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LUNG1954's photo
Fri 01/12/24 09:28 PM
Chris Hedges, for the plaintiff
The exhaustive 84-page brief submitted by South Africa to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) charging Israel with genocide is hard to refute. Israel’s campaign of indiscriminate killing, wholesale destruction of infrastructure, including housing, hospitals and water treatment plants, along with its use of starvation as a weapon, accompanied by genocidal rhetoric from its political and military leaders who speak of destroying Gaza and ethnically cleansing the 2.3 Palestinians, makes a strong case for genocide.

LUNG1954's photo
Sat 01/13/24 11:12 PM
A ruling by the court could be years away. But South Africa is asking for provisional measures that would demand Israel cease its military assault

LUNG1954's photo
Sat 01/13/24 11:29 PM
An Israeli says ‘I killed 40 people, so I can’t sleep’

LUNG1954's photo
Sun 01/14/24 09:08 PM
Over 23,700 Palestinians, including over 10,000 children, have been killed in Gaza since Oct. 7, when Hamas and other resistance fighters breached the security barriers around Gaza. Some 1,200 people were killed – there is strong evidence that some of the victims were killed by Israeli tank crews and helicopter pilots that intentionally targeted the some 200 hostages along with their captors. Thousands more Palestinians are missing, presumed buried under the rubble. Israeli attacks have left over 60,000 Palestinians wounded and maimed, the majority of them women and children. Thousands more Palestinian civilians, including children, have been arrested, blindfolded, numbered, beaten, forced to strip to their underwear, loaded onto trucks and transported to unknown locations.

LUNG1954's photo
Mon 01/15/24 09:04 PM

I am told that this is a video of Israeli occupation forces opening fire on Palestinians in Gaza trying to get food after 100 days of bombing and starvation


LUNG1954's photo
Tue 01/16/24 10:27 PM
Israel’s smearing of South Africa as “the legal arm” of Hamas exemplifies the bankruptcy of its defense, a smear replicated by those who claim that demonstrations held to call for a ceasefire and protect Palestinian human rights are “anti-Semitic.” Israel, its genocide live streamed to the world, has no substantial counter argument.
But that does not mean the judges on the court will rule in Israel’s favor. The pressure the U.S. will bring – Secretary of State Antony Blinken has called the South African charges “meritless” - on the judges, drawn from the member states of the U.N., will be intense.

LUNG1954's photo
Wed 01/17/24 09:58 PM

A ruling of genocide is a stain that Israel - which weaponizes the Holocaust to justify its brutalization of the Palestinians - would find hard to remove. It would undercut Israel’s insistence that Jews are eternal victims. It would shatter the justification for Israel’s indiscriminate killing of unarmed Palestinians and construction of the world’s largest open air prison in Gaza, along with the occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem. It would sweep away the immunity to criticism enjoyed by the Israel lobby and its Zionist supporters in the U.S., who have successfully equated criticisms of the “Jewish State” and support for Palestinian rights with anti-Semitism.

Toodygirl5's photo
Thu 01/18/24 07:51 AM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Thu 01/18/24 07:53 AM

Only about 15% of the area of historical Palestine remains for the Palestinians, with Israel exploiting more than 85% of the actual area.

So what!
Land does not belong to Palestines.
Hamas is supported by Many Palestinians and Iran; they are the many Terrorists trying to demolish Israel.

LUNG1954's photo
Fri 01/19/24 10:27 PM
Yisroel Dovid Weiss is an American Haredi Jew, activist, and spokesman for a minority branch of small group Neturei Karta, a Haredi anti-Zionist group. Residing in Monsey, New York, he believes that Jews should peacefully oppose the existence of the Israeli state: "It would be forbidden for us to have a State, even if it would be in a land that is desolate and uninhabited."


Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss on Science, Religion, & War in Gaza


LUNG1954's photo
Sat 01/20/24 09:16 PM
This man is from Israel and a Jew. He says he is not on the side of the Jews or the Palestinians. He chooses to be on the side of the truth. Researching the conflict since 1982 he knows more than most of us.


LUNG1954's photo
Sat 01/20/24 10:56 PM



LUNG1954's photo
Sun 01/21/24 09:09 PM
Every person, has either participated, witnessed or heard or all 3, of the GENOCIDE that is occurring in Gaza/Palestine.
Even children, who can barely speak, are visibly upset and have difficulty sleeping, breaking down and begin to cry if they witness any of the daily news out of Gaza.
The events are for ever imprinted and etched in their minds. The GENOCIDE, Netanyahu and his cohorts, freely admit to, will haut Israel for the next 80 to 100yrs and Jews thru out the world will have target on their back.
What does the little brown book say "an eye for an eye".

As Sir Francis Bacon pointed out......"Revenge is a Wild Justice" and if History is any guide the USA will cop the brunt of it.

Watch the movie 5 BROKEN CAMERAS on tubi and listen to the children who lived with the devastation done to their village and the villagers injured and killed by the Israeli soldiers.

