Topic: Making AA Christiel statue! | |
I've started with the next project: a statue of Archangel Christiel.
I want one in the garden where I've made a portal for Unicorns & Lyra but since AA Christiel is less known you cannot find a statue anywhere. So I decided to make one myself from Paverpol (textile hardener). Didn't have much time this week and making the 'body/frame' was a helluva lot of work. Just now I've begun to dress it up, but only a few thingies. The first beginning. I bought a torso and an egg for the head: ![]() It's got arms (cut them from styropor then wrapped them in papertape), gave him a nose. Today I changed the stand and attached the wing frames. I put the 'skin' on the face, arms and hands (hands will get another layer). In the meantime I've also done some silver accents, will post a photo of that later. Can't continue now with the rest of the clothes as the silver parts will have to dry first. And I'm actually quite tired. Was a lot of work today, even though there isn't much to show for yet, hihi. The sleeves have already been cut though! ![]() It's 70cm tall :D |
Itβll be interesting to see how it turns out
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Edited by
SparklingCrystal ππ
Sat 07/06/24 12:45 PM
Thank you, and yes, for me as well, hihi.
OT - Well, that's it for today. I'm shattered!! Got fabric around the bamboo wingframes now, and managed to get 1 sleeve done. Trust me when I say that wasn't easy! Then there are silver armbands and shirt. There will be a white loose top/tunica over that so the silver will just show a tad. Which is why the silver mess on the belly area isn't a prob, it'll be covered up later on :) Now I forgot to do the 2nd & finishing wrapping of the hands before doing the armbands, doh... ![]() I've put a rolled up piece of plastic in the sleeve to have it dry in the shape I want. Paverpol doesn't adhere to plastic so I should be able to remove that later on. Should... Fingers crossed! PS The wings will likely be the last thing I do so I don't damage them whilst working on the clothes and hair.h I intend to make the wings mother of pearl white. I've got powder for that to mix through the white Paverpol. |
This is how far I got today :)
Second sleeve and the gown. It was a lot of hard work and once doing either front or back of the gown I have to do the other side too, whether tired or not. For some reason I'm struggling way more with it than I remember from some 16 yrs ago. Possibly because this is much larger and much different style. I got there in the end :) Once this is dry I can do the details. Hair & wings will be last. ![]() ![]() |
So beautiful!
You are a multifaceted artist! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Wow ! That is a lot of hard work and effort .... guessing it's gonna turn out as beautiful as the artist creating it huh !!!!!
So beautiful! You are a multifaceted artist! ![]() ![]() ![]() Thank you so much, Stormy! ![]() |
Wow ! That is a lot of hard work and effort .... guessing it's gonna turn out as beautiful as the artist creating it huh !!!!! Hihi, thank you, Slim! |
I just went into the garage to have a look with fresh eyes after a good night's sleep.
And OMG! I love it! Can't wait to get going with the wings, but that'd be daft as I then can't get to the rest I want to do. So there's that saying... patience is a virtue! |
Edited by
SparklingCrystal ππ
Tue 07/09/24 11:46 AM
But but... then I'd have to do my hair as well?!
OT ---- Day before yesterday I did the belt and the sash. Had to keep the latter in place and shape by using a plastic cup, empty milk bottle etc. etc. I couldn't touch it after that lest the whole setup would collapse, hihi. Yesterday I've done part of his hair. Not done with that yet. This is what it looks like now :D ![]() The back: ![]() I took it indoors this afternoon as we'd get a horrible storm and if something was to happen to the garage... And you know wot?! Every time I know turn my head to look at the table and see this, my heart fills with joy!! Believe it or not, it really exudes an energy of peace & Love, and it's not even finished! Because of the storm I couldn't work on it today. Hopefully Thursday I get to finish off his hair and get going with the wings!! ![]() On a table in the extension this afternoon ![]() |
It's not finished yet, but I have to wait for more Paverpol and fabric for the wings to arrive to be able to continue.
In the meantime I decided to start with painting. It's not going to be totally coloured as AA Christiel is pure white. So just some subtle colours in the folds of his gown. I asked Diana Cooper which colours I could use and she replied with pale aqua, pale violet, pale pink, pale gold and so on. All high vibration colours. Exactly what I'd intuited myself, but I wanted her expert opinion on it. So glad she replied!! What a lovely woman! I will make the sash a light gold. The painting isn't finished either, lot of work. But I had a lot of fun with it :D I haven't gotten my paints out in months, haha. Using acrylics. Once the wings are finished I am going to put mother of pearl on the insides of them. I tried a bit and you can actually see it, no matter how subtle. To be continued :) ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
SparklingCrystal ππ
Fri 07/12/24 02:40 AM
Thank you for taking an interest, Slim!
OT... He has got his permanent hair now :) Did that last night. It is hair from the long haired horned goat that lives at the permaculture gardens where I regularly go for Celtic Avalon celebrations like Beltane, Ostara, Litha etc. It had a strong 'goat' smell, so I washed it, blow-dried it, then it was ready to use! It looks so much better than the cotton strands although those weren't bad either. This is the beautiful animal whose hair I used :) ![]() AA Christiel now looks like this (his mouth will be re-painted, not happy with it, to feminine): ![]() I'm especially chuffed with the 2 curled strands to the left :D ![]() I did the short peaks on his forehead and curled the hair inward on 1 side to make it a bit more playful :) ![]() |
I've just finished the wings!
I had initially wanted them to be a little wider and then curl over but it would also make them like sails on a yacht. And since it's very windy where I live I decided to not go there. Now he looks like this: ![]() ![]() ![]() Now wait for it to dry, then I can continue painting. |