Topic: Sweet Mornin Talks
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Tue 01/02/07 06:00 AM
A deep Southern drawl in my ear
Waking me from my sleep
Good mornin my Sorceress Poet
How did you sleep
Early mornin talks by phone
Before the sun has even made its self known
C'mon gurl gotta get up
I know you don't wanna
But ya gotta get up
Pushin the covers back
Clearin the nights cobwebs from my head
Mumbling in my sleep induced voice
For a Wizard you're awfully perky in the mornin
C'mon gurl get goin
Get the coffee a brewin
I mumble softly to hold on
And shuffle off to do my thing
Go to the bathroom
Brush my teeth
Start the coffee
Hunting for a smoke
Wishing I could go back to sleep
Grabbin the phone
As I grab a cup
Yes my Wizard I am up
See you say its not so bad
I chuckle softly
Fix my coffee
Light and sweet
Talkin with you this mornin is such a treat
Fumbling in my cigerete pack
Lighting up the first smoke of the day
When you say
My little Sorceress Poet you make my day in every way
You make it all worth it
You whisper softly that I am your everything
I whisper to you how you complete me
You ask me am I awake yet
I say yeah
Gotta get going, got get kids yet
We hang up
Promising to call later
And my day starts with a smile upon my face

karmafury's photo
Tue 01/02/07 06:05 AM
Everybody's day should start so well. Still can't find that danged

michael1313's photo
Tue 01/02/07 06:47 AM
*taking notes*

deep southern drawl???

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 01/02/07 07:57 AM
Hummm I think someone has that spell under lock and key.

ellgee1976's photo
Tue 01/02/07 08:36 AM
i want some of what she's havin lol

wtg CCP, you rawk mah jellohead badgurl :D