Community > Posts By > WhiteSox0507

WhiteSox0507's photo
Fri 03/21/08 11:19 PM
It had some good and bad parts. I'm too tired to explain which parts were which though.

WhiteSox0507's photo
Fri 03/21/08 09:48 PM
That entire first sentence doesn't make any sense.

WhiteSox0507's photo
Fri 03/21/08 12:46 PM
laugh Chris Matthews deleted the comment I left on his myspace.

WhiteSox0507's photo
Fri 03/21/08 08:56 AM

I just googled him and saw his myspace.
YAWBG. ugh.
If there's any "new guru" in the scene, I'd have to give that title to Mark Redman. He offers a pretty fresh perspective on College Game and how it differs from the regular cold approach pickup.
My favorite "new" guy, though, has to be Max Weiss, who goes by the PUA name of Zen. He wrote this book "The Zen of Meeting Women" and in it he combines the principles of Zen Buddhism and pickup arts. As a Taoist, I must say that it's pretty f*cking rad. It's only available in paper form at the moment, but in my opinion it's totally worth coughing up the $20 for it. I actually wrote a review for it, which you can find at PUA Forums and/or
Are you on any pickup related forums, WhiteSox?

I signed up for one, but I don't remember which one. It was pretty small and didn't offer very much.

Yesterday in between my classes, I went over to Barnes and Noble and was reading part of an NLP book. Obviously I couldn't get through all of it, but it seems like the basic concept of NLP isn't to get others to do what you want. The author made it sound as if NLP is just to change what you want to what the other person is doing. That way, you give yourself the illusion that you're getting your way. That's a lot different than how Style describes Ross Jefferies and NLP in The Game. Then again, maybe it is different and the book I was reading is just garbage.

WhiteSox0507's photo
Thu 03/20/08 09:48 PM

the father of lies requests each and every one of your soulsdevil any takers?

We challenge you to a rock off. Give us one chance to rock your socks off.

WhiteSox0507's photo
Thu 03/20/08 08:04 PM
Hey Chief, have you heard of this Chris Matthew guy? He sent me a friend request on myspace. I guess he's trying to be the new pick-up guru with his own e-book and all. I have to say, I was rather unimpressed with what he's offering.

WhiteSox0507's photo
Wed 03/19/08 02:12 PM
Here's what you a man, stop crying, and just reshave those spots until they're smooth, lol.

WhiteSox0507's photo
Wed 03/19/08 12:28 PM

hellen keller managed

Yeah, but she was born that way. After you've been spoiled for years with being able to hear and see, the loss of either is devastating.

WhiteSox0507's photo
Wed 03/19/08 12:14 PM
I'd rather be deaf. I love music, but I could go with out it. I would go crazy without seeing the world...especially baseball games. I would die if I couldn't watch another one, lol.

WhiteSox0507's photo
Mon 03/17/08 09:41 PM

Ibuprophen and a heating pad. Or hot bath.

I'd prefer dealing with the pain without medication. I let hot water run on it while I was in the shower earlier, but a bath might work better.

WhiteSox0507's photo
Mon 03/17/08 09:24 PM

Make an appointment with a masseuse.

It's the pinnacle of civilization.

Lol, if only I could afford it.

WhiteSox0507's photo
Mon 03/17/08 09:22 PM
Have a cure for a hurting back? Two days ago I was laying down and there was a pillow behind my back. When I got up my back was pretty sore. Then today it was hurting so bad I couldn't even roll over in bed.

WhiteSox0507's photo
Mon 03/17/08 09:02 PM
Nobody's actually said it to me, but I know I can be at times. I'm working on that, lol.

WhiteSox0507's photo
Mon 03/17/08 07:51 PM
laugh Nice line. Let me know how that's working for you.

WhiteSox0507's photo
Sun 03/16/08 08:52 PM

ok i played baseball didnt take to much...

Little league I'm guessing? Baseball takes a lot. Get to the higher levels where you have to hit fastballs that range anywhere from 90-100+ mph. Catch a line drive coming at you at 120+ mph from 90 ft. away. Throw a pitch at 90 mph. Have the durability to play out a 162 game season (possibly longer if you're in the playoffs). Have enough hand-eye coordination to hit a ball, especially a breaking pitch. Did you ever notice that Basketball and Football don't have minor leagues. They go straight from high school/college to the pro's. Baseball has varying levels of baseball because you have to be extremely good to play in the majors. So exactly what level did you play at? I've been in little league too. When you're only 8 years old, it really doesn't take a lot because coaches just want the kids to play and have fun. They usually don't allow you to bunt or steal. They don't call hit and runs or shift the fielders for certain situations (ie. double play).

WhiteSox0507's photo
Sat 03/15/08 12:27 PM
"Why try? Now why? This feeling inside me says it's time I was gone. Clear head, new life ahead. It's time I was king and not just one more pawn."

The "y try" title reminded me of that, lol.

WhiteSox0507's photo
Thu 03/13/08 10:56 PM
Yep. I haven't bothered to look at the actual content though. I don't want to be lured into the trap.

WhiteSox0507's photo
Thu 03/13/08 10:25 PM


I'll pass. Thanks for the offer though.
laugh It wasn't an offer!devil Did I say, "Hey you want some bubble gum?":tongue:

Bubble gum sounds tempting right now, but I think I'll pass on that too laugh

WhiteSox0507's photo
Thu 03/13/08 10:22 PM
I'll pass. Thanks for the offer though.

WhiteSox0507's photo
Thu 03/13/08 10:08 PM

Unlock the door and open it and there were no survivors!!!
Did I get it???

Close. It's unlock the door and you don't bury survivors.

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