Community > Posts By > breathless1

breathless1's photo
Fri 11/14/08 04:43 AM
Good morning, Buffry!

Your "good morning" threads always put a smile on my face. Thanks! happy

I'm making BLT's for breakfast - anyone want one? flowerforyou

breathless1's photo
Fri 11/14/08 04:39 AM

breathless1's photo
Fri 11/14/08 03:42 AM
I don't call them any of the above adjectives.

I just call them - pathetic. ohwell

breathless1's photo
Mon 11/10/08 06:49 PM
I am not a Christian either...but, rather a devote Buddhist/Taoist of sorts, even though my upbringing was that of strict Catholicism by my parents.

What human is to profess what is the ultimate "sin"? It all depends upon the sin and when it is being committed and against whom, right? It's all about pain and suffering...for the victim or the offender. This can easily be interchanged on a daily basis, based upon our "sins".


For instance, a Zen master may ask a student to meditate on an unanswerable riddle called a "koan". A well-known koan is "You know the sound of two hands clapping, but what is the sound made by one hand when it's clapping?" The purpose of a koan is to cultivate a "great doubt" in the student. From the position of a great doubt, the Zen student is then in a state of mind to look at reality from a new perspective, without interference from the ego.

In my current perspective, and teachings, that I have chosen to adopt as my's all perspective: Mine, His, Theirs.

When I choose to balance the scales of equality of these perspectives, I find balance and peace.

As Buddha determined we suffer because we have a grasping desire and we are unable to accept change. He concluded that we could end our suffering by developing the correct understanding of life. Cultivating the correct understanding to relieve suffering is the main focus.

I personally found that Christianity waddled far against the grain of cultivating understanding, and it's pendulum swung rather far and wide to the side judgment.

We are human...we all sin. For me, the answer is not in judgment, but rather understanding. flowerforyou

breathless1's photo
Mon 11/10/08 06:26 PM
I have preferences, of course. Who doesn't?

But, to pigeon-hole myself into those preferences is just well...BIRD-BRAINED! :wink:

breathless1's photo
Mon 11/10/08 06:24 PM
I sure hope Ms. Amazing Amanda changes HER boxers as often as she changes her profile pics! laugh

*THAT was a JOKE, Amanda...get it? A SARCASTIC joke...did YOU get it? Just checkin'...yanno* :laughing:

breathless1's photo
Mon 11/10/08 06:19 PM


Precisely why I still have YOUR profile bookmarked, Lex...and plundering through page 149 now? :tongue:

Thank you! Nothing pleases a writer more than having someone notice his work! Well, maybe someone doing my laundry would be good too, but you can't have everything....!


Yup, I am kind of fond of your stupid idiot rebound comment: "dumb, Dumb, DUMB" states it perfectly.

Brilliance of the insightful written word, indeed! laugh

Nope, you are on your own to find a lovely lass/lad to wash your dirty shorts, sorry. I'm impressed, but not in love with you, dear sir. :tongue:

breathless1's photo
Mon 11/10/08 06:12 PM

This TV would be for my living room, so it needs to have a larger screen than 6 inches.

It's all perspective, man! :wink:

Trust me, you CAN live without a TV...I did for years before I had kids, and would continue to do so if I did not have children.

I never did the layaway thing: If I can't afford it now...or in a month...I can't afford it, simple mathematics. :wink:

I have one credit card for credit purposes only. I only charge on it once in a blue moon when I know I can pay it off without interest fees the next month.

It's called "living within your means". Just ask yourself: Can I live without it..really? Can I? If the answer is yes, then do it, and buy "it" when you can afford "it". :wink:

I do practice living within my means. However, some things you just cannot compromise on. Like Kraft Macaroni & Cheese. Some people have no problem not having a TV. Others need one. Everybody has their own vices.

Point my youngest would likely slit his wrists without Kraft Mac & Cheeze! laugh

But, really? Would it kill you living without a TV, Music?

Sure, the withdrawal for a few days/months may suck...but, could you live? I think you may be surprised at how easily you could live WITHOUT it, man. Especially with the internet at your fingertips...anything you can find on the tube, is easily accessible via the net...and FREE! :wink:

breathless1's photo
Mon 11/10/08 06:05 PM

So, long profile or short one?

I personally prefer more information to less. (But my profile is 3390 pages long.)

I should say that 99% of all the women's profiles I see (not just on this site, but everywhere) are not worth the 0.4 seconds it takes to read them. "I don't know what to write here" is not exactly thrill-packed and full of valuable facts and figures.

Ideally, a profile should say something about the person who wrote it, be a reflection of that person's thoughts and dreams and hopes and tell the reader who this person is.

In reality, it's usually slightly less interesting and informative than the UPC code on a bag of potato chips.

Forum posts tell me the most about a person -- they're more "real-time," less static, and more broad-based, if the person posts fairly often in different forums. A profile may sit, unchanged for months, or even years.

Still, some people NEVER post in the forums -- so all you have to work with it the profile. If all it says is "Anything you want to know, you'll have to ask," I have no incentive to ask anything in the first place.

