Community > Posts By > 1Cynderella

1Cynderella's photo
Sun 09/15/13 10:11 AM

Can bad sex make or break a relationship? Or is there room for improvement?

I believe that when two people love one another, their love will manifest physically. If one or both is lacking in experience in how to best convey their feelings in a physical sense...they will learn from one another if they are patient and communicate with each other. flowerforyou

1Cynderella's photo
Sun 09/15/13 09:58 AM

‎​do u think its a must u have sex in every relationship u engage?
I guess it depends on what you consider a "relationship". I have many non sexual relationships with men I love but am not in love with or physically attracted to. I have to have both love and physical attraction to enter into a romantic relationship with a man. When I am in a romantic relationship...then yes, it's my hope that there will be sex. Lots of hot steamy sex! drool :laughing:

1Cynderella's photo
Fri 09/13/13 02:13 PM
My advice is simple really.

If you appreciate her, tell her.

If it turns her on, maybe you should tell her more often. slaphead tongue2

1Cynderella's photo
Fri 09/13/13 02:05 PM
Ummm...yes? tongue2

1Cynderella's photo
Fri 09/13/13 02:02 PM
I can tell you how not to propose. On cleaning day, don't tell her not to miss the ring in the bathtub. She might turn the water on before she sees the RING. Then you'll be proposing in a bathroom with a soap scum covered diamond ring in one hand and a wrench in the other to a woman in a bandana and rubber gloves having very serious second thoughts about you. slaphead rofl

1Cynderella's photo
Fri 09/13/13 01:38 PM

How can i save my relationship with some one that love sex most times

Just step up your game a bit until he wants to have sex ALL times. :thumbsup: biggrin

1Cynderella's photo
Thu 09/12/13 08:42 PM

Divorce and separation is increasing daily among couples worldwide.Who actually loses at last,the man or the woman,who regrets the action more?

I think the one who didn't see it coming has it worst at first anyway. Hopefully the one who asked for the divorce gave it at least a moments thought before springing it on their future ex.

I agree with others that the children are usually the ones who suffer the most. Even after both parents have found someone else and seem happy, the children will continue to be torn between the parents differences. sad2

1Cynderella's photo
Thu 09/12/13 08:27 PM

Whomever is the drunkest of the two? :tongue: laugh
So...what are you drinking stud? :wink: :laughing:

1Cynderella's photo
Thu 09/12/13 02:07 PM
I've encountered men with tons of wonderful qualities that I appreciate in a partner AND were devilishly handsome to boot...but still no spark. flowerforyou

1Cynderella's photo
Thu 09/12/13 02:02 PM

Sounds like he just likes to watch you with other men.

This is called 'Voyeurism'. It can develop in someone since childhood, As much as I say this while wincing uncomfortably at this fact, a child sometimes accidentally witnesses one or both of their parents having sex, or seeing/hearing something similar. The child then feels a fascination for it. And that's where it begins and carries through to adulthood. One of my ex's loved me to watch him making out with others, but for me it crossed the line. I wanted him for myself only. He only ever did this while drunk, hence it seeming like I had no control of the situation. I did when he was sober, but as soon as he had about five Vodka's down him, it was a very different story. And if I tried to remind him that I was his girlfriend, he told me to f*** off. I really started to feel uncared for. He was like a spoilt brat. I still wonder if he's like that even now. I just couldn't bare watching him. He was meant to be with ME, not them aswell. ohwell

That was not a real boyfriend Rawrr...just a very bad imposter. flowerforyou

1Cynderella's photo
Thu 09/12/13 01:53 PM

Anthony Weiner, after losing badly in the New York mayoral primary Tuesday night, bid farewell to the campaign in a manner befitting the foul-mouthed candidate -- by flipping the bird after delivering his concession speech.

I don't remember that particular chapter in "How to Win Friends and Influence People". slaphead

1Cynderella's photo
Thu 09/12/13 01:50 PM

That will be 5 cents. :tongue:

grumble The prices of these doctor visits just keeps rising.
What can I say. I've grown accustomed to a lavish lifestyle. laugh

1Cynderella's photo
Thu 09/12/13 01:48 PM

Your question is anything but innocent.

What do u really want to talk about.?
:thumbsup: Xactly what I was thinking. slaphead :laughing:

1Cynderella's photo
Thu 09/12/13 09:23 AM
The only person I can control is myself. :thumbsup:

Most of us only relinquish the amount of control we trust another with. flowerforyou

The way I see it men and women both possess something the other needs. When we find a good connection we can learn to trust one another with the part of us the other needs. An imbalance of this echange almost always results in one or the other feeling controled.

That will be 5 cents. :tongue:

1Cynderella's photo
Thu 09/12/13 08:42 AM
They're comfy to work out in, but I don't think I'd want the kind of attention they can draw in public. I would wear them at home around a boyfriend...but could not garantee I'd be wearing them for long.rofl

1Cynderella's photo
Thu 09/12/13 08:31 AM

Mother nature was very good to me. I feel I should be scattering my seeds and fathering nations but instead I am out of action.

Back in ancient times men like me were appreciated. We were put out to stud; to breed as much as possible. Because it was understood that our superior genetics could be passed on. But since the 1800's everything changed. Karl Marx introduced the idea of "free love" where people could pick and choose their partners. The problem with this is that too many incompatible couples are blocking the way for higher human beings like myself to multiply.

Based on the responses I've read so far...natural selection is still in play.:thumbsup:

1Cynderella's photo
Mon 09/09/13 07:57 PM

Nobody takes marriage seriously anymore. So I reckon we should revert back to our old pagan ways. For example, back then women were not ashamed to run about naked in fields. This is probably where the legend of the nymph came from. Because they were so at peace with their sexuality that if some unsuspecting man were to come passing through at that precise moment in time he would most likely get seduced by them. Imagine that, women seducing the men...

I thought having a man to seduce was kinda the whole point in getting married. what laugh

1Cynderella's photo
Mon 09/09/13 07:51 PM

Just out of curiosity, is there t thread for people that have miserable lives...would they have secrets that allow them to be miserable?

Have you never been to the Relationships section Traumer? laugh

1Cynderella's photo
Mon 09/09/13 07:32 PM
My happy life revolves around a sense of accomplishment in what I do, love in my family circle, the comeradery of supportive friends and indulging in fun activities on occassion. flowerforyou

1Cynderella's photo
Sat 09/07/13 08:50 PM

This is almost a 6 year old problem. If the OP has not solved it by now, nothing anyone says here will.

rofl I didn't even look at the date of the OP. rofl

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