Community > Posts By > acuddler

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Mon 08/23/10 08:02 PM
If you get to Salem, Oregon, look me up.

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Mon 08/23/10 07:51 PM
It sounds like they are setting up a swap party, and want you to join in.

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Thu 05/13/10 06:22 PM
Southern \Bee...can I see yours?

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Thu 05/13/10 06:21 PM
There is no Palestinian nation...never has been...never will be. Palestine is an unincorporated a Grand Canyon between nations, or an unclaimed ocean. Israel, on the other hand, is a nation.

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Thu 05/13/10 06:14 PM
The tragedy of Kent State was that students were stupid enough to bring rocks to a gunfight. When they threw rocks at the Guardsmen, the students were assaulting the NG with deadly weapons. Rocks were killing people, and animals, for millions of years before guns were ever invented. Once students assaulted the NG with thir deadly weapons (rocks) the NG was justified in assaulting the students withe their deadly weapons (guns) in self defense. The moral of the story is: "Behave yourself. When a a man with a gun tells you what to do, or not do, you'd better obey...unless you are armed, and want to start a gunfight."

The students were in control of the situation, the students let it get out of hand, and the students asked for what they got.

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Thu 05/13/10 06:00 PM
Who needs to ask? Lick your eyebrows, and she will beg you for it.

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Thu 05/06/10 02:54 PM
True, there are some interesting coinciidences in history...but math says there would have to be. There are now 6 billion people on the planet. If you count up all who ever lived, there would be a trillion, or more. Wherever you gather 25, or more, people together you will note strange coincidences...if you look hard enough. For example...I knew a gal at work. She met another gal at an office party, and became acquainted, and was amazed by the coincidences. Both gals were born in the same hospital in a the same small town in North Dakota in the same year. Both moved as children to Minnesota. Both moved as adults to Oregon, and the same town in Oregon. Both ended up in the same job code, working in the same state office at the same time. Neither had ever met before the office party.

One girl's nanny in childhood regularly went to europe for vacations, with a friend of hers. That Nanny's friend-who went on the trips with the one gals' nanny-was the other gals' first cousin. Both gals grew up hearing about the trips with the friend, and had copies of the same photos from the trips given them by the nanny/cousin. Both gals owned the same kind of dog. One gal named her dog what the other had named her son. There were other coincidences, and it seemed spooky to the gals. In reality, it is a matter of math. Since there are such weird coincidences between just two people out of every 25 in any group, imagine how many and how odd, must be the coincidences in a group of a trillion on the same planet throughout history.

a wise man once observed that the universe is not only stranger than we is stranger than we CAN imagine. I forget whether that was Issac Asimov, or who, but should look it up. He was right.

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Thu 05/06/10 02:36 PM
Some dream symbols are individual to specific dreamers, while others are universally human. Dreams of exams usually mean you are feeling under pressure-from work, spouse, bills, etc-or worry about measuring up to someone/something. I never have the typical dreams-falling, flying, floating, running, being chased, monsters in the closet, being naked, being tested, etc. My sub-conscious is so in tune with my conscious that symbols are not needed, and my dream life is like my waking life. In dreams I: talk with friends, travel, eat meals, have sex, watch Tv, etc.

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Thu 05/06/10 02:23 PM
I would steal something of theirs, along with my stuff back. Being a locksmith makes it so easy. Of course, no one ever steals from me. No one is ever sure when I am home, and when I am not. The last fool who broke into my place while I was home got shot. No one wants anything I have badly enough to risk dieing for they stay away from me and steal from others instead. I live in a 'Frontier Law' state...where it is legal to use deadly force to defend yourself against home invaders. I know the law, and I use it. The bad boys know me, and they leave me alone. My buddy Walther, and I, take on all comers...and haven't lost yet.

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Thu 05/06/10 02:17 PM
Neither. To disinfect, sunlight has to be hot enough to burn. The best disinefectant is a drop of Clorox in a pail of water. It will kill every bacteria in a 5o gallon tank. Use a pail of water with a drop of Clorox, to wipe down sinks, countertops, wash hands, etc...and then rinse it all off well.

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Thu 05/06/10 02:11 PM
If she puts up with stuff like that, she deserves it...but that is no reason for her to inflict it on you. Tell her to dump the jerk of a BF, or you will dump her as a pal. Trunks unlock easily from inside, and she could also have always pushed the rear seat out and crawled into the passenger area that way. She is a drama queen who likes abuse, or she would put a stop to it. I was getting out of locked car trunks whenI was eight years old. People who want to can. Those who locked me up soon regretted it.