As an author, I understand the value of writing well, writing with substance. More importantly, I understand the necessity of saying something, clearly and (hopefully) in a thought-provoking and/or amusing way.

If someone wants their profile to get my attention, there had better be something in it.


Precisely why I still have YOUR profile bookmarked, Lex...and plundering through page 149 now? :tongue:

breathless1's photo
Mon 11/10/08 06:00 PM
Edited by breathless1 on Mon 11/10/08 06:00 PM
Several reasons:

~ I'm a huge Corrs fan! :banana:

~ I've had a major love of my life leave me...breathless. Hope for that again in my love life, but fine with the memories of the "one" if that is what I'm destined for the remainder of my life. :wink:

~ My daughter is an asthmatic and she often refers to herself in a very positive manner as...BREATHLESS. flowerforyou

breathless1's photo
Mon 11/10/08 05:51 PM

This TV would be for my living room, so it needs to have a larger screen than 6 inches.

It's all perspective, man! :wink:

Trust me, you CAN live without a TV...I did for years before I had kids, and would continue to do so if I did not have children.

I never did the layaway thing: If I can't afford it now...or in a month...I can't afford it, simple mathematics. :wink:

I have one credit card for credit purposes only. I only charge on it once in a blue moon when I know I can pay it off without interest fees the next month.

It's called "living within your means". Just ask yourself: Can I live without it..really? Can I? If the answer is yes, then do it, and buy "it" when you can afford "it". :wink:

breathless1's photo
Mon 11/10/08 05:39 PM
Damn right I have!!! :banana:

Oh wait, I guess I should mention I have always worked for MYSELF...and ALONE! noway

breathless1's photo
Mon 11/10/08 05:36 PM

"More than aware" ?? Really???? How many times have you been with a 22 year old woman? How many 22 year old women do you talk to everyday and hang out with? How many 22 year old women do you really even know?

I have been a woman all my life and I have been a 22 year old woman since May 1st. How long have YOU been a woman?

How well do you know me? How many 22 year old women of my caliber do you see on dating sites?

You don't know anymore about the typical behavior of a 22 year old woman than I do about the typical behavior of a guy your age. There is no such thing as typical behavior. There is only PERCEIVED typical behavior. We are each our own person.

Should I judge you based on all the mail I get from guys your age? I could then say you're acting like a typical middle aged man. Would that be fair?


edited for typo correction.

All I can earnestly say to your response post is...WOW! most folks your age say..."whateva"! laugh

You're RIGHT (happy now)...TRUCE! *waves white flag" drinker

breathless1's photo
Mon 11/10/08 05:21 PM
I'm not surprised at the responses here, given this is a dating site. ohwell

Just execute me if I ever wish misery upon another, especially someone I shared my love with. noway

I never have wished misery upon my ex's...and certainly would not wish this fate upon my latest ex - my ex-wife. She is a wonderful woman, an amazing mother to our children, and I wish for her happiness, health and love in her life. flowerforyou

For those who are bitter...remember, bitter begets bitter. :wink:

breathless1's photo
Mon 11/10/08 05:16 PM

Pepperoni for some reason makes me longerbigsmile

Think "Kiełbasa", dude...KIELBASA!! laugh

breathless1's photo
Mon 11/10/08 05:03 PM

I snipped this post here from breathless1 for brevity but it should not be a factor.

Interesting you should say..."information not read is useless".
I disagree, Amanda. I tend to use that is a huge filter, if you will, that if someone chooses not to read my profile...then it is a good indicator this is someone I would not be compatible with.

I agree

Regarding pics, I don't tend to enjoy the *posed* ones or "hey, look...I'm sooooo drunk" ones too much. Also, I absolutely hate the dreaded "Glamourshot" photos!

I have them all. Glamor shots. Drunk shots from a friends birthday party, and natural shots. Having many different types shows my personality.

Don't state, on any level, what you prefer sexually: HUGE turn-OFF for me!

This is the only one from your list of dislikes that I had in my first addition of my profile. I might add it back in. I don't want to hook up with a conservative bedroom guy. I'm a little kinky and I think guys should know that.

..... and saw a post of yours stating you "looked at other women's profiles to see what you could steal from their written words..." (or something like that)?? Huge red flag and major NO-NO in my opinion..

That was obviously a joke. If I did steal from others I wouldn't post about it. I like sarcasm and humor. I see you don't really pick up on humor too well.

Again, I can be forgiving because your profile reads as that of a typical 22 year old girl, and your actions here thus far confirm this. I'm sure you are a lovely gal in your own right...and I wish you much success in your search here.

"your actions here thus far confirm this"

ha ha, There it is. I was wondering if certain people would send in their boyfriends to do their dirty work.

I don't think you have any idea what a typical 22 year old girl is like. ha ha. I

Thanks for your impute. If you had not added that personal insult at the end, which allowed me to see your real motivations and maturity level, I might have given weight to your opinion. As such, your insult made your entire post suspect.

