Community > Posts By > rambill79

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Sat 08/16/14 08:29 AM
its in the top ten. the sabbath is from sundown saturday until suown sunday. "observe the sabbath and keep it holy.i think its the second commandment. yes there are two or three churches out there that actually practise the sabbath, the jewish faith comes to mind immediatly..., The penalty for any sin is always death, by the way. which is where jesus comes into the pic.

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Sat 08/16/14 08:23 AM

I agree they are out of control.
i have been the lone voice in the wilderness on that one for decades... i have notified the local swat team long ago that i take a size 5'8" body bag, and whatever thier guys wear , dont froget lots of those if you attack my house. .. and i will see them comming, and i do have body armor, breathing apparatus, and cop catchers in every window. also i am a better shot than them, have bigger and better guns, have read thier playbook, and am basically sick of growing old anyway.

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Sat 08/16/14 08:16 AM
i competed in service rifle competition for over twenty yeaers, (locally), and was undefeated. ... wore out two ar 15s., two shotguns, a ruger 10/22, and a lyman turret press. so im a 9.9 as well.

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Sat 08/16/14 08:15 AM
.. as for cats sniping out a window, however, mabe there should more regulation. lol

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Sat 08/16/14 08:11 AM

a seven

guns should be available to citizens

the types of guns should be regulated as well as the 'right' having the potential to be revoked,, like they do with certain rights when one is arrested,,,,

well that is just ridiculous. lol just kidding. here, inorder to conceal carry a pistol, one must attend a class, for 150.00, then apply for a licsence, which is 115.00 every two years. which part of infringement dont they get?

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Sat 08/16/14 08:05 AM
They wanted to take my guns away when i was depressed until i told them about 15 other ways i could kill myself without one.... hmmm in the end i discovered a simple truth. after decades of therapy..., we decide if we are going to be happy or sad, itsour call. in my case medication helps also... but, yeah.

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Sat 08/16/14 08:00 AM
what is your position on gun control, one to ten. one being only the police should have guns, and ten being.., you hold the 1000 yard bench rest record. ? no heckling.

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Sat 08/16/14 07:52 AM
Edited by rambill79 on Sat 08/16/14 07:52 AM
Indiana just passed a law that allows one to protect themselves from these body armored cops with machine guns and flash bang gernades in your yard at 0300... mabe at the wrong house, killing pets, people, wrecking houses .... do you agree that the police are out of control, or do you support these activities? ( check bothched police paramilitary raids) for an interesting perspective.)

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Sat 08/16/14 07:45 AM
found some stale cookies in the cupboard, and a can of corn. pretty lean here until harvest.

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Sat 08/16/14 07:36 AM
Edited by rambill79 on Sat 08/16/14 07:42 AM
tbr-- you keep quoting RELIGIOUS beliefs, and religious peoples works AS BIBLE FACT... why? everyone knows that religion is of man so of course it is wrong right out of the gate. This in no way nullifies the bible. it does, however obscure the facts as presented in the bible., assuming one doesent do thier own research that is... Name a religion and i will chew thier doctrine to shreds. (a big one for me this sunday worship,,, since saturady is the sabbath, and since not following the sabbath day has a death penalty attached to it, .... if they cant even get the sabbath day correct,, they have nothing that i want to hear. That sunday sabbath thing eliminates the credability of all but mabe two churches right out of the gate. ) Doctrine is Not relavent.

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Sat 08/16/14 07:00 AM
Edited by rambill79 on Sat 08/16/14 07:29 AM
I have lots of ammo from the scientific community itself that questions evoultion if anyone is interested. IT IS A FAITH BASED BELIEF in my opinion. the math dont add up, the fossil record doesent support it, Churches dont help when they support some version of evolution.., just to fill thier pews i would suspect. oh the young earth thing, God never said that the world was young, just us. A point that is arguably proven by the fossil record., AND THE FACT THAT RADIOCARBON DATING IS NOW SHOWN TO BE IN EXTREME ERROR. It assumes that there was a constant level of c14 in the atmosphere, which we know believe is not true, after looking at core samples from the arctic, ect.
"The human brain is the most marvelous and mysterios object in the universe"-Antropologist Henry Osborn
'In spite of the steady accumulation of detailed knowledge about how the human brain works, it still remains profoundly mysterious". Biologist Francis Clark
" anyone who speaks of the computer as an electronic brain, has never seen a brain". Dr. Irvibg Bengelsdorf
" our active memories hold several BILLIONtimes more information than a large mainframe computer". Morton Hunt
" since the brain is different and immesurably more complicated than anything else in the known universe, we may have to change some of our most ardently held ideas before we are able to fathom the brain's mysterious tructure". Neurologist Richard Restak
regarding the huge gulf between humans and animals, Alfred wallace, the co discover of evolution wrote to darwin, "Naturl selection could only have endowed the savage with a brain little superior to that of the ape, wheras we posess one very little inferior to that of an average member of our learned society. " Darwin, upset by this admission , replied, " I hope you have not murdered completly your own and my child".
" to say that the human brain evolved from that of any animal is to defy reason and the fscts. far more logical is this conclusion: i am left with no choice but to acknoledge the existance of a superior intellect, responsible for for the design and devlopment of this incredible brain- mind relationship- something far beyond man's capacity to understand... I have to believe that this had an intelligent beginning, that someone made it happen". Nerosurgeon Dr robert White.

ONE CELL in the human body contains over 100 billion parts, all organised, all doing different jobs, some collect fuel, others get rid of waste, still others reproduce themselves..,some protect the cell from disease and invasions like a guard..., Do you really believe that this could all happen by chance? ( that one is me)

I dont make this stuff up.