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Tue 05/04/10 11:42 PM
The burden of proof is on you. Come on over, and show me why I'd never go back after being with you. I'm willing to be convince me.

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Tue 05/04/10 11:31 PM
Such things vary from jurisdiction to well as by clauses which may, or may not, be in your contract. If you siogned a contract that agrees it is your job to handle snow removal, then it is your job. If it is the landlord's job, and he is not doing it, send him letters demanding he do it,and send them registered, return receipt requested. if he ignores several such letters, have the snow removed yourself, and send the landlord a bill for it. If he doesn't pay, withhold rent until he does. That is generally the way to go...but local laws in yor area may differ. See an attorney, and get local legal advice.

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Tue 05/04/10 11:26 PM
I was a medic in USAF. Bloody stool is a sign of many things...most of which are VERY DANGEROUS. Get the kid to a doctor ASAP.

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Tue 05/04/10 11:20 PM
I once had a neighbor lady who loved sex...but was religious enough to feel guilty about it afterwards. Rather than give up sex, she decided to give up feeling guilty about having sex. She could not, however, just decide that all her religious training meant she compromised. She made a point of going out with sleazy guys, or alone to wild parties, and getting drunk/stoned...knowing someone would take her to bed, and 'rape' her. She did this like clockwork, every weekend...often going to the same clubs, homes, etc for parties with the same folks who had 'raped' her before. The 'rape' was her psychological defense mechanism which freed her from feeling guilty. She had sex, got her jollies, felt attractive, and had nothing to feel guilty about... because it wasn't her fault that she got 'raped'.

There are women like that out there. If the OP-or her alleged friend-are such a type, there is nothing much that can be done. All a friend/counselor, or such will do is say:"it's not your fault"...when, in fact, it IS her fault. If you play with fire, you will eventually get burned. If you drink and drive, you will eventually wreck. If you willingly put yourself in harm's way, and then handicap yourself, you will get harmed. If after being so harmed, you go back for more, again put yourself in harm's way, and again handicap yourself, You must want it.

The solution is for her to figure out why she wants it enough to keep going back for more of it.

Such may, or may, not be the case with the OP, but the theory bears some it is documented to occur in various people in various places. It may be so in her case, or not. Time will tell.

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Tue 05/04/10 10:56 PM
Proof: Back in the 1970s Arney made a muscle building biographic movie called Pumping Iron. Rent it. Watch it. Notice when he is asked who he admires most...and he says: "Adolf Hitler."

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Tue 05/04/10 10:46 PM
By being able to lick your eyebrows.

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Tue 05/04/10 10:35 PM
It is a perspective. I used to work in Public Health both in the USA, and in Japan. When someone came down with a dose of STDs, I had to interview them, figure out who they got it from, contact the people it may have been, and get them tested/treated. Many were still children. In Japan there were frequent cases of 12,and 13, year old girls claiming that Marines, or Sailors, had raped them. The guys claimed the gals had consented, and the law said that if they had consented there was no prosecution possible. It became a case of 'he said/she said', and most such cases never went anywhere. Six marines saying the gals consented against one, or two, gals saying they didn't, created enough reasonable doubt to get the guys off. In the southern USA, it was often the parent, or guardian, who had consented for the gal who had the sex with her and gave her the STD. Family Values Ala The Pat Robertson Crowd. Such things as age of consent vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Pedophiles can always find a friendly locale. Blame your legislators.

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Tue 05/04/10 02:06 PM
The only mindset YOU can change is YOUR OWN. People are as brave, cowardly, adventurous, hesitant, etc, as they will ever be by age 8...12 at the latest, in most cases. If the females you want to change are over the age of 12, you'd better give up. If they are under 12, you'd better move to Japan.

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Tue 05/04/10 02:00 PM
Grow a brain. Learn to use it. If God Almighty can't effectively legislate morality-and He can' NO one obeys all His commandmments all the time-WTF makes you think that you can manage it? Even in Islamic countries where adultery IS illegal, AND PUNISHED BY DEATH-it still occurs. We don't have room in prison for all the murderers, rapists, armed robbers, etc. Do you REALLY want us to let all of them we can put cheating spouses IN? Are you willing to pay the extra tax money that will be needed to build the extra prisons, hire the extra cops/prosecutors/defense attorneys/court clerks/judges, etc needed to make the law work? I doubt it.

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