Think about what the Palestinian children are experiencing while the Israeli military bombs and invades their homes and murders their family.
As much as the Israelis may want to wipe out all of the Palestinians, some will remain who were able to escape the carnage.

is printed under my name on all of my emails since this Israeli assault on the Palestinians began.
The Promised Land is not here on earth - that's past - it's a new way of being after this world has passed. The new way is of peace, love, and servitude. This is the way for Christians too.

Toodygirl5's photo
Mon 01/22/24 04:15 PM

Only makes sense for Israel to look after it's safety first, no matter what. If her enemies have to go somewhere beyond rocket range then so be it. Hamas started the War.


Birdwatcher's photo
Mon 01/22/24 08:00 PM
Hamas is responsible not only for starting the war, but for making it continue. If the Palestine population has suffered, it is due to the terrorists attacking Israel. I do not like to see a human, animal or bird suffer, starve, be afraid, but in war you must look at the starting point.

LUNG1954's photo
Mon 01/22/24 09:16 PM
If Israel had treated the Palestinians humanely and had not expelled them from their homes, they would not have been forced to engage in armed struggle. Israel treats even Christian Palestinians poorly.
Dodgy land deal angers Armenian Christians of Jerusalem.
Many Armenian Christians sit-in at a tent in their church car park, which is part of a large plot at risk in the Armenian Quarter of the walled Old City.
"This illegal, treacherous land deal actually brought us all together," says Setrag Balian, a ceramicist turned activist.
Armenians date their presence in the holy city back to the 4th Century. Many of the 2,000-strong community live inside the large, cobble-stoned compound of St James Convent.
Yet for two months, local Armenians and priests have all been staying in a large, improvised tent here, around-the-clock, to try to block the development going ahead. They eat here and work shifts as guards behind a makeshift barricade decorated with Armenian flags.
Together, they say, they have seen off attacks by contractors with bulldozers, armed settlers and masked thugs.
"Everything was put in danger with this deal," Setrag says. "Whoever wants to take away our rights and endanger our presence and our lives here, we will stand up against them and defend our rights till the end."
It includes the car park, some church buildings and the homes of five Armenian families, accounting for about 25% of the Armenian Quarter.
Located on Mount Zion, it has huge religious significance and is incredibly valuable real estate but an annual fee of just $300,000 (£237,000) was to be paid by the developer.
Ever since Israel captured the Old City and its holy sites from Jordan in the 1967 Middle East War, Jewish investors in Israel and overseas have sought to buy properties to try to cement Israeli control over occupied East Jerusalem.



LUNG1954's photo
Thu 01/25/24 09:30 PM
On 1/22/2024
Preliminary estimates published by the Hebrew media revealed that the soldiers were booby-trapping 10 houses with mines, and that towards the end of the operation, Hamas fighters fired RPG shells at two connected houses where the soldiers were located near the mines, and at the same time, another shell was fired at a tank that was standing near the place to secure the soldiers.
The anti-tank shell activated explosives planted by the Israeli force inside the building, “which led to the complete collapse of the double complex due to the explosion on the Israeli army soldiers.”
The Hebrew Broadcasting Authority explained that the Israeli army "is working systematically to demolish Palestinian buildings that provide surveillance and shooting capabilities toward Israel."
The Israeli army announced that 21 reserve soldiers were killed in this battle, and 3 officers were killed in battles in the southern Gaza Strip, bringing the number of soldiers killed that day to 24.

LUNG1954's photo
Thu 01/25/24 09:43 PM



LUNG1954's photo
Fri 01/26/24 09:15 PM
Ben Gvir praised settlers suspected of killing a 19-year-old Palestinian in the occupied West Bank as ‘heroes’.

During the prisoner exchange he said: “My instructions are clear: there are to be no expressions of joy [on the part of the families of released Palestinian prisoners]. Expressions of joy are equivalent to backing terrorism; victory celebrations give backing to those human scum, for those nazis.”

Read more about Ben-Gvir’s racism at:


Toodygirl5's photo
Sat 01/27/24 10:18 AM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Sat 01/27/24 10:19 AM

Only about 15% of the area of historical Palestine remains for the Palestinians, with Israel exploiting more than 85% of the actual area.

No land belongs to Palestine.
Israel exploited Nothing.
Read the Bible to get Truth. God gave the land to Israel.
It is a Biblical matter not Political.
Land should ever be any two State solution.

The Hamas, Iran and all the Terrorists enemies of Israel, their goal is to destroy Israel.

LUNG1954's photo
Sat 01/27/24 09:53 PM
Irfan Khawaja, had working in a hospital, he was also an assistant professor of philosophy:

He wrote an article: ISRAEL: HIER IST KEIN WARUM.
"It is essentially beside the point to ask whether Israel has a 'right to exist.' You might as well ask whether apartheid and genocide have rights. What it lacks is a reason to exist. The reason can’t be safety. It can’t be moral redemption. It can’t be the cultivation of some distinctively Jewish culture or civilization. There is no sense in which Israel promotes or embodies any of these things any more, if it ever did. At this point, Israel is just one more murderous state in a murderous neighborhood–the only one I suppose, with Western delusions of grandeur, along with Western weapons, Western money, Western allies, and an undying attachment to the dogma that The West is better than The Rest. But that’s not saying much. It’s just to regurgitate the catechism of Western imperialism from time immemorial.’’


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