Topic: Mom's Bed
ellgee1976's photo
Sun 12/17/06 08:07 AM
Sunday morning = sleep in, right? sure, as long as you're not under the
age of 10

Before bed last night, "tomorrow is Sunday, that means no school, no
reason to wake up before the sun, no reason at all to even be loud
enough to wake me up, right?" and their response? "yes mom, we'll let
you sleep in. We'll be super quiet so you can sleep really really late,
ok Mom?"

so...the sun comes up, the birds are chirping, cars, semi trucks, and
pickups are going down the street, and i have a 9 yr old and an 8 yr old
SCREEEEAAAAMMMMING at the top of their lungs.

i look at the alarm clock, and to my "surprise" it says 8:30am.


i listen to the yelling, the giggling, the occasional "OUCH" and i
realize, not only is this a 'fun' time for them, they're playing around
and it's just gotten louder than expected.

so of course, i yell "WHAT HAPPENED TO SLEEPING IN????"

a silence falls - i smile, snuggle back into the blankets and right as
(it seems) i drift off to dreamland again..

*oooooomphhh* "Mom, save me, michael's comin to GET me!!"

"not on my bed he's not" and i open my eyes to se Michael wrapped in
his blanket, moving towards Karlee's side of my bed, to "get" her.


what is it about "Mom's Bed" or "Dad's Bed" or "Mom AND Dad's Bed" that
makes kids feel "safe"?

what can i do to change this, cuz dammit sleeping only til 8:30 was SO
NOT the

Tneal's photo
Sun 12/17/06 09:12 AM
smile and remember the good times.

no photo
Sun 12/17/06 09:19 AM
Tn is right'll actaully miss hese times in 10 years when they
don't come in anymore and don't let you sleep and grouch and grump when
you ask them how their day was..treasure it with everything you can now
gurl, I know I really really miss those times now.

baby_gurl's photo
Sun 12/17/06 09:30 AM
aww... i cant wait for this to happend to me.

no photo
Sun 12/17/06 09:33 AM

lionsbrew's photo
Sun 12/17/06 09:34 AM
ar least you dont get the morning frog splash from the top rope on daddy
to wake up lol

ellgee1976's photo
Sun 12/17/06 09:39 AM
Iam..they were up til midnight..they shoulda slept in at least til

and lion, i was smart, i kept all things that are higher than my bed
AWAY from my bed..if they jump on anything, it's the desk on the other
side of the room..and my room is huge lmao

iceprincess's photo
Sun 12/17/06 09:43 AM
My son loves to dive on me i'll be dead too the world and all the sudden
OOOMMPPHH damn i'm awake now.LOL

michael1313's photo
Sun 12/17/06 09:44 AM
LG...take pictures of them,and tell them you will show these to their
friends when they get older!!!

but really just save the pics for your

they may not let you sleep in,
but you will get some really cute pics!!!

bmustang's photo
Sun 12/17/06 02:00 PM
you are so lucky. i would love to see my son that young again and my
daughter.there young only a blink of the eye it seems them there should have reruns.

herewego's photo
Sun 12/17/06 02:04 PM
i miss it when my daughter would come into my bed and snuggle with me. i
was the one always waking her up though. she can sleep for hours on end.
wish i could sleep like her at times.

OnALark's photo
Sun 12/17/06 02:19 PM
My son is 23; I don't see him very often as he is very busy with his
job. I do miss those days of the wide eyed innocent child that would do
anything to snuggle up next to his mom.

Morena350's photo
Sun 12/17/06 03:37 PM
humm those are beautifull times lol,lol
my 11 y/o said he is a man now and man don't sleep with their mom,lol
lol CCP is right, I realy miss those days lol

ellgee1976's photo
Sun 12/17/06 04:57 PM
it's great when they come to mom's bed in the mornings, or when it's
time to "talk"

what i can't stand, is gettin only 4 hrs of sleep, or when im sick and
they come rushin in on me, pulling my hair, pokin my eyes, tryin to get
away from the other thinkin they're safe in mom's

there's times when they're sleeping, and i go to their beds to snuggle
up to 'em, wake 'em up, and annoy the hell outta 'em just to pay 'em i spose it's all good lol

Marie55's photo
Sun 12/17/06 11:50 PM
Works for Grandma's bed too. I have a 7 y/o granddaughter and 2-1/2 y/o
grandson and when they spend the night they sleep with me - yes, they
sleep. I get kicked and thumped, and headbutted by the 2-1/2 y/o, and
spend most of the night with one eye on him because he turns sideways
and tries to kick sister out of the bed, so keep straightening him back
up. Then, twice he has gone off the bed head first and gotten stuck
between the wall and the bed, yells and I pull him back out.

Makes for a night of no sleep, but it is memories, and they do love
their Granny and love to cuddle and snuggle. Won't know what to do when
they are too old for this?? Then do I have to wait for the
great-grandkids?? Wow, scary thought.

They are good memories, but dang, could use some sleep too.