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Sat 08/16/14 06:50 AM
i made a big mistake once when i prayed for wisdom for about a year. What i learned put me at odds with almost every organised religion, cant go to church anymore as i have an uncontrollable urge to stand up and call them out on thier doctrine..., The bible states... "they will go ( to churches) seeking wisdom but will leave empty. ' hmmmm .

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Sat 08/16/14 04:25 AM

Even Pat Robertson (who gave up his minsterial credentials to avoid a financial audit) said you would have to be an idiot to believe in young earth creationism
there we go again, Pat was a man, with his own church to support, a religion if you will, and i take no stock whatever in any religion. They "tickle our ears, tell us what we want to hear rather than teach the bible truth. I Wouldent want to be a preacher on judgment day. These people should know the word way better than you and i, yet they spout obvious mistruths in order to fill thier pews. (how many people would walk out of a church that said pubicly that evolution is a myth/ a faith all its own), when they think they know better, since they have been taught evoultion as a fact since childhood. not a pew filler, that.

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Sat 08/16/14 04:18 AM

Unless God tells us this directly, Himself.
uh huh. good luck with that logic.

I honestly don't understand.

I think that people have been lead astray by an interpretation of the bible.

Someone else said "I'd rather trust God than man" or something like that, which is fine....

... but does that really mean insisting that young earth creationism is correct? I mean, it's not *God* that is telling us this, it is other humans that are telling us that this is the right set of books, and the right interpretation of a story in those books.

Is there something wrong with my logic?
you are correct that people get led astray, by the millions i would say, but by thier churches..thier priests, thier rabbis, ect. i just read the book, and have learned to believe what it says, i believe it was written by divine inspiration.., what i have checked has proven to be gospel truth if you will pardon the pun. my own logic and rsearch tells me this, some 40 yrs of personal research has yet to find one inconsistency, which i cannot say about religion, churches or scientific beliefs. they all change over time, evolve if you will. the bible is the one constant. you dont have to be a scholar to 'interpet it, this is in fact where most go wrong.( just as you said) my advise is to just read it. eventually you will fall in love with the word. i can provide you with literally hundereds of quoyes from darwin himself, where he has grave doubts about his own theory, and he reconciled this by assuming the fossil record would, in time, prove him correct. It has not. ( if we look at it with an open mind instead of quoting others research)

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Fri 08/15/14 04:46 PM

the bible's version of the origion of life and the theory of evolution are completly incompatible. read both and compare. Use your own logic. Do your own homework.

I've read genesis many, many times.

Did God tell you that the bible is the word of God?

I mean, directly?

Or did humans tell you that the bible is word of God?

Another poster seemed adamant that we should trust God over the word of men... but it seems to me that 'the belief that the bible is the word of God', that belief comes to us from other people, so ultimately we really are trusting people (not God) when we decide that the bible must be the word of God.

Unless God tells us this directly, Himself.
uh huh. good luck with that logic.

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Fri 08/15/14 03:10 PM

Misled by God? Sir, I highly doubt that?....tongue2

Did your God tell you, directly, that evolution definitely did not happen?

Or did some people tell you that? Or maybe some people produced a book, and they told you that God authored this book (while hiding the historical fact that humans voted on the contents of the book) ?

Its one thing to have faith in God, its another to have faith in the humans that claim to speak for God.
the bible's version of the origion of life and the theory of evolution are completly incompatible. read both and compare. Use your own logic. Do your own homework.

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Fri 08/15/14 06:07 AM
he helped everyone but himself.

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Fri 08/15/14 06:04 AM

damn im still alive. still lonely, still poor. still cant afford breakfast. I wonder when ill eat again?

Here kitty kitty kitty. Here's a fishing line, go and fish.

Teach a cat to fish and he/she will fish for a lifetime. :smile:

I have been making out my will, am going to have everything auctioned off and leave the proceeds to a veterans organization... tired of being hungry and broke and alone.

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Fri 08/15/14 06:03 AM

why would i take seriously anyones beliefs from the catholic church? signed, confused. They wrote the book on church doctrine being more important than the bible. When i was in catholic schools, i would get the nuns and 'fathers' so mad at me , when i asked them questions they couldent answer, like for example, who are these saints and where in the bible does it say i should worship them? thier amswer was usually something like,,, "we will tell you what is important," or " you cant read that part of the bible, its not for you". .... And what about this mother mary worship? Or, " thou shalt not kneel before a craven image", and then i see 21 kneeling stations in the catholic church, before carved images...? Do you really think jesus wants to see another cross? If he had been electrocuted, would they all wear little electric chairs around thier necks? Holy water? calling the priest 'father"? Also, these are the same people who have brought us the inquisition. IF YOU WANT TRUTH, LOOK ELSEWHERE. IF you are happy with being told what to believe, then thats your choice.

hmmm if he is not catholic, whay is he a bishop? even more confused.

Clearly, as stated, Bishop Spong is not Catholic; he attended Harvard Divinity College; while he is not a biblical scholar, his books are to make biblical scholarship assessable to the general population.

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Thu 08/14/14 02:50 PM
Edited by rambill79 on Thu 08/14/14 02:54 PM
piltdowm man, nenderthal, lucy, ect ect ect.. all have been long since proved to be fakes.. for example, the quote i used about piltdown man was from 1964. yet they believe, they ingore the scientific evidence, and if anyone questions them, they are of course simple, ignorant types with a blind faith in God. hmmm who is really the fool here?

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