I do appreciate and somewhat respect your response, Amanda. :smile:

To address the few issues you took with my post:

1. I, too, appreciate humor. Very much so! However, I will give you the benefit of the doubt again stating you were being saracastic in your post about stealing other's words from their profiles. If you were being *humorous*...then I'll give you a huge "HA HA"! :tongue:

2. I am completely clueless as to your other comment about "sending in their boyfriends for their dirty work"?? I am not attached to anyone at the moment, and certainly not anyone on this site. This I can assure you, if I were even remotely involved with a woman on this site...I would feel no need to fight her battles for her as she would be a strong woman who could stand alone in her words and actions. :wink:

3. My last input was NOT a personal attack or even an insult, but rather an honest observation from a 40 year old man is more than aware of a 22 year old's mentality and state of being. I was simply basing my post on your personal profile and the few posts of yours I viewed about 20 minutes ago. If there is some other fire burning for you in other threads, that's your deal...not mine...own it. :wink:

breathless1's photo
Mon 11/10/08 04:41 PM
As the movie title says:

"The scent of a woman..."


breathless1's photo
Mon 11/10/08 04:23 PM
Edited by breathless1 on Mon 11/10/08 04:43 PM
Interesting you should say..."information not read is useless". ohwell

I disagree, Amanda. I tend to use that as a huge filter, if you will, that if someone chooses not to read my profile...then it is a good indicator this is someone I would not be compatible with. :wink:

I'm drawn to a nice mix of both clear and *PRESENT* pictures and a myriad of collective thoughts, wit, intelligence and honest expression of one's self.

Sure, being a man, a pic or two may catch my eye...but, it's the written words a woman chooses to describe herself that capture my real attention. :wink:

Regarding pics, I don't tend to enjoy the *posed* ones or "hey, look...I'm sooooo drunk" ones too much. Also, I absolutely hate the dreaded "Glamourshot" photos! mad

Regarding how one chooses to portray themselves in their written blurb can be subjective on many levels. I'm reasonable enough to forgive those who don't have the gift of gab when it comes to the written word, but please don't simply type:

"I like long walks on the beach...sunsets...moonlit nights...etc."

"I'm looking for an honest...blah, blah, blah... man"

Please don't list all the movies you like (I could care less about that)

Please don't list all the negatives you shy away from in a relationship (I could care less about that also)

I'll read about someone's taste in music, but will not read their laundry list of favorite bands/artists.

Don't state, on any level, what you prefer sexually: HUGE turn-OFF for me! ohwell

...the list goes on. However, the kiss of death for me with someone's profile is: "I don't know what to put here, so if you want to know, just ask." *CLICK*

Since you asked...regarding your personal profile: I clicked, I looked, I read...and not to be harsh here, but it's basic "Ho-Hum". No real "wow" factor for this guy. asleep

Also, I researched a few of your posts, to give you the benefit of the doubt, and saw a post of yours stating you "looked at other women's profiles to see what you could steal from their written words..." (or something like that)?? Huge red flag and major NO-NO in my what I'm not certain was: What is really "you" and what is some other woman's words you pirated from her profile. spock

Again, I can be forgiving because your profile reads as that of a typical 22 year old girl, and your actions here thus far confirm this. I'm sure you are a lovely gal in your own right...and I wish you much success in your search here. flowerforyou

Last, but not least, as long as one's profile is intriguing and well-written, I'll read it. I'm working on finishing reading Lex's profile...I've got it bookmarked at page 132 right now! laugh

breathless1's photo
Fri 11/07/08 03:54 AM

Good morning!

I'm always up early...fixing breakfast for my kids before school...

and would someone PLEASE tell my daughter to finish-up in the bathroom - she's gonna be LATE!!! explode

Okay...I'd tell her she looks absolutely breathtaking and could walk the runway!

Well, I tell her that every day...but, it's not that she is busy doing make-up/hair (she's only 10). She likes a very looooong hot shower and SINGS in there! laugh

One of my son's is waiting to shower and I can hear him singing WITH HER on the other side of the bathroom door to hurry her along. :tongue:

Who wants a slice of peanut butter toast? :smile: favorite! Love it when the pb melts!

You got it! :wink:

Here's a thought - I'll tell my daughter she's gonna loose her slice of PB toast to others on the internet if she doesn't get her a$$ in gear!!! rant laugh
laugh laugh laugh

Worked like a CHARM! Never heard her turn the water off so fast. :banana:

Now her and her brother are singing the boy scouts song - Peanut Butter! ohwell

*listen to the little bit of this song at the top of this link* laugh laugh laugh

breathless1's photo
Fri 11/07/08 03:42 AM

Good morning!

I'm always up early...fixing breakfast for my kids before school...

and would someone PLEASE tell my daughter to finish-up in the bathroom - she's gonna be LATE!!! explode

Okay...I'd tell her she looks absolutely breathtaking and could walk the runway!

Well, I tell her that every day...but, it's not that she is busy doing make-up/hair (she's only 10). She likes a very looooong hot shower and SINGS in there! laugh

One of my son's is waiting to shower and I can hear him singing WITH HER on the other side of the bathroom door to hurry her along. :tongue:

Who wants a slice of peanut butter toast? :smile: favorite! Love it when the pb melts!

You got it! :wink:

Here's a thought - I'll tell my daughter she's gonna loose her slice of PB toast to others on the internet if she doesn't get her a$$ in gear!!! rant laugh

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