, don't take it personal when they don't reply.

In the online world, it's not considered rude not to reply.

jennyjmn720's photo
Sun 12/23/07 12:16 PM
i just think its bad manners not doesnt take 2 mins to write a few could make someones day to get a reply.theres alot of lonely people out there and a quick message to say hi could lighten up their day!! manners cost nothing......i suppose its how we are brought up..personally i have always taken peoples feeling into consideration..thats the way i am.

caz123's photo
Sun 12/23/07 12:43 PM
well i would like to say that i agree with Jen she is my best mate who i work with u sought Rey when u get mail us ladies are not al the same .but u men are some thing .u go on this site what for i don't no lol any way i though what Jen said was right love u Jen . see u at work xxxx

munch151's photo
Sun 12/23/07 12:45 PM
Hmm, interesting comments so far but here's something from personal experience. First: I'm only here for friends, if I happen to come across a local woman that really piques my interest and we meet then so be it, but that is not my intent. With that out of the way, I do respond to all emails because I enjoy corresponding with folks in whatever time I have online (it's a great way to be social while sitting at home alone). Recently there was a certain someone that was incredibly persistent in saying that she wanted to come to my house and would not leave me alone so after several attempts at being 'nice' about it I had to just lay it all out for her in as straight forward of a manner as I could. As a result of that experience I can honestly say that I understand why some people don't respond to emails. I'm sure that I don't receive nearly as many as some of the more attractive women on here so I can only imagine how it is for them. If I had an inbox full of generic 'hi' emails I'd probably just delete them and move on. But really, this is just the internet and if someone doesn't email you back then don't get so upset about it. You might have wasted a few minutes writing them but that was your choice. If they don't email you back then that's a good way of saying 'not interested'.

jennyjmn720's photo
Sun 12/23/07 12:54 PM
thats fine if you are just enjoying socialising..but what if everyone you message (as friends) didnt reply to you? you wouldnt have anyone to talk too then would you? all im saying is just be polite and reply back.if your not interested then say so, if they dont take a hint and harrass you like you experienced then block them!! that way they cant harrass you.