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Sat 09/05/15 03:53 PM
indifferent Welfare... For lack of a better word is socially subsidized charity.


The whole world is in increasingly more desperate a situation. sad2

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Sat 09/05/15 03:28 PM
Edited by SheikOfLaBroquerie on Sat 09/05/15 03:36 PM
Yes Cheechako, it seems that God chooses to make himself and a whole other realm of activity vaguely perceivable to us.

Even the earliest stages of creation are seemingly stretched-out over an indefinite period of time.

We seem to be obliged to look at mind-numbingly gradual processes mixed-in with ones that are seemingly instantaneous.


Here's an example...

Often I see signs of sedimentary rock all over the place.

They are often in elevations without any recent memory of water sluicing and depositing this stone.

They are much easier to explain than the Granite rocks that are filled with all kinds of streaks and well-ribboned crystal formations.

I've got an elder brother who's a geologist and even he's at a loss to explain them.

We know what the text-books say on the subject, but they're woefully incomprehensive.

I majored in metallurgy in my senior years of schooling and my only conclusion is they came into existence in the blinking of an eye.

Yes, much is left to faith. smokin

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Sat 09/05/15 10:50 AM
smile2 Yes, what IgorFranksteen said... !


SM8 and Rattydx are waiting for the tempest to pass. rofl

(Is My Sarcasm That Difficult To Understand ?)

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Sat 09/05/15 10:40 AM
surprised Okay then...

Just so-long as You don't accuse Jesus of distributing cheep liquor all over Syria.

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Fri 09/04/15 10:08 PM
Annemariiie, may I ask if You are directing Your prayers to Jesus or to his Creator in the name of Jesus ?

(I See She's Back On-Line)

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Fri 09/04/15 09:33 PM
For those who'd bother to look-up a few verses from the Quran.

(Surah 32: 10-14)

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Fri 09/04/15 09:11 PM

But if we all agree He is ONE, isn't it acceptable to have Many routes to Him?

Firstly, we must define The One.

If Some erroneously assume 'The One' is a whole-bunch of other Entities and Idols, then we can't expect one truly enlightened path, can we?

Many formal worships claim they are Monotheistic, but in reality they are Polytheistic, in so much as they assume other Entities or Beings are one-in-the-same as the One Unseen True God.

Here-in is the problem... For when the creation is worshiped instead of the Creator, there will always be conflict.

Really, it is the breaking of the very first of the Ten Commandments... Namely, "'Thou shalt not have any 'other' gods before Me,'" says Jehovah.

************************ Exodus 20: 3 ***********************

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Fri 09/04/15 09:07 PM

matthew 4:7

Excellent point, You must not put God to the test.

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Fri 09/04/15 08:57 PM
smile2 You're Too Modest !

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Fri 09/04/15 08:52 PM
smile2 Mind You, if there are Mormons on LSD and they're waiting for a Heavenly Mother to come-to-the-rescue... This doesn't surprise me. smile2

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Fri 09/04/15 08:47 PM
slaphead Yellowrose10, You can still EDIT Your remark, if You want.

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Fri 09/04/15 08:43 PM

The heavenly mother is a teaching in the Mormonism (LSD)

(LSD) or (LDS)? rofl

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Fri 09/04/15 08:41 PM
We're waiting for Kic1 to follow-up on whatever it is she's talking about.

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Fri 09/04/15 08:34 PM
rant No Confrontation !

How do You expect us to lovingly remain focused on the subject ?

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Fri 09/04/15 08:24 PM
surprised I don't know...

Do they have Long-Bombs in Queensland ?

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Fri 09/04/15 08:15 PM
slaphead To quote the prayer and long-bomb the foot-ball...

"Hail Mary, full of grace."

"The Lord is with thee."

"Blessed art thou amongst women."

"Blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus."

"Holy Mary Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and in the hour of our death."



Is this what Kic1 is referring to ?

(It's Not In The Bible, Though)

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Fri 09/04/15 07:56 PM
What are some for-instances ?

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Fri 09/04/15 07:33 PM

the bible says we have a heavenly Mother & it is prophesied through the scriptures that she will come down from heaven from God in the flesh in this age today

Where does it say that? Would you post the scripture please.

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Fri 09/04/15 06:58 PM
Edited by SheikOfLaBroquerie on Fri 09/04/15 07:48 PM

I can't go through life without knowing if he truly exists or not. I don't care about getting on his good side and I'm willing to upset him if it means he'll show me a sign. Because: "I'd rather have a sure nothing than an uncertain something!"

So I've been trying to come up with ways that'll most certainly provoke him, if he exists that is. Mind you I don't want to get in trouble with the authorities. Any ideas?

Sounds too simple... "Lets make a formula for summoning God !"


Maybe, You should look at certain events that have formerly gone by and have left irreproachable evidence.

If You can see something that has no other logical cause for it's existence apart from God... You must concede ! spock

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Fri 09/04/15 06:47 PM
Edited by SheikOfLaBroquerie on Fri 09/04/15 06:48 PM

Genesis is originally in Hebrew.

That is what I understand also. It was later translated into Greek. The Greek is what I wonder about. I haven't figured out exactly what "synthetic language" means. Have you done any study on that subject?

Greek as a 'synthetic language' has something to do with inflections rather than word order to express grammatical structure.

(At Least That's What My Electronic Dictionary Says)


Hebrew can still be translated straight-over into any language One wants though.

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