Topic: End of the world....this life time?
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Fri 01/05/07 11:58 PM
ummm the dates he gave says so

GolfBear's photo
Fri 01/05/07 11:58 PM
WW3, huh

Isn't that an interesting topic!

WWW, our president The third W

no photo
Fri 01/05/07 11:59 PM
I'm not going to discuss him further he is likely a false prophet and I
will not suucumb to his teachings, at one time I did till I learned the

no photo
Sat 01/06/07 12:02 AM
succumb you can believe all you want lily I don't want no arguement but
I only put faith in the bible everything the is right is in there

no photo
Sat 01/06/07 12:04 AM
lol GB never know the anti christ will come from somewhere, some believe
from the roman catholic church some from the middleeast umm the bible
doesn't really say we will find out eventually or maybe our children

GolfBear's photo
Sat 01/06/07 12:04 AM
Awsome Mike, Faith and the book!

The power to do it, and the knowledge of how to!

lily38's photo
Sat 01/06/07 12:07 AM
Oh, I agree with the inaccuracey of the dates, but some of the
predictions he made about the man in a turbin and the twin towers were
pretty right on. Just because he missed the dates when he made these many 100's of years ago........doesn't mean he didn't
forsee some of the happenings he predicted. Is WW3 not possible? Talk
about the war to end all wars! ....uuuuhhhhhh, sometimes you really have
to expand your mind to other possibilties and be able to see beyond the
black and white picture. His predictions are much more than's a very deep process. Some are just unable to take it
beyond the surface.

no photo
Sat 01/06/07 12:09 AM
nothing was ever said about twin towers in any of his predictions until
after the twin towers that's my point lily nothing fits his predictions
until after something happens then someone manages to make it fit

GolfBear's photo
Sat 01/06/07 12:10 AM
I don't think W could be the antichrist.
But he might replace chenney with him.

lily38's photo
Sat 01/06/07 12:12 AM
Yeah, well, I put my faith in God, not in anyone or thing else. The
bible was written by man. The old testament was re-written and called
the new testament, and why? Why are things not the same in the first as
they are in the second? Did God change his mind? The bible offers some
wonderful points to live by, but there are things in it that are very
disputable. However, I won't argue with you about it, Mike, my opinion
is right for me.

lily38's photo
Sat 01/06/07 12:13 AM
Does the bible say the antichrist may come from the Catholic church?

GolfBear's photo
Sat 01/06/07 12:14 AM
You both have valid points.
And you both have your beliefs in the right place.

So what do you think of the book of mormon?

lily38's photo
Sat 01/06/07 12:15 AM
I was raised Roman Catholic, mikey.....maybe it's the way,
what religion do you hail from?

no photo
Sat 01/06/07 12:18 AM
I am non denominational but lean towards pentecostal beliefs I won't
comment on catholics I don't say nothing bad about any religions but I
know some bible scholars from a college and no the bible doesn't state
where he is gonna come from I thought when I said the bible doesn't say
should have made that clear earlier sorry for your misreading

no photo
Sat 01/06/07 12:21 AM
lily you are saying the old testament was re-written and renamed the new
testament? hmmm not according to the people I know personally that study
the bible? I know nothing of catholics beliefs and never needed to but
I'd really like to know because I have been to many churches of many
different faiths and NEVER heard that story............must be a
catholic belief

lily38's photo
Sat 01/06/07 12:21 AM
This is my belief, Golf; every form of God's written word was written by
man. So every book has it's wonderful points, as well as those that fall
short. It is all interpretation. We could sit here tonight and pick
apart every world religion, but would any of us be absolutley correct?
Hell no. We are all imperfect beings, sinners...God knows that. He loves
us all and encourages each of us to live our lives to the best of our
abilities....but the greatest thing he asks of us, according to the
bible, is to love one another. I don't believe any one particular
interpretation of the bible or any specific religion will assure any
human being passage into Heaven. It is determined by the love we show
each other, and the efforts we make to correct our sins.

no photo
Sat 01/06/07 12:22 AM
goodnight lily and GB GolfBear GB george Bush GB hmm coincidence? LOL
j/k bro but funny

no photo
Sat 01/06/07 12:24 AM
true the bible was written by man but guided writings by GOD

GolfBear's photo
Sat 01/06/07 12:25 AM
I have no ojection to the point you just made, and i am not trying to
tear down one religon for another(or my own believes)
I was simply seeing if either of you had any thoughts and /or comments
on the book of mormon.
I personally am Lutheran.

But i openly listen to and try to understand each reilgion for what it

Sorry if I came off in any other manner.

lily38's photo
Sat 01/06/07 12:26 AM
Actually, I study Theology. I was raised Roman Catholic, but have
practiced and studied other religions from Presbyterian to Evangelism to
Baptist for 20 odd years....I am also Native American and have a deep
appreciation of the spiritual beliefs of my people. Most religions I
have studied state the differences of the Old Testament as opposed to
the New. I don't expect you to be able to accept anything I say, though,
Mike. Afterall, I am just a simple-minded, uneducated woman.